Ah, it’s funny because it’s true.
Updated 2005-03-28: I asked Cheyenne (the artist) if he’d make the strip available on a mug (I think it’s a nice companion to my Klingon Convention Trauma store at CafePress), and he was kind enough to do do it. Thanks, Cheyenne!
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rock on! very funny.
I have been reading your blog silently for a while now, and I enjoy it immensely. I am looking forward to picking up your book.
And it looks just like you, too. Just a suggestion since your doing some revamping. How about updating your music links? I am one of your older readers, but I like a lot of you tune references and seek them out when I get a chance. Just a thought.
Hey I was thinking there. If you set up a pay pal thingy to help ya out with the vet bills, Im sure a lot of your readers would chip in (myself included)to help ya out especialy when its for a good cause. It mightn’t add up to much but it could take the edge off that huge vet bill. If every one of your 10000 readers gave 50 c itd cover the bill?
Probably a dumb ass idea but thought I’d say it anyway.
I think you’ve actually managed to Slashdot arcanetimes.keenspot.com, it’s not responding. I think that deserves some sort of congratulations. 🙂
I agree with Mark on the paypal thingy. Having had to put cats with heart failure down before because I couldn’t pay the vet bills, it’s a sad sucky thing, and if I can chip in a couple bucks so someone else doesn’t have to consider it as an option, that would make me happy.
Hmm. Sadly, I can’t seem to get the link to work. That happens a lot with me and Keenspace. I smell conspiracy!
The link doesn’t work for me either. I think the paypal idea is a good one. Plus you can donate any excess to animal shelters to help keep other sick animals alive.
Just wanted to give Noel proper credit for the PayPal idea. It looks like it was part of my post when you look at quickly. But hey, I’m hip with the idea too. Tell us what you think Wil?
Ya I can’t use the link either, I think the poor site is crippled with all the web traffic going to it from wil’s site 😛
Is it a big deal to set something up on paypal? (I dunno, as i never used it before)Good idea bout the excess too buttercup.
Click here for my blog
Ha! That strip was hilarious! Call me dumb, but I wasn’t thinking it was a Wil Wheaton subject until the very end. Very cool!
(NOW I see the resemblance)
P.S. I say go with the PayPal thing, Wil. I have an account so it’s just a couple of clicks and you have my donation!
Ha! That strip was hilarious! Call me dumb, but I wasn’t thinking it was a Wil Wheaton subject until the very end. Very cool!
(NOW I see the resemblance)
P.S. I say go with the PayPal thing, Wil. I have an account so it’s just a couple of clicks and you have my donation!
Oooh, I feel bad about taking the site down with high traffic, but Cheyenne will be happy more folks have seen his webcomic, I’m sure. I also think he’s unlikely to mispell your name “Will” again.
9:56p EST
Howdy! Gosh, thanks for the link. According to my sources, much of Keenspace is down (not just my little corner). I don’t know if it’s because of you guys or not, but if so “ALL MUST FEAR THE POWER OF WIL!. This is so frelling cool. I even got an e-mail from the man himself. eeeeeeee! When I get back from this convention I’m at, I’ll get a copy of the strip posted somewhere that can handle the traffic.
…the Slashdot effect, the Screen Savers* effect, now the WWDN effect. Cool.
(*RIP Screen Savers. You are missed.)
Still Farked.
Or should I say: still Wheatoned.
Ha! That strip was hilarious! Call me dumb, but I wasn’t thinking it was a Wil Wheaton subject until the very end. Very cool!
(NOW I see the resemblance)
P.S. I say go with the PayPal thing, Wil. I have an account so it’s just a couple of clicks and you have my donation!
Ha! That strip was hilarious! Call me dumb, but I wasn’t thinking it was a Wil Wheaton subject until the very end. Very cool!
(NOW I see the resemblance)
P.S. I say go with the PayPal thing, Wil. I have an account so it’s just a couple of clicks and you have my donation!
Ha! That strip was hilarious! Call me dumb, but I wasn’t thinking it was a Wil Wheaton subject until the very end. Very cool!
(NOW I see the resemblance)
P.S. I say go with the PayPal thing, Wil. I have an account so it’s just a couple of clicks and you have my donation!
ok guys – here’s a mirror of it
That *is* pretty funny aheh…
Thanks to the mirror of the site I was able to see the strip. That was too funny… Hmmmmm do you think you may know something about that Wil?
So who is the guy hiding from the rabid sci-fi fans anyway?
So who is the guy hiding from the rabid sci-fi fans anyway?
KeenSpace’s admin here. Yep, Wil here seems to have fried our server. 🙂
Actually, we’ve been battling some crashes with it that look to be RAM related. Wil may of just Slashdotted it and triggered the crash again. We’re looking in it, and hope to get it back up and running again.
Further details on our Forum server, which is on a seperate machine. Forums.keenspace.com.
Bahahaha! Nice one. Thanks for posting the alternate link, Cheyenne.
Isn’t it time you bought a new shirt for the sci-fi conferences?
Funny stuff. Ya know, I thought the misspelling of your name was intentional. I mean, enough people do it anyway, it could have been part of the joke.
Continued Kitty Mojo
All too funny, that is an awesome cartoon. Is the mispelling of the name intentional or are the cartoonists just stupid?
I just want to say how much I love the eye quirk in the comic. I can so see you doing that. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh my ass off, or feel slightly bad. I laughed my ass off though. I must also question the spelling issue, though. It must’ve been a one-time mistake, because to draw that strip would require prior knowledge, and you have a pretty unique name…
It is a one time mistake. But i’m stuck at Norwescon in Seattle and unable to fix it till Monday morning. We had caught it late Wednsday night before it went live but did not have the time to fix it… and honestly, I didn’t think it would make it to Wil that quickly.
Ha! Arcane times lives! After days of diligent checking, I get to see what you meant. Glad that you can see the humor in something like this. Cheyenne has talent.
Very funny!
I know this isn’t the best place to put this, but Wil is mentionmed in the NY Daily News online today.
Classic. The “Will” enhanced the punch. 😛
Ok – I’ll jump in cannonball-style and show my geekitude –
The guy on the run in the comic looks like none other than Okana (Bill Campbell) from the 2nd seaon NG episode “The Outrageous Okana”.
Wonder if he does Star Trek conventions? Heck, I mean, I was at one which had Keegan deLancie, and he was on Voyager 😉
Very funny Cheyenne! I can hear Wil’s voice speaking as I read the comic. And thanks for posting the mirror; the link still doesn’t work. Happy Easter (or whatever) everyone!
That’s awesome, Wil! and happy Easter, btw. Also, continuing the comment way up there, i would chip in for the kitties sakes, too!
I love how he is wearing The Shirt in the comic strip.
As for the kitty bills–I have mixed feelings..I am assuming some large bills for my dog with pneumonia but would not go asking my friends for donations. Being a cancer nurse, I feel that folks need to pick and choose carefully what they donate to and what they ask donations for. There is a difference between feeling the pinch of bills and not being able to make ends meet. There seems to be very nice folks that would give you a hand, however, in easing the pain of these ongoing expenses. Perhaps if you do collect, you could donate any extra to funding CHF research in animals, donate to a humane society, or create something that my be helpful at your vets advise, to the local pet commmunity. We recently just took out a home equity loan for our bills as carazy as that may sound. Good luck.
Very nice. I think the fans that are angry with you just wish they could have been you.
Keep the faith, brother!
I love the strip – cool that I even remember that shirt(you did look really good in it)
http://www.thefinalrollcall.us/ – I had this site emial to me – instead of just seeing the numbers of the people that were killed in the war – they have pics & some info about them – I thought you might want to check it out – a numberis just a number but looking thur the pics really got to me
That comic is a thing of beauty. Thank you, Cheyenne and Wil. Thank you.
What’s really great is, if you skip back a couple days on the comic, you find out what the guy is hiding behind Wil for.
Think REALLY bad old-school Galactica…
wil the coffee cup!…when will it be available to the rest of us?