Behold, the power of the WWdN Posse! (WARNING: Link contains blatant and crass commercialism) As of this writing, Wesley Crusher is currently not the most annoying character on Star Trek! \m/
Thanks for voting, and thanks to everyone who commented here and sent trackbacks.
I get asked a lot if I read comments and trackback. Yes, I always read them both, and I love it that Trackbacks often lead me to discover interesting and useful stuff on The Internets that I may have missed on my own.
For example, following a trackback to I Like Jason, I learned that Battlestar Galactica‘s executive producer (and former DS9 head writer) Ron Moore is providing commentaries on current episodes, in almost real-time! Oh my god, this is, without a doubt, the absolute best use of podcasting to date. As Jason says, “[I]t’s like the commentary feature on a DVD, except you [don’t have] to wait a couple of years for the actual DVD to come out; you load the commentary file to your iPod, hit play when the phrase “The Cylons Were Created By Man” appears on-screen, then pause it whenever a commercial break comes on. And even better, the whole thing’s hooked up to an RSS feed, so that commentaries can be automatically delivered to an MP3 player a few hours before the episode airs.”
If that’s not a brilliant use of tehcnology, and embracing your fans, I don’t know what is. And if that’s not enough, his blog (which I *so* wish was titled “Battlestar GalactiBlog”) does full feeds. SUBSCRIB’D!
I didn’t know Ron very well when I worked on TNG, but he wrote some of the best episodes we ever did, including All Good Things . . ., Yesterday’s Enterprise, and an episode that’s sort of close to my heart called Journey’s End. I haven’t had a chance to watch Battlestar Galactica, yet (though it comes highly reccommended from several friends) but I can tell you this much: Star Trek: The Next Generation was a better show because Ron Moore wrote for us, and I can’t wait to hear him talk about Battlestar Galactica.
I’m inspired, and as soon as I have some time (read: in 2023) I’ll do some commentaries on some of my acting work.
An interesting fact about this entry: It contains the greatest ratio of <i> tags to actual words in WWdN history.
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Hey Wil,
glad I could help. Wesley was definately NOT the most annoying Trek character – there have been plenty of others!
I also highly recommend BSG. It – and Moore’s blog ROCK. (Well, not as much as yours!)
Second 😉
I hope you feel better now that Wes is not the most
annoying character.
WWdN posse is great indeed. We’d never let you go down as the most annoying character…
I was glad to see that Wesley had been bumped down several notches by the time I got there to vote. At the risk of sounding like a con-boy, I was surprised that The Borg were overwhelmingly being voted as the scariest villains. They were machines, a collective, with hive mentality – you knew exactly what they were going to do, the problem was whether you could stop them or not. I chose Khan, because he was the exact opposite – an insane individual – first you had to figure out what he was going to do and then find a way to stop him. Infinitely more frightening. Besides, Ricardo Montalban topless beats a bunch of bald clowns with futuristic monocles anyday.
Yay for Wesley! I think we should all reward ourselves with cookies and milk.
(Being a loyal minion makes me peckish.)
How about Futurama? That’s cool too. You should guest star in an episode. Hey, I’ve only seen 8 episodes – maybe you already have!
Wil, you totally crack me up. Unfortunately, I can’t help take credit for the Star Trek poll-I was a fan of Stand by Me and Toy Soldiers. I love the posse line. 🙂
You’ll be on CSI in a few days! dont forget!
Wil, watch BSG now! Don’t wait! I am finally getting that great feeling again that I used to get when I watched ST:TNG for the first time, that feeling that a science fiction TV show can be really, really well done. Go! Now! Why are you still reading this?
I don’t know… the Borg were pretty frightening in their relentlessness. I think that James T Kirk is a terribly overrated in the sexiness department. I couldn’t believe Spock wasn’t on that list. He was about 20 times as hot as Kirk ever was. I think he was the biggest sex symbol off that show, followed at a distant second by Julian Bashir (boy did I have a crush on him back in the day!)
Wesley Crusher is so not the most annoying character in ST. I didn’t always like him (obviously I like him a lot better now, I think he’s kind of adorable – I’ve been converted) but I always thought there were much more annoying characters. I voted for Q (he made me want to tear my hair out). Lwaxana Troi also makes me gag just a little bit (more recent, I didn’t always have a problem with her shenanigans). I never had a problem with Computer Voice, oddly enough.
OK I’ll shut up about Star Trek now. I guess I love it much too much. 🙂
The little prob I have with the Battlestar Galactica idea (I like it otherwise) is that it seems to shut out those of us who are sans Ipods. 🙁
Long time lurker. First time post. Love the blog. Loved the books. Love the Hold ‘Em commentary. Got the ReplayTV set to record 3/10 CSI.
Wasn’t sure if you were aware on the Galactica front that you can view the first episode on-line – legally! I didn’t see it mentioned here yet, so thought I’d throw it out there.
Consider this another recommendation. We rented the mini-series from Netflix, and watched the first episode online for free. Then I slyly let my wife talk me into getting cable so I can actually watch this series. The best part is, my wife is interested in watching it too.
Oh, and consider doing “Stand By Me” commentary one DVD chapter at a time. You could set a goal of one chapter a month…
Wesley was far from annoying period!! Wesley brought that show to life. Whoever started that damn poll was full of it!! I can’t wait to see you on CSI! I have been reminding myself everyday not to forget about it.Off the subject, I would like to add that this is the best website ever. I look forward to coming on here and reading your post. My day is not complete unless I see what WWDN has to say!! Thank you for creating this site!Have a great week, and I hope you and your family are doing good.
yeah, baby! 70 hours until csi. i’m excited. are you? and way to not have wesley be as annoying as those other folks!
Wil, you TOTALLY have to watch Battlestar Galactica. It is *THE* best show on television at the moment. Get on it!
Good to know that your character lost some ground, in that poll. I havn’t had time to watch that new great show either. Maybe oneday they will have a marathon.
She fell in love with the drummer, another and another….she fell in love…. Damn you! That song is in my head now!
Just adding another recommendation of BSG to the pile. Very impressive work they’ve done re-imagining the series, and _well_ worth watching.
Oh my God!
Not you, Wil!
Quick! Someone call a doctor!
Wil has contracted the George W Bush disease! He’s starting to TALK like him!
Oh my God!
Not you, Wil!
Quick! Someone call a doctor!
Wil has contracted the George W Bush disease! He’s starting to TALK like him!
Hey Wil (medium length time reader, first time “got something interesting to say to bother going through with the site registration”-er).
Blown away by the idea of Ron Moore doing real time podcasting of commentaries of episodes. Clever clever clever. All of the first series of BSG has already been transmitted here in the UK, but I hope he’ll do the same for the new season.
It begs the question… have you thought about doing your own downloadable commentaries for your films or favourite TNG episodes? You could even do one for the upcoming CSI if you can get hold of a preview tape.
Off now to vote Luxw.. Lwax.. Troi’s Mother as most annoying character.
Wil wrote: “…I’ll do some commentaries on some of my acting work.”
You may wish to check out this livejournal comment thread. It seems I was not alone in my high school crush on Wesley. ^_^
You’re not watching Battlestar Galactica? Eek! It’s some of the best scifi in a quite a while. They did after all manage to land Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell. Hard to go wrong with those two leading up the cast.
I’m looking even more forward to Thursday’s CSI than usual.
I think I’ll go vote for another Trek character to keep you off the most annoying list. My 11-year-old daughter would be most annoyed if you ended up at the top. An angry 11-year-old girl is very scary thing.
No time like the present, right? Wil, since you just said how you actually do read these, I figured I’d put something here (well, 2 things – 1 suck up, 1 important). First – blatant suck up moment: under the “any new Trek ideas?” I pitched a show called Star Fleet Academy, starring Wil Wheaton and the dude who played Murdock on A-Team (and later Reg).
Now the important stuff. I know you look to do charity work, and you’ve run. My grams passed away 3.5 weeks ago. She was an amazing woman – they say the Jewish Community of Rockland County (NY) was built by her. A vibrant woman until cancer sucked the life out of her those last 2 years. I’m working on setting up a 5K run in her memory (to call it the Rhoda Run); if I can set it up, it will raise money for something she believed in – sending kids to Israel (via the USY Israel Pilgrimage program). I know that you, and many of your readers, aren’t Jewish. However, if you, or any of my fellow readers, are interested in getting involved (NY area people, please DO contact me!) – in any capacity (I’m not just begging for money), please contact me at [email protected]
I understand Wil is busy, but if any of you folks read this and are up for it – runners, checkin folks, stopwatch people – I’ll need a little bit of everything!
Well personally I don’t think that Wesley was all that annoying. It probably had something to do with the fact that when he was on TNG I had a crush on Wil. Glad to see all of our votes are working!
I love scifi, I love scifi blogs. Didn’t have a crush on Will, my crush was on Picard. I have this thing for older bald men…sigh, my husband has a head full of hair..too bad…maybe I can get him to wear those ears..
Well I’m glad I could help with the poll. You certainly do not deserve the dubious title of most annoying character.
As an aside, I have to say it’s kind of sad that Majel Barrett (Gene’s widow) has both the number 2 and 3 positions in the most annoying as the computer voice and Lwaxana Troi. At least you were only on the poll once. She’s on there as two characters, and is losing as both. For shame, internet community, for shame!
Oh my God!
Not you, Wil!
Quick! Someone call a doctor!
Wil has contracted the George W Bush disease! He’s starting to TALK like him!
Oh my God!
Not you, Wil!
Quick! Someone call a doctor!
Wil has contracted the George W Bush disease! He’s starting to TALK like him!
Oh my God!
Not you, Wil!
Quick! Someone call a doctor!
Wil has contracted the George W Bush disease! He’s starting to TALK like him!
Wil, Wesley is EASILY not the most annoying character. That title lands squarely on the shoulders of Worf’s son. God I hated that little bastard. And I’m glad to see that he has almost TWICE the amount of votes that Wesley does right now.
I loved Wesley!!! And damn those who didn’t see the brilliance of his character! My vote is cast and as of just a few minutes ago, Wesley was no where near the top of the polls; there were at least 4 people ahead of him.
~*What I’m wondering is why Wesley (nor Worf) was a choice to spend a romantic evening in the holodeck with!*~
With Podcasting cult-actors blogging, I see in the near future actors writing their own commentary track podcasts for underground release. I’d love to hear an underground commentary for Jane White or Trek episodes.
Wesley Crusher was so NOT the most annoying character. Of course I’ll admit to having a tiny crush on him too 😉
The TiVo is all set for your CSI debut. I keep hoping you’ll end up like several actors I’ve seen lately who are popping up in guest spots all over the place (or at least on all/most of the L&O and CSI re-incarnations).
Your Michigan Rodent Posse was representin’ with a clicking frenzy. Werd.
Squeak to yo momma
So far I got two people to vote that saw my LJ entry!
There’s no way Wesley will get Most Annoying Character! Did you see how much Alexander has? A 9% lead! (Wesley: 9% Alexander: 18%) WHOOT!
Yo yo, we got chur back boy-eee.
*riding off into the sunset*
Just another recommendation to watch BSG…It’s a show my wife will even watch (although she is annoyed by the NYPD Blue camera work).
Oh, I get it. Wil-co!
I voted for Neelix, but I really wanted to do Tasha Yar. She annoyed me more than any other character, but probably because she reminded me of someone I couldn’t stand in high school, because you could never talk to her without pissing her off. And I did like the other characters that were similar to her – i.e. Ensign Ron, etc.
I have a theory that the reason a lot of people don’t like characters like Wesley Crusher is because of envy. He got to do all sorts of cool things that a normal Star Fleet kid wouldn’t have because he was gifted. So the reason he was so annoying to these people is because he made them feel inferior. Probably reminded them of that kid in school that always got the awards and the nifty vacations.
Makes you wonder how much of this is driven by unresolved teen angst. *chuckle*
BTW, I’m going to have to miss CSI this week. I have class on Thursday nights, but I am going to check my listings to find when it is going to be rebroadcast. My dad says he’ll try to remember to record it for me, so I can see it this weekend when I visit, but he sometimes forgets.
That’s pretty freakin’ cool, the Pod commentaries on BSG. Amazing use of technology.
Personally I think BSG is too heavy on the drama and too light on the space battles. But it is well done, even so.
I spent quite some time voting last yesterday. In fact my husband was making fun of me for voting so many times. I just couldn’t let Wesley be the most annoying character. I mean, come on Worf’s son was way more annoying. That episode where he had laughing hour? what was that?
Anyway. I can’t wait for CSI, I told all my friends to make sure they watch.
If Wesley is voted more annoying than, oh, let’s say Denise “So long Suckers! Oops, let me come back!” Crosby, then it will only because her crooner grandfather ghost is manipulating the figures.
Thanks for letting me… ok, technically US… know about the running commentary. I bet when you download the episode via bittorrent, you don;t have to hit pause… EVER…
If you make good on your promise to visit the blogs of your commenters… um… Can you call ahead first so I can hide the porn? I mean D.B. Sweeny would… and you don’t want THAT tool to out-do you…
If Wesley is voted more annoying than, oh, let’s say Denise “So long Suckers! Oops, let me come back!” Crosby, then it will only because her crooner grandfather ghost is manipulating the figures.
She’s not even an option. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who finds her annoying. I thought it was just a personal issue with me. What scares me, though, is that I can pick her out in other shows just by her scowl. And the edge in her voice.
Hi Wil,
Im the author of a stream ripper program (StationRipper) that can now suck down Podcasts in addition to more traditional internet radio streams. I’ve been looking around for some interesting ones to put on the main portal (which all of my users see when bringing the program up), and wanted to include yours – you made mention on your site that your audio blog is now supporting Podcasts, but on looking at it, it’s missing something called Enclosures, which is needed to actually be used by the various Podcast software (StationRipper included).
Do you have a Podcast-enabled RSS/XML feed someplace that I could pick up, to link to? I poked around and found this, which looks to be one way to provide podcast support.
Also, thanks for posting the Battlestar Podcast info – I found that (via your site, via Fark) and am also going to use that 🙂
Wesley Crusher the most annoying?
Come on! Neelix was waaaay more annoying.
I am surprised they didn’t put down the obvious choice for ‘who to go on an away mission with’. Ensign Canon-Fodder from security/Red Shirt at least that way I know THEY would get it and not me.
How interesting that as I read this, Journey’s end was playing on Spike TV. The last time I saw it was during the original showing, when I was going though my own shamanic journey. I watched this time, wondering how many levels you did that episode at, consciously and unconsciously. Did you ever find anything to hold sacred, consciously? From your blogs, it seems that you have over the years. If it was true that there are no accidents, you participated in a rites of passage, however thinly disguised. Was it a fantasy where the ending resulted in Wesley becoming a bridger between worlds. A door was opened then, that still stands waiting to be explored. In any event, I will enjoy your future musings on how you acted out your hero’s jouney in that story telling, hope the time will be sooner rather then later. For now, thank you for sharing your life lessons and experiences.