Behold, the power of the WWdN Posse! (WARNING: Link contains blatant and crass commercialism) As of this writing, Wesley Crusher is currently not the most annoying character on Star Trek! \m/
Thanks for voting, and thanks to everyone who commented here and sent trackbacks.
I get asked a lot if I read comments and trackback. Yes, I always read them both, and I love it that Trackbacks often lead me to discover interesting and useful stuff on The Internets that I may have missed on my own.
For example, following a trackback to I Like Jason, I learned that Battlestar Galactica‘s executive producer (and former DS9 head writer) Ron Moore is providing commentaries on current episodes, in almost real-time! Oh my god, this is, without a doubt, the absolute best use of podcasting to date. As Jason says, “[I]t’s like the commentary feature on a DVD, except you [don’t have] to wait a couple of years for the actual DVD to come out; you load the commentary file to your iPod, hit play when the phrase “The Cylons Were Created By Man” appears on-screen, then pause it whenever a commercial break comes on. And even better, the whole thing’s hooked up to an RSS feed, so that commentaries can be automatically delivered to an MP3 player a few hours before the episode airs.”
If that’s not a brilliant use of tehcnology, and embracing your fans, I don’t know what is. And if that’s not enough, his blog (which I *so* wish was titled “Battlestar GalactiBlog”) does full feeds. SUBSCRIB’D!
I didn’t know Ron very well when I worked on TNG, but he wrote some of the best episodes we ever did, including All Good Things . . ., Yesterday’s Enterprise, and an episode that’s sort of close to my heart called Journey’s End. I haven’t had a chance to watch Battlestar Galactica, yet (though it comes highly reccommended from several friends) but I can tell you this much: Star Trek: The Next Generation was a better show because Ron Moore wrote for us, and I can’t wait to hear him talk about Battlestar Galactica.
I’m inspired, and as soon as I have some time (read: in 2023) I’ll do some commentaries on some of my acting work.
An interesting fact about this entry: It contains the greatest ratio of <i> tags to actual words in WWdN history.
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podcast commentaries? Someone’s going to make a name for themselves doing podcast MST3K-style movie bits…
First time in. Wil, yeah, I think we all bandied about the idea of Wesley Crusher being annoying, but honestly? Maybe James T. Kirk fits that bill…
Seriously, I thought you did all right. I think the one I liked was the episode where Wesley was among those attempting a Cormorant Starburst (is that right? I didn’t remember very well…) and a fellow cadet member died in the crash…
If you’ve not seen this before, you need to. A friend of mine wrote this Trek parody. Turns out it would fill an episode time slot almost perfectly. Several friends and I did this script aloud, in character (oh, for an audio tape!), and we had the people around us just in stitches. I still chuckle every time I read it.
Check it out, and congratulations on accomplishing life. You’ve at least had the opportunity to shine for a moment where some of us have spent a lifetime dreaming with no apparent way to get there.
Here’s the link. Take care,
Hey Wil
Max Barry just gave you much props
i voted,
often. :evil grin:
i’m sorry, but Warf’s Son was the most annoying thing EVER. i’m sure he was a very nice boy – but his character was infinitely more annoying than anyone else on the show – even the computer voice.
do remind us of when the CSI will be on – i don’t want to miss it.
i think this: ^-^ is my new favourite thing. it kinda looks like hello kitty. which makes me happy. ya. shut up.
hey wil!
i honestly never thought that Wesley was annoying. so if you’re not in the lead, who is? hope its not Q, i always liked him too. my favorite episodes were his. (and yours… of course…cough cough). and to LUCY: Spock is not hot, nor is he sexy. awesome, yes. sexy no. Jordi on the other hand… damn. 🙂
btw, i am so jazzed that you have that United Church of Christ ad on your site. i saw the ad a couple months ago and was more than appalled that networks will air Victoria’s Secret fashion shows but wont air a church’s message of acceptance because it’s too controversial. when i first heard that i was angry for days. you rock Wil, as usual.
As someone who loved TNG, for numerous reasons, not the least of which was the kid from “Stand By Me”, I couldn’t let Wesley Crusher go down in the annals of TV-dom as the most annoying character. Luxwanna Troi, was annoying…Worf’s kid was annoying…Wesley Crusher wasn’t annoying, just not very well developed. At any rate, my vote has been cast, and it will be cast again before the sun comes up. 😉 Take care!
Wil, I think the chicks dig you, so no need for worrying about lame polls.
Anyhow, BSG is the bomb! I loved the original series as a kid, and this one is a whole new take on the caravan theme! You gotta check it.
Hey Wil! Congrats on the ST poll… let’s just say that Chicago is contributing some of those clicks for ya! Looking forward to CSI tomorrow!
Will – BSG really does rock!! With the Stargate shows, it makes the Sci-Fi Channel’s Friday night lineup just about the only series tv I watch every week. I would definitely recommend it. And I can’t wait to see your CSI episode tomorrow night! :o)
I”m glad you are under 10% now – so how much longer does that poll stay up??
Jessie – most of my friends react to Spock that way. For some weird reason, the fact that no one else finds him quite as attractive makes even more attractive to me. All that self control and restrained passion? All that precision and genius with a storm way under the surface? All that commitment to reason and logic … and all that loyalty and virtuousness at the same time? Hells yeah baby. I like nerds. I once had a minor crush on Data too.
Who loves ya, Wesley? ;o)
Wesley wasn’t annoying, but the character’s costumes were. Not Wil’s fault though. Why couldn’t they let him wear a friggin’ regular uniform? Even though they looked like pyjama’s at least the black obscured the camel-toe threatening impending doom.
Now, Jake Sisko–hat was an annoying character!
Given that trackbacks have never worked for any but a small minority of blogs — those on MT only — and that even the majority of said users seem to have given it up in recent weeks due to trackback spam, I’d suggest that using Technorati, and Blogstreet, and the Ecosystem, to instead keep track of who has linked to you would probably up your awareness of said links from something on the order of 5% to 75%.