I think it’s time to open the WWdN mailbag . . .
Subject:Wil how a terrible news that ya are a lefty
Date: April 10, 2005 1159
From:Craig R.
To:Wil Wheaton
Message:Will sorry to hear that you are one of those lefty’s from Holly Wood … Though it should not surprise me much of what comes out of Holly Wood these days . You are just like the other sewer crap that comes out of Tensile town , I’m referring to the Pathetic schmucks such as Whopi Goldberg , Ya know her a as the faithful bar tender on the Enterprise . Martin Shean , Susan Surandan and Sean Pen . Ya all just have to face it Bush got over 51 to 52% of the vote just look at the map. So face the facts hippie and live with it BUSH WON BY A LAND SLIDE !!!! NOW I KNOW IT DON’T SET WELL WITH UR INTELLECT . HAVE A NICE LIFE AND LEARN TO SUFFER IN SCONCE … OH BY THE WAY KERRY VOTED TO CUT THE INTEL.. BUDGET BY 80% READ THE SENATE VOTING RECORDS. GUESS YOU WILL BE OFF MY MOVIE LIST WHEN YA COME OUT IN THEATERS AT LEAST PATRICK STEWART KNOWS WHEN TO KEEP SILENT. YA CAN LEARN ALLOT FROM HIM ON CLASSY BEHAVIOR. YOUR JUVENAL AND CHILDISHNESS IS STILL SHOWING SO WHY DON’T YA GROW UP.FORMER NEXT GENERATION FAN.
Dear Craig,
I learned allot from your classy e-mail. I was unaware that 51 to 52% of anything was a landslide, but we sewer crap probably use a different kind of math than you do. I apologize if that don’t set well with ur intellect.
Next time I see Martin Shean, Susan Surandan or Sean Pen I’ll be sure to share your insights with them. Maybe we can all trade our juvenal and childishness for suffering in sconce.
Best Wishes from Tensile town,
Will Wheaton
(I’m not sure if this is real, or not. If it’s not, it’s the funniest satire in history. If it is . . . it explains so much.)
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“Tensile” town. Oh those Craig types sooooo make me laugh! Of course what he meant “Prehensile” town.
Oh my. That was truly frightening. I was reading through it, and I wasn’t sure whether or not I believed it was real. I mean, I guess it just didn’t sit well with me at first that somebody would be that careless, especially when sending political messages. Whenever I post something on any website, I ALWAYS go over everything I type, especially when I’m coming out against somebody else. It’s a matter of pride for me. I suppose either this guy has no pride in his work, or he just doesn’t care.
Speaking as a math major, just the fact that he said “over 51 to 52%” made me cringe, but then when I read that he called it a landslide, I felt actual physical pain. I’ll never understand people like him who can just yell at people, not make sense, and make the rest of their party look stupid. Liberal as I may be, I hold my opponents in the highest respect (aside from people like him, of course), and it really hurts that somebody does that to them. Politics should not be about mud-slinging or whatever it was that this guy was doing.
I’m actually disappointed in Wil’s reply!
That letter deserves SO much more of a sarcastic ass-whooping than Wil gave him.
Wil, my advice? Remove your reply and then ponder it for a day or two and come up with something brilliant!
That was TOO funny to let off that easily
I think it is important to remember that, in opposing Bush’s divine right to rule, we are anti-American terrorist sympathizers who {insert meaningless right-wing insult here} , but only when we’re not ensuring the perpetual liberal bias in all media.
Personally, I find things like the new National Defense Strategy referring to the judicial process as a “Strategy of the weak”, and equating it with terrorism, as a threat to America… great… Might makes right, eh?
I laughed soda through my noise whilst reading this. And it really stings. Add that to the list of your crimes, Wil. My nostrils have been assaulted by your “lefty from Holly Wood” humor!
Man, that was freaking funny. It almost makes me feel bad about these nutty folks.
Is learning to spell so difficult? Is communicating properly so bloody hard? [shakes head]
It is too bad he didn’t bring up all the mysterious voting machine problems, and other election related issues. But, they are too busy cheering for the troops shooting up cars in Iraq.
Yikes! It seems we have met the enemy, and he is illiterate.
*applauds approvingly* well said, wil.
Cripes! It looks like Mommy and Daddy forgot to lock the desktop away from Junior again.
I weep for the future.
Good Lord, the Nigerian phishers know better English than that crapsack. Ironically, little Craiggy-poo is probably one of those folks who shrieks that foreigners should “learn English or go home.”
I guess proper spelling and grammar are hallmarks of the “liberal intellectual elite,” and therefore verboten to Monsieur R.
You know, I’ve always wondered: “Who WOULD Jesus Insult”. Now I know. Wil, you must be damned! DAMNED I TELL YOU! One of the Faithfool have Fingered you!! THE CHIMPOSITY!!!
The entire Bush Family, in my opinion, are going to hell.
I couldn’t read past the landslide comment. How does anyone in their right mind consider barely over half a landslide??
Ok, I am not from the left or right. (Social security needs to be fixed and privatization is a possible answer, Ashcroft may not have been a Nazi but he scared me and Bush seems to be happy wiping his butt with the constitution) I am out here in the middle and trust me there are lots of these people out here but at the same time there are quite a few nut bag lefties too. 51% isn
WOW, typical right winged remark.
No Child Left Behind??
I think if Bush was really the champion of his “consituents” he’d have long implemented (and promptly underfunded no doubt XD) something like say…
“No Redneck Left Behind”
It wasn’t until half way through the email that I realized the guy was talking politics. For a while I thought he was lamenting the fact that you were left-*handed*.
Ok, that note was just sad. Maybe that particular person was just having a bad day. Maybe he is on a binge of some sort. Drugs, Alcohol? Sane people don’t write notes like that.
Just for the record. You and I don’t agree politically but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy dropping by to hear what you have to say. I enjoy reading your thoughts on life, politics or whatever.
Wow. The US leftys don’t have to do any work. The spin doctors for the Democrats may as well resign now. Who needs to undermine the Bush administration when its supporters are willing to do it for them?
Oh, and there’s a special circle of hell for people who think TYPING IN CAPS makes their point louder. In cyberspace there is no volume button.
wow, a land slide….. 3%* is a land slide!
only in the right wing world! o and let me guess craig learned to spell from a cracker-jack box eevn i can seepl bteter tahn him, and i’m screwing up on purpose! (you can still read it right?,i knew you could!) and yes holywood, i can imagine would be tensile (am i using this right?), or is it malleable ?
peace out
I guess he didn’t see the part in Carrie when she kept remembering the line her mother gave her: “They’re all gonna laugh at you you you you! (echo effects are mine ^_^)” We are all laughing at him.
I’m a new reader. I started reading Just a Geek a couple of days ago, and it’s been the cause of much fatigue (can’t put it down at night and go to sleep!). I think you’re doing a great job! The more I read, the more I like.
About your right-wing following: It’s important to note that there are in fact, sensible, reasonable, conservatives out there. They’re just hard to find. Obviously, this guy’s a complete idiot! It amazes me that there are people so clueless, they don’t even realize they are their own best argument.
Anyway…looking forward to reading more! And I don’t think this is the worst on the net….mine wins, hands down. 😉
That guy is such an idiot. Literally. He can’t even spell. No wonder Bush won, look who was voting for him. You responded better than I would have. Good use of sarcasm.
LMFAO! That was just too funny. I haven’t laughed that hard all weekend Wil. THANKS! Can we make this a monthly entry?
quoting JOHN MELLENCAMP’S “WALK TALL”…”the simple minded and the uninformed…are easily led astray…and those who cannot connect the dots…look the ther way”.
that should read “other way”!
Wow…that note alone explains a lot about why Bush won, not once, but twice.
I think this should be an annual part of the website. Bring on more idiotic hate mail!
Think this might be a joke email? I’d be torn between doing as you did, posting the email, or ignoring because whoever wrote it would like nothing better than to see their little piece on your website. Oh well, pretty funny either way (although I guess the fact that it might be a real email is alarming).
That’s like … WOW. Somewhere right between funny and scary as hell.
Thisis the clearest evidence of WHY the Rethuglicans love to gut public education, isn’t it? The stupider and more poorly educated people are, the more supportive they are of the right-wing. Brains go UP, right-wing goes DOWN.
Oh, come now, Wi[l|ll], it’s not fair to twist the gentleman’s words. He said Bush got *more* than 51 to 52% of the vote, which is obvious from looking at “the” map. Either our president is elected by geographical area majority and not population, or we’ve all been mistaken and our country really has an even distribution of people all over. New York and LA are just figments of our imagination! There’s no way one tiny spot like that could outvote something the size of Montana!
A little chlorine in the gene pool, perhaps? Just a thought.
It’s a shame that IQ tests aren’t required to vote–there’s not much to be said for democracy when a raving idiot has as much say in running the country as someone who can comprehend the long-term effects of his/her actions.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that thought he was calling you a Southpaw at first…and thinking, “Wow! So is Whoopi! But why is this guy so pissed about it? Is he from one of those cultures that thinks the left hand is dirty?”
I would be tempted to reply to such an email like this: Until you can type using the grammar and spelling most children learn in the third grade, your letter will not be processed in my brain. Thank you.
Jeez, Wil.
Sure, you out-smarted him, but, really, is that an accomplishment?
Sorry, but now I feel like I just watched Muhammed Ali beat the crap out of Emo Phillips. Kind of embarrassed for all concerned.
You’re too high a calibre to be fired at so big and flimsy a target.
I… I just can’t think about that without laughing. One can only hope he thought he was being funny? sardonic? something other than serious.
As a conservative myself, I can say that “Craig R.” is the kind of guy that gives all conservatives a bad name. While I might not agree with Wil’s political stance (and there are times I don’t agree with George W. Bush’s political stance, let alone Wil’s), I don’t let that get in the way of my opinion that Wil is generally a Good Guy.What we do need, though, is for those on the Left to act more like a “Loyal Opposition” and engage in intelligent debate, not simply define themselves by saying “Whatever Bush likes, we’re against it!” (Or worse, engage in groundless name-calling and slander.) I believe Wil has in fact done that, in the few posts here where he’s actually mentioned politics at all.Unfortunately, idiocy, it seems, knows no political boundaries. Wil, my apologies to you on behalf of all the reasonable conservatives for having to deal with that little twerp.
The best thing about Bush Jr. being President for his second term is that at the end of his second term he can never run for President again. Thank God!
The best thing about Craig R.’s email to WWdN is that it exposes the illiteracy of the average G.W. Bush supporter.
Um. I don’t even know what any of that was supposed to mean! Perchance he was meaning to describe Hollywood as being very strong when subjected to linear pressure and yet still brittle and able to show emotion (tensile is a REAL word so I had to read into it a bit.)
Wow…..just wow. This guy sounds like most of the people in the town I live in. He once again shows the higer intellect of the “ditto head nation”. He sure showed you man..I mean, with all the caps and the misspellings..he’sobviously WAY smarter than you or all the other celebrities he amed….you’re totally p0wned. LoL
But where was the rambling about how his buddies died face down in the mud so you could have freedom part though? I think it needs some of that. You know the “how dare you speak in a way contrary to my belifes, I sacrificed for yur freedom to speak” contradiction.
I’m still a fan Wil, Picard has nothing on you ^_^
-A fellow “hippy, sewer crap”
once again, that email proves that while we may not have won this election, we did indeed win the war on dumbasses.
i salute you, wil.
I think that people who want to voice their political concerns would be better off doing so with facts. It doesn’t make sense to attack someone with a letter that is full of spelling and grammar mistakes.
If Craig is real,pray to God that he and the like minded be saved from the Bush demons or damn them all to their landslide win to hell!!
Wow…I wonder if this Craig person knows that the President’s approval rating dropped from 49% in January to 42% in March-April.
Seems you spelled your name wrong there, Wil. Might wanna look into that.
Wow. That was so surreal it was almost performance art. Craig R. could probably make a nice living doing weddings and birthday parties.
I saw this letter on another board. Someone posted this reply after it.
Dear Republican Party,
I want to show my unequivocal support for President Bush.
When he took office, I was struggling in my chosen profession, often attacked by policies of the Clinton administration.
That changed when President Bush took office.
Thanks to him, my company now has multiple avenues of expansion and a whole new market place has opened up for us. He has provided us the catalyst for unlimited recruitment.
Although some members of Congress have wanted to curtail my enterprise, Bush wisely chose not to listen to them.
The President’s War on Terror is exactly what I have been hoping for.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with the re-election.
Yours Truly,
Osama bin Laden
I also have a funny post about Irelands Current view of America which can be found here
By the way, Craigy ole buddy ole pal…. 52% a landside huh….HAHAHAHAHA
First time ever posting here. I thought that I would let you know that I think Craig has really been getting around lately. I received three comments in the past few weeks from someone with a very similar writing style (of course, they left out all of the “Holly Wood” crap-couldn’t use it as a valid point in my case).
Anywho, Craig(Tom1257, BushisGod1967 and CheneyforPres in my case) all make the same point-that our public education system has failed us miserably. Also, they have proven that most of America do not know the difference between moderate, progressive and liberal-all are supposedly evil (myself, I identify with the more liberal portion of the market).
Good luck to you-they seem to enjoy passing sites of this nature along to all of their fundie/neocon friends.
I guess someone needs to teach that guy to talk Emerican!
Dear Craig,
It’s called spellcheck. Look it up. While you’re at it? Locate a dictionary and the right to free speech.
We like your crazy views on politics, Will! I meant Wil, crap. Sorry. 😀
We loves lefties. Yessssss, precious.