I think it’s time to open the WWdN mailbag . . .
Subject:Wil how a terrible news that ya are a lefty
Date: April 10, 2005 1159
From:Craig R.
To:Wil Wheaton
Message:Will sorry to hear that you are one of those lefty’s from Holly Wood … Though it should not surprise me much of what comes out of Holly Wood these days . You are just like the other sewer crap that comes out of Tensile town , I’m referring to the Pathetic schmucks such as Whopi Goldberg , Ya know her a as the faithful bar tender on the Enterprise . Martin Shean , Susan Surandan and Sean Pen . Ya all just have to face it Bush got over 51 to 52% of the vote just look at the map. So face the facts hippie and live with it BUSH WON BY A LAND SLIDE !!!! NOW I KNOW IT DON’T SET WELL WITH UR INTELLECT . HAVE A NICE LIFE AND LEARN TO SUFFER IN SCONCE … OH BY THE WAY KERRY VOTED TO CUT THE INTEL.. BUDGET BY 80% READ THE SENATE VOTING RECORDS. GUESS YOU WILL BE OFF MY MOVIE LIST WHEN YA COME OUT IN THEATERS AT LEAST PATRICK STEWART KNOWS WHEN TO KEEP SILENT. YA CAN LEARN ALLOT FROM HIM ON CLASSY BEHAVIOR. YOUR JUVENAL AND CHILDISHNESS IS STILL SHOWING SO WHY DON’T YA GROW UP.FORMER NEXT GENERATION FAN.
Dear Craig,
I learned allot from your classy e-mail. I was unaware that 51 to 52% of anything was a landslide, but we sewer crap probably use a different kind of math than you do. I apologize if that don’t set well with ur intellect.
Next time I see Martin Shean, Susan Surandan or Sean Pen I’ll be sure to share your insights with them. Maybe we can all trade our juvenal and childishness for suffering in sconce.
Best Wishes from Tensile town,
Will Wheaton
(I’m not sure if this is real, or not. If it’s not, it’s the funniest satire in history. If it is . . . it explains so much.)
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I think the problem is that MapQuest is teh suxxors. It can’t possibly be that the guy sending the original email is a few french fries short of a Happy Meal….
Personally, I think it was written by a democrat supporter out to impress us with erudite irony.
Reminds me of the time England’s Guardian Newspaper undermined the democrats by organizing a letter-sending spree, where English people sent letters to individual American addresses telling them not to vote Bush. Guardian published the responses. Anyone received the letters?
OMG Wil, great response! It was just enough and it made me laugh so freaking hard. I needed that. Thanks for sharing with us!
(As for the email being real… I CAN believe that people can be that stupid. Cheers!)
True story!
Way back in 1988, one of the math teachers (Mr. Guffey) at my high school (a fellow southpaw) wrote a satirical letter to the editor of the Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, Kentucky) about how left-handed people were evil and had to be killed for the good of all mankind. What my old math teacher was trying to do was make people take a second look at bigotry.
A good intention, but Mr. Guffey and the editors of the Herald-Leader underestimated the intellect of the average reader.
After Mr. Guffey’s modest proposal went out, responses flooded into the Herald-Leader’s letters to the editor in-box. Left handed people were simply outraged that someone would exhibit that level of hatred. And those letters kept coming a MONTH after the original satire went out!
Finally, the Herald-Leader had to devote a whole editorial page showing the original letter, all the hate-filled responses and an explanation by the editors that it was SATIRE and please please stop sending responses to it!
At the time, my grandpa (also a southpaw) thought that the original letter to the editor was hysterically funny and couldn’t believe how easily people were believeing it
I’ll stop by the offices of the Herald-Leader this week to see if they still have that editorial archived (I’m sure they would) and I’ll try to make some PDF scans to post.
That has to be a joke, no one is really that stupid…are they? If it’s not a joke…how sad.
hey wil,
wow, that was so amusing. i can’t believe someone actually wrote that! you HAVE to find out if they were serious or not. If they were, i will seriously start to worry about the human race! aagghh!
hope all is well
take care
Hi Wil looks like at the idiot cafe’ we are serving up a large portion of dumbass with a side order of ignorance with ilitercy for desset and washed down with cool glass of stupidity. You know what they say hun you can’t cure stupid. I too am a left-handed (politicaly speaking) liberal minded, free thinking Demorcrat (not that it only applies to the Democrats though) and it seems to me that I am in very good company. Keep up the great work Wil. P.S. it looks as though my spell check may be broken lol sorry for any mis-spelled words. working at 4:30 AM will do that
even if it is a joke, there’s tons of idiots like that out there who truly think that way, in every country about every subject. “stupid” people exist and they all have an opinion that they are free to share..
still i personally think that its rather lame to post his mail on the website… including the reply, for us to make major fun of it. We dont even debate it (then again, whats there to debate) but we just..pull him down bigtime. I reckon its rather harsh, but hey, thats me.
And on top of that, i dont think it’ll matter much. Either one prankster is laughing his ass off at our “serious” replies or one simple Craig is blushing coz of all the attention.
and i dont think its funny either :/
lame joke with equally lame “OMIYAAh LOOK AT STUPID” replies..
*shuts up*
Loved your reply Wil (and since this is my first post here I should point out that I love the site as well), however I do think you could have been a bit more sarcastic. A letter that stupid and ignorant deserves everything it gets, and more.
I just don’t get why American politics is so important that people feel they have to hate each other because their views differ…
The RSS feed has an ad at the bottom for (natch) sconces.
Wil, perhaps I read more into it than you intended. You wrote “If it is . . . it explains so much.” Just what exactly was this supposed to ‘explain’? What I read was that this email was supposedly sent by a Conservative (and presumably a Republican since they seem to run hand in hand) and since the author of this email is clearly the World’s Stupidest Person then ALL Conservative Republicans must be stupid.
Now that I’ve had 12 hours to basically not think about it (plus some tasty caffiene) I am reading it differently. However, our politics don’t even come close to meshing so I’m still not interested in reading about yours. I do love your writing, though, and practically devoured Dancing Barefoot (I was the one who bought a copy for my Aunt who then had to share it with everyone else in the office because she was laughing hysterically while reading Spongebob Vegaspants) and I look forward to all of your other posts.
Hey Craig,
I voted for Bush (twice), I dislike the leftist agenda and basic out of touch lifestyle that both coasts have, I disagree nearly 100% of Wil’s political beliefs, I dislike Sarandon, Goldberg, and anyone else who pushes a political agenda when they are supposed to be entertaining – however, Craig, pal, check the dosage. You are either taking way too much or not enough of whatever you have been prescribed.
Remember a tea spoon is the small one.
I disagree completely with the liberal position on everything, but you know what, that’s fine because they disagree with me! If I knew Wil or ran into him, we could argue, discuss, point out the flaws in each others political positions, I could explain why I support the war and he could explain why he does not. He’ll campaign and try to sell his candidates and I mine – and then we could agree to disagree and have a beer and discuss what’s really important, his family, my family, gripe about work and then order another round.
Remember, check the dosage, don’t mix the liquid med’s with the pills and never save time by taking a weeks worth of med’s on Monday morning.
I believe Craig is a member of what I refer to as “general public”. You see, I like “people” but I find the “general public” quite often contains more uneducated people than educated people. Therefore, I avoid too much “general public” time for fear I will become annoyed and angry. I also feel its very important to only discuss topics you are fully informed on. Therefore, I prefer to NOT discuss politics and religion, as I realize I could ALWAYS stand to learn more. Plus, my opinion is my opinion, and sometimes it’s better kept quiet. Craig, take a lesson. Only speak on subjects you understand well, and for God’s sake, use spell check, otherwise, no matter how much you may know about a topic, you look like a dumbass.
I know this isn’t supposed to be a message board (or a massage board either for the Craig inclined) but I felt I needed to comment on some comments:
JSc: It’s a shame that IQ tests aren’t required to vote
No it isn’t. IQ-like tests have been used in the past to selectively exclude people from voting. It would be pretty easy to bias a test (or bias education) to only allow the children of those in power to vote. Any requirement to vote beyond citizenship is a serious threat to democracy.
Erbo: not simply define themselves by saying “Whatever Bush likes, we’re against it
I agree with that, however I wish the Bush administration would not define Republicans as only those who agree with them. There is a lot of this sort of rhetoric going on surrounding DeLay right now. Luckily there are still some Republican Congressmen who are willing to break from the party line.
T.C.: it exposes the illiteracy of the average G.W. Bush supporter
No it doesn’t. It exposes the illiteracy of one G.W. Bush supporter. And I’m not even sure that it really does that. It may just expose the sublime humor of someone whose political views cannot be inferred.
techunter: Democracy breaking out all over and a really good economy…
Breaking out all over? Where? Iraq is still up in the air as far as I can tell, but I really hope they make it. The economy is getting a little better, but this war is holding us back. The job situation is still pretty bad where I live. I personally know several people who have lost jobs in the past few months and haven’t been able to find new ones.
mainja: so, does that mean we have to all suffer in a little glass thing hung on a wall? *grin*
I thought he was misspelling “scones” and that is was some sort of statement about returning to England if we don’t like American independence.
Gary Hammontree: If you fail this second test, YOU CANNOT BREED!!!!
Whoa! First test a for voting; now votes for reproduction? I can’t believe you are serious about this. This idea is way too open to abuse. Generally, people who make comments like this think they would never be in the excluded group. I suggest you go study German history.
buildersent: I dislike … anyone else who pushes a political agenda when they are supposed to be entertaining
And who says when they are supposed to be entertaining? Certainly, if an actor went off script to promote a political agenda when they are getting paid to act it would be inappropriate. I mean that would just ruin a stage performance. It wouldn’t be such a big deal on film since it could just be edited out, but it would waste precious time and money. But are you really suggesting that entertainer’s right to free speech should somehow be curtailed when they aren’t working? Are you really saying that you dislike actors who exercise their first amendment rights on their own time? Or are you saying that actors should be full-time clowns who exist only for your amusement?
I hate talking politics, I don’t know much about it. I have not voted in the past two elections because I did not like the people running. I do not like Bush at all, but I did not like Kerry either. I am democratic, but the people to chose from are not very promising.
Am I wrong? Am I a dumbass?
Should I just vote democratic just because I am?
Does this make any sense???
Help me!
While I
Why does Wil Wheaton hate America? 😉
Not another one of those “Bush won, get over it” people.
Where to begin? It’s just too much funny to give up!
First of all. O.M.[Insert first letter of chosen deity here]!!!!111!one!1 I think we have a new cliche on our hands! From now on, I think we should declare that anyone who posts anything remotely like that email is, in fact, “Pulling A Craig” or “Craiging It,” etc. I mean, really. It’s the closest we can get to getting his pic in Webster’s right next to the words “Idiot,” “Pundit” and “Douchebag.”
Second: Whoever Whopi Goldberg, Martin Shean, Susan Surandon and Sean Pen are, I’ll bet they’re overjoyed to get a mention on WWdN. It’s probably the only world-wide exposure they’ll ever see, and they owe it all to good ol’ Craig. How else would anyone outside of Holly Wood hear of them? And on a personal note, Wil, if you do happen to see Whoopi, Mr. Sheen, Ms. Sarandon and Mr. Penn about Hollywood, please give them my best and thanks for years of entertainment.
Third, I’d say the sewer is a pretty crowded place, and you might want to consider a move to, say, Pasadena? I hear it’s quite lovely this time of year. Oh, wait…
Fourth, It’s called Fuzzy Math (pops). That’s how 3% becomes a Landslide. Do you think he consulted Stevie Nicks (no offense to her, she’s the absolute bomb) instead of Euclid, Pythagorus, or even Mr. Boito, my 8th Grade math teacher, as to the definition of a landslide?
Fifth. Heh. He probably downed one before writing that email. Now, I’m known in chat rooms to be something of a Grammar Nazi, but even I wouldn’t want to touch that with a stolen 10 foot pole. Perhaps he can get one of those (stolen, even!) himself from Halliburton, eh?
Sixth, yes, you can learn a lot about classy behavior from Patrick Stewart, because from all given accounts, Mr. Stewart is a classy guy. But it’s not class that has him keeping quiet on these issues. No, it’s probably the fact that he’s a British national with no real vested interest in American Politics, other than a good chuckle.
Lucky Seven time! Juvenile and Childish. Really? Since when is being a good husband, stepfather, gifted actor and super-gifted author classified as such? Maybe we should call that one “Fuzzy Characterization,” nes pas?
Sometimes, the posts just write themselves, don’t they. Good show, Wil!
That is the funniest thing I have ever read. I love it when people try to look smart without even bothering to spell properly.
Jessie (first time commenter)
It seems you’ve met your match Wil! LOL! Not! I think he needs to use spellcheck a little more! 1% oh no! What a LANDSLIDE!
This little M…F…needs to get a grip on reality and to get edjamacated! LOL!
I dont’ know if this was directed at me:
“Not another one of those “Bush won, get over it” people.
But I’m not really a “bush won, get over it” type I’m more of a “SOMEone won and there’s nothing we can do but wait four years and try to fix the things we can” type.
I didn’t vote for Bush. I didn’t vote for the “other guy” either. That’s right. ::shocked gasp:: I didn’t vote.
I was simply trying to convey that “Alan” should not take things so seriously. That’s all. Since when is being happy a bad thing? Trying to deal with what we’ve got in front of us a bad thing? I think not.
Just my two credits.
Move along, move along.
::sigh:: I know it’s not a message board, but sometimes it’s really hard not to respond to things.
I don’t know if this was directed at me:
“Not another one of those “Bush won, get over it” people.
But I’m not really a “bush won, get over it” type I’m more of a “SOMEone won and there’s nothing we can do but wait four years and try to fix the things we can” type.
I didn’t vote for Bush. I didn’t vote for the “other guy” either. That’s right. ::shocked gasp:: I didn’t vote.
I was simply trying to convey that “Alan” should not take things so seriously. That’s all. Since when is being happy a bad thing? Trying to deal with what we’ve got in front of us a bad thing? I think not.
Just my two credits.
Move along, move along.
Wow! The author must either be a back-woods hillbilly or else a 6 year old. Gotta love the “ananomininity” of the internet eh Craig? You should post his e-mail so we can explode his mailbox with a bunch of gibberish insults that would only serve to demean ourselves in the end… er, yeah.
I wish I got hate mail.
Dang it. It posted twice. Why? Oh well. Sorry.
Everyone having a super fantastic wonderful day yet? I know I am. . .
buildersent: I dislike … anyone else who pushes a political agenda when they are supposed to be entertaining
swl-mom2Bryn: And who says when they are supposed to be entertaining? Certainly, if an actor went off script to promote a political agenda when they are getting paid to act it would be inappropriate. I mean that would just ruin a stage performance. It wouldn’t be such a big deal on film since it could just be edited out, but it would waste precious time and money. But are you really suggesting that entertainer’s right to free speech should somehow be curtailed when they aren’t working? Are you really saying that you dislike actors who exercise their first amendment rights on their own time? Or are you saying that actors should be full-time clowns who exist only for your amusement?
They are entertainers and to parade them to congress (by all sides), give them TV time to discuss whatever malady is the flavor of the week, to use them as experts is an insult to people and moronic of anyone who listens to them. They are high priced (good for them!) actors who rarely know more on anything than anyone else.
I don’t have a problem with anyone exercising their right to speak out, I have a problem with the saturation and elevated status of someone speaking out simply because they are an actor.
As I said, I voted for Bush twice and will probably vote for the next Republican as well. I don’t believe I ever voted for a Democratic candidate for President and with their pro-social programs and anti-work agenda, never will.
Though, I have no problem with someone not agreeing with me and don’t take it personal. Unlike some of the leftists here.
After 8 years of Slick Willy and Hillary, Bush is a breath of fresh air.
Dude, don’t you think you might just be beating on the “special” kid? Come on, Wil, you know this moment calls for the sensitive “After School Special” treatment.
Next time little Craigy piggy calls, just give him a smartie and let him watch Bullwinkle. That usually makes his kind happy. Keeps ’em away from the computer, too.
Actually, Patrick Stewart has a home in Southern CA and was on record stating that if Bush won he was moving back to England. I love his work and do indeed think he is one classy (and handsome) fellow but I can’t help wondering: does he need help packing?
(Sorry for the lack of reference but I’ve deleted the email where I got this info.)
Dur Whal,
I am one of them cum-patriots of the guy what writ ta ya, as wull as Kevin, the self-reigh .. er… self-ratcheous… er…. smart-ass guy what threw up Republican talking points at yer. I’m twoo stopud to vote (can’t psell ether), so politics is too haredd for me.
Screw yer politics. i want yer bod. So, to all the righ t and lift-0wang assholes who hassel you, I say buzz off. Yer pissin’ my wil off.
yore fan fer life.
The preceding was a fan letter from a mythical someone who could be about the same mental age as your first writer, but who admires your ass instead of your politics. I’m sure you get those letters, too, Wil. 😉
Seriously though, why do people write such incoherent maunderings? Do they think anybody gives a shit about their mispelled and regurgitated crap? It’s sooo easy to echo Republican talking points, but it’s so hard to think for one’s self and do the right thing. Perhaps this is why you and “Whopi” and Susan and Tim and all the guys come in for so much crap from the illiterate and unwell-read.
I have NO (read zip, zero) tolerance for yahoos who can’t think for themselves, I don’t care how well-educated they are. I’d admire a person whose politics were different from my own if there was clear evidence they’d THOUGHT about what they were telling me. But that stops when it becomes clear they are just mouthpieces for the carrion-eaters of the extreme right or left.
You keep on keepin’ on Wil. I admire your grit and skill and determination, and that counts for a lot.
People, come on…it was funny. I mean, slap-your-knee funny. It doesn’t matter which side of the political fence you are standing on, you have to laugh and admit that the e-mail (even if it is fake) was friggin’ hysterical!
Please don’t turn Wil’s blog into another NPR talk show clone…this country has enough blowhards telling everyone else what to think. Just laugh, shake your head, and move on!
“Please don’t turn Wil’s blog into another NPR talk show clone…this country has enough blowhards telling everyone else what to think. Just laugh, shake your head, and move on!”
Yes, exactly! Well said.
Holy damn.
That can’t be real.
RTFLMAO! Posted like a true Writer – succinct like something from a “Larry the Cable Guy” skit…
Uhm… yikes? I hope this e-mail is just a joke but if it’s not… eek! All I can think of is some deranged redneck that has lived in the woods for years by himself, but somehow has internet access, sending you that e-mail. If people like this are contacting you, Wil, beef up your security and don’t take any wooden nickles from ANYONE.
Verrrrrry nice! The intelligence coming from the right wing these days is stupendously astounding…
whoa, this is slowly turning into a fark-esq political thread. It was funny because the guy wrote an incoherent letter guys…geez. Can’t we cross “party lines” and laugh at stupid people anymore?
Frightening or funny? A little of both. The great thing about our country is the whole freedom of speech thing. I’ve been called everything from a liberal (still can’t figure out what’s bad about that…I don’t think the “C” word, “Conservative,” is bad…it’s just not my pov) to a communist. My own sister recently called me intolerant and prejudiced against her family since they are friends with the Shrubs. It’s just politics. Water off a duck’s back, my friends. I have Republican friends who think W is an idiot and shouldn’t be The Pres. Sadly, when we should be dealing with important national and international issues, our country (which I love) can still have our national attention still deflected by the someone uttering the phrase “Al-Quieda.”
Frodo failed! Bush has the ring!
God bless America.
People never cease to amaze (dumbfound?) me!
I honestly don’t think I could deal with all sorts of of random people judging my life and choices the way you do. Do you just filter it out after a while? You do a good job of keeping a sense of humor, at least. : )
As someone who taught first-year composition for nine years at the University of Notre Dame (1995-2004), I can say that this was probably a real letter. I finally started collecting really good spell-checker typos — you know, things like “the trails and tribulations of adolescence” and “a swarm of hungry misquotes” (mosquitoes) and “Asher was a pure-bread Jew.” I can’t tell you how many of my students believed that 51% = a major majority (their phrase) and that suffering in “sconce” is the best thing for all involved. It was depressing to hear them repeatedly brush details like spelling off — because spelling and stuff doesn’t matter, after all Bush said even C students can be president . . . . And besides, you know what I *mean.*
You go, Wil.
That was too friggin’ perfect to be real! lol
Eric in PA: Since you are a fellow lover of grammar, I hope you will not be offended if I make a correction to your otherwise excellent post.
I believe you meant “n’est-ce pas” (rather than “nes pas”).
I tried to keep this from sounding all passive-aggressive nit-picky pompous, but it’s not working. I suck.
I just laughed so hard that tea came out my nose.
God, I hope it’s satirical… although I doubt it.
At first, I thought he had discovered you were left handed. Upon further reading, I started having flashbacks of too many discussions with my idiot brother who actually told me, “Jesus fishes out of the right side of the boat.” ARGH.
Yes, my idiot brother likes to discuss only politics and religion at the same time (but never how me and my family are doing!). When I tried to defend myself against his Calvinist preaching, I mentioned, “God is love.”
His response . . . “Oh, yeah. That’s the 60s hippie version.” ARGH.
So a fond farewell, as last week he moved to North Carolina. I hope he is at home in the woods, and that he has found a red state at last.
I just love it when they call us juvenile and childish, and they launch into nothing but pure hate filled diatribes. Doesn’t he get that Patrick Stewart is a British citizen and no one would care what his opinion of American politics was? Maybe THAT’s why he kept silent! Duh!
*all members of the Sisterhood that are present proceed to snort with laughter and choke on their Pepsi*
Anna: Holy…*shakes her head* I know rednecks smarter than that…that was PRICELESS, Wil, purely priceless. That has to be the fucking funniest thing I have ever read in my life. That guy is a true dumbass
Maddy: :proceeds to salute but fails and hits self in the head: ouchie that hurt but oh well….Dude who wrote the treatmatic e-mail LEARN TO SPELL!!!
Anna: Excuse my friend…she lives in the backwoods of Somerset County, PA (about 10 minutes walk from me), so punctuation is kind of new to us…took me a while…Keep ’em coming Wil…I love reading e-mails written by people stupider than I am…by the way, GREAT REPLY!!!
Love and Hugs from the Sisterhood of Shes (PA Division),
Analee Harriman (shewhobeatsass)
Madeline Kimmel (shewhokicksass)
Angela Stevanus (shewhowhupsass)
Wendy Harriman (shewhoistooyoungtostayuplate)
Hey Wil (and everyone else on the blog!),
Wow, this email either has to be a joke, or the person writing it is a joke.
What really has me a little pissed is that this email is being made to be representative of Republicans, making anyone who voted Bush look like asshats. There are a lot of complete jerks that call themselves Republicans and Democrats. I know many of both varieties, and I also see a few have posted here.
Why does everyone have to take such an extremist position? It is oh so nice to hide behind our anonymous pseudonyms on Internet boards like this one, isn’t it? It is always the same old crap, the same old arguments. And all the while, you alienate those of us in the middle with your constant “I am right and you are wrong, no matter what” line.
I voted for Bush. I also read. I research. I don
My favorite part of Craig’s email was the fact that when he got to the middle of the letter, he just decided to leave the caps lock on… The total exchange just makes me laugh each time i re-read it 🙂
A lot of you people need to stop taking this so seriously/personally and just enjoy it as an example of a really bad email and a really funny response…
Here are my offensive op-ed pieces (Sorry): Kevin/techhunter – Trying to argue with Wil in his comments section is just lame. Reposting an ENTIRE email that poor widdle you didn’t get a response to (want some cheese with that whine?) is just sad. Seriously. It’s also pretty evident that you didn’t read his response to you anyhow, so what good would a response have done?
warcrygirl (in reference to Patrick Stewart’s statement about moving back to England) said, “does he need help packing?” — It’s that kind of self-righteous, neener-neener attitude that makes me ill… It’s just pathetic.
On a lighter note, I am gonna go look up Whopi Goldberg, Martin Shean, Susan Surandan and Sean Pen on IMDB and see who I find *grin*
So far down on the list, no chance Wil, or anyone else says this. Ahh, speaking for the sake of hearin one’s own voice… apparently, ’tis my turn.
“In 50 years, the world’s oil supply will be bankrupt.” Wish I knew what the hell the source was, as my grandfather showed it to me in a photocopy of the original article. It’s from one of his engineering and scientific magazines. It’s from about 20 years ago. Assuming we’re on the same pace, we’ve got 30 years left. Tell me, as a socially responsible president who cares about our economy, and doesn’t want to see it come crashing down, what has Bush done about this? No, no, don’t ask me what Clinton has done – you’re arguing that Bush is better than Clinton, so tell me, what has Bush done? Oh, Clinton didn’t so Bush doesn’t have to be a good President either? Hmm…
Let’s talk about the things that Mr Bush has done, and what he’s not allowed to. Better yet, all of these great concepts that you think he’s working with, well, let’s see if he’s being honest, and doing his duty as President of these here United States. Here’s a link to the Articles of the Constitution (you know, what he swore to uphold) dealing with the Executive branch:
Go ahead and see how many things he’s done wrong that YOU can find. If you don’t get at least one, then you didn’t look, or you’re not REALLY the “Real American” you claim to be.
Ever read George Orwell’s 1984? Here it is, online in a free format. A quick reader could probably do this in a day or two, slower readers in a week:
Now take a look at the Patriot Act. I understand people copying pieces of a book into their new works… but to plaguarize a classic literature for public policy? Lunacy.
I don’t like politicians – Democrats or Republicans. I pick the lesser of the evils (this time Kerry) because I want my vote to count. But let’s think about it here. Republicans used to claim they were about “smaller government” but then went out and created a new cabinet post (HUGE new government) and sponsored bills to ban gay marriages (legislation of morality?) yet screwed up with the education, ecology, and economy?? And don’t tell me the economy is in good shape. I work in IT, but I live in America, not India. Our economy sucks. Thank you, GW. Come to the table with a real argument boys n girls. That “landslide” of 52% had nothing to do with Bush. People wanted to ban gay marriages… and figured they’d vote for someone masquarading as a Republican while they were out. 44% approval rating… is that a landslide too?
*falls over laughing*
i gist luv da klaz uv sum peepole!
And yet another of the human race makes an arse of themselves in public… *rolls eyes*
And yet another reminder to me of how aggravating it is to be not smart enough to be ostracised as one of those ‘scientists’ but too smart to be as dumb a Chav as that guy clearly was. Sadly I don’t think it was a joke e-mail, I’ve seen people type that appallingly on the internet. It’s actually an official government statistic that grades in English have got worse over here since the rise of AOL Kiddie-Speak.
Everyone has a right to an opinion; but opinions are like arseholes, and isn’t it illegal to expose them in public like that in some states? XD
Nice comeback, but sadly wasted probably. A witty retort to a Chavvish e-mail sounds like sandblasting a soup cracker.