I’m trying out a new MT plugin called SpamLookup, which should help out an awful lot with the trackback spam. It’ still beta, so if anyone notices anything weird, let me know and I’ll pass it along to the developer.
Unless it completely doesn’t work, Trackbacks should be working again.
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Hey Wil,
Since you are upgrading/changing/cleaning up your site, why don’t you change the photo of yourself in the top left corner? I like the one you took of yourself in (I believe) your car on the way to something…I loved your cool sideburns. Just a thought!
Good luck with everything!
Oh… is this where we post the WWdN Wishlist? Ohhhh… So. Many. Ideas. 😉
–AJ @ radio d’oeuf
I tried to ping your site and got this:
Ping ‘http://www.wilwheaton.net/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1483’ failed: Your ping was denied for questionable content.
So, if you are using MT Blacklist, you probably have “…” blacklisted. Why MT Blacklist insists on trying to blacklist a string of three periods is beyond me. I had to go into the actual list and manually remove the entry.
Until then, I will change my title to remove the string of periods and see if my ping will work.
Ok, guess it is something else. I am still getting blocked due to “questionable content.” Not that I am all that upset. I’ve been questioned about my content for years.
In fact, I have been slapped on many occasions because of my content.
Oh, wait. That was trying to pick up girls. Never mind.
Denied for questionable content as well. Did Michael Powell write this plug-in?
I’m not sure what the deal is, you guys. The logs indicate that it’s blocked out some pretty horrible porn spam (jesus, those jerks are fast — the trackback has only been turned back on for about 30 minutes) but there’s nothing about your trackbacks.
I bet I need to configure the blacklist a little more effectively.
Thanks for helping me test it out, sort of, though 🙂
No luck for me either. I’ve been accused of having useless content, but until now it’s never been questionable. Questionable Useless content… I’m moving up in the world!
Nice AJ…are you following me?
By the way Wil, thanks for turning me onto eggradio. It is excellent!
So, Rook. Looks like you were able to get it to work. What did you change?
When I re-pinged, I got this:
“Your ping was denied for Because String matched the blacklist. You can e-mail Wil if you think this is an error (which it probably is because I suck at configuring these things. :)”
I’m pursuing this more out of an interest to figure out if there’s something wrong on my end. I may be sending something malformed or something. The Trackback module in PHP-Nuke is permanently in beta and I haven’t really had time to get into the details. It seems to work most of the time, but not in this case.
I am not sure. When I changed my post, all I did was take out the string of periods in the title. But I was still denied due to questionable content. Then, a few minutes later, someone else was able to trackback. I tried again, and BAMB! my trackback worked.
Chances are, Wil adjusted the level of monitoring in SpamLookUp.
Hey Wil, I’m just testing TypeKey here becase I say you had a problem earlier. Drop me a line, when you get the chance.