I rarely visit websites or blogs directly any more, because I prefer to read everything in Bloglines. I do that because I move among several different computers each day, and — because Bloglines is web-based — no matter where I am, I can see if one of my sites has been updated. I try to hit the actual sites I read at least once every few weeks, because sometimes there are announcements or other content that doesn’t make it into the RSS feed . . . but I thought it would be swell if I made a post for all you RSS readers, so you can see the news that you’re missing if you don’t see my smilin’ mug every day at WWdN.
At the top of my blog, you’ll see this:
By popular demand, you can now see or hear me read from my books Just A Geek and Dancing Barefoot! If you like what you hear, you may want to pick up a copy of Just A Geek: Teh Audiobook. Or not. Whatever. I’m not the boss of you.
You can also find me on PokerStars.com as “Wil Wheaton”, and at blogging.la. My column The Games of our Lives is updated every Tuesday night in The Onion AV Club. I contribute poker stories to CardSquad, and I am an editor on the Suicide Girls (NSFW) technology newswire (SFW).
So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Discover more from WIL WHEATON dot NET
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Very cool. I thought something was up when I checked my feeds in Thunderbird, and 14 posts (ones I’ve already recieved) popped up.
And again a few minutes later. Checkin it now, it seems under control. Did you know about this?
Dang Wil.. I miss seiing your Mug everyday…
Less Poker and more *Wil* that’s my Motto…
Of course I can understand so keep it up whatever it is you want to post..
Just send me my X-Arcade back.. hahahahaha
Just kidding Dude… Hope Drew (I think it is likes it)..
Blog: “They say they’ll call… but they never do.” [sniff, sniff]
Anyways… so I’ve got half the battle taken care of… but how do I finish?!? And do I need some multi-dozen sided dice???
Wil, we are so TOTALLY Metblog brothers!!! Because.. I write for… http://atlanta.metblogs.com/. ROCK ON dude!
I love Bloglines too. And, you’re right.. “knowing is half the battle.”
And the other half is “Blowin fuckers heads off” of course. Ironically, I read that comic (and I read this post of yours) in Bloglines. Heh. Small world…
Yo Joe!
I don’t know if I could ever get through blog reading (okay, blog SKIMMING) without Bloglines. I have almost 800 feeds. Some are just for reference, but I probably skim about 300 blogs regularly, and Bloglines is a godsend!
I’m currently rocking 523 feeds on Bloglines. I haven’t done a cull recently, though, so some may be dead. Let me also give some love to the LiveLines and Bloglines Toolkit extensions for Firefox. If you don’t have them, you must get them now.
This is my first comment. My friend lent me Just a Geek and told me I must read it. He was quite right. I’m just starting chapter 6.
I am feeling guilty, though. My only ComicCon was 2001, and I didn’t come over to talk to you. I feel like a jerk.
Hey cool….a comment that stems from old GI Joe commercials… you know…. “kowing is half the battle” 🙂
Hey cool….a comment that stems from old GI Joe commercials… you know…. “knowing is half the battle” 🙂
Thanks for reminding me about this. I just added you to myYahoo.