In the past two weeks, I’ve developed a really annoying case of insomnia, and right now, instead of joining the rest of my family in Morpheus’ sweet embrace, I’m on my bed, with my powerbook on my lap. Chet Baker is keeping me company while I experiment with some creative writing.
Ferris snores on my floor, Anne is snuggled up in her sleep cocoon, and through the open window above my head, cool air pours down on me, bringing in the faint smell of gardenias.
I just heard a train blow its whistle in the distance, probably near Union Station, and if I’m very still, I think I can hear/feel the thrumming of its engine . . . yeah, I can. That’s cool.
A car just drove down my street, and a bird is singing in my neighbor’s yard. Ferris just started to dream: she’s kicking her legs and barking in her sleep . . . I hope she catches whatever she’s chasing.
This insomnia has been driving me crazy . . . but right now, it doesn’t seem so bad.
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Everything I think to type sounds stupid. Maybe it is because it is after 2:30 in the morning. Anyway good luck getting to sleep.
On the nights when you still have some energy, insomnia can be ‘not so bad’. . .with the mysterious quiet all around.
After weeks and weeks of insomnia, you ask your friends to hit you over the head with a bat. And I mean a Louisville Slugger and not a Whiffle.
Been on all the OTC, ‘natural’, and scripts. Some of them work some of the time; none of them work all of the time.
I hope it gets better for you. I have my bat in the corner. 😉
My husband had the same problem and I told him to try some Melatonin. He did and after a few days it started to help. He would take that and listen to one of his “mellow” soundtrack score albums.
I send you sleep luck!!! 🙂
Hey Wil, I feel your pain when it comes to insomnia. I work for a company that produces and airs commercials on cable television in San Diego. Because of the three day weekend, this last week was horrendous. Trying to reach deadlines, get everything ready to air three days ahead of time, all that’s involved in making it happen was just too much for my little mind to handle. I had a hard enough time getting to sleep last night and then to top it all off, we had a little earthquake close to midnight. Well, that was it. My sleep was over for the night. Hopefully, tonight will be better for you and for me. Hot tea helps me sometimes. Take care! Tracey Weiss
Okay so I haven’t read in a few days…and now this comment has to do with an old post. Anyway, I just wanted to give you Kudos for trying to help out with the Katrina disaster. It’s good to know that people close to my generation care what is happening in the world. (My generation being people not to far away from 27. *lol*) Keep up the good work. Looking forward to having time one day to read your books.
At least i’m in good company. I’ve had a problem with insomnia for years and years. Now I have super interesting nursing case studies to keep me awake. I’d be happy to send you some if you think it would help.
Try eating some turkey–like maybe a turkey sandwich or two. Turkey is rich in tryptophan, a natural amino acid that pomotes sleep. That’s why you feel so sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. There are also a number of commercial recordings you can get to help you get to sleep. You can generally find them in the spoken word secion of Tower Records or other large record stores. One that I’ve used in the past with some success is an audio subliminal by Steven Halpern. You can get more information on his recordings at Another excellent source for sleep aids is at Give ’em both a look-see and then make up your mind. Hope this helps!