You know what would be cool? A Greasemonkey script that lets gmail users mark as read and archive a message with one click, or a keyboard shortcut. Sort of like Gmail Smart Delete. UPDATED 9.6.05: w00t! The same guy who wrote Smart Delete has a script that pretty much does exactly what I wanted. Behold, Gmail Action Links! (Thank you to reader Suresh Malakar for the link.)
You know what already is cool? The easter egg at the end of the Trogdorcon. It’s cool because it’s funny, because it’s true.
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Hmm… I think I’ll code up a little something for WWdN praise. Here we go… Aah! We’ve hit a snag.
Love the Strong Bad emails!
Holy crap. I haven’t been able to comment in a few weeks. Hate that friggin’ [whatever it was] message. I’m pretty damn computer literate, but I don’t read/write code of any kind. Just the kind my girlfriend uses to let me know she’s pissed at me without actually saying so.
Good luck in all your WSOOP games, Wil!
Remember, try to get it out there that pocket deuces are “Strong Bad”.
Or not. Do those hold’em hand nicknames ever come up outside of TV color commentary?
Just wanted to thank you for turning me on to poker stars, I love it! Its real fun. Still playing with play money. I haven’t worked up the nerve to play with real money yet. But just wanted to say thanks, Richard
Sounds cool man!
Man, that would be so fabulous. If someone codes it up, will you blog it for those of us who don’t read all the comments? Thanks!
I was just thinking this the other day.
I emailed Google about this exact feature (marking as read + archive) about six months ago (or something). Unfortunately I received no response, and it hasn’t been implemented, so…
Anyway, it would really simplify things when dealing with mailing lists. Atleast the ones where you don’t read every single email and just want to archive a bunch of ’em quickly.
Welp, the dude who wrote that Delete script, also wrote this other one that is very handy:
*blink blink*
I’m still working on multi stepping some functions, but here’s a “Mark as Un/Read” script based heavily on the Smart Delete code.
Greasemonkey = dangerous…. keyboard macros = safer. At least to my paranoid brain.