Monthly Archives: April 2006

if there’s a ship that sails tonight, i’ll captain that too

Oh boy! I’ve been invited back to CruiseTrek! This year, the cruise is called The French Connection. It sails at the end of June from Montreal through Saguenay Fjord (where I’ll be waving to Slartibartfast) around Nova Scotia, finally ending up in Boston. I’ve only been to Montreal once, when I worked on a show eons ago called Sirens, but I absolutely loved it, and I’m thrilled to go back. And Boston? One of the highlights of my life was playing goal in the Boston Garden, and as an American history geek (thank you very much, School House Rock) there are few cities in the country that rival Boston for awesome walking tours and museums.

But here is a huge bonus: Using Eventful, I’ve discovered that there are demands for me in both Montreal (currently 20) and Boston (currently 49). I know that time is relatively short, but I think this is a fantastic opportunity to see if this demand idea works. If you’re interested in seeing me for a reading and book signing in either of these cities, join the demands. Critical mass for both cities should be 75 people, which I think would convince a book store to schedule an in-store appearance with just about eight weeks’ notice, and make it worth my time to spend an extra day in each city (Montreal’s event would probably happen on Thursday the 22nd of June, and Boston’s would happen on Saturday, July 1st or Sunday, July 2nd.) We have to move pretty quickly, though, because I have to book my travel by the end of next week. So if you’re into seeing me in either one of these cities, join the demand and spread the word! You can get stickers for Montreal here, and stickers for Boston here.

I spoke with Charlie from CruiseTrek this morning: the cruise is nearly sold out, but I understand that it’s still possible to get on board. If you’re interested in a truly hawesome vacation with a whole slew of geeks, you can’t do much better than CruiseTrek. And there will be poker. Oh, yes, there will be poker.

the los angeles flatheads


Two tickets from TicketBastard: $52

Parking: $10

Four Dodger Dogs, two sodas: $27

Crushing heads with my stepson:

Watching the Los Angeles Dodgers of Los Angeles blow a one-run lead in the 8th to lose to the Cubs: Sadly predictable.

Eurofriendly Friday Poker Tomorrow

A lot of European players can’t make my Tuesday night game at PokerStars, because it’s sort of in the middle of the night for them. Because I love Europe so much (and to atone, in a very small and meaningless way, for that whole stupid Freedom Fries bullshit) I schedule a game once a month specifically for European players. It’s called Eurofriendly Friday, and April’s game is set up for tomorrow.

What: WWdN: N1kita Eurofriday
Where: PokerStars.
When: Friday, April 21. 1800 GMT
Password: monkey
Tournament number: 23319749
Buy-in: $10 + 1

Of course, anyone with eleven bucks and a PokerStars account is welcome to play with us, regardless of geography. It’s also a much smaller field than the regular Tuesday night games, so if you’re really into playing with me, your odds are much, much greater that you can crusher my kings with the hammer — in fact, there are just three players signed up now, so it may just end up being a semi-private sit-n-go.

silently and back to me

I had an audition for a voice over at Nickelodeon yesterday. The only problem is, I, uh, didn’t know about it, because the details on the reading came via e-mail during a period of a couple days last week when all e-mail sent to me went flying off into the gamma quadrant of the Zarkon V Nebula.

Luckily for me, the director of this project was really into reading me, and we were able to reschedule for this morning.

Okay, I know I’m supposed to maintain some professional detachment, so when I don’t get the job it’s less of a disappointment, but I had a crush on this project as soon as I read the breakdown. After I met the director and grokked what sort of story she wants to tell, I was hopelessly in love with the project. I really, really hope I get this job.

I’ve talked about how much I like going to Nick
in the past, but I’ll just do it again for those of you who didn’t listen to RFB #4: Nickelodeon just feels good to me. It’s not intimidating like Disney, it’s not corporate like some other places, and I really feel like I’m walking right into a Nickelodeon cartoon. Some of my happiest childhood television memories are of Nickelodeon shows, like You Can’t Do That on Television, Mr. Wizard, The Third Eye (SCARY!) and Danger Mouse, too, and I did lots of things with Nickelodeon when I was a teen idol, including getting slimed several times and hosting the Kid’s Choice Awards, so I think that makes it easier for me to find a happy place when I audition for any Nickelodeon shows.

The other reason I always find a happy place at Nickelodeon is entirely due to the guard who works the parking garage gate there. I don’t know his
name[1], but he is one of the kindest, warmest, and friendliest guards
people I’ve ever encountered. I realized today that he plays a very big part
in why I love going to Nick so much, and why I always give good
auditions there.

He is the first person I encounter when I pull up. He is a gentle, grandfatherly, white-haired man in his late 60s, and always seems to be smiling. He always makes me feel at ease, and gives me (and everyone else who comes in, I’m sure) the impression that he really wants me to book the job, like it matters to him, and he believes in me. I realized today that I’ve always picked up a bit of his kindness and warmth and carried it in with me. It’s nice to be so utterly at ease when I walk into an audition, you know? It makes a big difference.

I probably shouldn’t disclose too many details about the story that I auditioned for, but it is a wonderful, funny, charming animated short about a geek and a goth who are starcrossed lovers.

I’m sure you’re all surprised to hear that I read for the geek. I used my sense memories to recall the Kyra crush and did my best to be the kind of guy who "you want to take his glasses off, and mess up his hair, because he’s so cute and he doesn’t know it," according to the director, who I really, really liked.

I honestly don’t know if I’ll get the job, because I’m worried about how deep and manly my awesome voice is. Even though I know I can get the teenage voice down to second nature wth enough practice, I have done this long enough to know that when someone else comes in and nails it, they always hire the "nailed it" guy over the "could nail it with enough practice" guy. That’s just science, and you can’t argue with science (unless you’re one of those "global warming is a myth and evolution doesn’t exist" moonbats, in which case arguing with science is sort of your whole reason for existing, right?)

Anyway, I had a blast reading for this project, and I was so excited when I left, I totally forgot to steal a camphone snap of the hawesome four foot tall SpongeBob made out of LEGO in the lobby. If I get the job, or the next time I’m at Nick, I’ll grab a picture of it on my way in, because I’m usually skipping with nerdy excitment whenever I’m on my way out.

Whether I book this job or not, I’ll be watching for it when it airs, and I’ll be sure to post about it, because it’s the type of show that I know WWdN readers will love.

[1] In comments, formerlyme says, "Hey Wil, I used to work at Nick. I know exactly who you’re talking
about. His name is Don, and he’s the most awesome security guy ever."

Destroy More Humans!

may have to metaphorically make a deal with the devil. And by ‘devil’,
I mean Robot Devil, and by ‘metaphorically’, I mean get your coat."

  – Bender

Destroy All Humans!
is one of my favorite games of 2005. My only complaint was that it was
too short (you can rent it and finish the entire game in one weekend)
but it sold very well, and I hoped that a sequel result. I hoped so
much, I was willing to "get my coat."

Looks like my deal with the Robot Devil is about to pay off:

Destroy All Humans Sequel Coming in Fall
The sequel will be set in 1960s Europe, where Crypto will face off
against ninjas, hippies, communists, and Godzilla-style mutant monsters.

read more | digg story