Well, it’s official: Guinness is good for you!
The old advertising slogan “Guinness is Good for You” may be true after all, according to researchers. A pint of the black stuff a day may work as well as an aspirin to prevent heart clots that raise the risk of heart attacks. Drinking lager does not yield the same benefits, experts from University of Wisconsin told a conference in the US.
The Wisconsin team tested the health-giving properties of stout against lager by giving it to dogs who had narrowed arteries similar to those in heart disease. They found that those given the Guinness had reduced clotting activity in their blood, but not those given lager.
There are, of course, some caveats:
A spokesman for Brewing Research International, which conducts research for the industry, said she would be “wary” of placing the health benefits of any alcohol brand above another.
She said: “We already know that most of the clotting effects are due to the alcohol itself, rather than any other ingredients. It is possible that there is an extra effect due to the antioxidants in Guinness – but I would like to see this research repeated.”
Clearly, this requires more research, for which I am happy to volunteer.
(via Propeller)
Makes me proud to be from Wisconsin.
(wipes away solitary teardrop)
“Guinness is good for your health? Brilliant!”
“Guinness is good for your health? Brilliant!”
Guinness is good for your health? Brilliant!
P.S. Wil, Typepad keeps thinking my comments are spam and I’ve had to enter number/letter codes twice to make a comment. Is it new security or Typepad being weird?
I would advise against volunteering, Wil.
You might end up in… *Shudder*… The CONTROL group!
Hrmmm….reduced motor control AND reduced clotting?
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. 😉
Please continue the research for those of us who no longer can. 🙂
have you been to St. James Gate? The tour was pretty cool.
I would advise against volunteering, Wil.
You might end up in… *Shudder*… The CONTROL group!
I would advise against volunteering, Wil.
You might end up in… *Shudder*… The CONTROL group!
(Um… For some reason… The filters think I’m a spam bot?)
I think I will have to conduct my own private research study. Ahem.
My brother will be so happy to hear this…
One of those “Well, duh!” moments.
Here’s my medicine! http://www.flickr.com/photos/mhaithaca/231469595/
Sounds like a plan to me. Given the complex nature of brewing and the multitude of substances found in beer in all varieties, I’m not surprised at all. What is even better is that, if you have to ‘take your medicine’, I’d be hard pressed to find a better way of doing it!
“Oh no doctor, please, not that, don’t make me drink the Guiness, oh no, anything but that…”
With apologies to Br’er Rabbit and the Uncle Remus stories.
Psst. Wil.
Last Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2003, 11:20 GMT
The date of an article I have posted on my office wall is from 7 Apr 2004 and it pretty much begins the same way: “Guinness is good”.
Guinness drinking statisticians can’t be wrong.
Psst. Wil.
Last Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2003, 11:20 GMT
The date of an article I have posted on my office wall is from 7 Apr 2004 and it pretty much begins the same way: “Guinness is good”.
Guinness drinking statisticians can’t be wrong.
Psst. Wil.
Last Updated: Thursday, 13 November 2003, 11:20 GMT
The date of an article I have posted on my office wall is from 2004 and it pretty much begins the same way: Guinness is good.
Guinness drinking statisticians can’t be wrong.
Psst. Wil. Check the date.
An article I have posted on my office wall is from 2004 and it pretty much begins the same way: Guinness is good.
Guinness drinking statisticians can’t be wrong.
One downside of Guinness, if you drink it regularly, your blood will have a very high iron level. If you just happened to be getting a blood test, the doctor may think you might have Hemochromatosis. Tell the doctor you have been drinking Guinness, and he’ll understand. BTW, apparently it is a great treatment for anemia. Note: IANAD, nor do I play one on the net.
Here in Ireland they used to offer you a glass of Guinness after blood donations, don’t know if they still do it nowadays.
mmm stout, tis the season for great seasonal beers. If you can find it, Lump of Coal Stout is pretty amazing.
It used to be possible to order Guiness with your meals in British hospitals – I wonder if they’ll bring it back 🙂
***SO*** passing this on to my sister. She is 100% Irish, and bartends.
Eire go brach!
Ah, Guinness. Great stuff. Unfortunately due to the new medication I’m on I can’t have any alcohol for a while. No Guinness. No Rogue Dead Guy. No Yuengling. No Jagertee.
As others mentioned, for those who enjoy Guinness a trip to St. James Gate is recommended. Sharing a pint of super fresh Guinness with my friends overlooking Dublin at sunset was amazing.
Cheers Wil! Here’s a link to the desktop picture that I downloaded the other day:
It’s a beautiful thing 🙂
Interestingly you may also be able to indulge in research to a greater extent than previously claimed.
I don’t know what the reccomended units per week from the American medical types are, but apparently the British reccomended maximums were “pulled out of the air”, rather than based on any actual research
I feel much less stupid now that I see other people having problems with the spam filter.
Anyway, Wil, the good folks over at Barfleet heartily support this Physical Health Study and are ready and willing to act as lab rats. Let the intensive study begin!
I’m going to quietly say, right here, that beer is yucky.
Don’t beat me up.
Spam filter broken? My first three posts were “rejected” for some reason so I kept at it and modified the final content until it accepted. Yet I have four posts.
ObligatoryGuinness: picked up an 8 pack this morning for the office party. Starts in 2 hours. w00t!
Merry Christmas to the Wheaton Clan. I’ll catch up on the blog in the new year.
Guinness RAWWKS!!
I love my glass of “Raktagino” … and don’t laugh cuz that’s what i call it. THo’ i’m pretty sure the Klingon community would find it a blasphemy to have a 4.5% alcohol rated stout as their Early Morning cup of “jo” …
But it’s my purple colored sky in my world here, afford me a little creative license eh?!
Have you ever had Guinness in Ireland??? I never have — but hope to.. apparently it is WAY better there .. my ol’man goes to Ireland every year and says the guinness is to die for…
Love Guinness
which reminds me I need to find their beer can slippers to complete my guinness outfit