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Trump and Vance really put the tyrant in tantrum, didn’t they? Pathetic. Weak, cowardly, sniveling little bullies is all that they are. I understand that I’m just one person who […]
Four years ago, I recorded and released narrations of short material that I pulled from the public domain. I did my best to release one a week, as an experiment. […]
I am still on a break from public life, but I understand some number of people were concerned that someone was building a foundation to impersonate me, and I wanted to verify that those accounts are, indeed, mine. There is no need to report them. But thank you for looking out for me.
I am anguished, I am heartbroken, I am afraid of what's coming for people I love. I am shocked that my country just gave 247 years of Democracy away over one night. We live in a different country now, than we did when we woke up, yesterday. Exactly how violent and cruel and hateful this new country is has yet to be revealed, but it's going to be pretty terrible.
Why, which candidate has Jimmy Carter endorsed?
As am I, sir. As am I.
Zombie Truman has spoken on the matter?
You will not find such a beast alive.
Now, now, I wouldn’t call Carter the worst president in American history…maybe the second or third. He’s certainly been a much better ex-president than president, though that’s damning with faint praise.
However, I certainly won’t be voting for the candidate he’s endorsed…
To tell you the truth, I don’t know who the hell to vote for….. I have trouble believing in any politician. If their careers have reached the level of running for President, it’s more than likely they have already compromised to the point of being shadows of their former selves.
I’m not usually so negative, but it’s so difficult to know who to trust…. or who will do the least damage….
Everyone knows Fake Thomas Jefferson is the worst fake President in American History. In the sense of his EVIL…uh…NESS His plan to dominate the Evil League of Evil will soon be complete….
Preach Brother Wheaton
@alicein1derland You are not alone in your stance, however I will probably be going with the Dem candidate this time. McCain is too old and out of touch.
Carter had a pretty lame Presidency, but anyone in his shoes would’ve had the same problems. The majority of the problems were inevitable by the time he took office, and despite his best efforts, the powers of the office of President were beyond the scope of a solution.
The President can’t do a lot to fix the economy (unfortunately for Carter), but as Bush has shown, he can do one hell of a lot to break it.
Oh, and as far as who the “worst President in history” is… a 2008 survey of professional historians said that 98% thought the Bush Presidency was a failure, and 60% thought it was the worst in the history of the country.
Wow, Ulysses S. Grant just got TOLD!
Jimmy Carter?
Hey! Teapot Dome was a SETUP, yo!
My plan is to write in Paris Hilton for president. After that video, I think she’d do at least as good of a job as McCain would.
You *ROCK* Wil. What a perfect sentiment. Thanks for posting.
Just leaning? I thought you had chosen already? Since I don’t like either candidate, I’ve decided that I will write in a name. Hummm, Edwards? Nah, he’s got a little trust issue. Hillary? I dunno, she’s certainly a hell raiser but the pant suits don’t work for me.
@Elizabeth in Denver, I grok that. Dang! She was funny (and made sense, eep!)
@alicein1derland et al.
So vote for the other guy.
Oh, that’s right, the world’s greatest democracy doesn’t use proportional or preferential voting.
…. smug, self satisfied Antipodean smirk …. 😉
I’m voting for Batman.
This Batman?
Haha, Either way, Ima just run back to some rez and hang out with some indun friends of mine if shit gets bad. Lol, i love being an indun, so easy to avoid the headace that is the political mess….
I hear that McCain has also been endorsed by President Harding (which makes sense, since they grew up together).
Why, which candidate has Jimmy Carter endorsed?
That was perfect:
1) Jimmy Carter
2) Maybe Nixon – I’ll call it both ways.
3) Bill Clinton – For making the presidency something that young kids can’t look up to (i.e. Policemen and Fire Figthers)
… Sorry I know the dems would like to sweep that one under the table.
Rick Warren did a great job of letting the candidtaes make their point without taking sides. Too bad you can’t do the same thing here 🙁
I’ve seen a bumper sticker around in a couple of places, and I need to buy me one…
“The one I hate the least in 2008”
And I’ll also chime in that Jimmy Carter’s Presidency was doomed from the start. He tried to remain honest and true to his morals…something no politician can do and remain popular.
I was really enjoying being quite a hearty Obama supporter until the rose-tinted contact lenses fell out and I realised that he’s just another gorram politician.
I’m 34 years old! What the hell was I thinking? Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and honest politicians. I should be over it by now.
I guess you have seen the light and are voting for McCain!
I’d never vote for someone a Clinton supported either,
Wil, I think I read somewhere at some point that you consider yourself to be a Libertarian, or at least Libertarian in your philosophy. What do you think of guys like Ron Paul and Bob Barr? What about Barack Obama represents your Libertarian philosophy?
Fox Is Allowed to Press Warner Over Rights to ‘Watchmen’
Heh. I wanna see who the VPs are going to be. This should be interesting.
Reading a blog this morning and I thought of your parenting/video games are of the devil crusade. Take a look at this little gem from Cake Wrecks.
Politics is always dangerous for someone who exists on the public’s dime.
Carter did some bad things and some good things. Fiscal conservatism certainly lead to the worst things but he didn’t know how to buck up the moral of the nation. And he was scuttled by a military leadership that, similar to Clinton, didn’t want to give their best for him and let others know it. Yep, that’s a pretty nasty thing to say and it certainly didn’t apply to many if not most in the military but it did exist and was a problem.
Compare that to the current (not-really-a) president who has the support of many in the military but those who don’t get demoted, transferred, discharged or worse. It’s like a praetorian guard is forming and that’s very bad mojo.
Top that off with a kowtowing press that think the previous president’s peccadilloes were impeachable but won’t report on either the current (not-really-the) president’s peccadilloes nor say much about his violations of national and international law which are certainly impeachable and you have a bunch of people thinking Shrub is actually a good guy!
Even though historians agree he is the worst president ever, and his competition, while not perfect and certainly not willing to do all that needs be done to protect individual rights and the constitution, much to good people’s annoyance, Obama is a darn sight better than McCain, endorsed by “worst ever.” At least we hope so.
Please, don’t go the libertarian or silly Nader way. We don’t want to fully defund government, which only plays into the neocon’s plans, nor do we want to help the ego of the person who helped destroy Gore’s election, even though Gore was the verifiable winner of both the public and electoral vote.
Yes, double post. But I wish to clarify my “public dime” remark.
I mean, someone who earns money by getting the public to pay money for what they do, such as write for a living or perform in any way. It is dangerous in that once they state something political, it always turns off part (even if a fringe) of their audience and thus loose sales.
So, it takes guts to stand up for the truth vocally ’cause you are risking something. Bravo for continuing to do so.
Endorsing either the republican or democrat candidate in this race just makes you look like a tool. You are supposed to be smarter than this Wil.
Not this again. And again. And again. I respectfully agree with your right to say whatever you want, but if you believe that Clinton was the worst president ever because 1. He got a BJ & 2. Cheated on his wife, then you lose all credibility with me.
And please don’t whine about this blog being biased. Its his damn blog, and he can say whatever the hell he wants on it. He’s under no obligation to pander to the 23% that thing Bush is doing a heckuva job.
Thanks for the laugh, Wil, and: amen, brother!
Most dangerous problem Americans right now have is a right-wing controlled press.
They have already subtly tried to push as much shit toward Obama as they can.
And then there is this new book by a right-wing nutcase: Obama Nation (and you know what that sounds like.)
It all is a bit sickening considering the disaster of a right-wing presidency we have had for the last 8 years.
And an Iraq war that has drained billions of dollars not to mention killed thousands on both sides for no good reason.
I do think Obama has a good chance and should win, but never underestimate the calumny, the greed, and the deceptive power of those who would rather not see someone who would support the general American populace in office, but would rather see the most rich Americans continue to get richer.
I’m totally in league with alicein1derland. I’m about ready to violate the hell out of the constitutional rules and dig up Mikhail Gorbachev to be my leader. Let’s face it he got the 3 a.m. call that could have ended the world and he chose to do the right thing. He’s now leading an enviormental effort to save the world. He’s older than McCain brighter than Obama. and he’s totally qualified to go to the democratic caucus in Denver for a nice talk about why communism is the stupidist idea ever thought of. Heres something democrats should always remember, “Republicans have never won, Democrats have just managed to pick losers”. Right now, I await a good vice pres pick and hope for the guy with the steady hand and sure eye.
Most dangerous problem Americans right now have is a left-wing controlled press.
They have already subtly tried to push as much shit toward McCain as they can.
And then there is this new book by a left-wing nutcase: The Audacity of Hope(and you know what that sounds like.)
It all is a bit sickening considering the disaster of previous left-wing tax and spend presidencies.
And an Iraq war that has drained billions of dollars not to mention killed thousands on both sides for no good reason other than to feed the lefts political agenda?
I do think Obama will win, but never underestimate the calumny, the greed, and the deceptive power of those who would rather not see someone who would support the general American populace in office, but would rather make sure that Amercia’s most successful entreprenuers and investors are punished for being successful.
By the way – I support neither Obama nor McCain (nor anyone else). My goal was to point out that the previous argument cuts both ways.. both parties have done more damage to this country than they have good all in the name of supporting special interestes and retaining as much power as possible.
Anyone who thinks either of these candidates really has the plan that will “save America” is fooling themselves. The liberals have some perverse vested interest in destroying the very competitivness that made America as great as it once was and the conservatives want to turn us into some backwards puritanical theocracy with it’s head so far up the Evangelical (aka literal) interpretation of the Bible we’ll forver lag behind the rest of the world in education, science and technology.
Wow, when I saw the post, I just knew that 99% of the comments would be in agreement. Sounds like some folks have finally come to realize that “The One” might just be a well-spoken (yeah, I went there) politician who has had a great run by not actually saying anything. McCain is guilty of pandering and all of the other political crap, too, but at least he’s proven that he’ll actually stand up for something when everyone else was against it. And I mean the war in Iraq, not off-shore drilling, though I’m glad he’s finally coming to his senses there.
Maybe the world is just a bit too dangerous for us to gamble on an Obama presidency.
Oh, and I put zero stock in any historian who would even go on record with a ‘historical’ judgment while the man is still in the Oval Office. That’s bunk. Popularity while in office is not always an indicator of a successful presidency in the long term.
I don’t care for either one of the clowns beong offered up. Thats why i’ll just write my name in.
I think this country needs a good fountain pen repairman like me at the helm. Hell, I couldn’t do any worse than the dipshit we have now.
Penman in ’08. Because he couldn’t do any worse than the dipshit we have now.
“I’m Penman and I did not approve this ad.”
Me, I’m going with Bob Barr (gag choke blurg) or Zippy the Pinhead. Oh wait, we already HAD him….
“…a 2008 survey of professional historians said that 98% thought the Bush Presidency was a failure, and 60% thought it was the worst in the history of the country.”
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to discover socialists working in academia.
Harding is definitely up there on the list, although he’s a little before my time 🙂 But Jimmy Carter… I don’t think I’d call his run ‘just the times’.
He made choices – many of them bad. Many of them because he wanted to be recognized as a man of peace. This may sound harsh, but an attack on an Embassy is usually regarded as an act of war. By not treating it as such, he sent a very clear message to the Soviets that he would do nothing if they invaded Afghanistan – and they did.
And look at the ramifactions from that.
I’m sure he was well intentioned (although occassionally petty) but that still doesn’t make him a good president. If it was just the times, then why was Reagan so successful? What changed so much?
Sadly it’s the way things go – the Presidential candidates are rarely the best for the job, and far more often the ones their party thinks will do the most for their agendas.
I was just going to post something lightweight, or supportive, or nice – then my true feelings got the better of me.
Blame it on sleep deprivation, blame it on us Europeans having experienced pogroms, police states, all that guff for many hundreds of years already – whatever.
I hope that you vote for a president who will leave other nations alone to act according to their consciences, without holding the implied threat of “death by Islam” over their heads.
I hope that you will vote for a president who realises that the world is not his personal garbage pail, and that the consumer choices and actions of Americans in their own homes affect me in the UK, the Bangladeshi housewife who wants to see her children grow up, the rainforest dweller who wants to see his tribe live free without being “domesticated” to grow soy, or biofuels, or whatever the rage is next year.
I hope you vote for a President who thinks that “War Without End” is a nightmare, not a comfortable fact of life when he’s hyucking it up with his military-industrial buddies.
There’s more, but these say what I most want to.
That is by far the single more awesome thing I have seen this morning. And I haven’t even finished my coffee yet! This day is going to rock!
Not a fan of Walter Mondale?
If I’m reading the sign right, you won’t vote for anyone endorsed by Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton.