I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but I love it:
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I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but I love it:
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When I worked on Big Bang Theory, each episode involved a few days of rehearsal before we did camera blocking and the actual taping in front of the audience. Most […]
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Oh disturbing brilliance!!! Gotta love that!
i giggled. there, i said it. 🙂
I knew they’d finally torpedo him off the ship for furrie porn.
ROFL!! But wait…
Are you sure Brent didn’t cut that together himself for a laugh?
That is really funny! Strange in a nice kind of hilarious way.
…….the FUCK? o__O
It’s videos like this that make the internet great. Thanks for finding and sharing it, Wil!
It’s amazing how things can be edited to take on a whole new meaning. Check this one out.
I almost choked on my soda when I watched it. XD
ROFLMAO! Words escape me, but almost had beer come out my nose…
Uhm… yeah -.-
Oh my. It’s almost as if Data was surfing the net and came across 4chan and had to be put down as a result of it’s influence. So very sad D:
I think some of the episodes used are these ones:
The paintings are from when data starts to dream “Birthright: Part 1”
The b-day party/Worf fainting/peaking around the corner is when Worf too close to Geordi’s visor in “Parallels”
Geordi laying in bed dreaming is from the one where data dies (is kidnapped) and Geordi is dreaming about his shuttle docking realizing that he wasn’t on the shuttle when it blew up. (The Most Toys)
When Troi, Geordi and you are in the hall (both times) is from the episode where Data makes Lal. Once when he shut the door on you, and then again when they are trying to save her. – (The Offspring)
Data blowing a kiss is from when he is in a relationship (In Theory)
When Data is shut off is during the trial to see if he is property or not (The Measure of a Man)
When he’s blown up may be the one where Data beats the ultimate strategist and they have to pretend to blow up the ship used in the war games. (Peak Performance)
Yeah… this post is gonna make me look like a super nerd/crazy treky, but I think I remember all of this from watching the episodes during a weekend marathon when I was younger (high school) and they just got stuck in my brain. >_<
You know you’re too obsessed with star trek when you can actually pwn one of the actors from it in identifying stuff related to it rofl.
and I say obsessed because I love the show myself, and even I can’t identify the eps this stuff is from lol.
gazorra’s videos (some of them at least) were featured here: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/piefpafpauw/
this link I got from MS PAINT ADVENTURES, one of the greatest webcomic/video game crossovers I’ve ever seen lol, it can be found here: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/
Although screwing with clips from shows is nothing new, what this guy has been doing has been completly original in how he’s done it as well as the splicing and lack of seams in his video.
All I got to say is thumbs up.
Next to Rule34, this is one of my favorite things about the internet.
Just watched my way through all of those. A bit hit and miss, but a very good laugh most of the way through 😀
Dude has way too much time on his hands though!
Would Data have named that prominent painting ‘A Horse Of A Different Color’?
Thanks for the laugh and the “WTF?” first thing on a Monday. It’s going to be a good week.
Wow, this was both disturbing and amazing at the same time. But it’s still funny as hell. Thanks for posting this Wil! 🙂
First: ROTFL
Second: I’m BLIND!!!!! AAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
I literally had tears in my eyes. This was just disabilingly hilarious. I’m still chortling involuntarily every couple minutes. Any minute now I expect my boss to come in and ask me what I’m laughing at in here.
I think “The Offspring” & “Datalore” are the 2 main source of clips. Whoever made this was using clips from season 2 & 3 (as someone else mentioned). Someone make the research for my master’s thesis this interesting.
Everything after Picard’s “Is there a treatment?” had me trying to stifle my laughter at my desk in work. As commented previously the cut to the credits at the end is fantastic.
Brilliant. Hilarious. It was better than Cats.
Hellraiser music FTW
Indeed, the other episodes were awesome (and disturbing) too
That is just… frickin’… amazing!
*blank stare*
I thought Star Trek couldn’t get any furrier than Tribbles — guess I was wrong.
that is the most awesome thing i have seen all month! supreme excellence.
That is awesome! The characters reactions are spot on! Trouble is, its twisted and funny and exactly the sort of thing that pops into my head at inappropriate times, such as at job interviews.
Worth it though.
I’m in love with your baffled expression in this video. It’s just about the funniest thing I’ve seen in a loooooong time (outside of a random video of friends in high school singing buttrock for a lip synch contest…)
Good Lord, that was hilarious. Those videos, at least to me, are very reminiscent to the re-done Fenslerfilm G.I. Joe PSAs.
Sooooooooooooooooooo … uh … how’s your day going?
Try watching it without sound.
More proof that folks have waaaaaay too much time on their hands at the disposal of the internets.
I’m sure you don’t mean that as a put down, but it’s always bothered me when someone makes something really creative, weird, cool, or whatever, and someone says that “they have too much free time.”
I’d rather say someone has “an excess of awesome creative energy” and check out how awesome it is that they harnessed it.
There aren’t enough awkward turtles in the world to describe how awkward that was. x)
You just made my night.
Wow….just, wow.
In semi-related things I’ve been thinking this needs to be shared with Wil and his followers for a while, so I finally got off my duff and am sharing it.
(in case the embed doesn’t work)
I would have just emailed it to Wil, but I have rolled a 1 on my “find his email address on this site” check.
I watched all of the shorts made by the same YouTube user. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while, though “Beard on Beard” is beyond disturbing.
What I love is how in a few of those shorts Wesley is the only sane or mature one on the Bridge.
just watched them all. http://www.jandrewedits.com/
I’m burying this in the comments for an old post because I can’t find an email address for you.
David Lawrence says ‘hi’. I know David through his wife, Lili, who’s a burlesque dancer. I run a burlesque troupe in Boston (The Boston Babydolls — http://www.bostonbabydolls.net) and we just finished self-producing a pilot for a reality show based on us. It’s sort of “My Life on the D-List” meet Gypsy… or Moulin Rouge. Anyway, we’ve got a full ~50 minute pilot and it’s damn good. Now we just need to get it into the hands of someone who can greenlight it (Look at me talking the T.V. talk). I know that person isn’t you, but I thought you might help us get past the gatekeeper.
Please drop me a line at scratch at boston babydolls dot net and I’ll send you a copy of the show.