Operation Crazy Awesome Idea is nearing the “Time to find out if this is crazy awesome or just crazy,” moment of truth, so that’s where I’m sort of living at the moment. I also have a writing deadline in two hours, so I’m trying not to run around my office waving my hands over my head and screaming like I’m on fire.
Um. Not that I have any personal experience in running around offices while set on fire and — I’ve said too much.
So, while I work on these projects, please enjoy…
This is one of those things that I should have thought of on my own, but was actually suggested by a whole bunch of different people on Twitter and here in comments. As always, you can click to embiggen at Flickr.
Stats say there are like … an insane number of first-time visitors lately. If you’re one of them (thanks for coming by!) and you want to know what this is all about, you can check out evil and awesome (but mostly awesome) which tells the story of the Infamous Velvet Wesley Crusher, and in which my already nerdy office gets a little bit nerdier, which tells the story of the paint by numbers version of the photo of me holding the Infamous Velvet Wesley Crusher.
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The amount of how much I wish I came up with that is immeasurable. Credit goes to the immensely talented and hysterical Cleolinda Jones of Movies In Fifteen Minutes.
In the dictionary under recursive, it says “In the dictionary under recursive, it says ‘In the dictionary under recursive, it says………………
…or A SWEATER! Knitters of the web unite!
I cannot wait to see how far AND how long this one will go…
As awesome as this is, wouldn’t be just a little bit more awesome if it was a picture of Wesley holding a picture of Wil holding a picture of Wesley? I’m just sayin’.
Wow! I totally thought you should post a full photo version of this… I can’t wait to see what someone does with it next. Awesome.
Velvet paintings? Paint-by-numbers masterpieces? Visiting this blog is practically like going to The Louvre.
As I commented on flickr, I’m afraid that crossing the streams would be bad, very bad.
So shines a bright star in a weary world…this bit of goodness made me smile…inside and out!
Hey! so. insane number of first time visitors…. holy crap that is pretty insane seeing as i guess i happen to be one of them. and likely have steered a few others this way with my sharing of your uber epic eye of the tiger rock band performance (which they loved btw)
anyways, the jig is up so i had better leave an entertaining comment. It really is absolutely lovely to see how great things are going for you and what a super cool geek you’ve become since the long lost days of star trek (dear lord that was my childhood!!! along with seaquest and sliders and the x files and… actually, ive been feeling so old lately its nice to feel like a massive youngun again.) anyways. again… good luck with the super secret projects. and thanks for the brilliantly masterminded portrait photo and all the other wonderful sharing. call me a sap but that angels entry about your morning and calling your dad brought tears to my eyes. so thanks again!!
This is my first time commenting, though I’ve been cloaked for a while. I’m going to learn to paint on velvet just to produce THIS
I tried to make it infinitely recursive, but it seems that my Photoshop installation has been possessed…
soooo good!
Put that picture on the cover of your book
The awesomeness level of this is hard to measure (as are the further contributions of the community). I know you are an actor and you are imitating your own expression, but your accuracy in replicating that expression just seals the meta-deal. Also wanted to point out the flailing of the Miis at the last section of the shooting game in Wii Play. They are really freakin’ about being taken away by flying saucers!
Cool. Now you’re your own tennis match.
You can cross that one off your Life List 😀
…this is hillarious.
Fark doesn’t deserve this kind of free publicity! But I love the paintings and this photo anyway.
Now you need to get someone to take a picture of you posing next to your monitor while it displays that picture.
I’m sure its been said before, but the first time I saw that pic, I thought: Is that Tiger Woods dressed up like Wesley? It was a mind boggle.
Heh, and Wil you know this will turn into a photoshop contest over on Fark. I imagine this picture being held by a picture of you in the clown sweater being held by another picture of you as Wesley. To the point that it draws your brain in and melts it with awesome.
Steven Colbert has something else in common with you.
He provides the voice of The President in the upcoming “Monsters vs. Aliens” movie. Schwa!
i dug around in my files and found this older wil-holding-photo-of-wil, http://www.flickr.com/photos/9562869@N07/3254538097/
– arbitrary aardvark