The schedule for PAX 09 has been posted, and I am on it.
Wil Wheaton first came to PAX in 2007, when he gave the keynote address that your parents won't stop making you listen to in the car. In 2008, he returned for a panel that asked and answered the burning question, "Can Wil Wheaton really be a panel all by himself?" This year, Commodore Wil Wheaton welcomes you aboard the USS AWESOME for 60 minutes of story-telling, lingerie-dodging, mirth-making, myth-making, iconoclasting, and the obligatory burning-questioning … ing.
I'll be in The Serpent Theatre from 2:30-3:30 on Sunday at PAX. I think it would be kind of awesome if we did a massive How We Roll photo as soon as the panel ended, too, but we'll talk about that as we get closer to PAX.
Got PAX questions? Post them in comments and I'll do my best to answer them.
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SO there. 😀
I can’t wait to see this!
I am working on my own schedule at the moment that is due to change many many times as I get my interview schedule and more invites in the mail to special events. But I don’t care what I get invited to, THIS is in my schedule no matter what!
I’ll be there, Wil! Haven’t missed you yet at PAX, and I don’t expect to this time either!
Since I haven’t heard anything about it yet, I know the answer is probably no, but will you have a chapbook or something else we can get in exchange for tiny bits of metal?
So, will you be singing Paul & Storm’s “Opening Band” then? What with the dodging and all…
This year at PAX is going to be legen- wait for it…-dary.
How many WWdN monkeys will be there? We should have our own buttons or something. Gang sign. Slogan we shout every few seconds. Something.
I’m trying to get some copies of Sunken Treasure shipped to me in time to bring them, and there is a >very< small chance that I may have an awesome chapbook.
Aw, this is why I wish I lived closer to the west coast. SC is a no man’s land for conventions…
I have buttons to give out BUT you have to do silly things for them.
You’ll come visit us at the SW:TOR booth, right? RIGHT?
My acronym-fu is weak. SW:TOR?
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Due to moral and financial destitution I shall not be there. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be here in my dark corner… crying.
Thanks for that; yer quick. /salute
Think you can get Acquisitions Incorporated together for a live game in front of an audience at some point?
Sorry if I stepped on your toes. I am just stupid with excitement at the moment.
No worries! I think we’re all a bit excited. I, for one, am so excited I can barely think straight. 🙂
Seriously…the east coast gets no love. Meh.
I am so there. If I had my nerd uniform I would wear it. Wait a minute I do…every day clothes.
At an appointed time or cue from Wil, all WWdNers should yell: “Don’t be a dick!”
How cruel! My flight to leave is at 2:30! What are the chances of this time being changed? I noticed on the schedule that they’re subject to change 😉
We’ll be there with two small children in tow this year. Yikes! Hopefully we can make it to your panel…if I may be so bold…if you plan on doing a reading could you do something other than “Blue Light Special”? We love it, but I’ve heard it several times now and would love some variety 🙂
Also, I’m assuming this means you’ll have a meet and greet type set up somewhere again? If so, be ready to sign my son’s baby book. I’m running out of reasons to stop by your booths at various events so this year….my 6 month old gets to be my excuse! (Will he hate me for this when he’s a teenager?)
Wil, I was just wondering if you would be trying to get to PAX east in Boston in March. We are still pondering going to Seattle but it is still a big question mark. I was reading the schedule and some of the panels look really good. I was trying to figure out how to be everywhere at one time. Don’t laugh but I want to see Freezepop too. So much to do, so worth it to go.
FWIW, I say make the trip. There are people coming from OZ and the UK, that has to say how much it is worth the journey.
Plus if you cannot afford flight, there is the Cross Country Super trip. Don’t know if people are driving in that from your area, but check out the PAX forums. Details are there.
SW:TOR… want… beta 😉
BTW, I’ll be doing a (most likely) solo How We Roll photo at Movie-Con II this weekend in London 🙂
Also, will you have a booth or somewhere easily found?
Yeah, I’ll have a booth in Bandland. I’ll write a schedule on the table or the banner or something.
What’s this about dodgy lingerie?
Hmm.. they neglected to put “boob-signing” in the press release. That’s criminal
Thanks! That will make missing your panel bearable. There’s far too much to see at PAX this year!
Like, all the pretty ladies will be throwing their lingerie at me while I’m on stage, and I’l be all, “Oh my! Please stop! I can’t possibly continue dodging all of this lingerie!”
You know, like I’m Tom Jones or something. (Which I kind of am.)
Cause you eat panties for breakfast (at least that is how my youngest interpreted your Tom Jones tweet)
Hey, Wil. A little off topic here:
You might want to catch the Adam Carolla Podcast of August 11th. It features Jerry O’Connell, and you’re mentioned a few times.
…not exactly flatteringly, but all in fun.
(iTunes or adamcarolla dot com)
I would so consider coming to Pax for this. Too bad I am on munchkin duty while the Uber-Geek husband and his friends go.
Noooooo not SUNDAY! I’m only going to be there Friday and Saturday. Disappointment onset in 3…2….
I am in the same boat, it’s unfortunate!
I have to bring lingerie? That’s going to be really awkward to explain to my wife.
Just to change the subject: Wil (and many Wil fans) I know you’re intereseted in copyright issues and censorship. I thought you might be intersted in this:
Well, as long as you don’t have to dodge boxers and/or tighty-whiteys I guess you should have little to complain about.
Wil, I think I recall you personally using a Blackberry but I thought you would like to know there is a Pax app in the app store for Iphone users. Its just basic right now but they said they were going to update it with the schedule soon.
You are one of the only members of the TNG cast I haven’t met, and yet you’re the one I want to meet the MOST. Is there ANY chance you’ll be attending PAX 2010 in Boston? Us East Coasters would love a chance to see you and attend one of your panels.
I don’t travel to the east coast very often, but there’s a better than average chance I’ll come out for PAX 2010.
My husband wore his How We Roll T-shirt to Home Depot a couple months ago. While he was looking for shower parts, a guy said to him, “Excuse me, but are those polyhedral dice on your shirt?” My husband answered affirmitavely, and then they smiled and continued shopping. He was pretty excited to tell me about it when he got home.
Just wanted to share…
That would be epically AWESOME. 🙂
I have the ‘how we roll’. Alas, I wont be at PAX. Howsabout I just send you a pic and you can make a collage? 😛
Fuck! Fuck! A thousand times fuck!
I’m flying out on Sunday. Bugger.
Oh, this is one of the many times in my life I am so happy to live in Seattle. 😀
Have you ever been to Texas?
Have you ever been in the Oil Dale part of California.
I’m counting on another Acquisitions Inc. session for my commute. So looking forward to it.
You should roll this…
Oh boo, just went to go check out the How We Roll shirts only to discover THEY ARE SOLD OUT! D’oh! Is there a way to get them anywhere now, or are they gone forever?