Holy. Carp. Wil's Mind = BLOWN.
This is the coolest thing I've seen all day. I can't believe that CBS chose to make the promo for next week's episode all about me! It's a huge honor, because it means someone at CBS thinks I'm worth audience.
I've also heard from two friends who have seen screeners of the show, and – even though I like to always keep expectations nice and low – they both said that the whole episode is hilarious.
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Not to mention CSI, which got the ball rolling.
You? I don’t believe it.
Congrats, Wil. Looks Great.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Jim Parsons and Sheldon Cooper? Yes? Well I’m mentioning it again! GOD I am so jealous of you, Wheaton!
Hurray! Thank you 🙂
So… you are playing yourself?
I don’t know…
Based on the few seconds I saw in the promo I’m not sure I buy you as you. Did you consider maybe studying the character a little more closely? You know, really get inside his head?
What? You said that is a heightened reality version of yourself, but not actually you?
Just ignore what I said before. I was trying to be funny and not insulting.
Gah! There’s something about the words “This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions” that really grinds my gears!!!!
Sadness that i can’t see it in Canada, but i’m hyped you’ll be on the show!
i’m also really sorry to report about how crappily the Leafs are doing this season. Us Torontonians are totally ashamed LOL
My god it had to be just great!! They seem like they all just click with each other so good. Well I hope you get to work with them again too, because you just fit right in with them all. Now Sheldon has Nemoy’s napkin(awesome episode) + a visit fron TNG’s very own WIL WHEATON!! Doesn’t get much better than that. Thanks for the response man! The best to you:)
P.S. Just bought your book and CAN”T wait to read it!!!!!!!
I’ve been reading “Just A Geek” the past few days (I know, I’m probably the last person to get to it) and I honestly have to say that you TOTALLY deserve this! It looks like it’s going to be a great episode.
Wil, having not checked in for awhile (read: I’ve been AWOL for the past four years because fell in love and got married to the most amazing man), I must say I am completely delighted that you continue to do well – you are so deserving! (too gushy? sorry). Thrilled to hear about BBT. Love that show. (still gushing?! dang!)
I LOVE BBT and have been looking forward to your episode since you first mentioned it!! Whoever it is at CBS that is acknowledging your Copious Amount of Awesomeness surely deserves a raise!
Wait. So you weren’t in Wrath of Khan?
I was the inspiration for the Reliant.
True story.
I was lucky enough to get audience tickets for this episode – it was a riot – especially when… Ha! Don’t need to wait for Monday to know you did a great job, Wil. And thanks for the autograph!!!!
Hey you guys with country restrictions… i used an “Anonymous Server” and it work just fine. 😀 … i will be a great episode!… lot of love from Venezuela Will 😀
KickASS. I can’t wait!
I can’t believe they let you wear that shirt! HAHAHAHAHA! *ahem* Looking forward to the episode.
Also here:
For those of you in areas outside of the United States: Please enjoy
This is awesome. Plus, you got a Fruit Fucker T-shirt on national TV. My wife is such a huge fan she’s having me make her a shirt (or two) for the event:
Love the show… love how you are a part of it.
For those of you who are out side the USA and want to see the promo, I have uploaded a copy of it here.
Use VLC Player to play flv files.
I am looking forward to this episode, it looks absolutely hilarious.
*SQUEE* Sheldon and Wil together !!! I’m sooooo excited 🙂
I’m going to DVR the Ep. so I can save it forever and watch it over and over and over >>>
Exec1: “What can we use to sell next week’s ‘Bang Big Theory’?”
Exect2: “You mean ‘Big Bang Theory’?”
Exec1: “Whatever.”
Exec2: “Well, apparently the episode is about some sort of game, and there’s a guest star from Star Trek.”
Exec1: “Who is it? Captain Pickard? Lieutenant Spot?”
Exec2: “……. Uh. No. The guy who played Wesley on Next Generation.”
Exec1: “Am I supposed to know who that is? Can we market him?”
Exec2: “We’ve been monitoring our Nielsen families carefully and during the 7 years Wheaton was on screen, viewer eyeball focus was up 90%.”
Exec1: “Wait a second, was he that annoying kid? That everyone hated?”
Exec2: “I’m not going to lie to you, Marge: Mmmayyb… Yes.”
Exec1: “….Well, at least he’s not that Nathan guy Fox keeps hiring. Make the ad and play it.”
Buen video..!! Buena serie!!!
NO entiendo twiter.. jajaja.. ayuda!!!
http://www.gardolandia.blogspot.com (perdon)
Ugh, I hate videos with copyright restrictions. CANADIAN RAGE!! >:E
Thank you!
“This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.”
The stupidest part was that it took me 10 seconds to search youtube for a repost of the trailer.
I’m looking forward to this episode.
Ooooo a PA shirt on the geekiest show on TV. Haha, congrats on becoming more exposed!! Hope this translates to more book sales among others.
Seeing an older, bearded Wesley Crusher ask Sheldon Cooper what is wrong with *him* just made my head explode. That is perhaps the most amazing thing that’s happened on episodic TV ever.
Very cool. Btw speaking of Big Bangs..have you seen this Carl Sagan Cosmos remix:
Very cool as well 😉
One of Geekdom’s finest heroes in a remix of glory!
Looks like Gabe is also stoked!
for all the “Non US ppl”
you can watcht the Promo if you go to google.video.com and search for it. No restrictions…
IP blocking is internet cancer…
Very awesome promo.. can’t wait to watch the episode 🙂
sry for wrong link
Nope.. I can’t watch it either. Not being part of World America. Grrrrrr.
Can’t see it, wrong nation. Which is a shame, but not as big of a shame as what happened to Aeofel. Check out Wil’s D&D podcast for the full horror of what happens when you forget to munchkin.
Um. I want to go to there.
I would so buy a ‘Team Wheaton’ shirt!!!
TBBT is the home of cool t-shirts.
To Wil: Looking forward to seeing you on my favorite show. As part of Bill Prady’s Twitter Army, I have done my part to make Monday’s ep the most watched ever.
“It’s a huge honor, because it means someone at CBS thinks I’m worth audience.”
You know, I never watched Criminal Minds until you were on it. Now I love the show, but would have never even tuned in if not for you.
When you showed up on Leverage, I squealed.
I can’t wait for Monday night
Have you ever had the experience during your life where you know amazing things are about to happen?
Get ready Wil.
Great work!
Very off topic for this post (even though I am *really* looking forward to your Big Bang Theory episode!!)
Wil, I would totally put a purple ribbon magnet on my car. Totally.
I won’t say anything else for fear of spoilers.
Very Cool Wil!!!!!
Keep it up and keep on Rockin’!!!!!
I wish I could see it Wil, but *sigh*, I live in Canada and the preview won’t play here due to copyright restrictions 🙁
Hey Wil,
Why do americans hate Canada so much? We love The Big Bang Theory here and yet, somebody somewhere up the line (I’m not blaming you) said “Thou shalt not see the promo from outside our borders”. I found it elsewhere, but it’s really, REALLY f&%king annoying to have to go looking elsewhere every time a suit thinks he/she is being clever by ‘sticking it’ to us. Now that you’re ever closer to overtaking Stern as the king of all media, perhaps you could remember us northern neighbours (yup, that’s how we spell it) when you reign supreme.
Awesome! I can hardly wait for Monday.
I personally can not wait to see this episode. I love the show to begin with but adding you to the mix is going to be AWESOME!
Dear CBS – us Canadians all have CBS as part of our cable packages… Why are you excluding us from watching your promos on Youtube? That is just silly. Oh well, I know I’ll be watching the episode on Monday any way, Wil.