I made a stupid cellphone video that was actually a live stream tour on my Ustream channel of my messy office. Then I read a short story. Yaaaaay!
The stream was broken once when Paul called me (way to steal focus, Paul!), so there are two videos:
If you watched it (live or recorded, please tell me), I'm very interested in your feedback. I'm considering doing more of these in the future, from various locations and events, and it's useful and awesome to know what viewers like, don't like, and want to see more of.
Thanks for watching and thanks for your feedback!
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It’s always fun to see someone with a messy office. I don’t stand alone heh.
I enjoyed the story. Even the subtle hint that some of what the guy thought was his own interpretation not reality. (or I should’ve waited until i got home to see the saved videos since I was so tired at work)
This was fun! I love that you love Oban whisky, so my favourite. A bit random, here’s a pic of the distillery… well, some of it, anyways.
I heard the sound of running water throughout both videos, and now I have to pee.
It’s like a live Radio Free Burrito! Otherwise, very entertaining. I would love to see more!
enjoyed the video, and the opportunity to glipse inside your mancave. i’ll toast your continued success tonight when at 1UP in Denver. Cheers and Qaplah’!
That was fun. I can definitely see the potential for a Reality Series here.
My co-worker – who is a avid follower of the blog too – wanted me to make sure I told you I have a “Bag of Holding” from ThinkGeek too. Useful and roomy! I liked it so much I bought some additional ones for friends and family. I recently got myself the backpack version – which actually seems a bit more rugged in construction. I’ve found the soft strap of the regular version seems to slip a little too easily – the backpack strap has a coarser fabric which hasn’t failed yet. Just had to share.
Thought it was cool. Loved seeing common items like bag o’ dice and stack of comics sharing space with unique stuff like Big Bang scripts. A back stage or convention feed would be great.
Hi Wil,
Watched the whole video (recorded, since it was happening during my commute home yesterday).
Content: Made me feel like a creeper, but Ok, your stuff is VERY cool. One thing that I wondered is whether you like speyside single malts? I like my scotch a little on the peaty side. I like a nice Glenfarclas, which is sometimes hard to find in the states (not impossible though). I’ll be in London about two weeks before JCCC, and may bring you, Storm, JoCo, et. al. a couple of small bottles of whisky. But only if that wouldn’t be too creepy.
There’s a really great whisky shop in the area where I always stay (Whisky Exchange, Bloomsbury St., near the British Musuem, if you ever want to visit it). They will order things down from Scotland and hold them for you before you even get to the country. They are wonderful.
Story: That story is awesomely creepy, and you know we all love to hear you read your stuff live.
Video concept: Not only yes, please, but HELL to the YES PLEASE. I would always want to donate. I like to suport things I like by people I find entertaining, especially since you’d be doing a HUGE favor to those of us who aren’t always able to go to LA. If you do a Largo stream on Sunday, I won’t be able to watch live, but would donate to watch later.
Oh man. I love it when you play jerks on TV, but I love the Burrito best.
Great story, Wil. Gave me goosebumps. Thanks for the inside baseball look. The only thing that surprised me was that there wasn’t any Dodger or Kings stuff around, seeing that you are a big fan.
Two suggestions re: cat shit near beer (sorry, I can’t help you with Paul interruptions):
1. put cat food and water in the kitchen or dining area
2. put litter box in spare bathroom
2a> toilet-train the cats (it’s not that hard, with the right kit and household patience).
I realize that’s actually 2 1/2 suggestions, but having toilet-trained my cats, I know that you can’t do it until they’re used to “going” in the bathroom anyway.
Now, regarding the rest of the video(s) – watched them later, here, on your blog, and I can’t understand why my husband, who is just as much a geek as you are, isn’t a FOLLOWER of you! We could totally be friends with you in the real world; we live in LA, he reads the comix and plays the games and watches the shows, and I could really use some instruction in my drumming technique, ‘cuz that shit’s getting HARD, and of course, I digress. How do I persuade my husband that you are one of the coolest geeks on the planet and I don’t just have a CRUSH on you?
Very much enjoyed both videos, Wil. I’m a big fan of all of your work. *blush*
2 1/2 suggestions re: cat shit near beer:
1. put cat food and water in kitchen or dining area
2. put litter box in spare bathroom
2 1/2. toilet-train the cats
–it’s easy, with the right kit and plenty of household patience, but they have to be used to “going” in the bathroom first
now, re: the videos themselves: great! watched them here, on your blog, and the most pressing issue that was brought to my mind was: why are my husband and I not friends with you and Anne? we’re local, he’s just as much a geek as you, what with the comix and the games and the shows, and I could totally use some help with my RB drum training… but I digress. Do you have any advice for me to get him to follow you like I do? ‘cuz I think he thinks I just have a CRUSH on you…
Ennyhoo, I enjoy everything you do, Wil, including these videos. Thanks for allowing me into your office. blush
I didn’t get to see it live, but liked it nonetheless.
Pluses: the sound quality was quite good, the jokes were a hit (“Schrodinger’s closet, f’rinstance), and I really like “239 Sycamore Street”.
Minus: The focus…but then it may just be my eyes, or even just my glasses (I really have to get a new pair).
But damn, I liked it. Keep it going!
Hi Wil, I didn’t watch it live cause that site isn’t on my to do list, especially since my cousin introduced me to the game that is sucking my life away in such a happy manner (Star Trek Online-ftw!)
That said, I did come to your blog cause its on my every other day- to do list. I have two things to say, 1) I had never seen the Big Bang Theory, never really heard of it until you mentioned it a while back. When I was bored one day a rerun was on and I watched it. I laughed myself silly and asked myself why was I not dedicated and watching this show? So now am watching every episode in order and am eagerly awaiting the episode when your character first appears, no spoilers about when that was. 😛
2) About your ‘stupid’ videos, I love them. I’m very easy to amuse and so generally I’m happy even if it is just a tour of a messy closet. Did have one comment, about the food for poor kitty being so close to the box…would you want to eat in the bathroom? bleck. Not gonna get all naggy or over dramatic…but just bleck.
Back to the rest of the video…I enjoyed it. Would I love to see videos of backstage stuff? Ummm yeah, who wouldn’t! I am most of the time unable to travel and so live a fuller experience by watching videos of those whom do travel. Never have been to one of your live performances but have seen much via youtube and your blog. 🙂
How much financial support overtime you can expect from your viewers and/or fans is another topic. Some will be willing to donate each time, some will one time then forget, and others would love to be able to support but are currently unable to.
I would enjoy seeing more videos from you in this format or via Youtube, really whatever you want to post is good…even the silly/stupid stuff. Wish you the best in your future endeavors and once again I go back to lurker land, my fav place to be 🙂
I love speyside single malts. My actual liquor cabinet is full of them.
I think it would be awesome to bring some to JCCC2, but I don't know if/when we'll be able to sip them. Best ask Scarface, first.
Quarters! I gave you a well-worn 1968 quarter at Emerald City 2011 (pic: http://yfrog.com/h2nwgdij (I’m holding a boxed HDOOL (moments earlier you’d been flanked by Felicia Day, Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes. The old guys (looking good (especially Brent (damn))) were impressed with, ahem, the size of your line. Frakes cracked that joke and split to his table and I stepped up and was overcome with the fan-boy-giddies and reached out to shake your hand. You smiled and I thought “WTF is my hand doing out there?” It was nerves. I imagined you wouldn’t want to shake hands. I knew this going in. I didn’t want to shake hands. But I got nervous. It’s habit, I guess, to just throw it out there (Howyadoing (shake-shake.)) I pulled my hand back but just then you reached and shook it. Considering basic health-to-contact vectors that was just damned nice(!) of you.)))
Wow, the memories a picture can evoke.
Regarding the monies, I agree w/ the pay-what-you-like + guidance model. It’s not “pay me ’cause I’m doing this,” it’s “pitch-in so I can do this well,” right? And maybe a little bump ain’t so bad, a tip for services rendered. Or whatever.
I might throw in a buck or two, once or twice. But honestly, even though I enjoy your words, thoughts, and performances (w00tstock!), if it’s pay-to-play, then I’d probably pass. No hard feelings. Still a fan.
(These comments sponsored by the parenthetical.)
Oh, and I did catch it live. It was fun. Would definitely like more. I also liked the suddenness of a 5 min tweet warning. Right place right time, with archives.
sorry this is essentially here twice, ALL readers. I tried to edit once and didn’t see it saved so essentially put my thoughts out here again… and can’t delete either of the original posts.
That was fun, wish I could have caught it live. I look forward to more of these. BTW – Your office is way cleaner and neater than mine.
Thanks for helping Austin Homebrew Supply with their wildfire relief efforts.
Hi wil,
I would not presume to want to sip them with you guys. If I find something interesting you might like, I’ll pass it to Liz and she can pass it along. I’m not a creeper! I just like to give things to people if I think they will enjoy them. You, joco, storm bring a lot of laughter to my life, and whisky is easy. I have no idea what to give paul, but if I bring whisky I’d prefer you enjoy it with your friends.
you’re f-ing hilarious, loved it and you must do more.
I’m way late to the party (live in the UK and get updates from you through tumblr) but I really really enjoyed this! I’d definitely donate what I could especially if it meant no ads? Also one other suggestion, perhaps set up something like donating a certain amount would get an on air thank you (only five or so available per stream.. etc.) something of that sort? Possibly, I dunno. Still, really fun, I love to see peoples creative spaces. Loved the Schrodinger’s closet XD I’ll have to remember that one next time my husband complains about my storage/organizational abilities.
I didn’t get to see it live because I was at work :c but I have done other Ustream chats before and they’ve always been pretty fun. If you ever do another one and I’m actually home I will definitely watch it. If you can ever do one through like a webcam and then use the chat system, you can see what people are saying (though it moves pretty fast) and maybe even try to do some sort of impromptu Q&A that way. Though that might break the internet with you doing it. Or at least the Ustream link/website. Good luck. 😀
It looked great, and I agree with the multitudes about the gorilla pod, it’s definitely worth a try.
I’d definitely be interested in viewing live events from you, since I’m up in the Bay Area and rarely in LA – it isn’t likely I’d be able to make it to anything like Paul&Storm…
Hope your current brew is non-kitty-littered. My friends love their kegerators and manage to keep them in the livingroom due to patient and forgiving wives.
Love your dice horde, and the nostalgic quarters. I just picked up some precision dice, nice and sharp around the edges. Looking forward to rolling with them in January.
Keep up the awesome, and don’t be a dick!
Uh, yeah! I’d absolutely toss a few bucks your way to see more.
And I’m INSANELY jealous about that invite to the Big Bang Theory’s 100th show/party!
Thanks for putting this up. It was entertaining and it gave me a glimpse into you. That is what makes you even more of a hero of mine than you were in the TNG days when I idolized you. You share who you are, that is genuine and though we may not agree on politics a hundred percent I can still respect you as you are someone who could and can and does have a genuine conversation and respect for those who are your fans. Loved the video, lets me know that you are not unlike the rest of us geeks.
Look forward to seeing more.
Respectfully from a Wheatonite,
Really cool look inside your office. Agree with other posters about use of a G-pod or other stabilizer- will help a lot and you can put it down so that you can read or look directly at the camera.
Also, thanks for supporting the Bastrop Fire relief. I live in Central Texas and it was not a good summer. We got not only the effects from the fires in West and Bastrop but also from fires on Ft Hood. It was just a bad summer and I am so glad that we are now getting rain.
It was a perfectly good live stream. I don’t know why you don’t have your own youtube channel. Weekly videos and livestream on a regular basis, would be lots of fun. I like the live no editing way you did this, and would check for a video to go up if I didn’t see the live show. You could appear on Hank Green’s science channel to collaborate and it would be cool.
Hi Wil,
I know I’m a little late to the game, but I watched the videos after the fact — thanks for making them available to those of us who missed the live stream — and I’d like to echo all of the positive comments.
I also wanted to let you know that I would definitely be willing to contribute dollar wise as long as you promise to keep reading your work aloud. Additionally, cameos by Seamus are always welcome.
Thanks for keeping things interesting,
p.s. I hope the show at Largo went well!
Finally managed to watch this (stupidly changed a browser setting which then prevented me from watching flash content and only figured out today which box I needed to tick to be able to watch ustream again!). I was amazed at the audio quality, I could hear your aquarium in the background! It would be interesting to hear how the microphone copes in a noisier environment. As others have pointed out the shakiness might be a problem if the webcast was longer but for this length I thought the video quality was okay.
Thank you for inviting to your office! Funny litterbox/cat food station near beer station! LOL. Yes, please, backstage with Wil,at least near parking lot, and more of Wesley too!LOVE STAR TREK TNG!With all due respect to your cats, but don’t they smell there??? And beer, would it not absorb some of that smell? Loved the tour, Thanks!
That was fun to watch..I love seeing the inside of other peoples’ houses…:) You need to put some color on the walls of that office, ya know 🙂
Really enjoyed watching this video. As a side bonus, my son is a gamer and enjoys D&D. Looking around your office and seeing you talk about items that gamers like helped give me some ideas about what I could get him for x-mas.
Maybe you could do another post about new things out this year that guys would like to get as gifts. That could be a help to mothers, wives and girlfriends who have male geeky, nerd loves in their lives.
Look forward to seeing more of this.
Hey Wil. I thought it was really interesting to see your creative environment. It gives a little more context and backstory to your stories and blog posts. As for the reading, I love hearing stories read by their authors. It’s great to hear a story with the emphasis and intonation that they envisioned when they wrote it. Anyway, thanks! I hope to see another tour someday.
Watched the recording, and I loved seeing all your geeky knickknacks and art. (Maybe I loved it a little too much.) But it felt a little like I got to visit you and get a tour! It’s like we’re buddies!
I think you have the presence and delivery to keep doing vlog style work. Personally I was kind of entranced by the tour. I immediately went to see how many quarters I had from before 1987. Oban is a superb single malt, crafted in the ancient kingdom of Dal Raida where Somerled MacGillibride only agreed to become King of Scots after a salmon leapt to swallow his hook and….what? Anybody? fuck…
I’m a Laphroig man myself
As far as would I be willing to pay I do come from a bit of the “information wants to be free” heady days when the internet had no pictures and you couldn’t buy anything (not that it lasted long) but in the end that is your decision and I’ll respect it. I just think there’s plenty of cache and economic benefit from you producing it without regard to direct compensation. I mean, I’m already thinking about giving you some quarters. Please don’t misunderstand me as saying that this is somehow an ethical issue, or that I don’t recognize that your time is valuable, but you already are a significant cultural figure and I firmly believe that that significance will grow. As your significance grows so will the potential remuneration. Nor do I doubt for a moment that there are enough people willing to pay a few dollars to adequately defray the costs of such an endeavor, I may well be one of them. However, there is a risk/reward analysis to the idea that what you are essentially risking is a slice of your free time and aspects of your privacy (the financial costs of recording things off of a cell phone or Flip cam are pretty low, I do it myself), the rewards are the affection of your existing fan base as well as the potential to grow that fan base and have a sizable percentage of that group willing to make purchases of your cultural products: books, concert tickets, cds, hey maybe even beer, a dvd about making beer. By charging a fee to access these vlogs, streams, what have you, you set a bar to entry for new fans and possibly generate the tiniest resentment in your existing fan base. It may not be much, but spread out over large numbers of people could amortize into something more significant. Remember, your potential audience online is 1 billion people and growing.
But I don’t want anything negative to be the take away message if you even read this. The really important part of what I have to say is that you are engaging and likable. I would watch you read from the Monster Manual. Everything else is just details.
Hi, Mr. Wheaton!
I just watched your video, and now I know what I want MY office to look like when I grow up. It was really cool seeing all of your knickknacks. Individually some of the items in your office are a bit strange, but when put together, they scream “Wil Wheaton.” Ticket to Ride is one of my favorite board games, and if you like it as much as I do, I’d recommend getting their iPad app. Not only does the app make it really easy to play (no cards!), but you can practice playing solo. Your video was great, and I hope you make more!
Wil, it’s awesome your homebrewing! Been a fan of yours since I watched you on TNG as a kid growing up. I’ve been brewing my own mead and beer for the last few years and have tons of experience brewing crazy concoctions like Pumpkin mead, Ambrosia (Battlestar Galactica drink), Winter Ale, Golden wheat beer, and more!