A few days ago, I saw this awesome thing that happened:
Japanese astronaut Satoshi Furukawa flew 220 miles into space to play with toys. His recent stay on the International Space Station included several hours of building a Lego version of his orbiting abode.
When it was done, it looked something like this:
Because I am easily amused, and very bad at Photoshop, I was inspired to improve the image thusly:
The moral of this story, kids, is that the more easily amused you are, the more amusing things are to you.
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I heard you like space stations…
Yo Dawg…I heard you like international space stations. So I put an international space station inside your international space station so you can scientifically research while you scientifically research.
I love that this meme doesn’t need words anymore. Just that face.
Building LEGO in space might be both easy and tricky. Easy for handling kits like the above with long bits that could break off when you’re twisting and turning the thing and tricky because your bricks might float away so you can’t lay them out in a nice exploded view.
I laughed so hard. Also, expect ALL the doors in the space station to have TVs installed into them.
The most awesome thing for me is the fact that Port and Starboard are identified on the ISS
Lego Geeks In SPACE! Coming to a theater near you.
Well, port (“home”, Earth!) and starboard (off to the stars) actually makes a hell of a lot more sense on the ISS than it does on water faring craft, in my opinion!!
But Mister Xzibit, where are the subwoofers in the trunk of the space station, the spinning rims, AND the lime green sparkly paint job? Yo dawgg, I am disappoint.
The best part of building Lego space stations on a space platform in space is launching it into Earth orbit with your bare hands.
Now that’s meta.
Clearly, Impact font is unnecessary.
Question: Which ride is he pimping: the space station or the lego space station?
Who is that guy and why is it funny?
I’d google it but I don’t have enough data.
I’d go into space whether I got to play with toys or not (but that would be a bonus). I have to be satisfied with seeing the ISS soar by on clear nights.
Does it matter? I THINK NOT!
Based on some comments above I found this…. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/xzibit-yo-dawg
Thanks. I haven’t watch MTV since they stopped playing videos.
Well, except for the Beavis & Butthead stuff they just did.
Dude – if you’re easily amused, I highly recommend watching this. It’s 3 minutes and 44 seconds worth of giggles.
This is way to funny Great humor
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame!
There is something so very wrong with that image… yet, somehow, so very right. Hilarious!