A couple of weeks ago, I was cleaning out y garage to make space for my tabletop games and homebrewing supplies. I came across a bunch of cool things and posted pictures of them on Twitter.
Two of the things I found ended up as eBay auctions to raise money for the Pasadena Humane Society: a Stand By Me DVD, and a crappy dented ping pong ball that I made Internet famous for two days.
The DVD sold for $1000, and the ping pong ball sold for $1135 (I KNOW RIGHT). The buyer for the ping pong ball was awesome, paid immediately, and posted a fantastic unboxing video that you have to watch right now:
The other buyer was … not quite as awesome. I won’t go into it, but I had to cancel the sale after a number of attempts to resolve a number of increasingly unreasonable demands. The good news is that the DVD has been relisted! Yes, you can now bid on this DVD that was living in my garage!
Anne and I are very close to our fundraising goal for the Wiggle Waggle Walk, and it would be awesome if we made it. We need your help, and there are so many of you reading this, just ten bucks from you will quickly add up to get us there.
I mean, how can you say no to this face?
I mean, seriously:
Here’s that link to our team one more time.
And, of course, the DVD auction (which I should add will ship to the winner with a bonus copy of Different Seasons that I also found after the auction was created)
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Okay, Silas’ new owner is made of awesome. Nice to see he went to a good home, because he is…you know, famous and all.
ZOMG thank you for this post Wil. It’s honestly a kick in the bum to remember to be creative and find joy in the little things every day. Love love love the Silas vid.
OK. The cheque is in the mail… er… well, I’ve donated. Good luck in reaching your goal.
Dear Mister Wheaton,
You never forget to be awesome, so I pitched in. If you or any of your awesome readers can pitch in any more, my husband and I are about halfway to our (much smaller) goal for the Wiggle Butt Walk here in MN. Details (and photos) here: http://mars.dojiggy.com/ng/index.cfm/a91eb66/regPages/pledge/CJMANTEL/
I could not say no to that face. It’s unfair the level of cuteness power you’re wielding!
Every time I see a phrase like “increasingly unreasonable demands”, I want to know what those demands are. I fill in crazy things when I don’t know details. Like “demanded all pieces of paper are autographed to extended family, by name” or “demanded hair from an old comb included in package.” Maybe my made up stuff is more fun though. Probably.
Multiple signed copies of pictures of Wil collating paper in various sweater / fez combinations. Signed by the casts of Leverage, Numbers and Big Bang Theory.
I kicked in, all Marlowe’s fault. 😉 Also Wil, anyone who shops at Ralphs can contribute to Pasadena Humane Society in a very simple way via their rewards card. Go here for instructions: http://goo.gl/6HyLB Good luck hitting the goal!
When I saw a post title containing “a DVD auction is relisted for charity”, my first thought was that one of Wil’s awesome readers/followers had won the auction and requested it be re-listed in order to further contribute to an awesome cause. Imagine my disappointment to then read “a number of attempts to resolve a number of increasingly unreasonable demands.” Here’s to hoping the re-list of the DVD blows the first one out of the water, and to demolishing that fundraising goal!
Silas was adopted into the perfect ping-pong friendly home! DFTBA
if marlowe disappears, i totally did not dognap her at all.
/dies of cute
Aw, Wil, your puppybutts are adorable! Thank you for supporting the efforts to find happy homes for dogs in need!
WHEEEEAATON – OMG dude how could you send that nice lady a letter that was not a flotation device, she could like totally drown, you could have at least highlighted the warning man ….
I tweeted this at you but I don’t think you saw. When you posted that picture of your dogs, I flipped! Not only are they adorable but my friends have the same dogs. I was all, OMG dudes, Wil Wheaton stole your dogs. And then we all reminisced about Stand by Me. Good times. (The tweet w/ pic https://twitter.com/sonalphotos/status/250225541943267329)
I almost ashamed to admit that I just got the whole “vandal eyes” thing. 🙂
We have your missing letter “m”. If you want it returned alive you will place 20,000 Quatloos in an unmarked brown paper bag and leave it on the corner of West 1st Street and Main by Midnight. No cops.
P.S. Could you please autograph the bag?
I look forward to the further adventures of Silas!
In response the the unboxing video, I present the following PSA: