Have no fear. I have my best man guarding it.
UPDATED November 29:
The card has just cracked $1000 on eBay, so I added a little extra security.
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Have no fear. I have my best man guarding it.
UPDATED November 29:
The card has just cracked $1000 on eBay, so I added a little extra security.
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The question here should be where do you get a stained glass tardis?
I’ll never tell.
So instead of being incredibly disappointed with that answer I just told my bf “omg, wil wheaton responded to my question” i’m that kind of nerd. thank you sir!
It was a custom made gift from a friend. 😉
You could google “stained glass tardis” 🙂
Oh my God, Wil Wheaton, I love you. Please…talk nerdy to me…
The professor and the Doctor, who was called the Professor. But the best man is Jeff, not John. My head is spinning with the nerdiness.
Well, only by Ace. 🙂
OMG, you have a stained glass TARDIS! Is it a lamp? Where did you find it?
Must have that Tardis! Where’s it from?
“The Assembled Hordes of Genghis Khan Couldn’t Get Through Those Doors, and Believe Me, They’ve Tried”
Is that a stained glass TARDIS?!?
Yep.It’s actually a lamp, but with the light on I couldn’t get the levels to balance when I took the picture.
Love the glasses. 😉 And the stained-glass Tardis? I think I just had a nerdgasm.
very nice- and might i suggest building a tardis (cause you really can build it to make it so its bigger on the inside) or something simpson related on minecraft in creative mode as a homage? just an idea 🙂
ZOMG. Stained glass Tardis. I don’t have the words…
sweet Tardis =D could you post a picture of the whole ting? either here, G+ or twitter?
Going to add my love for the stained glass TARDIS. That is exceptionally well made!
I have been inspired to redecorate my desk. Is that a magazine yet? Better Desks and Office Space? It should be. Are you available for the first issue’s cover?
Cover model Wil: Nerdgasm 2.0.
Oh googlefu, I thank thee (not endorsing any, but now I know them to exist, I must have one): https://www.google.com/search?q=stained+glass+tardis&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=u&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=1rC2UIL6EIbl0QHvhIHICg&ved=0CDYQsxg&biw=320&bih=356
I love the ancient tech you’ve uncovered and shared. Remember that TNG episode when the crew got a retro-virus and de-evolved into primitive creatures? Worf became a Klingon Grizzly Bear and Troy was an amphibian. I thought it was a shame that Data couldn’t contract the virus because he could have wound up with a promotion: a Commodore outranks a Lt. Commander.
You, ma’am, win my Internet tonight. Well done, you!
I find it telling that like 2/3 of the comments are “ZOMG STAINED GLASS TARDIS WHERE DO I GET ONE?!”
Clearly, you are a man of distinction, whose tastes set the standard and inspire envy in all others!
I’m surprised you don’t have your top men guarding it. But then again, you’ve already made that reference this week, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.
High five to those commenters who typed TARDIS, rather than tardis or Tardis. 🙂
Surely that should be T.A.R.D.I.S. no?
You’re probably technically correct as it *is* an acronym and all, but I’m fairly certain the BBC’s official way of writing the term is TARDIS. All caps, no periods.
o/` Pedant pedant, pedant, pedant pedant pedant pedant pedaaaaaant… o/` (sung self-mockingly to the Pink Panther theme)
Thank you for showing me the future birth-mas gift for my husband(his birthday is Dec 19th). While your trading card is priceless, I think I’ll spring for the stained glass tardis lamp, that I had no idea existed until you showed me the… light? (har har har)
Nothing but Geek love for you. I want a stained glass TARDIS lamp!!
I just have to join in here – OMG you have a stained glass TARDIS lamp!!!!
I suppose the security is effective as I see no pet hair on that tabletop.
Thoroughly jealous of the TARDIS Stained Glass lamp. All you would have to do is name-drop who made it…and a lot of us Whovians would gladly pay good money to an artist for that kind of item. Assuming an artist made it, that is….
Now going into the dangerous rabbit hole otherwise known as Etsy…
I’m sure it’s safe inside the TARDIS’s force field. Now if I can only end up with you as my secret santa match, I can die happy.
You know, I have this exact card, autographed at the Vegas convention like 4 years ago, and I bet if *I* tried to auction it, I’d get $15. lol
Professor Frink, Mr Plow and Bumble Bee Man. Not what I would call the best of security.
“He’s getting away with the card, with the stealing and the running HOYVIN-GLAVIN!”
“No es bueno”
I would have put double barrel pump shotgun Moe on the job. He would shot people for just looking at the card.
You, sir, have won the Internet for the day! Thank you. 🙂
For some reason, when I saw this posting on Fashionably Geek today (http://fashionablygeek.com/handmade/handmade-wesley-crusher-sweater-for-your-toddler-wait-what/#more-62643), i tmade me think of this entry you wrote about the card. 🙂
Personally, I want a crochet pattern of the Wes sweater…I’d make it for my niece and my sister wouldn’t know I was exposing her child to Star Trek yet. 🙂
Over a thousand now! I would be totally amazed… but then I realized you can sell a dented ping pong ball for 1100… Have you ever considered a job in sales? 😉
I just want to say that you are a true hero for what you are doing for the PHS!!
I was born and raised in Pasadena and have adopted all my pups from there. Thank you Wil!!
Oh and yes, im dying of envy over the TARDIS as well.
Clearly, Homer pulled night duty: he’s dressed for the brutal cold of a winter’s eve.