Happy Christmas, everybody. We hope you’re spending it with people you love.
Wil and Anne
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Happy Christmas, everybody. We hope you’re spending it with people you love.
Wil and Anne
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Nice! Same to you and yours.
Happy Festivus man.
Just one thing… Only The Doctor may have the ol’ Type 40 and you stole her??
WHEATON!!! *shakes fist* 😛
Anne would make a hell of a companion 🙂
Oh… I was assuming Wil was the companion… 😛
I so greater than three this! <3
Wil man, that is a GOOD look on you. Seriously, you’re hella pulling that off. Anne is too, for that matter. You should do the hat and vest thing more often. Happy crimbo, give the critters some hugs. Especially Marlowe.
The two of you are SO Steampunk!
Merry Christmas to you, too! You guys look amazing! What a great photo 🙂
OMG I just realized WW.Net is ALIVE again!1!!11one one
This is the best holiday photo ever. I hope you are all having a fabulous day.
I’m pretty sure I have those exact same pants — purchased from Gentlemens Emporium.
That was gorgeous! Great Holidays to you two, too! <3
Nice TARDIS (Police Call Box)
Merry Xmas to you & Anne from me.
You guys are the cutest couple ever! Merry Christmas
Superb photo and subjects. You make a great steampunky couple and the style really suits you.
I would not be opposed to this casting choice.
Fabulous! Great pic of you both. This one def. needs to be framed up somewhere…
Oh my god. This is amazing. I love it!
Wil, I think you and Anne are having way too good a time, this is way beyond cool! Just watched an EPIC Christmas Day Dr Who, a tv tradition in the UK and a tradition in our house too. You should get over to and select an awesome theme tune version for your own Tardis. I trust it will also feature in a new spin off of Tabletop, maybe. Anyway a cool way to arrange at shows and cons.
Happy Christmas and New Year
John, UK
I posted this on Tumblr a while back, but I think it fell between the cracks, so I’ll…
I’ll just leave this here…
So incredibly amazing! You guys are so great!
Very nice. You both look rather smashing. I think that outfit suits Anne better then modern garb.
simply dashing!
There’s a lot of win in this photo.
Nice look, the both of you. I’ve always been curious, is the enjoyment of period dress as universal among actors as it appears? It seems every interview I’ve seen or read, of every actor that’s done it, has them almost gushing at wearing period dress.
Anyway, did you catch the latest Doctor Who Christmas special?
i see the beginnings of an internet to have wil wheaton cast as the 12th doctor.
or anne wheaton.
either are acceptable.
but wil does have previous experience being a time lord…
I just love how much you two look like you’re ready to travel through space and time and Cause Mischief.
You’re both looking quite spiffy there Wil! 😀 Although I was surprised to notice you didn’t use this as a possible excuse to wear an ascot… But regardless, you both still look FANTASTIC! And wow, that is a wonderful TARDIS you have there 🙂
This is the cutest photo ever of you guys!!! So geeky and steampunk!!! (Steampunk with colour!!!)
This photo is stunning. Well done to the two of you, the costumer, and the photog. Suberb!
What fun! You two are stylin’! Merry Christmas and happy new year to all your family.
You guys look awesome! Best holiday photo ever. Hope your family has a wonderful holiday.
Wow, Anne look at LOT like Romana 2 to me for some reason.
Here’s hoping that some day a Wheaton gets to fly the blue box.
“Beards are cool!”
I, for one, welcome our new Wheaton Time Lords.
Wil this is very cool indeed! Is that really yours? If so I’m most jealous. Happy New Year to you both.
This is beyond cool!! you two are absolutely awesome together!
Not cool, I ask Santa for a tardis, and all I got was a stupid sweater. Lame.