A real quick post before I head over to the second day at MegaCon, with some of the cool things I saw yesterday.
Darkstar Cosplay!! For those of you who are wondering why I love this so much: Darkstar is a character I play on Ben Ten: Alien Force. The Ben Ten Wiki says:
Michael Morningstar, also known as Darkstar, is one of the Plumber kids that appear throughout the course ofBen 10: Alien Force. He appeared in the episode All That Glitters and since became one of the most notable regular villains in the series. He has the ability to drain life force from living beings, he gained a grudge against Ben and his team after they accidentally caused him to turn into an awful zombie-like being who has to wear a helmet to hide his face. His plans usually involve gaining back his original face and feeding himself, though he seems to still be interested in feeding from Gwen’s vast stores of Anodite energy.
He’s a great character who I love performing, and sort of the Doctor Doom of the Ben Ten-i-verse. The young woman who is in this costume made it herself, and came all the way from the Philippines to be at this convention! I’m kicking myself for not getting a photo of her friend, who was cosplaying as Michael Morningstar.
We had a cab driver last night who didn’t know we were with the convention. He was starting to make fun of all the people walking around the streets in cosplay. I stopped him and said, “I really love the people in cosplay. Making a costume and then wearing it at a convention is the purest, most unselfconscious celebration of love for a movie or character or TV show, or whatever a person is excited about. Cosplay is really cool, man, and it takes time and effort and money to do it right.” He had no response. [Success Kid.jpg]
A mashup of two of my favourite things: Star Wars, and Iron Maiden. Up the irons!

This hand-painted Grumpy Cat pillow is grumpy, and amazing.
Finally: remember that time Wesley Crusher was on a stamp?
Well, okay, he isn’t technically on a stamp. He’s more like on a piece of paper that you throw away when you use the stamps … but it’s the closest he’ll ever come to being the 24th century version of the Elvis stamp, so let’s just let him have this one thing, okay?
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Actually stamp collectors call that selvage and it is quite collectible.
Hey, Wil!
It was an honor to meet you IRl.
You were so sweet and engaging and awesome.
Just as awesome IRL as you are online…except more so because I actually got to meet you in person and thank you for all the amazing things you have worked on.
And I was that friend! If you need a cosplay pic of my Michael Morningstar costume, I’ll be able to upload one when I get back to my base of operations. I’d be happy to send a link to where I upload it. :3
Here is a pic of three awesome people on my Tumblr from Megacon Day 1.
I love that! You guys were so awesome!
You rarely talk about metal music, do you watch ‘That Metal Show’?
RIP Clive Burr.
Up the Irons!
Thanks for the Clive Burr mention. Totally bummin’ about that. I’ve been playing Wrathchild on bass since I heard!
As some whose most expensive outfit is a self-made cosplay, I salute you.
Black Velvet and that little boy smile/Black Velvet and that slow Southern style…
grumpy cat is hilarious…lol
Ok my life is complete now..lol WW blogged about my stamp set! Ok no seriously it was totally awesome how excited he was to see his face on a stamp! Best meet of the con so far!
Did you see Q at MegaCon? Send us another photo of you and Picard. Thanks.
“Live long and prosper” \\ // _
Wil, AWESOME panel today! I enjoyed it even more than the special TNG reunion panel tonight. Question for you, I know you listed a lot of games you recommend…but I managed to forget all of them. What’s your best recommendation for someone just getting into gaming? Possibly something that can be played with two people. thanks!
Thanks for coming to my panel! I had fun, but the room is so huge, and there were so many people in it, it was impossible for me to “feel” the room. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I recommend Ticket To Ride for new players. It’s best with 4, but it works with 2.
Just ordered the game, thanks for the advice!
I think it’s awesome that you stood up for cosplay, and the people who love it so much.
Love the Darkstar costume. It makes me wish I could escape writing for a week and go get lost at a con. Maybe at the end of the book.
Oh, and you snuck a Burrito past me!?! Listening now and grinning at the leafblower.
Most of my heroes don’t appear on no stamps.
::scrolls up::
Oh, wait. There they are. I stand corrected.