The best stories from yesterday at MegaCon will have to wait until later, because I have to be at the show in 30 minutes, and I just woke up. (Check out my rock and roll lifestyle, man.)
Here are a few memorable pictures from yesterday:
I get to make lots of Cards Against Humanity cards at conventions. I play a game when I do this, to amuse myself: when I write a question card, every answer card I do after it is for that question, until the question changes. The first question at this con was “What is Shatner’s secret fetish?” The answers can’t be printed in a family publication. Luckily, this isn’t a family publication. The two really gross ones that I remember are: Juggling the placenta, and cum on a moustache. If you’re bothered by that, don’t play Cards Against Humanity.
Lil’ Wil is all ready for Easter in this snazzy sweater! The whole reason Joel and I made this silly little plushie toy was so people would get excited and make things for him to wear. It’s been slow to take off, but I’m starting to see lots of great sweaters and other costumes for him at shows, and I love that.
My shitty camera doesn’t do this couple justice, at all. She made her costume, including the really, really awesome shoes, and used Felicia’s Flog to build the staff. His Fawkes cosplay is perfect, down to the belt and the sporrin. They were really nice people.
This is a picture from 1988 or 1989, when I went to Universal Orlando with a bunch of Nickelodeon people. It was so much fun, I don’t even care that I was wearing a neon green fanny pack.
How awesome is this NERDIST COSPLAY?! This guy was hilarious, and he did a great Hardwick impression. He really fucked the snake out of the cage with this one.
Near the end of the day, the volunteers were having some fun. The volunteers at this show that I have interacted with have been fantastic.
And here’s the most recent answer card for Cards Against Humanity. It’s a little on the nose, but it made me laugh.
I had a really great panel yesterday morning, and the TNG panel last night had some truly memorable moments. I’ll write more about them later.
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It was a cool day, and you nailed it about the volunteers… best group in years! It was really great meeting you as well, thanks for the memories man.
I was fortunate to meet you yesterday, and even more fortunate to eavesdrop on you being super nice to the volunteer at your table. Thank you again for making our day special.
What on earth are you doing in that photo of you at Orlando? It looks like you’re being sucked out an airlock that’s been installed in a fire station or a pole-dancing club… lol You look a bit Tintin-esque there, by the way.
Oh, and Cards Against Humanity…. funny, very funny!
Mark, it appears that he’s on a carousel (note the wooden horse’s leg) that is spinning out of control.
Yeah, I think it was some kind of trick photography thing about Hitchcock.
yeah, Wil?
After I commented, I eventually realised it was a fairground carousel, but for a second (or ten!) it looked like a being-sucked-out-the-airlock simulator. Which was, of course, something that would never happen to Wesley, but something I could easily see happening in a bloopers reel.
Seeing as they actually play Quidditch every Friday afternoon on my university campus, I’m almost afraid of Strip Quidditch coming to life. Please don’t tell the Quidditch Society; they might actually try it. 🙁
That cosplay is beautiful!
Looks like you’ve been having fun!
Re: your Strip Quiddich Card Against Humanity… have you ever read the excellent and hilarious fanfic Naked Quidditch Match” by Anya? If not, you should, I’m willing to bet you can’t read it without laughing many, many times.
Looks like you are having a great time. Wish I could be there!
Just because you are an American and insist on misspelling Colour or mispronouncing Aluminum there is no reason to start misspelling Sporran ! heheh
“Just because you are an American and insist on misspelling Colour or mispronouncing Aluminum…”
Or, like you, mis-spelling aluminium… 😉
Glad to see you got your camera up and working!
Saturday was my first con experience and I had a blast, especially at the TNG panel. I always imagine the stars of my favorite shows are also awesome in real life, and it was nice to get a chance to see that, at least in one case, it’s true. It seemed like you guys were having at least as much fun as we were! Any chance you could finish the story that you and Patrick Stewart were telling when the moderator interrupted with the Harlem Shake? I had the impression it was about to be hilarious.
I am still pissed that the moderator (who did a terrible, terrible job) interrupted Patrick that way. It was disrespectful, unprofessional, and inexcusable. And, just like you, I don’t know the end of that story because I had never heard it before.
When the moderator was giving his cold, dispassionate introduction of the series, mentioning the premiere date, number of episodes, and what not, I turned to my friend and joked that it was nice of him to check the TNG Wikipedia entry before he came out onstage. After the show, when we were leaving, my friend started to read from his phone the exact intro the moderator gave. Sure enough, the intro can be found in its entirety on Wikipedia, as the moderator read word for word the third paragraph of Wikipedia’s TNG article.
Also, the moderator was planning to wedge his brilliant Harlem Shake joke into the show before you guys walked onstage. He put out a general call to audience members when we were being seated, asking if anyone had the Harlem Shake on a phone with a good speaker.
Kudos to you all for being great anyway. The panel was fantastic! And you air, killed it.
I’ve moderated some very important and big panels with large casts, and I was just appalled at the lack of preparation and respect the cast got. I may suggest that I moderate these damn things myself in the future, if they can’t get people who are willing to do their homework and who understand what a moderator actually does.
Please do.
I had an Awesome day at Megacon. My highlight of the day was my photo I got with you while I was wearing my “I Hate Will Wheaton” T-shirt 🙂
Photo at link below:
This picture is really, really funny. Thanks for sharing it!
As I sit behind my desk working, I look out my window and see the sky darkened with dark clouds and hear rumbles of lighting, and then I decide I will look at your blog. “That will cheer up my day” Then I see that your are working at a con. Hmmm A show where you get to play board games with some really cool people, you go on a cruise and play games, you “work” at cons. Oh, and on the side you appear on the Big Bang Theory. Dude, your life is pretty fracking cool.
BTW, any news on TableTop? I am getting the shakes. It has been a month since my last fix…. er new episode.
I’d had a speech all planned for when I got to meet you this weekend, but being the socially awkward penguin that I am, I went completely blank when I got to the signing table.
Like you I grew up a geek, things that other people didn’t understand were of paramount importance to me. Sci-fi, gaming, computers, the myriad of nerdy things were what I loved. I had few friends who appreciated these things, and it always seemed to push people away. After high school, the handful of friends I shared my interests with all departed from my life, and my new friends didn’t have the any of same interests really.
So sadly, those things I loved got put away. For more than a decade.
Shortly after my marriage fell apart, I was in a very dark place. I really didn’t like myself, I hated that I’d never allowed myself to be what I was and like the things I liked, and felt ashamed that I had compromised myself for the sake of transient friendships.
And then I stumbled across “Just a Geek” on audio book. Your stories struck a chord that resonated into the deepest part of my soul. I started reading your blog, your other books, listening to your podcasts, and every book you’ve ever narrated.
Because of you I was able to resurrect my love of sci-fi literature, I’ve read more books in the last 5 years than I had in the 15 prior, and been exposed to brilliant authors like John Scalzi, Ernest Cline, Bill Willingham, etc who I’d never even heard of, but who are now some of my “must read” authors.
Your love of gaming rekindled mine, but now instead of playing alone on my computer, it’s around a table with friends.
You introduced me to reddit, and through it I met nearly everyone I now called a friend, including the a wonderful woman, who I hope to be lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with, a woman who “gets me”.
I’ll never be able to thank you appropriately for what you’ve done for me.
You helped me to truly like myself, for the first time in probably 25 years.
Thank you, so very much.
PS. My gaming friends are happy you signed my Hastur card, now we won’t have to deal with him devouring us anymore. 😀
I had a blast meeting you. My boyfriend and I was in the Princess Leia ( as in me) and Astronaut outfit (him). We watch tabletop all the time. It is awesome. We both volunteer for Robotics competitions so we LOVE technology…oh no…I’m going on a fan girl rant about technology. Sorry! We are huge fans not only through Star Trek but introducing us to games that we play together either on steam or in person (we have gaming parties!!). Thank you so much. You are an inspirational person and both Barry and I are definitely inspired!!
Thank you,
Princess Leia