I’m having a moderately better day than I was yesterday. I’m not entirely back to my normal self, but the crushing, suffocating, relentless pressure around my chest seems to have relaxed quite a bit, which is nice.
I have a few things to share today, so here we go:
- Congratulations to my dear friend and co-conspirator in so many things, Felicia Day, on the announcement of her upcoming book!
- I sat down with Chris Hardwick and Matt Mira for a Nerdist Podcast that was just released. #TorsoShorts
- By coincidence, I got to fill in for Larry King recently, and I chose Chris as my interview subject because I love him. I think you’ll enjoy it.
- I narrated Cory Doctorow’s book, Information Doesn’t Want To Be Free. I’m very proud of it.
- I really like Non-Judgmental Ninja. I especially like that people are making their own comics.
- I was having a hell of a time getting a “watch my dogs be cute in the backyard” camera set up, but a mystical mixture of cursing, and turning it off and back on again seems to have somehow solved it, so that’s good. No, you can’t watch.
I think there were other things, but I’m drawing a blank at the moment.
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No puppy videos 🙁 At least we still get pics of them saying “You eating [insert food]? We like [insert food].”
Not random at all. I get it.
If you ever get the chance to save the Enterprise again, the “cursing, and turning it off and back on again” needs to be the solution to save the day.
Actually the “turn it off and back on again” solution was used in TNG, when they encountered the alien weapons system and data had to reboot, Georgie essentially did just that
I wasn’t aware the Enterprise ran Windows :-p
I know the garbage container in Firefly – 1×12 – Trash runs windows XP…might be Vista, unsure
have a look
I love non-judgemental ninja. I love everything about it. Put all the things people are sharing together into something like a book or a webpage please. 🙂 You’d probably want permissions, but seriously, an adorable book I could share with my students and friends would make me happy. <3
Looking forward to YOUR podcast! Also I really like the idea of you doing a Larry King type show on G&S. I definitely think you should pursue this. I have no opinion on the pronunciation of gif.
Can we have links for other NJN cartoons? Pleeeeeeeeease?
If you scroll through his twitter page (@Wilw) you’ll see a lot of them.
I’m so glad that Non-Judgemental Ninja has become A Thing! It totally deserves to be!
Drawing a blank! Now that’s something I can do. My non-judgemental ninja drawings could use a non-judgemental ninja to check them out.
Glad to hear your feeling better Wil. Keep doing what you do. I always look forward to it.
I am planning a RFB before the end of the year so that 2014 will not be known as the year without a RFB.
Oh please oh please.
I so get the crushing pressure. Oh MAN, do I get that. I’m glad it’s eased up a bit.
You are really a fantastic host. So funny and natural.
What? No “Radio Free Doggie”?? Disappointed…
LOL “No you can’t watch. ” that made me laugh. I’m glad you are having a better day today.
Thanks for plugging Felicia’s book – I’m already excited for that! I’m picky with my audiobook narrators, but you are my favorite – so that’s on my list now, too. My favorite part of the Larry King Now episode was the suspender-swapping. Especially since there was no commentary about it.
Glad to hear the depression monster has loosened its strangle-hold. I do wish there were a video of you cursing at the misbehaving camera, while your dogs swarm around, being cute.
Wil please…im begging…misunderstood post got me blocked….huge fan…just want to follow. U again…twitter…I was talking about myself….awrencher…twitter….would never say neg. About u…block was crushing..
I’m glad you’re doing better. I love the Non-Judgemental Ninja. Add me as another who’d love to see the comics in a book. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing Wil. Sounds like you are finding joy in this season, which is what I always strive for myself and wish and hope for everyone else.
I know you can’t resist anything about space or the cosmos. Please check ou my cosmos at: Alpha Centauri & Beyond on Blog Talk radio.
No mention of the new Tabletop ep that just dropped?
without trawling your site, you got old stuff at http://www.wilwheaton.net/mt/archives/000808.php
some stuff references archives under graymatter, like http://www.wilwheaton.net/greymatter/archives/00000099.php
are those articles still?
its kinda like i like tos and not tng, i like tow and not tnw, haha
Every time you talk about stuff like this, it helps. For reals.
I think NJN was a great accidental way to get people to think about what was bugging them/getting them down that day and realize why it wasn’t/isn’t a big deal. Just another way of taking ourselves a little bit less seriously and an other way to stop sweating the small stuff.
This past weekend I was at Dickens Fair in San Francisco and saw Grant Imahara from Mythbusters. I grabbed my husband as I turned into a fangirl, and then had a major second thought about how to (or if to) approach him. We held back, were (I thought) reserved and very space respectful, and thanked him for his work which we totally enjoy. He was gracious, we didn’t limger. It was good, and I hope he was ok. But I never would have thought twice if not for you.
We, we didn’t linger. I don’t know what limgering is. Damn you autocorrect!!
working on that geocities wp-theme