Judging by the soft, blue/gray glow behind the blinds, it was just after dawn when the goddamn cat decided to walk around our bathroom and howl for no goddamn reason.
I sat up in bed, startling both of our dogs, and stomped across the bedroom.
“Jesus fuck, Luna. Shut the fuck up,” I grumbled, as I picked her up from the empty bathtub and carried her into the living room. I set her on the couch and got back into my bed.
I must have fallen back asleep quickly, because the next thing I knew, Anne was shaking me awake. “You’re on your back and snoring,” she said.
“Sorry,” I said. I rolled onto my side.
An hour or a few seconds later my alarm went off and I dragged myself out of bed. My sleep tracker said I’d gotten nine hours of sleep, but my foggy brain and cranky self sure didn’t feel like it.
I made coffee and sat down at my desk, where I got to work.
First up today is approving art assets for Titansgrave, so even though I have a pretty severe case of The Mondays, I’m slowly restoring HP and Mana by working on something I love.
I think there’s a nap in my future.
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Funny, our older cat Oscar has developed the same habit. He must love the acoustics in the bathtub. “Let me sing you the song of my people! Rowwwwww….Grrroowwwwowwwowww…”
One of the reasons I don’t own a cat. I’d love to have a cat but I’d have very unrealistic expectations of it. No attacking my feet, no waking me up, no knocking stuff off the counters, the list goes on lol
Always look on the bright side of life (whistling)
I always imagine a huge mechanical set of gears in my head slowly beginning to turn and churn, squealing and squeaking as it works through the weekend rust.
A cat nap?
Aaww. Poor guy.:-(. I know that routine. The cats decide to play tag at o’dark thirty, or using me as a trampoline. Recharge quick Wil.:)
I read this while re-listening to the D&D podcast where Aeofel fell into the acid trap. It’s kinda like a double case of the Mondays.
I woke up all pissed off because I was dreaming that Joel McHale was at my grandmas house and he invited some of his friends to stay and they were going to take my bed and I would have nowhere to sleep, and I was just getting all riled up to argue my case and a four year old crawled in my bed and woke me up to snuggle and kiss my face.
I’m still mad at you, Joel McHale.
All our cats are getting on in years, and that’s one way a few of them remind us of it.
First time reading your blog. good read.
I think the correct term is ‘short rest’
When you’re approving the art assists, don’t forget we’re using the TPS cover sheets now. So if you could do that, that would be great.
Oh, hey, I also need you to come into work this Saturday. So…yeah.
The howling was because the stupid birds are up and chirpping. And least it was only ONE cat. Try 2 Maine Coons who can howl like a Siamese Cat on Steroids with a working microphone….at 4:48am…every freaking morning….
We have a cat named Tommy. We call him a terrorist now. He terrorizes us by meowing as loud as he can nonstop until he gets fed. I keep telling my wife not to give in (to the terrorists) but she does. She’ll feed him to shut him up at times. But, in the end, I’m reminded that there will come a day when he won’t be meowing nonstop anymore and I’ll actually miss it, along with him. So, I’ll yell “Shut it, Tommy!” every so often and the volume of his meows goes down. Eventually, though, he’ll get fed and off he goes to nap until the next time he can terrorize us. 🙂
On workdays, I get up at 0500, usually without an alarm clock.
Just do.
A habit I picked up in my many years in the military.
Some days are harder than others I admit.
But every day I run through this checklist in my head.
Sometimes I event speak it out loud.
I am still breathing and I can still move.
I am not starving. I can make or get something to eat at any time.
I have a good roof over my head. My house is warm and dry and safe… a place I can call home.
I have a good job working with good people.
I have good friends and relatives that I can call anytime. This is the most valuable aspect of my existence.
Today is going to be another long, arduous, wonderful, amazing day in this adventure called “life”. Let’s do this.
i like that.
Really glad to know my cat’s not the only one that does that in the bathtub. I think she just decides she’s all alone and goes off to howl. She’s almost as needy as my dogs.
last night was terrible for me, but it was nice waking up to a beautiful, sunny day off this morning. it is always nice to see a blog post from you. i hope the rest of your day is lovely…
I was wondering where u were off too. Monday yeah lol sigh … happy week to you .. 🙂
OMG! I thought my cat was the only one who does that. He does it at least once a week, like the normal meowing isn’t enough–he needs a loudspeaker, dammit, and the bathtub is the closest thing.
(I guess. Must be cat logic.)
Have you had a sleep study done, Wil?
If you have to sleep on your side to stop snoring and you still feel tired after nine hours of sleep, I think there’s a good chance you, like me, have Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
If you do a sleep study and find out you have sleep apnea, they can prescribe a CPAP machine to help you breathe at night. Sleeping with a CPAP mask on can seem annoying at first, but I can tell you first hand that the results are great. You’ll feel more rested, it can help with blood pressure and other problems, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it helped some with depression too, though I’m not sure about that one.
Naps are the best thing in the world.
On the subject of bathroom-howling cats: My cat started this behavior, usually howling just before using the litterbox. If the litterbox is in the bathroom, you may want to take her to the vet and have them look for some sort of infection or blockage in her urinary tract or in her digestive tract.
She was howling in pain. And while we didn’t recognise it at the time, it continued for months until the cancerous tumor was large enough for us to feel with our fingers. By then it was too late.
You may want to have her checked out.
The one thing about Mondays… Tomorrows always a different day. Comfort
I think there’s a nap in my future.
naps are nice. things might improve in the world if more naps were taken. but i hear that spain is discouraging the afternoon siesta because it’s messing with productivity.
I have had 2 cats myself that have been very fond of ‘singing’ in the bathroom at odd hours. I don’t have a bathtub, but it must be the acoustics they like.
Had a boyfriend once that sang in the shower too, maybe for the same reason as the cats, who knows.
All three sounded quite horrible though…
They always have a reason. It just makes no sense in our universe.
“Jesus Fuck” is one of my favorite curse phrases. 🙂