For weeks, I’ve been a wreck. The stress dreams were relentless, my appetite was unpredictable, and I got massively sick for the first time in years.
My depression and anxiety have been as bad as they’ve been in months, and it’s been a challenge to get to the end of every day.
This is pretty normal for me when I care deeply about something, and I know that all of this has been anticipation about the release of Titansgrave, which is something I’ve been actively working on for about a year, and something I’ve wanted to produce since Tabletop first began.
I feel a responsibility to the cast and crew, to the editors, to the director, to our partners at Green Ronin, and to the thousands of backers who made it possible for us to create the show.
I’ve been making creative decisions every day, watching edits and rewatching edits and giving notes on edits and watching the edits with those notes applies so much, I started to lose perspective on the story. When I’m spending all of my energy focusing on what I can cut and what I need to change, that’s all I can see, and it’s easy for me to forget that there’s all this stuff there that’s genuinely cool.
My deepest fear has been that we wouldn’t be able to share with the audience how we felt while we played, that we couldn’t be able to communicate the fun, the tension, the camaraderie, the anticipation and excitement. I was worried that everything I thought was awesome, because I was there, wouldn’t translate.
By the way, I felt exactly this way before Tabletop was released, so this is nothing new for me.
As I told Ivan yesterday on Twitch: all I could hear was Carrie’s mom in my head, hysterically screaming that they were all going to laugh at me.
Well, it’s about 24 hours later, and contrary to everything I’ve been taught, I’ve been reading the comments. It looks like the hard work of our team from the first few ideas I wrote down in a notebook to the first few steps our party took together to the final edit I signed off on last week was worth it.
So far, everyone seems to love the characters, the players, and the story as much as I do … and that makes me so incredibly excited because I know what the future holds for all of us, and now I wish it was next week as much as you do.
Thanks for watching, everyone, and thank you for your feedback. A very, very special thank you to our backers, and to everyone involved in the creation and production.
Oh, and whoever decided that #SaveTheBeer was going to be a thing? You get +3 to awesome today.
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You’re doing an excellent job, and it shows!
I watched both the Chapter 0 episode and Chapter 1 – and I found them both entertaining, and awesome. Loved the characters. Loved the way the story starts (there can be no nobler cause than saving beer!!!!). Can’t wait for next week.
I wanted to share a little story with you. I have played RPG’s before, but my husband hasn’t. We sat down last night to watch Chaper 1, he was basically just watching to spend time with me. It was a great show which we thoroughly enjoyed watching (aside: I think we’ll go back and watch/listen to some of the Acquisitions, Inc. stuff so he can understand the Aeofel reference :-). About half way through the show he looks over at me and says “Is this what playing an RPG is really like?” I smiled and said “Yeah, it varies based on what system you are playing and who your DM is, Wil is an excellent DM, but yeah, that’s basically it.” His response was an awestruck “Wow.”
I think we might have a new gamer on our hands!
Best beer ever Will, you totally deserve it, and each of your fans would love to buy you one should they ever have a chance.
Seriously, Titansgrave is awesome. I loved watching episode 0 & 1 and can hardly wait to see what’s next!
Loved loved LOVED episode 0 and 1! I can’t stop thinking about this universe and its lore, it almost distracted me from episode 1. I am not a writer but I want to write stories about how the sky fell, and the defeat of the prophet. I can’t wait to watch more.
I agree, the “splitting headache” joke WAS funny! =)
Do what you love because so many of us out here love the same things.
I watched Episode #0 and if that is the only thing I would get to watch, it would set the world in my mind, making me envious to not get to play under your GMing. Your passion and commitment to the story comes through very clearly. I know that many will jump on to give you encouragement and positive feedback, but Wil, I hope you find the peace that comes from knowing that you are sharing your craft with people who do respect you and the work you offer to the world.
Glad to read that things are going better. I’ve noticed for awhile that you weren’t on here as much and as a fan of Wil Wheaton the person, I was worried. Well, as worried as a guy who only met you once in person (at Hop-con 2.0) can be. I have read your blog for a while now and reading about your up and down struggles with anxiety and depression and how you have learned to cope with them have really helped me with my own struggles with the same issues. Again, thank you for your openess and honesty and glad to read things are going better. Sorry neither of our teams(Wild or Kings) made it to the Stanley Cup Finals this year but next year is looking good for both. Its going to be tough getting through Chicago though…
Good luck. I would say relax and enjoy the ride, but I know that isn’t likely. The stress you feel is probably a necessary component of your success. It sounds like you are aware of it and you know it is a natural part of your creative process. Hopefully keeping it in perspective will help you manage it so that you don’t get sick.
Well it’s awesome, so you can relax now. 😉
I would use Titans Grave as an intro to RPGing for anyone I was trying to get excited about RPGs. Very cool and well done.
I loved it and can’t wait to see the rest. Your work has more than paid off!
A new study finds a link between mental illness and creativity. Just don’t go all Van Gogh on us and cut off an ear.
I have DM’ed for close to 30 years, and I will still watch the episodes closely for pointers to be better.
You appear to be a very good GM. I can give no higher praise.
Very impressed Mr Wheaton. Looking forward to future chapters of Titansgrave. I had no concerns whatsoever that what you produce was going to be a package of awesomeness. You are a perfectionist and it shows. Don’t stress and enjoy the ride!
I backed Season 3 of Tabletop, but when I saw that an RPG show would be developed, I increased my donation. My money was well spent. You have exceeded my expectations for this show. I LOVE it. Can’t wait for the rest of the episodes. You are an excellent Game Master Wil.
I usually have a hard time with liveplays of RPGs (boardgames, too), so I appreciated how tightly edited this was. The production values (illustrations, sound FX, etc) certainly helped. Congratulations on a job well-done. I’ll certainly be watching Titansgrave development from here on out and look forward to see the actual product.
As a Season 3 backer, I want to say thank you to you and everyone else involved for making Titansgrave happen! It’s everything I hoped it would be and I can’t wait until next week’s episode to see what happens next!
I think the creative process is such that many times, we have a tendency to over analyze, and of course… become our own worst critic/enemy. That in tune can cause bouts of sleeplessness, anxiety, erratic eating and depression.
I need to start watching Titansgrave. I love watching Tabletop, and I enjoy watching episodes over again. I’ve been going through some rough times personally. I lost my job on Valentine’s Day (great thing to have to tell your wife, on of all days), and have not been able to find work.
My plan is to move to North Carolina soon, to hopefully a better opportunity for work. My best friend moved there a year and a half ago, and she raves about the opportunities.
So, she started a GoFundMe page to help hopefully with the move. Sometimes it’s just great to have people in your life that keep you grounded. They care about you even at your worst.
Depression can be tough, but Wil… you are doing some great stuff. Some of that stuff, like such things as Tabletop really helped me to realize that it’s not all rough roads and turmoil… but there is a lot of fun things out there, if you just take the time to try them.
I started off in 1975, at the age of 13 as a board wargamer. I started playing Dungeons & Dragons at age 15. I started LARPing a few years ago, and although I am a huge MMORPG fan (World of WarCraft in particular), boardgaming and pen & paper roleplaying still holds a certain amount of magic for me.
It’s a time for friends, fun, and imagination.
You have also gotten me to think a lot more about homebrewing, especially when I move to North Carolina. It is something I have thought about for quite a few years, but just never got started. You really have peaked my interest again. Besides, there are Porters out there that need to be created.
You have done quite well, good sir. Keep up the great work!!!
There are a lot of us that love the stuff you are doing, mostly because it let’s us all feel it’s okay to love the things we love, even if others don’t understand why we do.
I’m enjoying it a ton. The characters are great, the storytelling is great, the art is mega great. My only beef is that when you speak to the camera you get a little slower and deliberate in your tone. I notice this in Tabletop too. I prefer your regular conversational voice.
Just watched episodes 0 and 1. Tonight I’m getting together with friends for the third session of a D&D campaign; this campaign is my first time as a GM. I owe a debt of gratitude to you Wil, and to the other wizards at Tabletop. I’m so glad to have supported season 3 and I’m very excited about the RPG show. Congratulations, and keep the great gaming shows coming.
Don’t worry too much! The show is absolutely amazing.
Seriously, after watching Episodes 0 and 1 of Titansgrave, I was over the moon with absolute joy. It looked like you guys had so much fun, and you’re such a fantastic GM, Wil, rolling with every little bit of coolness or craziness that comes your way and making sure that nothing stops the fun of the game. I feel like I had as much fun watching as you all probably did playing, and it definitely prodded at that spirit inside me that wants to play more games. It’s really evident in just the first hour-ish of footage that we got to see that every ounce of love and effort that has been poured into this project has been worth it, and something special has truly come of this. No way for you doubt that know, seeing as you’ve gotten such a warm reception. And in all the years I’ve played roleplaying games, never have I wanted to try out a system as badly as this one.
As a backer of Season 3 and Titans Grave I want to thank you and all the other hard workers on the success of both shows. I am pleased, proud, and thankful I was able to be a part of the creation. I am not ashamed to admit that while watching episode one I felt the glee of overwhelming joy that I have felt when playing with my gaming group of Pathfinders.
I cannot wait for the other episodes to emerge and would back Titans Grave Season 2 if that were ever to be come a thing. Until then… #SaveTheBeer!
I am sorry that your art caused you such pain, but I’m glad you are seeing positive results from it. I was excited to watch the show since I first heard about it, and I love the final result. My wife and I watched the first episode together as we ate dinner last night, and now we’re eager for more. Please keep making fun gaming shows like this. Like, forever.
Love it! Looking forward to all the episodes! You are all the awesome! THE AWESOME!
p.s. thanks for posting about anxiety and depression too – it helps me cope with mine to know someone I admire copes with it too.
So glad that I donated to be able to make Titansgrave happen because it was so worth it. Looking forward to where the narrative and characters will lead. Sorry to hear about your anxiety and suffering concerning the production of your art, but I think it means that you still care about your projects.
Right there with you. By the time I was able to put anything towards funding it Tabletop had already reached its primary goal. Then I saw the RPG show as a stretch goal and definitely not regretting helping, even just a little, to get to this point.
Really enjoyed the first episode. It really does capture the joy, excitement, and silliness that RPGs have. This past weekend was my first time DMing (I’ve been a player for 3 years) and it was a great experience. Watching how you ran Titansgrave gave me some great ideas on how to improve my next session.
Can’t wait to see chapter 2 and I’m curious if anyone is going to recreate the beer in the show. #SaveTheBeer
Loved every minute of Titansgrave’s debut. I hatehatehate that I have to wait a week between episodes. 🙂
I’ve never played a RPG although my brother was very much into “Das Schwarze Auge” in the 80ies. But I loved this. You spent so much attention to detail and you really created a cosym joyous atmosphere around your gaming table. As I don’t have any knowledge about the machanics of RPGs I just see it as a narrative and as such it really holds up. You are brilliant in picking up details of the characters and integrate them into the story. So as a total noob I’d give you 5 out of 5. Let’s see what the hardcore gamers say 🙂
Hang in there Big Guy, Rome wasn’t built in a day…
I am as excited for Chapter two as I was for Chapter zero and one ***which was insanely 😀
Love the show. Much like my personal weekly D&D game, I can’t wait till next week.
Wil, you are an inspiration to many of us. You are directly responsible for a mini board/card game revival here in the UK, making the hobby more accessible to all and rekindling the fun.
As someone who has never played an RPG but has always desired to get involved, (if only I could find a GM patient and talented enough to ease me in) I really enjoyed Episodes 0&1 of Titans Grave!
The production values are great and the added visuals are a real treat, enhancing the experience with the fantastic medium in a quite original way.
Nothing you read on a blog comment will make you worry any less, but know, you have the admiration of thousends for what you bring to our beloved hobby!
One word for you Wil: huzzahhh!
As far as RPGs and Playing More Games: All that activity of yours made me reconsider and start a new adventure with a new group. Thanks for all the motivation! And I’m looking forward to Friday, when I actually have time to watch the show without being distracted every few minutes. And thanks for the CoH cards and the TableTop button!
Really think it’s been a great production so far, and I genuinely hope that it brings more people into the hobby, and at the very least that it helps explain the love that many of us have of the hobby to people that may not understand it. Thanks for the hard work, I look forward to more episodes.
Wil I need to know who the composer is so I can out what the name of that piece of music u used for the early access YouTube vid and the battle in ep 1 is cuz it’s just way too awesome not to have thx and looking forward to the ep 2 next week….u need to guest on critical role when they start doing that too 🙂
I completely understand the mindset you get in when it comes time to finally share your work, Wil. It’s easy as the creator to magnify the flaws. Add depression not the mix and it’s a wonder anything gets accomplished. THAT SAID! I don’t think there was doubt in any of the minds of your fans or colleagues that this would be spectacular. You genuinely care about giving the very best to people, and it shows in everything you do. You are a huge inspiration to me, both professionally and personally. It makes me stronger on the days when my own depression lies to me to know that there is someone out there being very successful with the same issues. Keep on rocking, and #savethebeer!
Well, I was invested enough in the characters–and laughing enough–to wonder when they’re going to do something as crazy as trying to backstab someone with a ballista, so at least I think your hard work has paid off (though I’m sorry your mind is a dick to you sometimes).
And if you haven’t seen The Gamers, you should. I used to work with those crazy guys and couple of gals, and they are funny and crazy and awesome-weird in the same way you seem to be.
I think you are an exemplary human being Wil Wheaton, I have been a fan of yours from the beginning of your career, I love everything about you, you inspire me, and YOU are AWESOME! <3
Episodes 0 & 1 were Abso-friggin-lutely amazing.
Looking forward to showing it to my roommates when it gets on Youtube.
Haven’t seen the show yet, but I’m quite certain it will be good.
Wil, I’m in love with Titansgrave. It’s been years now since I’ve had a chance to play a good quality story-driven D&D campaign, and this is a great kind of way to scratch that itch I didn’t even know I had. I was so sad there wasn’t more – just like with the best campaigns, you just want to keep going. Can’t wait to see more, and I hope, despite how long and hard of a creative endeavor it was for you, that this is a show that continues into other seasons, with new characters and stories and worlds, cuz you dun good at the worldbuilding, Wil (Also, I fuckin’ LOST IT at your Aeofel rant. I feel only a special set of geeks would get that reference lol).
Deep breaths. You got this. 🙂 DFTBA.
Titan’s Grave 0 and 1 are great! When it comes to your gifts, don’t stress.
On a more pressing note, where can I get a draft of Old Chaotic Neutral?
Hey Wil.
I know you really don’t check your comments all that much, but I think it’s awesome that you’re willing to open up to us, the fan base and express not just your victories and achievements, but you also share with us your worries, your fears, your disappointments and those things that we all have. As a celebrity, sometimes we non-celebrities sometimes forget that you’re a person as well.
I know that you wouldn’t work yourself up to the point of breaking if you weren’t doing something that you love. You obviously have a passion for your craft, and while I personally can’t speak for everyone. I have a passion for the small glimpses of “The Wheaton Galaxy.” within the “Geek and Sundry Universe.” And also for what you show of the larger Wheaton Universe.
Whether your projects and your shows take off, or the fall flat, you’ve lived a rich and varied life, and it’s one you should look back on and say, “I’m a pretty awesome person.” Because you are. Because I’m looking at what little I know about your life, and I’m saying “That’s the kind of person, I can be because it’s organic.”
So stress on, Mr. Wheaton. Your fans are grateful you actually give a rat’s ass about what you do. If that doesn’t say validation, then I don’t know what will.
I absolutely ADORED the Titansgrave episode. I had so much fun watching it. Made me want to find a D&D group (or whatever system, that’s what I played as a youth) again. You guys done great, now I want the rest of the story darn it! 😉
Well done! To everyone involved thank you for more great internet content. It was massively entertaining and the hard work certainly shows. Thank you!