Our release schedule for Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana is
- New episodes every Tuesday at Geek And Sundry dot Com
- That same episode on YouTube a few days later, on Fridays.
We’re doing this for a bunch of business reasons that aren’t interesting enough to go into, and because we’re working on making Geek and Sundry dot Com a destination for videos, sort of the way a TV channel works. Like, you go to ESPN for sports, you go to literally any other cable channel for bullshit reality TV, you go to MTV when you never, ever, ever want to see a music video, or you go to Comedy Central to see comedy.
Based on the feedback I’m reading all over the Internets, the video player Geek and Sundry is using sucks for a lot of you (and I hate it). I just wanted all of you who have expressed frustration with the player to know that I hear you, and I’ve conveyed your feelings and concerns to the business people at the Mothership who can hopefully do something to address it, and make it better for everyone.
I’m not sure that I can do anything about it, but I want you all to know that I’m doing my best.
And now, here’s episode zero and episode one of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana on YouTube, for your embedding and TV streaming and sharing needs.
Also, we’re partnering with DFTBA Records to make some cool Titansgrave merchandise, if you wanted to get in on that action.
Discover more from WIL WHEATON dot NET
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Not blaming you at all, of course, but the real problem with hosting on Geeknsundry is I can’t ChromeCast the videos to my TV like I can YouTube.
I hear ya. Believe me, I’m doing everything I can.
If you use Chrome on your phone or tablet to play the video a ChromeCast icon will show up.
you actually can if you have a desktop pc there is an option to cast the entire screen just pop it into fullscreen and you are good to go
I don’t really see myself playing RPGs outside of boxed RPGs like Betrayal at House on the Hill, but I did really enjoy watching the first episode. I look forward to the development of the story. Very nicely done, Mr. Wheaton and crew (in front of and behind the camera).
We’re singing your praises and promoting GeekandSundry.com as the goto site for watching, but glad it’s on youtube as well for different reasons. Until there’s app integration with geekandsundry, this was the right move. Thanks again for being you.
I haven’t experience issues watching Titansgrave yet however it’s a different story when watching episodes of Critical Role.
I haven’t watched Titansgrave yet, but I do have a question: Does geek&sundry have a rss-feed? I already missed a lot of tabletop shows the last couple of weeks because youtube changed the way they feed rss and I couldn’t find one of geek&sundry
If there isn’t an RSS feed, there should be. I don’t know the answer to that, but I bet you could email someone via the website and find out.
I don’t see a link to an RSS feed on G&S, but if you add /feed to the url it comes up with an RSS feed. Here you go. Enjoy!
Please, please, please at least make the video player at least ChromeCastable.
I really enjoyed the show and am looking forward to more. It wasn’t quite like I remember when I played, but it was more like I wish it was when I played 🙂
It really is all about the people you play with!
Really appreciate this, Wil. Loved the first episode but, couldn’t watch on g+s on mobile. I want to support you guys however I can so hope you can sort something out. Looking forward to episode 2.
Hello Mr Wheaton,
I was wondering if maybe you with all your AWESOME nerd/geek/dork powers can convince the powers that be at Geek and Sundry to move Critical Role to youtube.
Now thats out of the way I just would like to say I really enjoyed the Titansgrave episodes and am looking forward to watching many more. I was wonderin though. If this RPG show is successful (which all of us know it will be) will you be doing Titansgrave season 2? Or will it be a whole other world but still using the AGE system?
Maybe we’re just lucky…we have yet to ever have player issues. Of course now that I’ve said that we’ll never get another video on G&S to ever play again.
Loving it so far. Now I understand the booster level of gaming with Wil Wheaton, this was amazing to watch and I am almost embarrassed for my gaming group to see it.
Shave the beard, Will. You’re borderline ISIS recruit.
Do you have any idea how frakking insulting this is? Please tell me you’re joking.
dude that’s outta line try to think a little longer before posting next time… you could’ve said something like “looking like Jeremiah Johnson Wil”. But never tell someone they look like an ISIS recruit or to shave their beard a man’s beard is his own to do with as he pleases.
Agreed. Wil can do whatever the hell he wants with his hair.
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Saw the first two episodes on G&S. Loved the show, but the buffering was painful. I’ll wait the few days for it to come to YouTube, it’s just unwatchable on the other player.
I would argue that Youtube is now TV, and channels are now, well, channels. As opposed to the internet being tv and sites being channels, I mean.
RAMBLING NONSENSE ASIDE, I would love to see the player fixed/replaced. It would give an excuse to watch each episode twice. c:
As a RPG player (GURPS), I was wondering how if at all a critical failure occurs in the system you are using for the show… rolling all 1s would indicate a stunt of power 1, which inherently is positive.
It’s a critical failure, unless the TN is 3 for some reason. The stunt points only matter if you succeed on the roll.
not to tell too much, but do we see this level of reality in the series?
also do adversary npc’s get stunts?
In Chapter 1 there is a fight where a bad guy does a stunt. It’s a fair system that works both in favor and against the players.
You mean consequences for critical failures and successes?
Can’t blame me for trying!)
Thanks for the quick replies
Ps I like your beard (my phone likes.it too… It tried to autocorrect it beautiful.)
I’ll be waiting for Fridays (sorry.)
But I will say I loved ep 0 and 1. Cain’t wait for next week!
sorry pal – couldn’t resist.. ^^
Keggy figurine plz
OMG! This yes!
Also would love to have non-black shirts. I know, I know black is all the rage but I really prefer t-shirts in non-black colors. Dark grey, blue, green?
PS- The show is awesome!
Didn’t you know that Black is the New Orange is the new Black? But seriously, an assortment of colors would be pretty cool.
Watched it over breakfast yesterday and I love it 🙂 hoping I can get my GM to watch and learn…
I’d love to watch this on / through the geek and sundry website, to fully support G&S, but about the main time I get to watch shows like tabletop is on the bus. The performance from G&S on my decent spec android phone was dire to the point where I just couldn’t watch it.
Hate to say it, but I’m glad it’s on Youtube so I can get to enjoy it this week 🙂
love the show. so worth the wait. but i think ill be doing youtube as well… sorry G&S, but you really need to do a YouTube player.
wish i could delete my previous comment.. but wordpress or your site, doesnt allow it. just wanted to say my previous comment isnt a jab at your show. its awesome.
Sorry Wil I understand your commercial reasons for putting on G&S site then delay for YouTube. But I watch on my AppleTV using the YouTube app. No access to the G&S website on the AppleTV. This delay kind of sends me a message I’m second class and not wanted.
A sad Fanboy
I watch G&S content on AppleTV too, but I see it differently: the fact that they continue to release it on YouTube tells me that we do matter as an audience. If we didn’t, they wouldn’t put it on YouTube at all (like, say, TwitchTV).
Think of the delay like with Hulu. The fact that I have to wait til the next day to see a network show on Hulu doesn’t mean I’m “not wanted.” It probably just means I’m using a conduit that is less valuable to the content provider. Does that make me “second class?” Maybe in a strict sense, sure. But that’s not about me, that’s about the conduit itself.
Watched the first installments on Geek and Sundry and personally only had one moment of buffering, but just wanted to say I absolutely LOVED the show!!! Literally didn’t stop smiling while watching it.
Allright, I will do that. Thank you!
And btw: Tabletop is awesome, you do a really good job with it!
Love this shit out of this. The work you are doing is so brilliant. So much fun, and so professionally done. I got so immersed. Being a GM is hard enough, let alone running a recording of it as well. So much respect.
RE: your recent blogs. Titansgrave is great, love RPGs and the fact it’s a world and story you wrote yourself is really what these games are all about. I personally appreciate how positive and fun it is, need more of this after the past year’s worth of a certain hate-filled movement eating up the air in the game world, won’t say the name. And seriously, I get this for free every week, amazing. I feel no shame in coming on here and saying I appreciate all the work you and the team have put into this, thanks.
Hello Wil,
First of all, Titansgrave is awesome. I was watching episodes 0 and 1 back to back and I’m hooked, already very much looking forward to the next episodes. You and your group really play well together, you’re a highly entertaining bunch, the setting rocks, the characters rock.
And it’s not just your group. It’s also the production quality. The artwork, the sound work, the editing, it all meshes really well, making the show so entertaining to watch and really helps to feel immersed in its story. Big thanks to you and everybody working for and with you to bring this show to us. I’ve recommended it to my friends already, and will keep recommending it.
Since you mentioned merchandise, are there any plans to release all that gorgeous artwork as an artbook, or digitally? Maybe even paired with a loose transcript of the episodes? I’d be strongly interested in that, like a companion of some form to the actual show.
Anyway, keep being awesome and play more games!
What are the implications of going with an even more layered tier system for release?
Something like Torrent first, G&S second, YouTube last?
Also, possible to put your own ads directly into the show thus bypassing the need to rely on G&S and YouTube for their ad revenue?
Take Diggnation, for example. Their sponsors were part of the show, not peripheral. Instead of a grab bag of random ads (at G&S or YouTube), why not one to three longtime sponsors?
But let’s get even more creative with this tiered system… How about you release on as many platforms as possible and rank them based on your return in ad revenue. So:
1) For premium subscribers, you send out a VHS tape.
2) Next tier down gets a DVD (yes, the deprecation and anachronistic eccentricity is the point).
3) Then Torrent, Vimeo, G&S, YouTube, whatever.
4) Finally, you hold a random drive-by projection pop-up at an undisclosed but flash mobbed notified location from the back of a utility van and then speed off into the night. People would pay for membership to this Double Secret Black Ops Screening Crew.
Get crazy with this, Wil.
Because Internet. And you are our president.
Everything is games.
Wil, I totally respect that you’re trying to focus on G&S as a destination,but…I’m glad the videos are on YouTube. Thanks for not abandoning that destination; it’s where I go for TV streaming (via Roku or Google TV).
The player works fine for me, however the ads are a problem for me.
It might have to do with accessing from Tiny European Country and thus having no specific ad inventory to pick from, but I’m getting the EXACT SAME ad every time.
I don’t mind ads being unskippable, as long as they are reasonable length. I find it slightly silly to have videos bracketed by ads before and after, but I can see how that’s due to an autoplay “feature” I can’t turn off.
However, having people aggressively yell the same old xbox/nerdist tagline at me every time around gets annoying really quickly. At this point, I’d even take the traditional horrid diaper/detergent ads over those…
The most important question is, what kind of beer is the Old Chaotic Neutral, and will you be releasing the recipe for homebrewers?!
I suppose I should have posted this comment on the G&S page. Sorry.
The only issues we’ve noticed with watching on GandS is that there’s some frame loss versus watching it on youtube. Once on GandS I’ve had the stream completely freeze on Episode 1. Other than that, it plays fine. Maybe it’s end-user computer issues, not the player.
Also, I’ve been sending Episode 0 as a guideline for GMs to help their players flesh out their player’s characters. If you can’t directly tie in your characters in the chronicle, my opinion is the people will not put their heart into the story.
Thanks so much for what you do.
I totally caught myself at work today saying in a high pitched singsongy voice “Busy Day! Busy Day!”
Didn’t read through the million previous comments, but here’s an idea: maybe G&S can make an app like Nerdist for the Xbox? My husband and I love Tabletop and make it a weekly ritual to watch via the YouTube Xbox app, but we can’t watch videos on websites and we don’t have proper computers, just tablets – and tabletop is just so much more fun on the big screen. An app would be a good compromise between YouTube and website video!
See if they could do the same thing for Critical Role, or at least provide an audio-only version. I would LOVE to listen to it on the way to work, but streaming video over my data plan would pay the Verizon Overlords WAY too much money.
I’d love to download the videos (from Youtube) or simply stream the audio. (I’ll click on every ad on the planet or even pay a fee for you guys if I could just download the videos — this isn’t an attempt to subvert you “paying the bills”)