We’ve been working on it for a very long time, and it’s finally here.
I hope you like Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana as much as I do. I hope we communicate to you, the audience, what we experienced as we played the game.
Here is our prologue, episode zero.
And here it is … Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana – Episode One.
New episodes will premiere every Tuesday on Geek and Sundry, and then they will be released on our YouTube channel on Friday.
Discover more from WIL WHEATON dot NET
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Will have to watch it once it makes its way to Youtube, as the Brightcove video player (used by Geek & Sundry) doesn’t work on my machine.
Welp, no wonder the experience of streaming it on G&S’s site sucks the big one. Why can’t they use something like VHX.tv or something? Their streaming technology just works, and I would love it if they and G&S worked together, especially for the DRM-free digital downloads they offer.
Sooooo coool! Keggy forever!
Just watched both episodes. It’s really, really good. Great setting, graphics, players and DM. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the show.
AARGH! Auto-Playing videos! Nooooo! The project looks awesome (I’m about to go watch), but please, for the love of bob, don’t make your videos auto-play. Especially not BOTH of them at once!
This please. Trying to dig out the one post playing audio in my RSS feed in 800 unread messages… >.<
Even coming on here, I got them in stereo as both autoplayed together.
Ugh. So sorry. I removed the embeds. My browser doesn’t let anything play without explicit permission, so I didn’t know they were auto-playing.
I’m going to have to come and listen to them all and really pay attention .. promise i will 🙂 tough day today ..
Just watched Ep 0 from the OT’s waiting room. Have been informed by wife that watching Ep 1 without her on anniversary might be grounds for divorce. Waiting with close to zero patience…
Excellent stuff, enjoyed every minute
Ummm…YES it was worth the wait, and YES the story is fantastic, and YES Wil is an amazing GM. /bow #respect
I just watched Episode 0 and 1. I loved it. It was more beer-centric than I expected, but I love the world and concepts. Oh, and the animation and sound effects were spot on! MORE MORE MORE
Brilliant. Enjoyed every second! Impatiently waiting for more 😉
Dear lord, Wil…
You guys have created something beautiful. I might have wept years of joy.
And I NEED to play this.
Oh man… I figured it’d be worth the wait. It not only WAS worth the wait, it exceeded all my expectations! I can NOT wait to buy the book of the Valkana module (I hear Gen Con is when that’s dropping from Green Ronin themselves) and look through it in great detail. Also, BTW Wil, that Aeofel acid pit thing does also direct one to TVTropes, just thought I’d let you know… but I remember watching that and that was hysterical, both your reference to it in Episode 0 and the thing itself. LOVE it!
I really enjoyed it! Thanks to you and to everyone worked so hard on it. I am very excited to see the rest 🙂
This kicked ass. Great world, great story telling, great players. Great art, and hilarity ensued.
Count me in for a print of the OG robot inspired fan art, unless your artists whip it up first! hah!
Damn, this was entertaining stuff. Great setting, great characters, great story. Long live the Beer Baron!!
Because NO one said it on the set:
“Save the Beerleader; Save the World!”
I loved almost everything about this episode Wil. Watching an RPG that has gone through post-production is AMAZING!
– The ambient sound effects were superb.
– The quick action combat encounter was perfect – it kept the energy high and the battle moving quickly.
– The Battle Map, HP counter, and dice roll tracker were just excellent. Truly leveraging the visual medium of TV.
– Gotta love the old ‘start the adventure in a bar’ trope!
– The cast you assembled is FANTASTIC!
– I’m a huge fan of your vocal work – your GM voices were very immersive.
Actually, that last word – immersive. Everything that you did in post-production led to a MUCH more immersive world than would ordinarily be possible. I would bet that the players absolutely love seeing the edited show and seeing how much more of an immersive world it is.
Can’t wait for next week!
Good fun episode. I do like how “Wheaton” has become the god of flubbing according to that one bandit. Definitely going to look out for this system when it reaches these shores.
It’s awesome that you got Troy Baker to do the intro voice over!
Excellent job. I’ve never played an RPG, but you make it so easy to enjoy and understand. Congratulations!
I really enjoyed watching that and I’m glad others are just as bad at dice rolling as I am.
My favourite bit: “Having an appointment with Dr. Lobotomy.”
Are you sure it was Alison Haislip’s first time playing an RPG? She’s brilliant.
I can’t wait to find out what happens next and that should tell you you’re on the right track.
Did you somehow miss the “Fiasco” episodes of Tabletop? Which contains many examples of Alison Haislip being brilliant.
Of course I remember now. My comment was based on one of her comments that Titansgrave was the first RPG she played so apparently she didn’t remember herself.
Would love to watch this, have tried two browsers, please don’t make me open up safari ;_; have been looking forward to this forever!
What RPG system is this? Is it available to the public yet?
BTW… great job. I Wil devour every episode. Thanks a again!
Looking for a simple system to introduce to my 8 and 10 year old.
Superb show. It does make me want to get back into gaming. Well done Mr. Wheaton!
When will this be released to the public?
Loved Titansgrave!! It worked really well!
Polished, epic, fun. Artwork is amazing. Congratulations are in order for all involved.
With all the hype I was cautiously optimistic going into this, yet fearful that it could never live up to the build-up. I’m glad to say, TitansGrave surpassed the hype by untold bounds. These to episodes prove that, in the right production hands, something as simple as 5 people playing an RPG can be an immersing and brilliant form of entertainment. It shows that those involved in this production truly care about the quality of product they produce and value the contributions of the crowd-funding campaign that helped make it happen
Congrats to all involved. This is a project you can and should be very proud of!
Yay Valkana! Great intro and Ep. 1. Looking forward to weeks of enjoyment.
Wil, I think it would be cool to see some embellishments on highlights and legendary actions in the world as writeups somewhere.
When Aankia leapt to fix Keggie with her daggers, I instantly envisioned her diagnosing a short deep in the robot which could have destroyed him if she hadn’t expertly plunged her daggers into him, drawing a startled gasp from the crowd, but then cheers as Keggie is suddenly full of energy and motility again under her amazing field repair.
That is certainly a legend that I can see being told time and time again.. Although I imagine some robots might not like the thought of it giving ideas to less amazing people to try repairing them with daggers. 🙂
So good. So, so good. I’m basically a tabletop gamer, and every time you bust out an RPG, I say “yeah, OK, I’ll watch, I guess”… and then the storytelling just blows me away.
And seriously, those beers have to exist. I’ve got a bunch of empty carboys and a stout recipe I’ve been itching to try…
All I can say is WOW! I used to play the old D&D back in the 80’s when I was in high school, and the story you have created is just so awesome and exciting to hear as it unfolds. It was well worth the wait, and you have done a great job. I can’t wait for the story to continue. Arrrrgh, Tuesday is too far away!!!
This is such an amazing series! I can’t even begin on how perfectly crafted the lore is and the dedication you put in to create a broad story and fantastic characters. This is currently one of my favourite series on the internet and I cannot wait for the episodes to come! Thank you for creating this. 😀
From Ashley, 14, UK
Instantly became a fan of the lore of this new world you introduced us to. Love this game/series and looking forward to more. Thank you and keep up the great work. Btw if this rpg game would become available in the market, I would definitely buy it.
Hey Will, when will Titansgrave be available to buy?
Wil Wheaton! Huge fan, and I love G&S! When will it be possible to purchase our own copies of your game?
Never played an RPG. Have been playing lots of the games you showcase on table top. Even playing dread for the first time tomorrow will this game be forsale online and do you think it will be a good entry level game aswell.
Thank you so much for creating this! I recently watched the first two episodes with my love (who is a gaming, beer brewing, pit bull loving man like yourself). He’s the one who got me into board gaming over 9 years ago and gaming in general (not including my mid-90’s stint with Myst and Riven, which ended in tears, of course). But I was intimidated by role playing games. Despite the fact that I was trained as an actor, I couldn’t bring myself to delve deeply into a character that hadn’t already been written for me.
I have to say that these episodes, these wonderful players, the world you’ve created… everything… has inspired me to try out role playing games. And I know the love of my life is grateful to you for bringing his lady into the 21st century of gaming.
Thank you.
.. 🙂 super cool ..
Love this game and show… My question is where can I get a copy of the game you and your team created to play with my family and friends…
Love the world you’re creating Wil!! Excited to be able to get together with friends and tell stories in this fantastic setting. Are there any plans to create fiction to supplement the world?
Hello, I rarely comment on things like this but I thought I might speak up for once.
I love Titans Grave. Thank you so much for creating this! I used to play Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder, dabbled a little in GURPS and Shadowrun and all of my most happiest days were playing with friends in those RPGs. You see- I suffer from severe depression and watching all of you having so much fun and bringing me laughter…I cannot express how deeply you all have affected me.
You give me something to look forward to and videos to go back to when I’m down.
So please. Keep doing what you’re doing and thank you.
im sure that this has been asked a few times now but i cant seem to find a responce. when can i buy this game, i would love to host this or a game based of this game, i love how story driven it is.
Interesting, I shall buy a copy and see.