“I took the tomatoes off the counter and spilled them all over the floor. I don’t even like tomatoes.” – Seamus Wheaton
I go back to Atlanta on Monday for another episode of Powers. I have notes from the last episode that I need to put into words on a blog, but I haven’t felt particularly motivated to sit down and do that work. I’m basically okay with that, because I’m doing other creative things, like making a new TV Crimes Podcast with Mikey. It makes me laugh really hard. In fact, it makes me laugh so hard I told Mikey that I don’t care if nobody ever listens to it but us, because I have that much fun making it.
I’m up to week five of my couch to 5K training, and I’ve done two of the three runs. I’m probably going to have to do this week over, though, because I’m so busy and traveling so much, I haven’t been able to keep up the kind of day to day consistency that I feel I need to get the most out of the training. I did run for 1.5 miles today, in about 16 minutes, which is a much slower pace than I usually run, but I’m still proud of myself for getting out and doing it, because it would have been really easy to stay inside and watch the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon.
Speaking of, congratulations to Jonah Ray and Felicia Day, who are joining the cast of MST3K when it relaunches!
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great one. If you don’t, I hope you have a great Thursday. If it isn’t Thursday or Thanksgiving when you read this, I hope you have a good day.
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Happy Thanksgiving, Will !
Happy thanksgiving to you and Anne and the kids! And of course to your adorable animals. Poor poor Sheamus, he looks so sad. And hungry.
It’s okay. I watched the MST3K marathon in your stead. I’m also jazzed about Jonah and Felicia joining on the reboot!!
Happy T-Day! Seamus is adorable.
I am so full of mashed potatoes and my friend’s Belgian Ale and Dry-Hopped Alt. Wow — he’s become a good brewer in these last few years. 10,000 hours… and all that. Yes, Dry Hopped Alt… didn’t even know that existed, but it was fantastic. Alts sometimes seem a bit too sweet and bitter so that they build up on the tongue after a few sips, but this was dry as a bone, crisp & spicy-fragrant as if smelling a hop flower. The dry hops tamed the bitterness beautifully. Dangerously quaff-able.
I’m finally listening to your performance of Scalzi’s “Redshirts” this week and laughing a lot (there aren’t that many audiobooks that I’d listen to more than once just for the performance of it- Lenny Henry’s rendition of “Anansi Boys” is the only other one that immediately springs to mind.)
Anyway, it reminded me that I’ve always meant to thank you for keeping this blog up; specifically, I found the courage here to start making our own beer (I live in Vancouver, where all the craft brewing is toxically over-hopped, so this is a survival skill), and a lot of helpful phrasing for talking about illness in a lighthearted way (which is supremely useful in social settings where you don’t want to hide a disability, but you don’t want people to disengage because of it either.) Anyway, thank you; I hope you’re having a great weekend. (Happy Thanksgiving, eh?)
Funny fact from one called “wabbit” : You run much faster than I, but I’ve got you on distance (for now…).
I’m using Zombies, Run on your recommendation. I really like it. Thanks!
Fool me once, Seam on you.
Fool me twice, Seam on me.
Fool me three times, Seam on us.
Fool me four times… you can’t get fooled again.
There is no remorse in that gaze.
That’s the stone cold stare of a tomato killer.
It’s like he’s looking right through you.
To a distant garden.
Full of tomatoes.
He will spill again.
Some dogs just want to see the world burn.
Or boil.
In an endless ocean of marinara.
Pouring from the elevator, coating the walls.
This is exactly how Planet of the Apes started.
Crush the rebellion now, Wil.
Or we all pay the price in a dog controlled, tomatoless future-hell.
Better late comment than never – Seamus clearly thinks they were ball and tried to fetch them. You really should be super amazed that not one tomato is crushed!