Yesterday, I went to RuPaul’s DragCon, and during a panel called Beauty and the Geek, Ginger Minj turned this:

Into this…

It was so much fun, and I can’t wait to go back next year and do it again. In fact, I may not be able to wait a year, because I’ve never felt so pretty in my life. AND GLITTER BEARD OH MY GOD GLITTER BEARD.
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Ginger Minj is awesome! And you’re so pretty!
You’ve got to have extraordinary Wil power to pull that off. To withstand the insults ppl fire at Wil! Puns intended.
I’ve been dying to see this since you first mentioned doing drag con because (I don’t know why) but I was shocked that you would be doing it.
I adore drag queens so much and you look beautiful
Fabulous! What fun that must have been! ^_^
I freaked out when I found out you were doing a panel at RuPaul’s Drag Con! That con seems like it’d be so much fun, I’d love to go someday! If I ever met RuPaul…well, I’d probably end up saying something like, “Oh, god, my brain is melting!” like I did the very first time I met you Wil…look how much I’ve improved! (Sorta)
You look FABULOUS dah-ling!
(Also, I’m really surprised if this was the first time you did the Glitter Beard thing since I know it’s a favorite past time at Espionage Cosmetics to fill beards to the brim with glitter! #GlitterIsTheNewBlack ;-))
Oh honey! Honey honey honey, no, we gotta talk about this. Your eyeliner is all over the place, and there’s glitter-less patches in your beard. This is cute, okay, but you deserve to be FLAWLESSLY FABULOUS. Just need a little polish. And more glitter. If you do this again, they need to kick it up a notch. And I just don’t know if blonde is your color….
😛 This is fantastic, Wil. I love that you’re owning it. But seriously…. I feel like they weren’t bringing their A game with this look.
I really want to see you in a red wig now…. Or some kind of flashy unnatural color.
I think so too! They should really doll him up.
although it is great- I love it!!
Looking good, but… Glitter shiver. You’ll be cleaning that up for weeks 🙂
I’m strangely aroused.
As the mother of a toddler I can only ask: How much trouble was it to clean up the glitter?
If I become an old lady with a beard, I’m totally putting glitter in it. My fear of the future is less now. Thank you Wil
Wow, the “Craft Herpes” might linger for weeks after that Fabulousness! 😀
It is definitely an improvement compared to the old you! 😀 But I would think red hair would fit you better!
And lose the beard! It’s turning grey already! 😛
Oh man you are hot!! 😬😊
What I like the best is the gleam in your eyes—-looking fancy, nicely done!
I never knew I needed this picture in my life until it was there. You look fantabulous! This reflects support and commonality in so many ways. Maybe in the best way.
Glamazon Wil. Also, #teambob, bitches.
By the by… how many Americans even know what “minj” means though??? >_<
Love the wig. But then I thought the bedhead look was sexy.
Wow.. I have to admit, glitter beard is pretty f***ing awesome. Please glitter up if you go back on @criticalrole. Mandatory +5 to rolls!
Love it! You both look awesome 🙂 I bet Drag-con was so much fun!
Hehhe that’s awesome. If ya gonna wear a wig, I’d suggest your own hair color and human hair. That way it can be styled any way and if your gorgeous locks poke out, it adds to awesome.: ) Glad you had fun Wil. Rockin the glitter beard too.
OMG, I didn’t know you have a blue streak in your hair. I do one in mine, too. Love the make-over. Rock that look! 🙂 You’re awesome, thanks for sharing bits and pieces with us.
For stylish feature that I would most love to steal, I am torn between the lashes and that sparkly beard. Tough choice, but I have to go with the lashes, they’re open to more situations. Note the bad puns: tough beard open lashes 😉 Yeah, I know…don’t quit my day job. You are a great and generous human Mr. Wheaton. Thanks for sharing !
They’re gonna put that on the $27 bill.
That red curtain immediately made me think of Twin Peaks.
You might have a shot, but first you have to get past Duchovny.
He is also teh sexxy girl-mang.
Jil Wheaton.
No, Wilma Wheaton! 😀 I wonder how Sheldon would respond to that. 😉
bwahahahah Wil’s Evil Twin!
Let the social media campaign commence…
And now you know how to dress for your next talk / panel / con….
Oh, and your next Spudnuts-endorsed movie role, of course.
Make it so, as they say.
And, no, I will not apologize or take credit for the fanfic that results from that mental picture…. I cede all rights to you, Mr. Wheaton!
You look beautiful. Like a real Cockette.
Is that good? That sounds like it isn’t good. Are you being mean?
Sounds like she’s just playing on the French word coquette or that’s how I read it.
Anyway, I love it. This is what it looks like when a man is secure enough in his masculinity to simply not give a duck what people might think. Brass cantaloupes. More power to ya.
Dear Q,
An all drag Trek, please.
Your friend,
What is the difference between blackface and this?
Specifically 10378 C versus 9240 U.
Hey Wil,
I’m the guy in the wheelchair who took the pic with you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I wasn’t sure you’d be okay with it, knowing how easily sick you can get from others.
When I first heard about the panel, I was both happy and puzzled. I was wondering what you had in mind for you and Ginger. But, when you pretty much made it an open and candid conversation between you and Ginger, it was great! I liked that you both didn’t hold back and just spoke to as 2 people chit-chatting about whatever you had on your minds. I loved that you didn’t freak out from the innuendo or anything else. You and Ginger found similarities in your relationships with your significant others. You showed that straight men can be as straight as can be AND be friends and allies to the LGBT community. Had you been comfortable with it, I would’ve given you a hug of thanks. (I know that’s a huge ‘no-no’.)
I have been to WONDERCON, SLC COMIC-CON, SDCC, and, now DRAG CON, but your panel was the best I have ever seen! If more people were like you, this world would be a much better place. THANK YOU, Wil!!
Glitter beard should totally make an appearance on an RPG segment of tabletop or as an NPC in TitansGrave.
The world would be a far better place if Glitterbeard the pirate became Wil’s Tony Clifton.
I recently had an epiphany that I would like the ability to grow a beard. Not, you know, all the time, but when needed for an epic cosplay or something. Or for a glitter beard! Nice. Way to be secure, Wil.
Reminds me of a musical I loved when I was a kid, called Rock’n Roll Wolf. One of the main characters looked a bit like that, minus the glitter and cheerful colors. Clearly, you are the more stylish one.
I love your glitter beard and envy your eye makeup. I personally don’t care for that shade of blonde on you but if you like, that’s more important. But after seeing you like this, I wish more men would wear make up and glitter.
Blond looks good on you. I am not a fan of the red glitter beard – blue would have looked fab.
And congrats for surviving the false eyelashes. You are a brave man!
Ah, Glitter Beard. The lesser known pirate of the south seas…
Gratz and Kudos for having the stones to do that! GLITTER BEARD OMG YES! Must incorporate GLITTER BEARD into your Tabletop game play. “If glitter falls on this spot I win automatically!”. Here’s hoping cleanup wasn’t too painful.
You make a GREAT looking drag queen! Don’t let people criticize you about the glitter beard look; it’s the look favored by many of the Denver Cycle Sluts (a charity drag group), for instance, as well as by Gabbriella Butt’zin, Empress 42 of the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire (another charity group, and part of the International Imperial Court System). Now all you need is the right costume and you could be up on stage lipsyncing and collecting tips! 🙂
Love the glitter beard!
Hey!! saw this online the other day… you looked gorgeous!! wished I would’ve been there. I’m preparing right now to go into drag as a Bio Queen. I’m sure you ran into a few at drag con! female drag queens…anyhoo, Ginger is SUCCCCHHH a sweet soul! She’s a special friend, and my drag mother.
Basically a drag mother is like a mentor…like when I need advice on make up or costumes, what lashes or lash glue(The Minj Glamour tadpole Academy doesn’t use lash glue…we use wig glue…it’s just better she says) to use etc…to critique my looks, she’s the one I go to, and she guides me. There are 3 of us gals she mothers… me(Billie Jean Brown) Maxie Minj and January Winters-Minj(i’m the only biological female) I don’t use Minj cuz it’s weird to use it like…I don’t want vagina in my name.
Oh, My God. That is all, well, maybe not. You are as beautiful as a woman as you are a man. You go. THAT is all!
Love it! It suits you.
Well, this is fucking awesome. Keep being you, Wil!