My brain’s been doing this really neat thing every night between the time I shut off the light and fall asleep. I can’t recall specifically when it started, but for several weeks, now, before it begins its nightly delivery of nightmares and stress dreams, it opens up this box of memories labeled THINGS YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT, MAKE YOU SAD, OR OTHERWISE UPSET YOU AT SOME POINT that it recently found, pulls one out, and then spends as much time as it can doing a fucking power point presentation about it.
Most of the things in this memory box aren’t even recent. Most of the things in this memory box are from years, or even decades, ago, when I was still a little kid. None of them are particularly traumatic; most are things like “remember when this kid was a dick to you?” and “remember that time dad laughed at a thing you cared about?” and “you know, when you were 12, you could have been nicer to that guy…”
Last night, my brain was too tired to be a dick to me, and all I can recall from the few moments between turning off the light and going to sleep is listening to the white noise machine do its thing. My asshole brain didn’t dump a bunch of shitty dreams on me (that I can remember, anyway) and it even let me stay asleep for close to 8 hours before it woke me up.
And then, while I was reading the paper, it was all OH HEY I FORGOT TO BE A DICK TO YOU LAST NIGHT and it unloaded this memory on me.
I was eleven, in sixth grade. Our little private school (which was more about religious indoctrination that education, the way I remember it) gave us kids a chance to take one elective course per semester. We got a list of classes that were offered, accompanied by a slip of paper with places to write our name, grade, and then our first and second choices.
In the first semester, I had put drama as my second choice, even though it was really my first, because I had convinced myself that I wouldn’t get my first choice for some reason related to teacher vindictiveness (which, at least in this instance, wasn’t really a thing, but I was a little too smart for my own good back then). I ended up struggling through Spanish, which was awful, instead of doing improv games and putting on a show. For the second semester, I put my first choice first: Weather Science.
I was and am a weather nerd. The complexity of weather systems, how they are affected by climate, and the ability to understand weather enough to predict it has always interested me. Long before it was a thing I knew other people did, I kept a notebook journal of the weather, so I could compare whatever was happening on any given day to years before. It was fun. It made me feel smart, and even though I knew I was smart back then, I rarely felt smart.
So I put Weather Science first. When my friend, Brian, asked me why I wanted to take that class, which he thought was stupid, I told him, “Because we can be the future Doctor Georges,” referencing a legendary weather reporter from Los Angeles named Doctor George Fishbeck. This did not satisfy Brian, who was taking some kind of religious history (because we didn’t get enough of that in school, apparently).
I got the elective that I wanted, and the first day we went to our elective classes — the first time in my entire academic life that I’d gone to a different classroom for studies — I was beside myself. The writer in me wants to say that I put on a tie for the occasion, but I was probably just in the school uniform. The writer also wants to say that I was surrounded by other misfits and nerds in that class, and tell a story about how being there brought us all together … but not only did that not happen, the only memory I have — specific, or otherwise — from this elective is the one I’m about to relate.
We met in the classroom of a teacher who primarily taught the seventh graders. I remember that he was a little pudgy, wore a giant mustache, tinted eyeglasses, and acted like he was really cool and clever, even though all of us thought he was in a spectrum that ran from corny on one end to a total dick on the other. Now the writer in me wants to go back and give Brian dialog that shows us the way we all felt about this teacher, instead of telling it, now. But I’m trying to stay true to what actually happened, so here we are.
We met in the classroom, and got handouts with things on them like weather symbols on maps (which I already knew) and the Beaufort Scale (which I did not). He showed off a handheld device that in my memory is similar in size and shape to the weird little pop guns they used in Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and told us that it could register wind speed and direction. Each of us would be allowed the opportunity, at least once, during the semester to hold this incredible device and record its data for the rest of the class. “Every morning, you will go outside and record the weather,” he said, “you will write down the temperature from a thermometer at your house, you will write down the air pressure if you have a barometer, and you will record the basic conditions, from Cloudy to Partly Cloudy, to Partly Sunny, to Sunny.” We did not own a barometer — as far as I knew, they were expensive bits of hardware that only people like my rich grandparents had in their sitting rooms — but we had a large thermometer outside the kitchen window, and I had already been writing down the weather in my notebook for years! I was extremely excited to be part of this class, and felt like my existing enthusiasm for weather would make me a successful student of Weather Science.
The next day, I went outside before school, and looked up into a cloudy sky. It was late in spring, and the gloomy marine layer of fog and smog hung thick over our house. It was damp and a little drizzly. In my notebook, I wrote down “Cloudy, with fog and drizzle. Calm winds. 56°” I recorded the same information on my school-issued weather homework sheet, and added that the wind was a one on the Beaufort Scale.
My mother took me to school, and my father took my sister to school, because the six year difference between us put us at different campuses, now. I went to my classes and had an uneventful day, that the writer in me wants to invent to provide contrast, and then after lunch I went into my Weather Science elective. We were only in our seats for a few moments when the teacher took us all outside. Because it was our first day outside the classroom, he would hold the mystical weather recording device for the rest of the class. I’m remembering now that we were a relatively small group of only ten or so students, so we easily clustered around him and saw that there was a very light breeze out of the southeast.
“What’s the Beaufort Scale?” He asked us.
“It’s between one and two,” said this girl named Nicole, who I remember moving effortlessly among the various cliques on campus, fitting into all of them but never really belonging to any of them.
“That’s correct,” he said.
“We are going to talk about our weather observations,” he told us, “who would like to begin?”
My arm shot up before I knew I was doing it. I was primed for this. I was ready for this. I’d been preparing for this moment, this opportunity to be smart and impressive, for years.
“Yes, Mister Wheaton,” he said, “what are your observations?”
I was in a phase that made me think Trapper Keepers were slick and futuristic, perfect for the upwardly mobile and mature student, while Pee Chee folders were outdated and better suited to elementary school, so I opened my green Trapper Keeper and pulled out the pale blue ditto sheet inside. “Cloudy, with fog and drizzle. Calm winds. 56°. Beaufort Scale: 1.”
He looked at me like I had just said it was raining unicorns.
“Really?” He said, sarcastically. The other kids laughed nervously, but I was confused.
“Yes,” I replied, earnestly.
He jabbed a stubby finger toward the sky, which was now mostly clear with just a few lingering high clouds. “Does that look cloudy to you?” Before I could answer, he added, “or is there a new definition of ‘cloudy’ that I am not aware of?”
I felt my face flush. My hair got prickly. “Well, um,” I began.
“Um. Um. Um,” he said, mocking.
“That is clear, Mister Wheaton,” he said. “That is not cloudy. That is not even partly cloudy.”
Of course it was clear. It was the afternoon, and in Los Angeles we have microclimates everywhere in the county. Right now, less than a quarter of a mile away from me, on the other side of a mountain range, it’s at least ten degrees cooler than it is here. That’s how our weather works.
“We have clear skies,” he said. “Did you even do your homework?”
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to respond to an authority figure who was picking on me. My dad had done it my whole life, but I still hadn’t figured it out. I didn’t know how to respond to a teacher who was not just wrong, but who was wrong when I was clearly right. I felt the entire class looking at me.
“Yes, I did,” I said. I did my best to keep my voice neutral and non-challenging. I didn’t know how to explain a microclimate, or the marine layer, or to how to stand up for myself.
“Well I don’t believe you,” he said, extending his hand and snatching my homework sheet from me. He materialized a red pen, clicked it, and wrote an F before handing it back to me. “Try to do better tomorrow.”
The writer in me wants him to have a comeuppance. The writer in me wants to tell you that the smart girl rose to my defense, that the teacher apologized and then everything was better. The writer really wants me to meet Doctor George, tell him the story, and have him tell me that my teacher was wrong and that I was a better weather reporter than he was.The writer in me can’t do that any more than the adult version of me can invent a time machine, go back to that day, and tell the young version of me that he was right and the teacher was a dick. I can’t even remember what happens next, like the film of my memory gets caught in the projector, and melts away leaving nothing more than an empty, white screen.
My brain has been dumping memories like this on me for months, and I don’t know why. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with them.
At 8:05 this morning, It was 59° and mostly clear. The winds were calm. It’s 77° and sunny right now, with a very slight breeze out of the south southeast.
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Thank you for sharing this. My brain wakes me up at 3.30am to remind me I haven’t finished my final term paper that’s due first thing in the morning.
From 1997.
It would be nice if someone would figure out why some brains tend to dredge up bad stuff. You can’t really explain it to someone that hasn’t or doesn’t currently go through it. I have had memories from decades ago come back and gut punch me with ferocity. What you are describing is what I call the “sad loop”. Sometimes your brain just won’t STFU. My family doesn’t get it. I have tried to explain in the past and get, “well don’t do that” or “snap out of it”, so now if anyone asks it’s just “the blues”. Keep up the good fight Wil.
Well Janet, most brains are wired to remember the bad stuff better and longer because that’s what can hurt us. That’s what we need to prevent from happening again, so we remember it. Like a spider bite that almost kills you, the brain makes sure you remember that always, vividly! Good memories and fun times are not a threat so the mind doesn’t bother with holding on to it as much. It takes training to work against this pattern. That’s the short version. 🙂
Mine spits out fully drawn cartoons that I cannot replicate. It also makes me wonder weird crap like “What’s poutine?” for little to no reason.
We are not Doctor George. We are only the internet. But you told us your story and we can tell you now that your teacher was wrong and that you were a great weather reporter. If that helps at all.
Hmmm. You just reminded me of something that hasn’t surfaced in decades.
Mr Carlson. 4th grade? I was 8, whatever that is. His son and I were in his science class together. We were given the task of building bridges out of corrugated cardboard. Mine held the most weight. His son’s was second. After mine won and his son’s collapsed, he went over and stood on mine and it held him, so he jumped till it collapsed.
His son was mortified. I was… ? Well, truth be told, I’m not really sure how I felt. Confused, mostly. It was the moment I realized that adults could be mean and petty like kids. His son and I and another girl were the “smart” kids in school and so we were friends of necessity if nothing else, though occasionally his son had a dickish streak. But hey – as a nerdy smart freak of a kid, I was just glad to have a friend of any description so I didn’t question it too much. haha.
But I was lucky. Dad was not always the warmest fuzziest guy, but he was scrupulously fair and would have sooner walked across glass as be vindictive/petty/mean to a kid. He grew up tough and it imbued him with an empathy for children.
Well, in any case, that incident made you a better person. So, as Carl the groundskeeper would say: “Ya got that going for you.”
The writer in me bows with gratitude to the writer in you.
What a dick, though. Even if there weren’t the microclimates, it was what, three or four hours after you took your measurements? Weather changes across the day.
Proof you are an icon: The Young Turks mention the Wil Wheaton rule at 5:55.
Thanks for writing this Wil. Excellent writing. I wonder if you might have sleep apnea, would be a good idea to get tested.
I’ve been tested, and I don’t have it. I almost wish I did, because at least that’s something I can easily treat.
maybe you’re suppose to write a memoir of some sort whether to publish or not. I don’t know. but if you did i know a ton of people who would be like i relate. but then again i believe when memories surface they have a relevance to the present even if miniscule. this isn’t meant to make you feel better,but if it does yay me!, because i don’t think i relate i can’t remember remembering cringy things from 20 years ago randomly. I can do a week ago or earlier that’s possible I have in the past but as of now i doubt i have. maybe i’m forcing my brain too much and it’s getting constipated.
It took me a long time to realize that teachers weren’t these infallible gods who could dispense wisdom and justice at will. They were ordinary people with ordinary lives and they were doing their best to get on with it.
For the most part, I had good teachers who genuinely cared about their students. However, my mind will never let me forget my 4th grade teacher who didn’t like me, and clearly had no patience for my nerdy enthusiasm. Although I was spared any outright public embarrassment, your post reminds me of how vulnerable children are in classrooms.
Thank you for sharing your story. At the very least, I know I’m not alone.
I love this Wil. Though it’s a completely different moment, something about it makes me think of the poignancy in the George Saunders convocation speech to Syracuse University graduates in 2013 — when he regrets his failure of kindness with a childhood classmate. Somehow, you’re that classmate when no one stepped up to help you.
I am a trained storm spotter with Skywarn. Skywarn is the National Weather Service’s eyes on the ground made up of individuals who have taken their training class (we are offering one in NY on May 23rd if you are interested) on recognizing specific weather and how to report it. There is nothing really required of you being a member except that ability to report in to the NWS. it is kind of cool cause it allows one to feel like they are part of the weather data set. Those reports allow NWS to better track where a storm system is heading,and to better apply their watches and warnings.
Even without being a Skywarn storm spotter, the NWS has an app called mPing which you can download for free. It is very user friendly with drop down menus to report the type of weather you are witnessing.
I am very sorry that you had to experience the ignorance of your teacher. You can always be a part of science and even more important be accurate to science which helps the data sets and weather become more predictable. (and kind of screws your ignorant teacher who never bothered to educate or learn past the box he shoved himself in). Here is the website to check it out if you are interested:
As for the box of memories, i am with you in the same boat. As much as i wish you didn’t have to go through all of that it is kind of nice to have the company. Therapy has been harder than usual for me but i guess that is the what happens when Pandora’s box gets opened. some how we will make it through i hope.
Be well.
Back in the 80’s, my step brother and I (and my 4 yr old daughter) rented a small house together in Roanoke, VA while we were getting our lives back on track. The landlord said we could do whatever we wanted to the place and he’d pay for the supplies and work as long as it turned out ok. Chuck wanted to do some landscaping and put up a split rail fence at the end of summer (Sept there). I was a pretty fair novice weather geek; wind stream influences on weather patterns were particularly fascinating. Anyway, I told him I had a bad feeling about it. Since that’s all I could tell him (weather patterns being a joke to him anyway), he completed his project. A week or so later we began 9 days of rain. About the 5th day I began to understand what I had been seeing on the weather channel all this time. On the 9th day, the river down the road from us flooded. Landscaping plastic seen in the tops of the trees for a long time was a grim reminder how important “weather mapping” is.
Cheers to you Wil for doing your best even though the the teacher was being a yutz.
You should go for an MRI of your head before the tumor gets any bigger.
I don’t know why we have these thoughts before sleep but I have found something that helps. Before you go to sleep, put your legs up on a wall and rest there for 15 minutes. Like really rest, the wall is meant to support your legs, it is a yoga exercise but it isn’t meant to BE exercise. It drains blood back towards the heart, that much is obvious but it is incredible for sleep and worth trying. It will not prevent crazy dreams. Like the one I had after watching Wil on tabletop play Cards Against Humanity. Where he was drunk and I was trying to give him water in a broken wineglass. Sorry bout that Wil 🙂
My brain doesn’t wait for me to try to fall asleep. Memories just randomly shows up throughout the day, but not terribly often. Usually, like a previous commenter said, I am able to observe it but not re-experience it. But days occur when I re-live the whole scene including the feeling of wanting the ground to open up and swallow me whole; sometimes I physically crouch down in a duck-and-cover pose because the memory pain is so bad. Brains are shits and they should (literally) know better!
FWIW, I heard the title of this post in Cecil Baldwin’s voice.