I’m trying to figure out some stuff about traffic sources, and I feel like my stats package isn’t entirely accurate. If you don’t mind, would you please choose the option below that most accurately reflects how you found out about this post?
How were you first notified of this post?
- rss reader (34%, 2,102 Votes)
- some other way (22%, 1,355 Votes)
- twitter (18%, 1,087 Votes)
- instagram (9%, 533 Votes)
- tumblr (8%, 514 Votes)
- e-mail (6%, 395 Votes)
- facebook (1%, 70 Votes)
- google plus (1%, 39 Votes)
Total Voters: 6,095

As my thank you for your time, here are my dogs, being good dogs, Brent.
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Will the poll let you track results over time? I suspect that Twitter followers seek immediate gratification, while other options may show up more slowly…
It doesn’t graph out when replies were delivered, but that would be useful data.
I found this post when it showed up in my email box, but probably half the time I see you tweet a post before I get it in my email.
Me too.
Not related… just odd to be listening to Talking Heads when the song lyric in my headphones is. “You my ask yourself ,How did I get here?” At the exact time this pops up on my screen. That’s right. Wil is in tune to my playlist. Felt nice till common sense popped a moment later.
I used to follow the blog through Google Reader, but I couldn’t find a replacement RSS aggregator I liked.
Feedly is what I use… I recommend it
Seconded. Feedly is a great replacement to Google Reader.
Love me some Feedly.
This is the replacement I use for iGoogle: http://www.ighome.com
If you click “Add RSS Feed” and give it a blog URL, most of the time it can make a feed from it.
I chose inoreader to replace Google Reader and am very happy with it.
I also miss Google Reader. I use Bloglovin now.
I saw it on Tumblr first, but it’s a toss up between there and an email notification usually.
I follow through a Rss feed on Livejournal, so I wasn’t sure what to mark on the poll. Marked ‘some other way’ even though technically I guess it’s via Rss. =/
Me too.
I post daily useless facts about myself via WordPress for the past year or so. I have been following your blog for months now When I finish my post, I check for anything new from the blogs I follow. Btw, most impressed with your commitment to post daily in December.
I have you page bookmarked, and often use that to come to your page. This post today, I saw it on twitter
I was going to vote something smart-alec like carrier pigeon (I’ve been playing far too much Battlefield 1 war pigeons) but I thought you’d be after the facts. I get blog notifications through email while I’m at work (time difference Melbourne Australia) and save them to read at home later. Totally enjoy your musings Wil. You’re my favourite audiobook narrator and read every Scalzi which led me to “Just a Geek” which led me to the blog.
I think I can relate to you because we’ve grown up with the same pop culture influences (I’m a 1972 kid married to a 1969 girl too).
P.S. Spewing you’re not cast in Ready Player One. I thought it would be perfect for you..
It was in my email.
Since I’m old it’s always an RSS reader for me. 😉
I voted email, but I am pretty sure you sent a tweet before I saw the email. The problem is the tweet gets lost in all my twitter traffic. That’s why I like the emails. That way I don’t miss your posts!
I check in periodically, or I often find new posts via google feed widget on galaxy s7.
Email notification.
And you may tell yourself,
This is not my beautiful house.
And you may tell yourself,
This is not my beautiful wife.
But, Wil, yes it is your beautiful house and beautiful wife!
Oh, what a lucky man he was!
I checked RSS Reader, technically it’s an RSS feed on Livejournal. I also see your posts on Twitter and Tumblr, it just depends which site I happen to check first when your posts pop up.
Email and TWITTER!!! Although…Wil you are naughty about tweeting…NEVER see them ::sad panda::
This particular post I got through my WordPress reader first, that’s usually how I get your content. Occasionally I get reminded though twitter.
Email this time around, but normally Twitter gives me the quickest heads-up when glued to phone.
I first saw this on Twitter, so that’s what I voted, but I visited it from my RSS feed. If that helps.
Water flowing underground…
I check out your site daily, so I chose ‘some other way’
Whenever I check my own blog for comments or just to re-read what I’ve recently posted, or to POST, I look at my own sidebar, where I have the blogs I follow listed, in order of most recent post. Then I click on those links, starting with the “oldest”, which could be a week or more old, if I’ve not visited my own site lately, or just hours old, as was the case for your post.
Incidentally, I saw your title and then had to search through mine: https://kickinaroundideas.blogspot.com/2014/07/and-you-may-ask-yourself-well-how-did-i.html (Wednesday, July 16, 2014). It’s a good song, Brent. Very applicable to any life situation. For me, it ended up being a story in four acts (act FOUR gives you links to the other three, if you’re inclined to read it: https://kickinaroundideas.blogspot.com/2014/09/after-moneys-gone-how-did-i-get-here.html).
Thanks for even asking, Wil! I still only use (Google) blogger, but I can’t ever figure out how the analytics work, to know how more than the top three links have linked to me. Your specific posts sometimes show up in my analytics, but more often than not, what I see is my home page or just facebook. :/
Am I only who thinks that 1’500 votes for 12 hours is a YUUGE number. 🙂
I start to be jealous of MY Wil to all of you))
Mine is those Google cards. Where it take your search history and let’s you knew on blogs you’ve visited.
To be pedantic, I found out about the “Harbour” post through email, left a comment there and clicked the button to come to this post: I can however confirm that I have received the email alert for this post and might well have arrived via that if I hadn’t already been there.
As you might tell, I haven’t had my first coffee yet today, so time to fix that 😉
Usually it’s Tumblr, but the last two have been Instagram.
I do have a beef with you, however. You apparently haven’t looked at my game, published in 1975 by TSR and still in print. Does it have to be 50 years old before you’ll look at it?
OWL RSS Reader. It’s old but it serves my needs nicely.
Sometimes I arrive here via Internet search because I don’t always check email.
A+ for the Talking Heads reference
This might be “old man” mentality, but I just click on your site 1-2x a week to see if you’ve written anything new.
I get a Google feed on my phone that gives me things I’m interested in, but it’s not Google Plus. Google Cards maybe?
I get an email every time you make a post and then I decide based on that whether or not to actually read the post.
I just have a list of bookmarks that I visit every day, and this is one of them. I’ve been doing that for 8 years or so. I guess I really should set up an RSS feed or whatever, but A) I don’t know how, B) I’m not entirely sure what it is anyway, and C) it might not even save me that much time, because I only follow two blogs. The other one is Bad Astronomy.
I have your website bookmarked, and visit it every day or two. That’s how I follow all persons of interest to me.
I don’t have/use Twitter, RSS Reader, or Instagram.
I only use Tumblr for porn.
I only use email for direct communication with people I personally know, or for business, or to send/receive needed files.
I have Facebook and G+, but only use them for communicating with people I personally know, memes/news, or for hobbies & interests.
I get an e-mail each time you post something…. and thank for the pic of your dog.
This post was via email, and I voted. Although sometimes/often I go thru twitter. 🙂
Through an RSS reader. Feedly, specifically.
Kinda surprised to see RSS reader as #1 option (as of 9am ET)! And yes, they are very good sleepy dogs.
A friend forwarded one of your posts to me, and I subscribed immediately. I get emails when you post, and I read each one.
I usually run across your blog posts via Goodreads.
I see your posts on Goodreads.
They are such good doggies!
I enjoy getting your posts by e-mail. Less chance of missing one. 🙂
I did something similar in my (sadly largely dormant) blog 10 years ago: https://www.rss4lib.com/2007/11/rss4lib-survey-results/ Curious if your poll shows similar results.
I chose “some other way”, since google now was not a choice. I would guess that’s really a curated Rss reader.
From Goodreads.
Rss reader, Protopage to be more specific.
My entire family adds an extra word to your title lyric when singing it:
“You may ask yourself, Self, how did I get here?”
I voted as “Some Other Way” –> arriving via direct access (no feeds or redirects, but manually typing in the address). Yours is one of the handful of sites I check most regularly. (Others, fwiw, include Gaiman, Scalzi, Rothfuss, Stross, Sanderson, Wendig & Mary Robinette Kowal — all – including you, Wil – writers I respect for a variety of reasons, and will read just about anything they produce.)
Same, though I didn’t type the address. I just clicked the bookmark.
I check wil’s tumblr everyday because I know his site posts will be here, too.
Likewise… I just hit wilwheaton.net as part of my routine web crawl. No notifications. I don’t even have it bookmarked, since I only need to type as far as “wi” to get it autocompleted…