I’m trying to figure out some stuff about traffic sources, and I feel like my stats package isn’t entirely accurate. If you don’t mind, would you please choose the option below that most accurately reflects how you found out about this post?
How were you first notified of this post?
- rss reader (34%, 2,102 Votes)
- some other way (22%, 1,355 Votes)
- twitter (18%, 1,087 Votes)
- instagram (9%, 533 Votes)
- tumblr (8%, 514 Votes)
- e-mail (6%, 395 Votes)
- facebook (1%, 70 Votes)
- google plus (1%, 39 Votes)
Total Voters: 6,095

As my thank you for your time, here are my dogs, being good dogs, Brent.
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I voted Twitter, but wanted to point out that although I first saw the post title on Twitter I actually got here through my RSS reader (feedly.com), and would have even without Twitter.
I did the exact same thing. Figure since he asked for the FIRST way we found out about it, Twitter was the best choice.
I voted “some other way” but technically I wasn’t ‘notified’… there are a few blogs/websites that I regularly visit and it’s always a nice surprise to see a new post. 🙂
I voted some other way … I had searched for “Wil Wheaton programming” to see if there’s been an update on your python adventures, then clicked within your blog to the most recent post
I saw the post title and photo of your adorable pups on twitter, but actually made it to the blog post itself through feedly, so I picked RSS reader.
Ditto this.
Email (subscribed)
Even though technically it’s a RSS feed, I voted “some other way”. We have your blog set up as a feed on LiveJournal, and a bunch of us read you that way. 🙂
Same and that’s how I voted.
i messed up your stats. I thought it meant how did i find you the first time… not this one particular post…however in the infinite universes somewhere i got this right and that Whil Wheaton will have accurate numbers and his life will get better and that makes me feel better about everything!
You really should redo the poll and include the “I check the blog regularly” option…
Just like Alice, I check your site on the regular, so I voted Other.
Wow, I’m impressed with the RSS showing. Just goes to prove that RSS ISN’T DEAD!!!
Wooo! (“Dammit Google, I was using that!” I use TheOldReader now…)
FWIW, I find you through the WordPress reader thingy.
voted rss. specifically, i’m using feedly, if that’s useful/interesting.
Some Other Way — Follower on GoodReads
Now I have The Talking Heads stuck in my head………..WHEATON!!!!!!!
I picked “Some other way” because I have your site appearing on my Dreamwidth via RSS feed, so it’s technically a RSS reader, but since it’s more than that too, I didn’t want to pick that option.
I read the post via my RSS reader (Feedly), but this is probably the first time in months I’ve actually come to the site. Usually I just read it in my reader, not on the site. Thanks for still posting regularly!
I get your blog posts in my email via the wordpress subscribe thingie. I very seldom click through to the blog itself unless it’s long enough that it gets truncated in mail, or whatever causes that ‘click here for more’ link, or sometimes I want to see what the comments were. I don’t know if this screws up your stats any, but you might want to take that into account. I have no idea what other people do who chose ’email’.
RSS feed on Livejournal. I put “some other way.”
bookmarked, dude!
i have it book marked and come here directly through that. several times a day. over and over. update your tumblr more 🙂
So…I only follow you on Instagram…saw your ig story and swiped up to get here! I liked the graffiti btw!
I voted some other way as well. I have it as a feed on my livejournal. So I guess it could be a rss reader but not really.
Me too. LJ has more or less become only an RSS reader these days (RIP LJ; we hipster oppressed were taken over by the Russians before it got popular), but it’s still where I get people I subscribed to ages ago.
4,300 answers. Im amazed at how kind and patient you are and you must be just so busy all the time, right? I had a log vivid dream last night that I got to hang out with you and Anne. My anxiety doesn’t want me to tell you that.
I saw on twitter you are listening to Hamilton. I am not famous but my brother has seen Hamilton 4 times, soooo.
Well he works at the Public theatre where it started. I’m jealous he has worked with Lin-Manuel. That man is delightful.
I just ate a burrito. #burritowatch
Not log. Sheesh.
I clicked FB though I’m an idiot, and found your post through goodreads. I must have just been looking for compound words. Or I’m dead tired. Anyway, it Wasn’t FB, it was “some other way.” 😀
I’ve been reading your blogs since your first audiobook and way back before it was a .net. Nobody tells me to come here–I just do. It’s like checking in with an old friend–“I wonder what WW is up to?”
I learned about wilwheaton.net after watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04WJEEb33CY (Of course, I learned about Wil Wheaton the person from many years of TNG).
I just visited your website today with no prompting.
Some other way – Goodreads!
I was adding The Collapsing Empire to my to-read list> listened to the audio sample> recognized your voice> thought “hey! I bet if Wil has a page here”> found your Goodreads page> followed your page> saw the Goodreads post> clicked the link for the poll> and here I am 😀
Now I will be following your Goodreads page and WilWheaton.net <3
Some other way – product recall notice gone awry. My wiper blades could be faulty. So I was en route to the manufacturer website I bookmarked, but the WWDN bookmark beckoned. I bookmarked it long ago via Fark back when I could trust wiper blades. But now this.
Some other way. Google Now recommends this page for me. I’m not sure if it’s using RSS, Google Plus, or something else
My “some other way” is “I book marked your blog like 5 years ago and I stop by a few times per week.”
Why yes, I am old, why do you ask?
The Bloggess and my cousin both offer regular prompts, and eventually I bookmarked your blog and your lovely bride’s. My husband shares her love for painting the world with googly eyes, so that was also a roundabout way to find y’all. 🙂
I’m surprised rss is still so strong. I figured it was all social media these days… though I’m glad it’s not.
It would be interesting if you posted a follow-up comparing your stats with this poll.
Now that song is in my head. Damn you! shakes fist
I guess as some twisted SOC maybe, DARPA, STTNG, TB-L, TI, TT, FD, YNWOTIAAM, TG & GR.COM. But then… Who is Wil Wheaton? Who is Brent? Who is John G… Sorry, I haven’t read any of your books yet but I will.
Oops. I meant to say i voted “Some Other Way”
I voted “some other way” because I was just reading about you online and saw the mention that you had a blog and thought it would be interesting. I don’t even remember what site I was on, sorry!
Some other way, in this case means — “A couple of times a month when I have time to surf, your blog is one of three or four sites I check — along with BGG & Philip DeFranco, a couple of niche music sites and occasionally Archive.org or NASA or DARPA or SpaceX if something cool is afoot. I’ve been checking out your stuff since you were into geocaching and just starting WWDN; back to Burrito & Memories of Future Past & all of that. You spin good mind-candy.
Anyway – I like what you do here. Then again, hey… I was fooled by Lonelygirl15 – and before her – TheSpot! So for all I know, you’re not really Wil Wheaton and this is some kind of reality webisode. Being that it is (was) April Fools Day, one has to consider that possibility 😉
Saw your link on John Scalzi’s blog, so I thought I would check it out. In spite of your political viewpoints, I still find you to be a very fascinating and interesting individual, especially for someone who made the successful transition from child actor to adult actor.
via goodreads, was not available therefore I chose other
Your’s is just bookmarked; there’s a handful of blogs I check daily. I’d use an RSS feed but I’m old and set in my ways.
I also type in the website name after I get to work. You are #2 after xkcd.
I was going to select “Divine Intervention” but i didn’t see it as a choice. Oh well… So long and thanks for all the dog pictures…
Voted RSS – came here to vote because dogs. Your dogs are amazing. More photos of your dogs please
I get a weekly email from Goodreads “New Updates from Authors You Follow.” 🙂
I was notified by the mind implant you and I share which was installed by Dr. Infinity when we were being vatted together as twin super soldiers on the arena planet Praxis 9.
Or maybe that’s Dolph Lundgren’s blog.
I get you two confused.
It’s a bit of trip therfore rendering my option unavailable. I may or may not have aten i half bag of burritos that day . Im still on a trip from that batch mmmm. It’s really neat your doing this for all the girls too . It’s important they get a chance. It’s really hard even writing an answer on Quora if your just a girl. Add one mistake or an auto correct , you would think I killed a child. Even the guys I think are over the stigma backing me up drop me faster than a hot potato. Young girls need a constant cheer squad thanks to the stigma. Add being an artist like me good luck ! The worst part is it’s sad but true. Maybe one day who knows ? It be kinda cool though if we could play super metroid and talk nerdy stuff . I feel like I dropped a hammer on your head when we were kids I could be wrong .Lol I hope I am. Thanks