I see that the right wing noise machine has spun up and worked its adherents into quite a furor about me.
Fox News and its allies are working really hard to deflect attention and anger away from the role that unfettered access to weapons of mass murder played in the latest incidence of mass murder in America. Fox News and its allies want you to be angry at something they misled you into believing I said, so you will take the anger and sorrow and desire for action you feel after a mass shooting, and aim it at me, instead of holding the people in power who could prevent this to account. Fox News, Paul Ryan, and their allies are counting on their ability to fool you into believing their lies, so they can continue to do nothing until the next mass shooting, when they’ll offer thoughts and prayers but no action.
For a certain demographic of Fox News viewer, what I’m writing here won’t be enough. They just want to express righteous indignation and pat themselves on the back because it serves their narrative, so I’m not writing this for them. I’m writing this for reasonable people who are as sick and angry as I am about the endless cycle of preventable gun violence in America.
This is what I wrote yesterday, when I first saw that I was being misunderstood:
“I am so sick and angry that this keeps happening. America is the only first world country where we do nothing while our fellow humans are slaughtered by entirely preventable gun violence every day.
“People like Paul Ryan can write and pass laws that can address this epidemic of gun violence, which should be considered a public health crisis, but instead, Paul Ryan and people like him offer “thoughts and prayers” as a shield for their inaction.
“I heard privately from some close friends who are people of sincere Faith, and they were concerned that my anger at Paul Ryan would be misread as an attack on people of Faith. I want and need to apologize to anyone who felt like I was attacking them, or their faith (unless that person is Paul Ryan). I respect your Faith, even if I do not share it. I respect that prayer brings comfort and strength and guidance for a lot of people, and if you are one of those people, praying for God to bring comfort and strength to the families and friends of the victims and survivors is a deeply meaningful act.
“I am not attacking you or your Faith, and I see that in my anger, I didn’t write my thoughts as clearly as I could have. For that I sincerely apologize to anyone who I offended or hurt. I can’t take it back, but I can tell you that it was never my intention, nor is it my belief.
“I am angry at people like Paul Ryan who are quick to offer their thoughts and prayers after mass murder, but who refuse to do anything to even attempt to slow or stop the epidemic of gun violence that plagues America. He and people like him are hoping that you will give him a pass and let him exploit your Faith so he can continue to shrug his shoulders, take money from the NRA, and do absolutely nothing else.
“So just to be crystal clear: I apologize to those of you who are sincere people of Faith, who felt attacked by me. That was not my intention.”
To the professional atheists out there who are endlessly cruel, condescending, and dismissive toward people of Faith: I am not your ally and I’m not on your team. Don’t claim me as one of your own, because the right wing noise machine misinterpreted what I said (and I will do better in the future, to prevent my words from being misunderstood and misconstrued so easily).
To anyone who believes that my anger at Paul Ryan’s empty words is in any way directed toward the victims of gun violence: Attacking the victims, the survivors, or the victim’s families of any mass shooting, the way Alex Jones does with his false flag lies, is despicable and inexcusable. I want to be very clear: I was not and I am not attacking anyone who was in that church, I am not mocking their Faith. I don’t believe that a reasonable person would believe that I was, but because that lie has taken hold as a narrative, it’s important to me that I restate this, once again: Paul Ryan hides behind empty words about thoughts and prayers, exploiting the real and sincere beliefs held by people of Faith. He and people like him offer words without deeds over and over again, and I’m sick and tired of it. *That* is what I am attacking, and that is what I am angry about.
Fox News and its allies are working really hard to deflect attention and anger away from the role that unfettered access to weapons of mass murder played in the latest incidence of mass murder in America. Fox News and its allies want you to be angry at something they mislead you into believing I said, so you will take the anger and sorrow and desire for action you feel after a mass shooting, and aim it at me, instead of holding the people in power who could prevent this to account. Fox News, Paul Ryan, and their allies are counting on their ability to fool you into believing their lies, so they can continue to do nothing until the next mass shooting, when they’ll offer thoughts and prayers but no action.
Once again, to people of Faith who find comfort and strength in prayer: I am not mocking or belittling or attacking you or your relationship with God, and if you felt that I was, I hope you will accept this apology.
I will not apologize for being angry at Paul Ryan and people like him who have words but no deeds, and I hope that people of Faith will hold him to account.
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I’ve never been big on the whole Wil Wheaton Felicia Day thing, but you’re not wrong. “Thoughts and Prayers” can blow me.
I think deep down, you truly think people of faith are idiots. Just like the shooter in Texas thought they were idiots. Your comment to Paul Ryan wasn’t, “Paul, you’re a fake.” Your comment to him was, “prayer doesn’t work, idiot.” I think the only thing you are sorry about is that in a moment of rage, you allowed your true self to be revealed to people. I should be angry with you, but I think it’s sad that you have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Good luck with that.
Paul Ryan’s prayers don’t work. If they worked, we wouldn’t have mass shootings in America every single day. I’ve made myself as clear as I can, and if you’re going to insist on continuing to twist and misinterpret what I said and believe, I have nothing else to say to you.
I feel like the only person who twisted your words was you, when you back pedaled.
Also, churches don’t teach people that prayer prevents crimes or that a church protects people from violence. That’s not why people pray. That’s not what Paul Ryan meant. Try going inside a church sometime, instead of getting your opinion of what it teaches from fictional TV shows.
My Dear Eric,
First of all, I do go inside churches and other sanctuary refuge type places. I respect your ardor concerning ” Why people pray?”. in fact, I have made a years long study of the potential power of prayer and other meditative behaviors used by religious and secular groups.
Therefore I would be most appreciative if you would care to elucidate your reasons why people “pray” . you mentioned two examples of things your church “don’t teach people” to pray about 1) prevent crime, violence, or 2)request physical safety for self or others.
Seriously, my curiosity requests that you share your knowledge and opinions regarding,
“Why Do people pray.?
My academic and private studies of the past 50 plus years suggest that people pray for an infinite number of reasons and in an infinite number of ways.
perhaps you could start by telling me how you pray, and for what?
I also engage in a religious practice every day. Praying alone or with others has been a spiritual experience I treasure in my own life.
Respectfully yours,
C.R., R.N.
Churches can teach all kinds of garbage. Just like people can say all kinds of garbage. And yes, many churches teach that prayer is the only action needed to stop violent acts. You don’t represent every single church.
No. He clarified. You are choosing to read other things into it.
Honestly, I’d be surprised if Paul even did pray….
Paul Ryan didn’t say pray to protect yourself from being shot, he said the people of Sutherland Springs need our prayers right now, which I am sure you understand that he meant the survivors of the community need support and good wishes of the community.
I don’t think attacking that sentiment was constructive.
As an Australian who lived through times where mass shootings were far too common, I know gun control is a mechanism that will lead to fewer deaths and I can sympathise with people who are frustrated that there is an element that stands in the way of reducing these types of attacks. We have far more guns now than at the time we started on gun control and there has not been another mass shooting since. Guns aren’t the problem, accessibility of guns by people who have psychological problems is the problem.
I am not sure how accurate this statement is, but I read a claim that there hasn’t been a single NRA member that has been involved in a mass shooting, these people want to retain access to their guns and if they are responsible gun owners and of sound mind, there isn’t anything inherently wrong with them having access to guns. They should be your allies as they are responsible gun owners but American politics is very divisive, there is far too much soap box grandstanding and people get riled up to the point of being illogical and can never get anything worthwhile done.
It is important to understand mass shootings are a symptom of a dysfunctional society, if someone wishes to murder and doesn’t have access to a gun then they can make a bomb, use a knife, use a truck. You can never protect everyone by eliminating tools to murder, because we can murder a lot of people with almost anything.
After many mass shootings, our government formed a national committee on violence and it produced a fascinating report on the causes of violence, from broken homes, abuse, lack of education, lack of social programs, lack of help for people with psychological issues, social values, etc. Gun control was 2 pages of the 285 report, most of the recommendations for social reform were enacted by preceeding governments but our NRA was as beligerent as the American version is when it came to gun control and they successfully blocked gun control reform for about a decade until the Port Arthur massacre. After that we had bipartisan support to implement the gun control recommendations, however, we were already experiencing the benefits of the other social reforms.
As a Libertarian at heart, it is somewhat uncomfortable to feel the encroach of the state envelope you and we are by no means an ideal construct as a society, we do still have social issues but we have a far more even distribution of wealth, three quarters of the population is middle class or higher now, we have a high standard of education, health care is available to everyone, we have a high minmum wage and all of our major cities rate very highly in terms of the most livable cities in the world. I have seen significant change in my lifetime and we can create more progressive communities without being dogmatic, aggressive or extremely ideological.
Everyone needs to find common ground with other people, especially people you find to have different beliefs or ideologies. You can’t be progressive and achieve progressive outcomes if your progressivism is only theoretical or ideological and it isn’t something that can be forced on people, everyone has to want to go on the journey and it is encumant on everyone who wants to see better societies to do everything humanly possible to achieve those outcomes.
You have a large audience and a significant reach, however, the way you treat people you disagree with politically or ideologically is part of the problem in my opinion, and with American society in general. Building bubbles and echo chambers isn’t how to achieve more progressive societies. You are quick to judge people, even groups of people, you even dehumanise some people or groups. The reality is people end up with the society they deserve and desire, it takes significant introspection and a desire for self-improvement to become someone better, be part of creating a better society. The society can’t change for the better if we don’t as individuals.
Well said
I love Australia and I hate Australia. It is a beautiful country full of a spirited and self reliant people who seem to have an bizarre affinity for authoritative socialist governments and have no problem with total gun confiscation. Progressives love the idea and honestly believe that if you get rid of guns you will likewise spell the end of rape, violence and murder
Best comment I have read in a while. Thank you. I want to print it and reread it once in a while to remind me.
This. So very well said, Tom. I think you’re really awesome, Wil, and I love that your heart’s obvious sincere desire is for everyone to be awesome to everyone. But Tom hit the nail on the head with “…the way you treat people you disagree with politically or ideologically is part of the problem in my opinion, and with American society in general. Building bubbles and echo chambers isn’t how to achieve more progressive societies. You are quick to judge people, even groups of people, you even dehumanise some people or groups.”
I personally wouldn’t have stated this with so many second person pronouns, because this truth doesn’t apply to just you by any means (and I wouldn’t say “the way you treat people” as much as “I’ve seen you treat people like this on occasion). It applies to a majority (or a very vocal minority) of people on both sides of the issue (ALL the issues) and is a huge problem in our country today (and our current administration hasn’t done anything but fuel that fire).
Man, who cares what the right-wing media write about you. Or the left-wingers, centrist… or anyone, for that matter. You have to stand by your principles. I fully understand you do not want to be associated with “militant” atheists because oftentimes they’re just insensitive, needlessly insulting and argumentative asshats, and I understand you do not wish to be the unfortunate target of a right-wing ” smokescreen” either…
That, however, doesn’t take away that your statement was correct, and you should be able to express your beliefs. Sending “prayers” is and always will be an extremely ineffective method of effecting any kind of change, no matter how you look at it. Even for people who are faithful, a prayer is pretty much a hail mary (pun…sort of intended). Did god hear the prayer, will he answer it? I’m sure many faithful had at least some of their prayers not answered.
If you can’t point out the hypocrisy in someone’s actions through the lens of your own set of beliefs, of your own frame of reference, without being attacked for it, that is horrible. But stand by your words. It’s fine for you to believe prayer doesn’t work.
Who cares if people are offended. Feeling offended isn’t the end of the world. These people who claim to be, are just making this whole situation about them. But this isn’t about them. This is about the senseless loss of life in the umptieth mass shooting of late. If some people happen to get ‘insulted’ in the progress of moving humanity past this state of insanity we seem to be caught in – if that is the price we have to pay, that should be more than worth it.
This is a comment that, as a person of faith, I don’t want to like, but I do. I definitely believe sensitivity and respect for someone you disagree with is almost always in order, but the root of what you said, Martijn, is absolutely true.
Clarified. Makes sense to me.
While I appreciate you coming out and clarifying your stance on this, I am left with a question. Does Nancy Pelosi’s “thoughts and prayers” work when a shooting occurs?
Now before I go down this proverbial rabbit hole further, I truly do not have a dog in the fight. Meaning, I am not labeled as any party, alignment (left, right, center) etc. I’m simply an American citizen born and raised.
Now, if we as a country hold both parties or better yet “all factions” accountable for their empty words, well I think you calling out Paul Ryan would have resonated a bit better than it did.
As it sits, from someone without a dog in the fight, you’ve tried to hold one side accountable, while turning a blind eye to the other.
Let’s hold “all” of our elected officials accountable! Term limits would be a good start, 10 years in Congress max…
Just my humble opinion though.
Regardless Will, I’ve been a fan since S.B.M. growing up and am still a fan. So again, thank you for clarifying your point of view on this.
Take care.
Nancy Pelosi’s “thoughts and prayers” come along with a commitment to enacting gun control laws. That’s the whole point: if you’re claiming to sympathize with mass shooting victims while opposing legislation to stop mass shootings, you are a hypocrite and deserve to be called out. How is what you’re talking about related to that, other than as a false-neutrality distraction?
I don’t believe you for a minute. You started an uproar and now you try to backpedal . Your true identity has already been revealed. You’re an unkind, unloving “person” that think all too much of himself. You’re an actor, wow. You want us to worship you? Why don’t you stay away from grieving people, you have nothing to offer any of them.
Prayers are a fine thing to offer. The problem is that prayers are often -the only thing- offered.
well said
Like everyone else in this country, Wil Wheaton has the right to exercise his freedom of religion. In this case it happens to be his freedom from religion. There is nothing wrong with that. He has this right. He also has a right to free self-expression and the freedom of speech and when he told you that prayer doesn’t work, he told you honestly, because that has been his observation. He, like many, including myself, have made the same observation. There is no statistical significance of prayer working. His outburst was unbecoming of a person with a public image to maintain; however, there are just as many people who are happy about what he said as there are people who are angry for it. We are tired of the gun violence. Our society has been harmed by it for far too long. Columbine fell off of the top 10 deadliest shootings in the world. We have had two of the top five deadliest shootings in the past 35 days. So, while you have been praying, we have been watching the unchecked death toll rise ever further, and it’s past time to do something about it besides pray. We don’t have to tiptoe around your religion because it offends you. But, we do certainly have to do something, because prayer alone is not statistically significant.
So much diversity, constant media overload, it’s a wonder we don’t explode. Perhaps some do. Sometimes.
Aren’t these killers kinda like a ticking bomb? If yes, then I want to know how were they made? What are the elements that combine to produce so explosive a person that he becomes a very dangerous crazed mass shooter of innocent strangers.???
The USA is somehow fostering an increasing number of “Ticking Bomb” people?
I recommend readers who care go back up a few comments and see what the wise articulate Mr. Tom Raft, had to share with us. With great clarity, information and encouraging statistics.
Listen to the wisdom of his perspective and the solutions that are working in his country to reduce crazed gun killings.
Time to change some of the old ways. Guns AND people TOGETHER kill others.
angry person plus loaded assault weapons equal “Ticking Bomb” person.
I doubt the DSM-5 yet has a diagnostic category that describes the cause, symptoms, treatments or cure.
We’ll need much more data before we can devise any preventive measures.
Well, enough rambling on and on for tonight. Sweet Dreams to all.
C.R., R.N.
Thank you for even obliquely referencing the fact that mental illness is NOT the culprit. Maladaptive coping mechanisms and lives being treated as insignificant is.
I’m autistic, which is not a mental illness, but it’s lumped in with them. I also have ADHD and GAD. I am, by any definition, mentally ill. But I’m so tired of being categorized as dangerous, so tired of being eyed warily when I disclose. After Sandy Hook (the shooter allegedly had autism spectrum disorder) I was asked, multiple times, if I’ve ever owned a gun (never) and had I ever shot anyone (of course not). I was the butt of a joke by a coworker who commented “Ask [CC], she’s rtrded. She probably shoots up schools for fun, too.”
These people are not mentally ill – or if they are, it’s in addition to being poor, mistreated, overlooked, ignored and invalidated. Dehumanized White Man-NOS is not in the DSM, last I checked. Evil exists. We must accept that.
It’s interesting that you would come onto his own blog and tell him what he meant, when he very specifically just said that he didn’t.
It’s hilarious how people will constantly tell someone what they meant when they said something, as if you would know better than Wil what he meant.
it would only take you a small amount of time reading Wil’s other writings and work to know that he is a thoughtful, caring and respectful person but if you did that reading it wouldn’t fit your narrative.
Is he wrong though? Are “thoughts and prayers” a suitable response to this kind of thing every time when no other action is taken? Or is it hypocritical?
You don’t get it.
What he said was that prayer that is not mirrored by action is frustrating. He didn’t say it was pointless, like the Bible does in James 2:16-18: “And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.”
So, in plainer words, the faith that Paul Ryan pretends to practice, tells him that he should match his prayers with deeds in kind, or else his prayers are dead and bring no profit.
Wil isn’t telling Paul Ryan “prayer doesn’t work, idiot.” Jesus is telling Paul Ryan “prayer that isn’t paired with deeds doesn’t work, idiot.” Wil is just saying he’s sick and tired of people in position to do good deeds choosing to offer prayers instead of action, when they clearly have the option to offer both.
Seriously, dude, I’m a Pagan, and I know the Bible says prayers should match actions instead of substituting for them (not just that verse, multiple places, Old and New Testament). Why don’t you, or Paul Ryan, know it? Perhaps you should pluck the beam out of your and Paul Ryan’s eyes before you worry about the mote you imagine you see in Wil’s eye?
you know what, fvck the apologies. god is not real, as far as any of you know. prayer does not work, as far as any of you know. i’m tired of this society catering to bronze age myths that adults who want to play make believe can’t let go of
fvck paul ryan, and fvck any moron who thinks praying for the victims to the same ‘god’ that watched it happen is an effective thing to do
Nice rant, but why sensor yourself? You know what I like more than your rant? Your “belief”…
Though you were correct until a point. No one knows if God exists. I don’t, you don’t, no one does. But then you assert that your tired of people believing in God and that prayers don’t work…..
Well, I don’t know, you had said you didn’t know and no one else did either, but suddenly in the course of starting your post and clicking “Post” you found proof of God’s inexistence?
Like I told someone else, unless religious or non-religious people are barraging you daily in a literal fashion, who cares what someone believes or doesn’t believe? Though it appears to only be working one way anymore…
Hi, I’m in the group you’ve directed this and other notes to in the past 24 hours, (I’m a church every week, prayers multiple times a day person) trying to be clear about what you were saying. I get what you meant. I get how it came out. I get what you mean when you clarified. It’s all good. I get why you’re mad at Paul Ryan (and others). I get what you wanted to say. I get that you have clarified. Thanks. We good!
ditto and Amen
As a Chicagoan, this is a very personal debate for me. I am beyond tired of my city being used as some kind of grotesque stalking horse for misguided arguments that guns shouldn’t be regulated because criminals. Our gun laws are nowhere near what they used to be – because NRA funded politicians targeted moderates and got them out. Also, Indiana and Wisconsin have some of the most lax gun laws in the country – and both states are mere hours from the city line.
Read. Learn. Leave us alone. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/glanton/ct-met-gun-control-chicago-dahleen-glanton-20171003-story.html
That said, I think – as Mr. Wheaton seems to think, correct me if I’m wrong – that faith is a fine and honorable thing. But faith and prayers and good wishes simply aren’t enough right now.
What you are saying is Chicago laws are superseded by laws in surrounding areas. It’s a fair argument. So what laws make it possible for Chicago criminals to buy guns? I’m not trying to be augmentative. I just don’t know how it so easy for criminals to get guns legally.
PS… I’ve never given a nickle to the NRA. Like the ACLU I think it’s an absurd group. They are more interested in power than in our societies well being.
I know more about Indiana than Wisconsin, but I do know that neither state has extensive background check requirements, nor any waiting periods. (IL has both, as far as I am aware.) Gun shows in both states are some of the most notorious offenders, also, and private collectors are actually barred from conducting background checks at least in IN. Indiana hosts more gun shows than all but 4 states in the union, most at places like Hammond or Gary that have casinos and convention halls. Both of those cities are within 2 hours of Chicago. This is a good piece giving the basics – http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2016/1/11/lax-gun-laws-in-indiana-fuel-violence-in-chicago.html.
Straw purchases are also an endemic problem – because in-depth background checks and registries are not required, at least not in Indiana, it’s easy for someone with a clean record to waltz into a gun show, buy a crapton of weaponry, and hand it over to their friends and/or “colleagues” in the city. There’s simply no record, because IN/WI don’t have to take names, so how can the guns be traced?
Another great piece is this one – http://www.npr.org/2017/10/05/555580598/fact-check-is-chicago-proof-that-gun-laws-don-t-work. The guns simply aren’t coming from the city itself – it’s pretty simple to guess where they’re coming from.
I’m sorry if my tone replying to your other comment was strident. Just there is so much good that this town has to offer, and it is routinely subsumed into a narrative about violence that is at worst racist, at best disingenuous. I’d never pretend we don’t have a violence problem, but so many write it off as “lax sentencing laws” (not true) or worse, as “just criminal people” (gee, guess who they think are the criminals most of the time?) when it’s far more complex.
You’re just lying. I live in Indiana and have bought guns and there are background checks and waiting periods. Not just for handguns and rifles but for shotguns too. And felons or people who have committed violent crimes like domestic abuse cannot buy guns. You’re full of shit.
Because of the permissive gun laws in the states that have borders close to Chicago. Short drive over those borders and guns are available easily, then drive back. If those states that have their borders close by had similar gun control, then the situation would be very different.
Faith without works is dead. If we are to proclaim ourselves people of faith, we must represent our faith in our deeds. The responsibility laid upon us is to pray without ceasing, but we are also commanded to give ourselves always to the works of the Lord.
Thoughts and prayers are a good start but uses we are also doing absolutely everything we can to provide for the safety of His flock then all of our “Faith” means nothing.
Are you saying that it is time to pit a fence around Chicago?
Are you saying that it is time to put a fence around Chicago?
You do know that our murder rate is 18th in the nation, right? Not even top 5. 18th. Why is Dump so obsessed with Chicago? Could it be because it’s a city that stopped his bullsh#t campaign rally before it got started when he tried to come here? Could it be because we have a whole lot of POC who didn’t vote for him and a lot of white people who aren’t buying his crap?
Bite me. Go away. Be quiet.
Wil, thank you for your clarification. As a person of faith I see prayer as a starting point. We all need to work for a sane and safe world.
I get where you are coming from. Anyone holding a gun and wanting to kill someone (regardless of faith) is not righteous either- just looking for an outlet in the wrong place. People who would benefit from tragedy like this should be the ones who need to be held accountable. I’m hoping your words have exposed the right people and brought some justice.
Thanks for speaking with your heart and mind. Keep podcasting and keep your chin up!
-from the allmanaofthings.com team
It sucks that you are being used as a distraction like this. Thanks for calling out inaction and empty condolences, and keep up the awesome work. (also thanks for being a fellow atheist who cares about Not Being A Dick; I need people like you)
Well said. Personally, I never thought you were against people of Faith (however it is practiced) or of their relationship with the aspect of G*d of their choosing. I do, however, share your anger with Paul Ryan and others like him. There is no excuse for allowing murder to continue as it has been.
Hey Wil, thanks for this. I’m sorry you were put in a position where it became the best use of your time to clarify – I know you have better things to do and I think we all want a society that’s as full of life and health as possible. No matter what side of any argument someone is on, I hope our culture will learn to disagree with fairness and honesty.
I’m one of those people of faith, and am completely unoffended by your opinions and statements. Love you and am continuing to wish you the best.
ditto and Amen
I consider myself to be a “person of faith”, and I COMPLETELY support your original statement regarding these atrocities. One cannot hide behind thoughts and prayers and then sit back and do nothing, especially when, as you so astutely pointed out, the people offering the ‘thoughts and prayers’ are in elected positions that give them the POWER and RESPONSIBILITY to act. Thoughts and prayers are lovely, but actions are also necessary when actions can be taken. In this case, action MUST be taken. These senseless acts of violence must be stopped, and politicians need to be called out for hiding behind platitudes.
Exactly! Very well said.
As someone who truly thinks that there is a good reason for the separation of church and state, I am not offended in the least by your comments.
I’m sorry that you feel this act was preventable……mentally deranged criminals will NEVER be stopped by laws….they do not abide by laws. The only way to stop bad people with guns is to have good people with guns.
This is not true and has been proven false many times. If he did not have a gun, or the ability to shoot as much as he did, there would not have been a shooting. People cannot shoot guns they do not have. This is widely seen in many other countries. If we start reducing guns then maybe in twenty tears we will see the actual decrease in mass shootings. It will take time to get the guns out of the “bad people’s” hands but we need to start. Good people do not need guns that are made for killing people. This was an ANGRY MAN, using the term mentally deranged is not helpful in solving the problem. If we use your logic that he would never be stopped by laws, if there were no guns he would not have been able to shoot anyone, so the best solution according to you is to BAN guns completely and remove them. A realist would see the problem is the gun. The gun creates the ability to kill quickly and in mass.
And yet his disciples carried swords….even in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested, could be your reading is overly simplistic and he is talking about not responding to insults instead of letting people kill you.
my humble opinion.
He that lives by the sword…… do you know the rest?
Hey there readers, my response above was in answer to the declaration by “The Realist”. and not to keith or anyone else..
I’m so tired of people like you smearing the mentally ill. The only mental illness these people have is being in love with violence.
Here we go. New York Post.
“The Air Force failed to enter the Texas church shooter’s info about his domestic violence conviction into the federal background check system — allowing for him to purchase the weapon he used to slaughter 26 people on Sunday, a military spokesman says.”
The law was already on the books. The Air Force dropped the ball. How is that Paul Ryan’s fault?
This is what happens when you tweet prior to obtaining the facts. That’s not Fox News fault. That’s not Right Wingers fault. I do like Wil Wheaton, but that’s Wii Wheaton’s fault. Not to mention, his wording was admittedly unclear.
Wil Wheaton was angry, however I think honest people would describe this particular rant as rhetoric.
Bad laws did not allow this man to own gun. In this case, Wil’s anger is misdirected.
Good point
You said it….own it
Your exact Twitter post “The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they’d still be alive, you worthless sack of shit.”
How has that been “misinterpreted” by the media and people of faith? Seems pretty clear to me. Own it.
There’s context, I guess? Context of Paul Ryan constantly offering tho– you know what? I’ve explained myself multiple times already in this post and elsewhere. If you’re going to ignore that and make me dance for you, we don’t have anything else to talk about.
I realize you were not responding to me, but this particular crime is on the Air Force, not Paul Ryan. There is already legislation prevented lunatics like this from legally obtaining guns. The Air Force dropped the ball by not reporting it, which they are legally obligated to do.
Good save, Wil. Prost.
Why would you risk your career like that? You’ve got to think about what you say very carefully when you’re in the public eye. Just ask The Dixie Chicks and Gilbert Gottfried and Michael Richards and Colin Kaepernick and Mel Gibson, etc. I guess Big Bang Theory is probably gone, a major network is not going to want the controversy. I will say a prayer that your career isn’t over.
I’m fairly sure Hollywood isn’t going to censure Wil for his stance on this issue. Mel Gibson has greater character flaws, or “unfavorable news bites” perhaps, than Wil.
Like you give a shit! Stop being disingenuous.
As a person of faith who also favors gun control, I’ll weigh in and say: “Thanks, Wil. We’re cool.”
I watched your series Tabletop. I watched Titansgrave. I watched your YouTube beer making videos. To say this is a right wing issue is wrong. President Obama signed off on it, and the Democratic Congress passed the law making the bumpstock legal that was used in Las Vegas where the death toll was even higher? Where were your comments then?
Sorry, you lost me. No more Tabletop, Titansgrave, or any thing else you are involved with. I am practicing my freedom of speech by boycotting your ignorance.
You don’t want to watch Tabletop because you have different political beliefs? Tabletop is a blessing to my family. Who are you really hurting by not watching.
I read the same comments as you- and where is the “right wing issue” you speak of? Yelling at the speaker of the house (who, btw, takes a lot of money from gun lobbyists) to back up his “thoughts and prayers” with real legislation isn’t a “right wing issue”. It’s a get off your butt and do something to stop these mass shootings. I think you are the one projecting politics into these comments.
Further, I didn’t read these comments as being limited to one mass shooting ( seriously, typing that depresses and infuriates me). The way I read it is that we have a real crisis in our country of mass shootings. So let’s focus on getting a fix and protecting people in a real, earthly way. You know, say, legislation.
And, fwiw, that is not how your freedom of speech works.
Sigh…feel free to come back when you can start to think for yourself instead of simply accepting rhetoric spread by the side you choose to believe in. There was nothing “signed off on” by Obama… There was a classification in 2010 and 2012 of the bumpstock as an accessory…and thus it was simply judged as “okay” by the ATF… Yes, Congress could have passed legislation overruling that classification, but in both 2010 and 2012, the House was already controlled by the GOP…and in case you were unaware, legislation starts in the House.
Rand Paul was one of the first to trot out the “thoughts and prayers” line, and it made my blood boil. It’s not that I’m against those. When someone loses a loved one it usually gives them some comfort to know that others are thinking about them, and if they’re religious to know also that people are praying for them.
No, what made me mad is the all-too-familiar “thoughts anad prayers” refrain that is followed up by absolutely nothing. I said to my spouse “if this were rocks falling on people from the sky, it might be ok to shrug and say ‘oh well, what can you do'”. As I thought more about that though, I realized that if falling rocks were the problem we would probably undertake some kind of falling-rock initiative.
Gun violence is unique in that we see it as a clear, imminent, pervasive threat and we can’t do anything because one side won’t budge. Not one little bit.
In this case the air force dropped the ball. Not legislators. With that in mind, what law would you like to see on the books that might prevent such things?
I am absolutely in favor of closing the gun show loophole, that seems absurd to me. But so far, these shootings are not done by people buying guns at gun shows.
Child Porn is illegal. Why are videos, manuals and materials that allow the turning of a semi automatic into an automatic not illegal.
Most of the stuff I hear on gun control is unproductive anger which turns into rhetoric. From both sides.
I read you right the first time. I respect that you are using your platform for good works that are meaningful to all people. I respect that you heard the criticism of your statement and apologized sincerely. I respect that you felt a clarification of your statement might be necessary but the greater point stands. I respect that online harassment does not make you back down. Gun violence is an atrocity and we should all be seething. Good on you.
Sorry Wil, but watering down your convictions as you’re doing now simply because it doesn’t conform to the norms and noise out of fear of reprisal does more harm than good. A thought, prayer etc will not stop the violence, the deaths, nor the direction that the culture continues to be headed in. You can do better, else you’ll just be another nail that sticks out that gets hammered down by said noise. Commit to your call for activism.
Where’s your blog? I’m interested.
I utterly agree that people like Paul Ryan who were put in a position of power to make laws to govern are responsible for doing just that. Part of governing is taking legislative action to address atrocities such as keep occurring and so for him to only hide behind words, whatever they are, is cowardly and inadequate, to say the least.
To those of us who know anything about who you are, the person that you have shared with us through the years, we not only support you, we know that you are being unfairly vilified for political propaganda reasons by people who only deserve our contempt.
The difficult point here for people of faith is that prayers when offered in humility and belief are action for us. Implying that prayer doesn’t work goes against our personal experience and belief. What is so often missed in all of this is that God gave people freedom of choice, and that is where the evil comes in. (Like a good parent he stands back and allows us to live our lives, which is no doubt, hard to watch at times, but we are free to make our own mistakes. And boy, do we.)
So your words were hard to read. But i am more offended by those, like Ryan, who hide consistently evil deeds behind the rhetoric of faith. That is the true offense here.
Hang in there, Wil. You’re a good guy. Anyone who matters, who has bothered to know you, knows that. It shines out of you.
To people who read and are unmoved in understanding:
How many believers, witnessing the suffering or death of their child, offering many prayers, and pleading for divine intervention, and losing their child just the same, may say: “My prayers were in vain.” or “I prayed, and God didn’t hear me.” Some may, in their anger, in their emotion, even curse their very God. Lashing out in hate against God.
What would be the correct response, from believers? Probably a big hug. Because we know the pain that is driving it.
So then why hold a person who doesn’t believe in God to a HIGHER STANDARD? For Wil didn’t lash out in hate against God. He lashed out in anger against a politician. About inaction about believers being shot up, about a bunch of friends getting shot up at a concert.
After tragedy after tragedy, seeing only responses of “Sending all our thoughts and prayers!” from politicians, it boils the blood of those who find all these deaths unacceptable. So one, in anger at the inaction, lashes out “If those prayers alone were good enough, this wouldn’t have happened!”
Not as an attack on prayer, an attack on inaction.
I will NOT be more offended by one man’s demand that prayers aren’t enough (politically, and physically) to stop bullets, than from the politicians using “thoughts and prayers” as a substitute for realistic EARTHLY solutions to our problems.
Think about it this way.
WHAT IF God’s power that he gives you to move mountains lies in the shovel in your hands?
WHAT IF God’s power to keep victims from getting shots lies in using the democratic process that inspired men have created here in America?
WHAT IF we are sinning by not GETTING TO WORK in making miracles happen to protect people from gun violence?
And what if we are letting ourselves down by instead of working to keep people safe, we throw up our hands and say “there’s nothing we can do. There’s NOTHING WE CAN DO.”
And then we pray for the victims.
Well, what are the non-believers to do?
All the believers have decided there’s nothing we can do, just pray for the souls of the victims. We’re a lot of voters. And we aren’t willing to ACT.
INACTION was the target. Inaction is why WE WHO ARE UNWILLING TO EVEN LIFT A LEGISLATIVE FINGER may very well be found guilty of the crime. Not here. Later. Above. Because we have no faith that we have any power to change what’s happening. No faith. We deny that God has given US the power to enact miracles through this beautiful form of government. So which is it?
Who are the faithless?
You know what is crazy? I used to see myself as conservative. And events around me are getting me having to explain things to my own people and it’s like… CRAP. We actually may be the baddies.
Holy crap. If more Christians thought and reasoned like you, I might still be one. If more conservatives were willing to look in the mirror and entertain, even for one second, that they might be barking up the wrong tree, this country might not be as poisonous as it is.
I’m a Jew. And an agnostic one at that. I don’t really know what’s what, and I honestly think it’s kind of presumptuous of anyone to declare that they do. But I do know something’s up there, so to speak, and while it’s an honorable thing to have faith, it’s simply not enough. Faith is individual. Prayers are individual, even if they are offered to a collective or on behalf of a collective. We need collective solutions.
Wil, I appreciate your attempt to set the record straight, it is unfortunate when a narrative gains momentum and overrides Truth. As an individual of Faith I am saddened when this occurs and faith is part of the narrative. All too often the faith community will respond with a narrative that does not demonstrate the values of the faith they hold but instead with condemnation and judgement. The book of James says “Faith without deeds is dead” and I understand the frustration you must feel when someone with significant political power has not addressed a significant issue in our society. Like James says “what good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims faith but has no deeds?”
However, there is not a simple legislative solution to these tragedies, most legislation that is proposed after such tragedies does not actually address the conditions that led to the tragedy. When you have half the representatives who would like to amend the Constitution to ban guns altogether and another half who don’t want to put any restrictions on ownership there is no real discussion on how find smart legislative changes that might reduce the likelyhood of these tragedies. Paul Ryan’s faith may be real or dead, I do not know, but these tragedies are fueled by hatred of “others” more than they are access to weapons, the weapons just magnify the damage caused (something that is worth addressing). I believe the best protection against such tragedies is to be a voice of reason tempered with love and understanding of the imperfect human condition. Recognizing even individuals we strongly disagree with are humans and even those who hate us often turn to hate because it is easier than understanding someone who is very different from oneself. Modeling Love rather than Hate is all most of us can do.
I was troubled to hear about the focus on you statement because you are much more often a voice for the weak and downtrodden than a voice of frustration and anger and yet the news is highlighting the latter more than the former which I believe is more true to who you are. G-d bless and I do pray that the media onslaught ends and the positive impact you have on the world is highlighted in the future.
I am a person of Faith, and you obviously are not.
I ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY. You sound sincere. And you can be angry at Paul Ryan and do not have to apologize for your position.
Now that we are done with that clarification. I do have a question.
Let’s be honest. All you have here are words and not deeds, Wil. (Same for me). Paul Ryan and all politicians are the ones in a position to have deeds in this regard.
What exactly would you have him do that would genuinely prevent this? I would like to know what you would do, in deed, in his position? Are you demanding we abolish the 2nd amendment, how are you going to get the guns out of the hands of those that already have them?
Why is it that people go straight to “abolish the 2nd amendment”? Why do you do exactly to the extreme option without any intermediary?
Here is what I wrote on a thread on FB after the Vegas shooting. It still holds.
I’m a gun owner. I love to go to the range and shoot. It’s fun and challenging. I love renting “extreme” guns at the range and shooting. I realize that guns are never EVER going away and I don’t think they should. But here’s what I think we should do. In order to own a gun a person must:
1 – take a certified gun safety class that includes a minimum number of hours of range time (and not the NRA rah-rah class that I attended)
2 – pass a test and be rated on a “class” of guns. (Just like you can’t drive a motorcycle w/out a rider on your driver’s license or you can’t drive commercially w/out a CDL)
3 – be required to pass a full background check going back at least 10 years, including a mental health screening.
4 – be required to carry insurance specifically for gun liability (injury to yourself or others)
5 – be required to re-certify periodically (maybe not once a year – maybe every 2 years, but some reasonable time period)
6 – be required to register your weapons in a Federal database
Additionally I think that:
1 – full background checks must be completed before a gun can be sold. No exceptions, no hobbyist registration exemptions, no private sale waivers. No “If you don’t hear back from the Fed in 3 days, then it’s assumed to be good” sales
2 – if a gun is used in a crime and hasn’t been legally transferred from it’s owner or reported stolen within a reasonable time, the original owner can be held liable for it’s improper use.
3 – the waiting period should be at least 14 days, and better 30 days. If you need a gun now then you need to be able to prove why. (If you’ve previously bought a gun and gone thru the waiting period, there should be a way to expedite future purchases, obviously.)
4 – law enforcement agencies should be required to track and report statistics on gun violence to a centralized Federal database. Right now there is no requirement for tracking, so no way to know exactly how bad the problem really is, just that it’s far worse than we know or understand right now.
Most importantly I think that the government needs to provide the CDC and other organizations full funding and permission to study gun violence and gun deaths and to treat gun violence (not just mass shootings but also suicides and accidental shootings) as a health care crisis on par with the opioid epidemic. (Google Dickey Amendment if you want more information on how the CDC and other organizations are effectively barred from studying gun violence.)
So yes, even if you just started with allowing the CDC and other organizations to gather data that would be SOMETHING that Congress could authorize, rather than just mouthing the words “thoughts and prayers” and actually doing nothing.
Hear, hear!
Thanks for putting my thoughts into better detail.
Draconian! I may not agree with each of your suggestions but I would be honored to vote for you.
THIS IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT! We need to start legislating some reasonable fixes that we hope will impact- or dare we hope- end the crisis of gun violence! We don’t have to agree on the final product at this precise moment- heck, we may never agree. But there is not one good excuse to avoid taking any legislative action.
If even ONE of those suggestions would be implemented, it would be a start!
Truthfully, my main quibble was the liability requirement. I feel that may place an onerous burden on a constitutional right. I’m not sure that one would survive a challenge in court. I’m okay with civil remedies for liability after a gun owner is negligent/criminally negligent. Sue the hell out of someone- that’s fine. But to put a financial burden on people who have done no wrong in order to exercise their constitutional right….
Criminal penalties on sellers, etc. who intentionally violate the law.
And add a requirement that perpetrators of domestic violence get added to the no buy list-extreme vetting. And notifications when a order of protection is entered against a gun owner to law enforcement.
Yes- mass shootings are perpetrated by evil people or, in most of our definitions, ill people. But, we should pay attention to the signs. Domestic violence is a biggie.
Well said. Loved your concrete suggestions. I no longer own guns. I live in a crowded urban setting. I see so much despair, violence, illness( physical and mental and spiritual),. I have been assaulted, robbed and totally grossed out by lewd,nude and pooping like a dog in the street people. I ride on public transportation, an underground metro system. I must use an elevator to access the trains and the street level. i push the button, the elevator door opens, inside a man has his penis out, facing me and pissing on the floor. . i move away. The door closes.
I am now alone on the platform. I do not carry a gun. I do carry two non lethal weapons and have studied self defense….. However I am now an Elder person, wheelchair bound, obviously not too spry these days..
Yet I still choose to live in the big bad city….born and raised and hope to die here.
I guess perhaps because there is an amazing diversity of Earthlings here. To balance out the poop and piss in the street groups, I know of Non Profits and churches of really nice caring people. My Senior Center is healthy and fun. I get to read and study as much as I want. Great libraries, independent new and used bookstores. Parks galore… Film festivals….
Heavenly food selections. Oh my.
My city is collecting data on gun violence. two shootings today….drugs, money, mental illness and plain old Despair.
I think perhaps the CDC etc. and initially leadership for solutions will be required at the federal level. Major changes must be implemented in concert throughout all our states. Look to other industrialized “first world” countries that have successfully reduced gun violence.
Learn what has worked.
Please, we gotta keep trying.
I did not mean to imply that I want to abolish the 2nd amendment, I do not.
I just wanted to know exactly what DEEDS that Wil wants that would supposedly stop this (instead of his just being pissed off at the Right).
For all those of faith who want to beat up on Wil, I offer James 2:14-26:
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
All those politicians who have said “thoughts and prayers” over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over … etc. every single time there’s a shooting … your faith is dead. Your prayers are dead. You have failed to back up your faith with works and you are spiritually dead.
Offering “thoughts and prayers” without doing anything about the problem – or even TRYING to do something about the problem is the equivalent of “not giving them the things which are needed for the body”. You are whited sepulchres, professing faith without belief or action. And that you attack Wil instead of examining the beam in your own eye speaks volumes.
I gotta say- this combined with your other comment…. you are a boss.
Now that response was cosmically stated by an articulate Bible scholar.
Thanks ever so much.
Thanks Wil.
In short: You’re right.
I’m a “person of faith” and a concealed carry permit holder… and I am absolutely in favor of smarter, more restrictive gun laws, including mandatory background checks, waiting periods, and registered membership in a club (which the FBI certifies is not a paramilitary organization) to own a weapon.
Sure, there are a lot of weapons on the street already, but you don’t solve a flu epidemic by telling everyone that it’s a constitutional right to sneeze on people.
I know I’m just one person amid a flood of responses, but I hope this gives you some measure of hope.
In short: You’re right.
KJ: No Will is not right on this one.
I’m a “person of faith” and a concealed carry permit holder… and I am absolutely in favor of smarter, more restrictive gun laws, including mandatory background checks, waiting periods, and registered membership in a club (which the FBI certifies is not a paramilitary organization) to own a weapon.
KJ: I am also a person of faith and a concealed carry permit holder. What is a “smarter” gun law? What additional restrictions would you place on gun ownership that would have prevented this tragedy in Texas?
KJ: We already have background check laws? What additional background check laws have prevented these murders in Texas?
KJ: We already have waiting periods? If this murderer purchased his guns 1 year ago, would a 2 week waiting period have prevented this shooting?
KJ: This a$$ hole (Devin P. Kelley) was allowed to purchase guns because the Air Force did not put his domestic abuse background into a federal database. So because of a clerical error, this jerk passed a background check. Another background check law would not have done a thing
Sure, there are a lot of weapons on the street already, but you don’t solve a flu epidemic by telling everyone that it’s a constitutional right to sneeze on people.
KJ The goal is not to get weapons off the streets. The goals it to get weapons out of the hands of crazy people while not infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens. And yes, we do need to tell everyone that it is a constitutional right for every law abiding US citizen to own and use a gun,
I know I’m just one person amid a flood of responses, but I hope this gives you some measure of hope.
KJ: It will give me hope when people begin to understand the US Constitution and the freedoms AND responsibilities it affords us.
From Chicago, IL
Stop, stop STOP with the lie about the mentally ill!
Someone once said that when a person says “thoughts and prayers to” whoever, what they’re really saying is
“don’t forget about me and the problems I have”. Thoughts and prayers without action are about as effective as blowing on a forest fire, trying to solve advanced calculus with bubble-gum, or worse.
Here it is:
You need prayers dude!
I’m sure you are … but make sure to take some time to unplug and practice self care right now … I personally have depression and anxiety and worry about others and what may trigger theirs. (I hope this isn’t out of line … just genuinely concerned)
As for the subject matter …. maybe your tweet could have been misread, but only by someone wanting to think the absolute worst about your intentions…
You have clarified even though you didn’t have to, and those who are outraged will probably remain so – merely because there isn’t much to rationally be outraged about.
The point wasn’t about prayer – it was that it isn’t enough…. it’s not enough to merely pray.
What good are people in positions of power if they are only offering us words – even if those words are well meaning and directed to the heavens.
Anyway, I am not going to say anything that hasn’t already be said…. this whole last month and a half has been tragic and awful, and we all need to outraged and demand change.
All the best,
Hey Bro,
I guess I one of those right wing nuts. I own guns. My wife owns guns. We use them for protection and sport.
Gun violence is not preventable. Gun violence is not even a thing. Violence is the thing. If a crazy person wants to kill a bunch of people (or even just one person) he\she will find a way. The best thing to stop a crazy person (with a gun or not) is a sane person, with a gun.
The second amendment is not negotiable. It is to ensure the government can never enslave its people. Stopping a crazy evildoer is just a perk.
A long time fan.
From Chicago, IL (A place where I really need my gun)
If you think you “need” your gun, then you’re part of the problem.
No Kara,
You don;t understand the US Constitution and how the world really works. That makes you a part of the problem. But I’m not mad at ya’
A great few places in the world work just fine without people carrying guns around all day. America just got it wrong, and seems to be stuck in an unfortunate situation. The US won’t be able to turn this around without significant government intervention, which a lot of people are going to take issue with – the people with the guns. So now, people who want to affect change know it will be political suicide if they push extreme legislation (perhaps even a constitutional amendment). As such, the most outspoken fight for more background checks, control, and maybe “banning” the new gun/accessory of the day, and their opponents will try to counter them and ask for more freedoms. In the end, it’s a tug of war with neither side gaining much more than a few inches every now and then. No one is willing or able in this culture to stand up and say “we have to get rid of the guns…all of them”.
Nevermind the budget, the logistis, the protests, the lawmaking that needs to be involved. Of course it will be an arduous, long, tedious, difficult period. But where there’s a will there’s a way, were it not that there’s too many people who don’t want to change. “My rights, my guns, my constitution, my tax dollars, my political career”. Everyone just serves themselves. And because everyone only serves themselves, hundreds if not thousands of innocent people keep paying the price when they become victims too.
Most of your points are incorrect. I urge you to actually study the gun control debate from both sides. Then make your comments.
I’m an attorney and I assure you, I understand damn well how the U.S. Constitution works. I’m also a Chicagoan, and I’d bet dollars to doughnuts you don’t even understand why Chicago has a gun problem.
You do not have the right to own a military grade weapon. Not going on the Second Amendment. Your fantastical interpretation of its text is laughable and overreaching. And while I don’t know your personal views, a lot of people who talk like you screaming bloody murder is the ONLY reason we do not have common sense gun laws. You are not part of the problem. You ARE the problem.
I’m so sorry that jackasses are dumping on you as a form of distraction. Thank you for speaking out. I try to teach my students to analyze what exactly has been said and to recognize when people with an agenda distort those those words. Please don’t let the bullies get you down. I’m impressed with the dignity and intelligence with which you responded to such viciousness and crass manipulations. You set the record straight without sounding as if you were caving to intimidation. You turned their bullying into an indictment on their own asininity. Thank you for having our backs; I hope we can return the favor.
You’re a teacher? Thank GOD that my kids are done with College, it’s obvious your views only goes in one direction, left of communism.
As others have pointed out, banning guns will not solve the problems in our society. Paddock was a pilot who had owned two small planes. If guns were unavailable who’s to say he wouldn’t have loaded a plane up with explosives and flown into that crowd? Trucks, vans, and humans clothed in pipe bombs kill people. Jim Jones used koolaid. Banning guns puts guns in the hands of criminals and police. Citizens have no way to defend their families or homes.
The real problem in our society is hate. The us against them mentality that divides people into isolation and paranoia. Who cares who’s on the right or left? Who cares what color a person is or what religion they practice or who they choose to sleep with? How do any of these things affect your life? You go to work or school. Shopping or to a ball game. How does the sexuality of the person in line in front of you affect you? Do you even care at the time? We are led to believe anyone different than our little group is bad. Bullshit. When disaster strikes do we see rescuers leaving the black, gay, atheist, or poor behind to die. Watch current hurricane rescue efforts. Americans leave all the Bullshit out when the worst happens. Maybe we should live each day like a disaster has struck in order to stop hating. In the end all that matters is love and love is the only thing you can take with you.
Well said.
So since we can’t regulate EVERY gun, we shouldn’t regulate any? You want to apply that logic to abortions? Drugs? Because a whole lot of people would be better off without Nazi Republicans interfering with their rights to regulate their own bodies and get better quality of life and palliative care.
Wilw, you may not see this comment, but I just want to say I applaud your using your powers for good, and if we ever meet, I owe you ice cream.
I have been a Star Trek fan and a Big Bang fan for years, and always really liked you Wil Wheaton. Reading that Twitter post was like having cold water thrown in my face My perception of you has been destroyed. And it feels almost like a betrayal. The FB page Catholic Geeks likewise feels stunned and betrayed. You posted an incredibly ugly thing, utterly contemptuous of prayer, and people of prayer. Trying to backpedal and frame it as a contempt for the Speaker and his stand on gun control is an obvious effort at damage control. Your impetuous post may cost you dearly in the future. I do not wish that for you, just that you open your heart to God and get over this hatred of all things religious. The poisonous hatred of the godless left is only a symptom of the corruption of the human soul rampant in society today. THAT is why we see such violence. Our country has abandoned God for the greater part, and now we are seeing the result of that hatred of the Divine. Peace.
I pity you.
Thank you for this. When we get angry, as we all are after a tragedy like this, communication can get a bit rough around the edges. I could see what you meant by your comment. I’m fine with well-meaning friends and family “sending thoughts and prayers” as a euphemism for “I care about you,” but it drives me crazy when people hide behind “prayer” as an excuse for inaction.
I can also see how people of faith might take the tweet as an attack on them instead of a criticism of those in power. Thank you for taking the time to write this clarification and apology. I think that’s exactly the right thing to do when we step on each other’s toes. I’m only baffled by how quickly certain media outlets have latched on to this, as if it’s some kind of “big story.” I only hope that readers eventually make their way here.
Hey man, sorry so many of us have missed the value and righteousness of your anger because the box it got delivered in was frayed at the edges. You’ve apologized for the box. Now we need to do the hard work of addressing the subject of your anger: the inaction of people of faith. Frankly, we deserve that anger in large part and I hope that we stop playing the victim and make hard and necessary changes to earn the respect we’ve been demanding.
There are many good (and not so good) points made in these comments. I read 20 or so. I know too well “I’ll pray for you” many times seems/is/feels empty when there is no follow-up. Been there, was suicidal, and finally left the situation (I was 40) and moved back to my home state. I received nothing else from anyone. Many years of drama and (my own) prayers later, all is good.
#1- I never gave up on my faith in the Trinity (raised Episcopal, got saved…quite a combination) God kept doors open.
#2- I acted on my circumstances. With the history of government and all the threads of laws and policies bringing us to today, I see how it is difficult to come up with The Right Answer that will please everyone and be voted in as law. Tough to act on something and get it to happen.
#3- Wil was angry. I don’t get angry often but I’ve said things that I wish I hadn’t when I was. The sentences were jumbled; the wrong words used and completely messed up what I had wanted to say. Once said, it can’t be unsaid or unheard. It Can be Understood that what was said (in anger) wasn’t what was intended. That’s my stand here as far as Wil’s sincerity.
#4- God isn’t just going to flip a switch and make it all better. If you wreaked you car that your Dad helped you get did you expect him to fix it for you or get you another without a word? Some action/work on our part is needed.
Prayer without action can equal insincerity. With all of our technology it would be a good thing (for Paul Ryan and others) if we could See (on you tube, say) that he Is Trying to help the situation.
I’ll keep praying…sometimes I don’t know for what exactly, God does.
Sorry Will, your anger is misplaced. Why focus on Ryan? Why not Pelosi? Why not Reed (when he was in office)? Look in the mirror because the anger that the left and right are showing has been caused by people like you and your equals on the far right.
Politicians can’t solve crazy. The guy never should have been able to access guns and he did because someone screwed up. Even with his guns this guy had people all around him that were not surprised that he did this.Where were they as he pulled a nutty? People do not just end up being a mass murderer. This was not a random crazy guy shooting – he had it in for his wife’s family.
This guy was stopped by people with guns. If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from crazy people with guns – buy a gun and obtain a conceal-carry permit. You can no longer count on the laws made by pinheaded politicians or reply on law enforcement.
Your original comment, spoken in anger, revealed your true belief regarding people of faith. Your adherence to the belief that more laws limiting guns is the ultimate answer to violence reveals your lack of logic. The ultimate solution is not another gun law, but respect for human life. That lack of respect for each other and life is what kills. If people want to kill each other they will always find a way.
I’m sorry you had to clarify yourself because people will/do misconstrue what you because say you may hurt someones feelings. It’s a good thing to do but, I feel that apology took away from what your actual point was on gun control and just made it about the faith people having twisted panties issue.
I agree with you, like any sane person would, about gun control. Talk minus Action = Zero.
I understand your frustration. As an atheist myself, I feel like I’m constantly having to explain the difference between my atheism and hate-mongering anti-religionism. They are not the same. My belief in non-mystical ideals does not preclude anyone else’s belief. I know you don’t need my encouragement, but stay strong. You’re doing good work in the public forums and in your art; you are appreciated.
Wil just want to let you know I amd standing with you. I’m so sorry you are being scapegoated and I appreciate your honesty and sincerity. Hang in there.
Wil the hero haha. He’s just an actor…
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Everyone: “Thoughts and prayers”
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Everyone: “Thoughts and prayers”
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Everyone: “Thoughts and prayers”
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Everyone: “Thoughts and prayers”
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Everyone: “Thoughts and prayers”
America: There’s been anther mass shooting
Wil Wheaton: “Can’t we just shut up and DO something to stop this from happening AGAIN??”
Everyone: “You hate religion”
I’m with Wil.
Guess you’re contradicting yourself, since you said Everyone… WTF!? That is so rad lol
shrug I don’t see the issue; I’m very much a Christian and Paul Ryan is spineless coward. The man does claim to offer “thoughts and prayers”, a lot, but we’re told that faith requires action IN THE BIBLE. So yeah, you telling him off for being a crappy human being doesn’t even start to bother me
Do you think that rhetoric advances a cause? Do you think his tweet or his response to blame other people advanced his cause? He made Donald Trump tweets seem poetic in comparison.
As far a prayer not working, yes 57 deaths is horrific, I wonder if you asked an expert how many deaths would be expected from the Las Vegas site, I bet the expert would say hundreds. Fifty seven is horrible, but it’s also a miracle.
A man drives down the bike path planing on killing dozens, he kills 8. That a miracle.
A guy starts shooting innocent church goers in a small Texas town, within seconds, he confronted by two armed civilians… that’s Texas.
Oh, f*ck me, that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. You wanna pray, fine, but at least half this country isn’t Christian, and we want actual gun laws, not to have to rely on your God to save our butts from insane survivalist libertarians with personal rocket launchers.
Smoking and drinking kill many times more people than guns do. I bet you either smoke or drink. Are you raging against them? In any case I will pray for you whether you want me to or not. Some advice. Try not to sound like an angry 15-year-old. People will treat you like one.
Wil, I think what strikes me most in this situation is you had the strength of character to look at your words and recognize that while your unhappiness and bitterness about the event (I share them, BTW) were understandable, they caused you to misspeak. You stopped. You took a step backwards, examined your behavior, and apologized where there was need. That right there, that self awareness, is sadly lacking in so many of our current administration. We all make mistakes. Alexander Pope said, “To err is human…” But I am proud when my fellow humans can own it. I am ashamed, conversely, when they cannot, or will not. Thank you, Wil. You are a good example of humanity.
Wheaton was right about prayer.
http://www.nisterik.blogspot.com explains a lot of how Christianity is an almost-total hoax on mankind, with a reworked bible and fake deities masquerading as the real God and Son-of-God. Nisterik has a “Treatise on the Failures of Prayer” that everyone should see.
So shut up until you know what you’re talking about.
So no one can speak until they’ve read this long blog of unfounded assertions?
Going to have a little fun here with you…
So “Christianity” and only “Christianity” is an “almost-total” hoax on man kind…. Well, I hope you realize that there was religion prior to Christianity. Moreover, the term “mankind” is all encompassing and despite what anyone tries to claim, people can believe or not believe what they want/where they want. It’s just that here in the U.S. we are “privileged” to “express” it. The cherry on top is your choice of words in “almost” and how subjective that is.
I was almost an astronaut, I just needed to get all of the education, training etc., but I was “almost” there as I thought about becoming one a few times.
Moving on from my little pick apart session there, I read quite a few comments on here and the same things tend to resonate here as they do in .
So, with regards to gun control, are there actual holes in the laws? Well, that is a very tough question to answer truthfully isn’t it? Personally, I’m not a lawyer, let alone one that is licensed, practices and is well versed in all 50 States. So I can’t answer that question, what I do know for sure is, is that far too often people rush to judgement, want or in this day of age “demand” answers (NOW).
In this latest tragedy, despite it still being under investigation, we all found out that a branch of the military did not report the assailants violent past. That “law” should have prevented this, but it didn’t. A 6 month FBI background check wouldn’t have prevented this… Why? Because of the failure to report from the military.
As I said in another post, I don’t have a dog in the fight here, so I have a pretty good view of what both sides are trying to get and how they are trying to achieve it. Neither are being 100% forthcoming and BOTH are using tragedies to gain political ground. With each tragedy that happens, each says the other rushed to make the issue political, which is sad.
Though a last point on gun control before I move on, why did the gun control talk from Congress start like normal, but die down really REALLY quick this last June during that event? In case people don’t recall, that event was when the majority Whip Steve Scalise, as well as a Capitol Police Officer and a couple of others were shot. When asked if Mr. Scalise thought more gun control, more laws, more more more (etc) was needed? He said “no”. And that is when the talk immediately quieted down.
How about we try solidly enforcing and shoring up the laws we have instead of throwing out empty “do nothing/hallow” laws that are literally nothing more than “feel goods” and add to an already over bloated system?
And just a quick point on religion. I know a lot on here (not Will as he has made his stance clear), but this seems to be a PNW and even Nor Cal type attitude. Why is it ok for an atheist to yell at a Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Jew, Mormon, etc., about how they are “so delusional, wrong and how dare they even live in the same state as them as it’s offensive”, but it isn’t ok for any of the aforementioned to go to a Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temples, etc.?
By the way, just to clarify, personally I’ve only ever seen atheists tell Christians they’re wrong. I’ve never seen any atheist walk up on the street to a Muslim, Jewish person or even an Irish Catholic and start breaching that aspect of their lives for no reason what so ever. They only ever seem to go after a larger, “seemingly” all encompassing religion, even though it isn’t.
Regardless, if people aren’t handing out fliers at your door ever day (after 1 time and you don’t like it, ask them to stop, it works as I’ve done it and they are polite), if they aren’t “forcing” their views on you at your work (handing out fliers, telling you about their religion day in and day out). Then truly WHO CARES WHAT THE HELL OTHER PEOPLE’S RELIGION IS OR ISN’T?
And yes Roger, those caps were towards you. lol I mean, unless I missed the memo where you got put in charge of dictating the world’s religion or lack thereof, well that is a very nice belief you have. There are a lot of people that share it and truly, I respect your belief. With that said, there are and have been throughout the course of human history that disagree with you through different means and languages.
Just because you think you are right doesn’t make you right. And yes, the exact same standard applies to me. So where does that leave us? Not knowing for sure right? With our own belief’s still right?
Bottom line on both issues as in fact they are somewhat tired together is that the country has a communication problem. Though this isn’t a singular problem, this is merely a good starting point. Republicans we’re obstructionists for 8 years during Obama (some good reasons, but mostly bad). Democrats were for 1-2 years before that with Bush Jr (though with some decent reasons imho). And now we are shaping up for 4 years of another party line system.
It’s not good for the country as we now more than ever identify with who we voted for in the last election (I’ve never voted in all 22 years of being eligible – I’m 40 and yes, a US citizen born and raised, just have always felt the voting system was broken. Especially living in a State where no matter what vote I may want to cast, 2 cities in this state will dictate the States vote or how the State will operate).
But I digress. In case people have missed this speech, I think it is relevant now more than ever. See, while I’m only 3rd generation US born (from Ireland, obviously Grandfather was first), my Great-grandfather felt it was his new civic duty to fight in the Great War (WW1). This earned him his citizenship.
My Great-uncles (5 or 6 of them) all fought in WW2 and none of which were “drafted”, but volunteered. Though so did many other citizens. My Grandfather was too young for service, 15 at the time, but that didn’t stop him from trying to join his brothers. He lasted a week in boot camp before it was discovered that he was underage. The base commander asked him why he joined and he had 2 reasons, to be with his brothers and the love of his country.
The base commander was a bit taken back by this as it was coming out of a 15 year old boy. While the time wasn’t all sunshine and roses, most definitely had it’s issues with regards to equality (woman and races), the “Country” knew to protect the “Country”. We knew at the end of the day we were ALL one nation.
Right now, can we truly say that? We constantly hear and see, “Alt-Left Wing, Left Wing, Centralist, Right Wing, Alt-Right Wing, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian” (and more all with their own sub factions and sub agenda’s).
It’s not Trump’s fault, it’s not Obama’s fault, it’s not even Bush Jr’s fault. It’s no one’s fault but our own. We are responsible for “allowing” ourselves to be forcefed and put into our separate corners. I’m willing to bet that, on a literal level, we – the people, stop for a moment and have a meaningful conversation about our concerns with regards to the State of the country that even what some would consider an “Alt-Left” or “Alt-Right” as dubbed by the media, that our concerns are closer than we think they are.
Here’s that video by the way, it’s Jeff Daniels from the show the Newsroom.
88 people killed by a truck in Nice, France. The Manchester arena bombing killed 22 in England. Etc, etc, etcetra. England and France has the draconian gun laws you so lust after, Wil. In Texas, it was an armed citizen who ended the violence. Your “laws and regulations” are just as bad as “thoughts and prayers” since it doesn’t stop mass killings. In fact, they’re worse than “thoughts and prayers” since they remove a citizens ability to defend themselves or stop mass killings. You really are a despicable moron, Wil.
And while I don’t watch foxnews; I do watch “Dark Matter ” and occasionally will enjoy an episode or two of “The Big Bang Theory”. Not anymore if they keep casting you, Wil. I am like many other millions of geeks and nerds who feel this way. You’ve now made YOURSELF radioactive, Wil Wheaton. You can tell your costars that their falling ratings or their cancelled show is your fault for being such an angry, bigoted jerk.
Wow. In your world it’s bigoted to want action instead of pious crap? How’s the weather there?
Effective action would be nice. The shooter had a record of spousal abuse and child abuse, he shouldn’t have been able to even buy a gun under existing gun laws and regulations. But someone in the Air Force dropped the ball and didn’t report him to the FBI, which they were required to do BY LAW. Further, he was denied a carry permit under existing Texas LAWS AND REGUKATIONS. Yet, he still bought a gun and carried it into a church. Your “laws and regulations” were no better than “thoughts and prayers” here. But “laws and regulations” are the left’s version of “thoughts and prayers” since all of you worship government.
Thank you so much for all that you said. I want to believe that someone, some day, will stand up to the NRA and make this madness end. I support you.
Well said, Wil. I’m in Australia and am constantly left bewildered about why things haven’t been changed in the US and this keeps happening. I am a person of faith and was not offended by your words, and in fact, I understand. While I, from afar, do offer my thoughts and prayers, I sincerely also pray that those who can make the legislative amendments necessary to prevent such things from occurring stop talking and start actually taking action. It is WELL overdue.
I’m curious, what specific legislation do you believe would prevent these things from happening?
Well said, as a Vietnam vet, I don’t know one gun, weapon that got up BY ITSELF & SAID IT HAD TO GO OUT & START SHOOTING INNOCENT PEOPLE. No one tells ISIS, Iran making Nuclear Weapons, North Korean to STOP making weapons that could destroy the entire WORLD!?
That’s wrong. We actually DO go out and tell Isis, Iran and North Korea to stop making nuclear weapons. I mean, there’s literally decades of work on that.
Tra Rah Rah boom de Yeah, Did you get yours today? I got mine yesterday, that’s how I got this way. Thanks for asking…becauseeeee. All of the monkeys ain’t in the zoo. There’s some running ’round between me & you. Watch when you’re in a crowd, You’ll agree, too. All of the monkeys ain’t in the zoo.. Old song for those who refuses to see the trees for the forest: Another song from the 60’s: “Although he was a blind bot, with eyes he could not see. There’s many of men with perfect sight who is much more blind than he.” All you who hate Trump & our Country, a Vietnam Vet says you are killing all of our soldiers all over again. How many of you signed up to fight for our country with ISIS, IRAN< Terrorist…I see, when you have to defend your life, and others beside you than come & tell me how People in Congress, Celebrities can Own have weapons, but the citizens of this country are not allowed to defend themselves. SO IF THAT’S THE CASE: Next time someone bothers your family, child, dog, pets, aunt, etc YOU CAN NOT DEFEND THEM CAUSE YOU SAID PROTECTING YOURSELF SHOULD BE AGAINST THE K
Mr. Wheaton tells us that it is wrong for FOX News to tell the truth. But, it is okay for the Media & Democrats to Lie, deleted OUR Emails, Lie to 4 American Soldiers families who were murdered in Benghazie…..why bother, he & others would rather ???? Keep listening to CNN Clinton’s News Network. Many of us read the GOD BOOK & we know who wins. God said, “I’d rather have a poor man than a LIAR.” Also famous words, “Any country not rules by God will be ruled by tyrants.” That’s what Will, & so many wants for our great nation. God said each of us matters to Him. Even Atheists.
Hey Mike,
Why are you trolling Wil Wheaton’s blog? I see post after post here by you spaced 15 minutes apart. State you freakin’ piece and let others express themselves. Your VOLUME and rhetoric do not make you correct. You should get a life and control yourself before the government comes to your door and does it for you. People like you are the biggest argument for gun control there is. You should avoid the cause if you truly care about it. Your just loud, not convincing
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans, 12:18
Censorship Makes Men Speak Louder!