This summer, when we had to get out of our house because of black mold, we used points to go stay at a friend’s house in Hawaii. I mean, if you have to be driven out of your home, there are worse ways to spend your time, right?
So they live in Hana, on Maui. We flew to Kahului, then took a little Buddy Holly killing plane up to their place. On the flight, I took this picture, which I love so much I made it my desktop wallpaper. I’m really happy with the accidental composition, and the colors bring me great joy. I thought about sharing this on Reddit or Imgur, and decided that, rather than put it someplace where nobody will see it, I’d put it here, in my own dumb blog, for anyone who wants to look at it, or use it for their own desktop or whatever.

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I was a roadie for Black Mold in ’93.
They opened for Buddy Holly Killing Plane (BHKP).
On a(n almost) completely unrelated note… I still can’t believe Wil isn’t down with AC/DC.
By contrast I took a completely different picture last night.
What camera did you use for yours?
This was just my Pixel phone.
Nice! Always impressed by mobile phone picture quality. Thanks for sharing 🙂
And it totally works on my lock screen. This belongs on the Pixel instagram account .
WOW!! I love how it fits on your lock screen, and I am so honored that you chose a picture I took to use!!
Beautiful. Glad you shared it with us. 🙂
I had to move out of an apartment (rental) once because of mold—serious stuff, glad you found it and were able to take care of it. I’ve been to Kauai, and really want to go back, such a beautiful place—lovely photo!
I love it! That would be a great game map, too
It is a pretty fab picture. Thank you!
This picture made me smile. (The definition of a great shot and perfect desktop image, imo.) Thanks, I’m going to download and enjoy it!
That was very thoughtful of you. And may I say… wow!
Thank goodness for dumb blogs.
Just remember, you can’t rely on dumb blog jokes, someone is liable to take it personally. 😁
how very kind of you to share – it is a beautiful picture!
Wil, this is a beautiful picture! 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
And, in case no one has told you today, you are worthy of love and you deserve to be here! 🙂
I’m glad you came to Hawaii. I’ve never been to Hana but I stand by my claim that nothing beats Waimea on the Big Island 😁
This as a desktop image would encourage me to divide my applications and documents into blue and green zones – imposing a ratio on my work and life, inspired by accidental art.
Great grab shot – would make a nice frostgrave – ghost archipelago battle mat too!
Weee! I’ve never had a Wil Wheaton original as my desktop, but it works!
That’s utterly fantastic.
Art is something that evokes an emotion. This photo evokes a memory in you, a moment when everything was in balance – so for you it is art. We all have such totems, often others don’t ‘get it’, but that doesn’t matter. It’s your memory not theirs.
Lovely shot. I take loads of aerial photos at work, but I never get a good chance to get something from this angle or this altitude. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thanks for posting this. I change my desktop background fairly often, whenever the whim takes me. This beautiful picture fits my screen layout perfectly.