This summer, when we had to get out of our house because of black mold, we used points to go stay at a friend’s house in Hawaii. I mean, if you have to be driven out of your home, there are worse ways to spend your time, right?
So they live in Hana, on Maui. We flew to Kahului, then took a little Buddy Holly killing plane up to their place. On the flight, I took this picture, which I love so much I made it my desktop wallpaper. I’m really happy with the accidental composition, and the colors bring me great joy. I thought about sharing this on Reddit or Imgur, and decided that, rather than put it someplace where nobody will see it, I’d put it here, in my own dumb blog, for anyone who wants to look at it, or use it for their own desktop or whatever.

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Nice! Thanks for sharing! 😎
Kongs a pretty good king.Keeps to himself mostly
awww i love it!!! it IS easy on the eyes!!! <3
We went to Maui this summer and took a tour of Hana that included a helicopter ride….it was an AMAZING experience! I will never forget the peace and beauty. :).
Beautiful! My wife and I have spent a fair amount of time in Kaua’i and we’ve found it’s nigh on impossible to take a bad photo.
So tranquil – thanks for sharing!
Beautiful, thank you!
when are you coming to wisconsin? Love to meet you. Will there ever be another Star Trek Next Gen Movie with you in it? What was it like working with Patrick Stewart? Who is your favorite Star Trek Actor you worked with?
Dave. Monroe WI.
Your blog is not dumb, I really wish you would stop selling yourself short. The picture is amazing and thank you for sharing it. I might be the only one (doubt it, I’m not that special) that enjoys your blogs and what you post…if it was dumb I wouldn’t be following you…I do not follow dumb.
I second this emotion, T Counce!
Thanks for sharing, Will, it’s awesome.
This photo makes me inexplicably happy. It is like a small window into a world of sanity, and calm. Thank you.
Oh, and, Wil, you’d better believe I’m going to embiggen the shit out of this photo and use it as my desktop wallpaper.
“Buddy Holly killing plane”. You slay me, man!
Fabulous picture. And I know what you mean about those “island hopper planes”. One of our flights, the hot dog pilot banked so steep I thought we were going to turn over. I’ve not been to Maui since 1969, and I remember it to be the best beach island – so many areas to camp that are near the surf. Once in the middle of the night I wandered over to the campground restroom, and opened one of the stalls. There, staring at me was a giant bullfrog, sitting on the commode and just daring me to walk in. Freaked me out. I went back to my sleeping bag and just willed myself to forget that I needed to use the facilities.
Thanks for sharing it!
Yes this is a joy of a pic. One can see so many large trees and vegetation patterns. Good ol’ Hana.
Way to make the best of a bad situation! I’m sure I wouldn’t have been so lucky. Enjoy!
Im going in December. So excited.
Happy Halloween. 4 episodes of haunting of hill house left!!!
Yes that is my house. No I don’t have a problem.
That’s beautiful-what a view! I hope you’re feeling better!
Hana is one of my most favorite places in the world. Beautiful photo Wil. Enjoy your stay!
I knew I recognized this place.
Am I crazy or did this blog eat all the pixels of that picture? For modern standards, it’s a smallish picture of 1510 pixels wide, even when I embiggen it?
There’s a stupid setting on my blog that I can’t seem to fix, which caps an image upload at 2MB. So I had to reduce this by size and with .jpg compression to upload it.
Yeah, you’ll need to edit the php.ini or user.ini file, which is handled differently depending on your host. Ask them how to adjust the following in the php settings:
memory_limit = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 24M
post_max_size = 32M
it’s beautiful.
Nice. Very nice. It’s getting hard to find nature pics with no intrusion from anything manmade. That looks incredibly inviting. Hope you enjoy that forever.
“Click to embiggen” 🙂
Gorgeous shot. Hawaii really is like no other place I’ve ever seen. I went there a couple years ago and drove around the Big Island for a week, and it was a life-altering experience. Glad you were able to escape the mold in the most awesome way possible. Mahalo!
(apologies if this comment is a duplicate, the WordPress app I use doesn’t seem to be registering any of my likes or comments.)
This photo makes me inexplicably happy.
It’s almost like a pokcet world made of sanity and calm. Thank you.
Oh, and, Wil, you’d better believe I’m going to embiggen the shit out of this photo and use it as my desktop wallpaper.
Beautiful photo! I’ve never been to Hawaii before, but am hoping to get there next July w/ my husband for our 25th anniversary. Can’t wait to see this much green…our Central CA area seems permanently locked on “dry, brown, dead”. Thank you for sharing the pic!
I love it! Thanks for sharing with us! 💙
Beautiful picture. And you blog is not dumb. You are not dumb.
We spent five weeks at the start of the summer on the Hawai’ian islands. The Hana area on Maui was amazing. And the Hana Road was the MOST amazing. We stayed for a couple of days at an AirBnB that had been the ranch of Marlon Brando. I have no idea why folks would stay at a resort when they could be at a place like that! Mahalo, Wil!
Great photo! Perfect for a book cover too!
That’s awesome. I applaud your creativity!
I emgbiggened it. I love it.
Very nice. The green is so soothing.
Thank you for the lovely picture. It’s raining here in Vancouver, BC, CANADA & this helped to cheer me up on Halloween.
It’s nice, a good pic. Nice to use personal pictures for background pics. I like how that brings back good feelings from the trip. Thanks for sharing.
Never been to Hawaii but I like looking at aerial views of forest … every tree has its own place and identity! Love the colours!
Great picture man, Happy Halloween!
Thanks Wil… it is a very zen picture!!
Previously, on LOST….
Glad you got some happy out of a lousy situation.
Beautiful photo for sure. I hope you enjoyed Hana.🌺
once again, thanks for sharing a small slice of your life with us mortals. beauty pic.
Black mold…Hawaii…Black mold…Hawaii. Yep, I’d choose Hawaii, too. Thanks for sharing, Wil.
I hope you get many more chances to take equally beautiful photos. It’s generous of you to share it!
It’s absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing.
Interesting photo–simultaneously soothing and stimulating. Thanks for sharing!
ps–I also giggled at your spot on description of “the little Buddy Holly killing plane”!
Lol! I’m not a big fan of small aircraft either. I have a lifetime pal from back in Azusa, CA, that has lived on Maui forever now. One of these days.
What a lovely photo – I love how it looks so artsy while being serendipitous!
That’s a nice picture. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful photo, Wil! Thanks!