You guys, I loved the Owlbear Conservation Society design I did with Stands earlier this year, so we decided to offer it again, for a super-limited time … AND OH MY GOD WE MADE ENAMEL PINS!
Check it out:
I am so freaking psyched about these pins. I’ve been wanting to get into the pin game (is that a thing?) for a long time, being an avid pin collector, myself, so this makes me super happy.
In fact, I am so excited about these pins, I’m going to give away FIVE of them to random readers who leave a comment on this post, telling me why you support Owlbear conservation. Winners will be chosen at random in a few days.
(Did I just use gratuitous bolding? You know I did.)
Allow me to close with some ad copy:
The majestically grumpy Owlbear is back for one week only! Perfect time to get a tee or hoodie for the holidays. And this time around, we’ve added some sweet new pins, too. Check them out here:
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But is the owlbear back in pog form?
OMG Owlbear POGs.
why wouldnt one support owlbears? grumpy – check, as you said majestick – check. fictional? never!!!
Fuck, I’ll support the elusive Owlbear and do whatever the hell it says in order to avoid having my entrails ripped out and spread across the woods.
Presuming you mean comment on the wwdn, not the Tumblr, but I can answer there, too. Owlbears should be conserved because, according to a catfolk monk I had and their friend’s roc animal companion…they’re delicious. (My catfolk did even ask the local druid how to…harvest them sustainably, i.e. not during mating season.)
I think I’m missing the backstory on this post!
I, for one, agree that Owlbears should wear bows, and that they should be protected!
I support Owlbear Conservation, because it’s the law. Specifically, it’s the Law of Owlbear Conservation: Owlbears can be neither created nor destroyed. You can just move them around.
This is the internet… so the “Law of Owlbear Conservation” gets trumped by “Rule 34” (i.e., you most certainly CAN see evidence of owlbears being, uhh, “created”).
Given that the latest Acquisitions Incorporated game featured Bleth, a sentient Owlbear with multiple suitors, that ship has already sailed. So to speak.
“Give to Owlbear conservation. Your $10 will buy Bleth a drink. Short, bitter, and alcoholic – just the way she likes ’em.”
The reason I’m joining the Owlbear Convervation Society is actually very new. Yesterday my group was playing in the D&D Starter set running through Lost Mine of Phandelver. In Cragmaw Castle they encountered the Drow holding the dwarf they were looking for hostage. In her attempt to escape was backing out the castle holding her knife to the Dwarf’s neck. In a flash of genius, she led them right to the captive Owlbear and during the commotion killed the dwarf and made her escape.
Unfortunately the Owlbear didn’t survive the encounter and as penance I need to join the OCS.
I support owlbear conservation because the world needs more owlbears. And pins. And tshirts. And I need all of them. Do they get along with cats?
They eat cats, but only cats who were planning to kill you in your sleep.
So, ALL cat’s then.
Eh, some cats deserve it. And the owlbear is so darn cute that it’s allowed.
Ah, the majestic owlbear, that proud symbol of our people, that blessed harbinger of all that is good, that prophetic muse of our very souls.
I would love to help save the wild owlbear!
When we destroy all the owls, bears and, well, pretty much everything else, OwlBears will still be there to say “See! See what can be?” In conclusion, Owlbear conservation is important AF.
I spent alot of time in the woods growing up. The wildlife was plentiful, but limited to a few species. This was mostly due to DDT and other chemicals. Since then, the variety has significantly increased. I had heard that there were bald eagles in the past but had never seen one, and now I can see some several times a month without much effort on my part. It is one of my most profound hopes that I shall see an owlbear soon.
I support the Majestic Owlbear, as I support all elusive multidimensional creatures in our midst. I was talking to the local faeries, who’s gate is the big heart hole at the bottom of our oak tree, and they said they know of you, Will Wheaton, and your support of the Majestic Owlbear through their extended Clan out in the Land of Quake and Fire. They said it’s good of you to promote the protection of the Majestic Owlbear, and other multidimensional creatures as well as the poor single dimensional terrestrials, like us humans. They also said they would like me to obtain a hoodie, but could not provide the single dimensional terrestrial coins to make that happen. Which I, of course, understood, and explained that was unlikely to happen because single dimensional terrestrials only trade in their own coinage, but all was good, and I was sure your Majestic Owlbear hoodies would find good homes elsewhere. They also said to tell you to say hello to their Clan in the Land of Quake and Fire, and that they were sending a message to keep you and yours safe, and that you should be on the lookout for a message from the Quake and Fire Folk just in case it was needed.
I fully support owlbear conservation and patronage including but not limited to: support awareness face painting, needle point, Misha Collins owlbear memes and fandom crossover hob knobbery .
Be still my heart.
Why do I support the majestic owlbear? How can I not? The glorious combination of fur and feathers, the thunderous hoot-roar, and the saber-like claws. Awesome!
I support Owlbear Conservation because Owlbears need love too!
I support Owlbear conservation because I can’t bear to think about a world where they aren’t a possibility… I mean a world where they definitely, absolutely exist. How else would you explain lunar eclipses if not for the Owlbear?
In a world… without hope… one man took a bold stand… and brought together the forces of the Internets… to form… THE OWLBEAR CONSERVATION SOCIETY! (ciety… ciety… ciety…)
We need to save the conservative owlbears, because even if they hate us and want to rip us apart with their sharp beaks and gigantic claws and they’re really hard to kill with their 5D10+25 hitpoints and AC15, they are part of nature too, damn it, and we all stand together in the end.
Actually, check that. Forget about the conservative owlbears, they’re total dicks; let’s work on saving the owlbears that value honest dialogue and are willing to work with us towards peace and prosperity.
I’m an owlbear rights activist! Free the majestic owlbear from imprisonment in zoos! End the cruel practice of farming owlbears for their fur & feathers! -Stop buying owlbear coats made from their pelts, and start shaming the 1%ers who continue wear them! Make pet food owlbear free! Stop buying cosmetics with owlbear ingredients!
I’ll be honest-what’s an Owlbear? I’ve seen them mentioned in your blogs but I’m missing the origins!
A pin would coordinate with my Owlbear themed lanyard and Trapper Keeper!
That’s awesome! Can they please be made available to ship to Canada? Currently Stands doesn’t offer that as an option.
Make the Owlbear Conservation Society an INTERNATIONAL Owlbear Conservation Society!
I eonder how a meeting between Owlbear and the Honey Badger would shake out….
I support Owlbear conservation efforts because I am quite frankly terrified of what magical abilities they might express if they are ever threatened, much less endangered.
OMG, I support Owlbear Conservation, because, who wouldn’t?!
I fell in love with the Owlbear on my recent trip to Japan. They have an interactive “Owlbear Cafe” where you get to feed these majestic animals with live cats from the neighboring “Cat Cafe”. I soiled myself with excitement (or excrement if you wish) when the Owlbear first came on stage. After the feeding, I donated my underwear to the Owlbear Conservation Society of Japan so that it could be auctioned off to bring in more money. It was a truly one of a kind experience. The kind of experience that only Tokyo can offer. Highly recommended.
I support Owlbear conservation because without the Owlbear to keep them in check, the Micesalmon population would multiply exponentially, and wreak havoc throughout the delicate praireriver ecosystem. That would be sadbad.
Do we really need a reason?
I got an environmental degree for only one reason: to commit my life to protecting the majestic Owlbear.
Because their name can be rearranged to spell EarBowl, of course.
Ooooh… I totally need an Owlbear pin for my library lanyard! I’ll be the envy of ALL the librarians. #librarygoals
Is the owlbear majestic? Of course! Grumpy? YOU BETCHA.
Jorhnny Powerwordkill here – you know, Hobgoblin Bard lead singer and electric lutist (it was blessed by a Wizard) of the famous Hobgoblin Punk Rock band “The Hobgobsmashers”?
Much like Wil, I too am an avid collector of pins, many of which adorn my jackets with the sleeves cut off.
But even MORE much like Wil, I am a huge supporter of the Conservation efforts of the majestic Owlbears. These creatures embody the wisdom of the owl and strength and power of a bear. What is not to love?
I love these guys so much, that every year I host the musical festival dedicated to these wonderous creatures called “Hug-Aid” (those cheeky buggers love a hug!) All coin goes to the conservation efforts and we have bards galore come from around Abeir-Toril! Hope to see you there next year!
Much love
Jorhnny Powerwordkill xo
I already happily purchased the owlbear pin because, you know, BECAUSE. They should be protected so they don’t go down the same path as the Pegasus, the kraken, and the dodo bird.
Just wanted to know, if an owlbear ran away with a jackalope, what would their offspring be called? I need to know cause it’s really important and my life won’t be complete without knowing. Heartfelt thanks.
Uncle Wil,
I support the Owlbear Conservation because dammit? Why not? We need to support every endangered species on this planet…even the totally fictional ones. Especially if they’re fictional AND they’re kind of bad ass. I think of all the fictional creatures, owlbears are the bad-assiest of the bad ass.
I do historical fencing, and I’m part of an all-female group called The Bear-Suited Hellions of the Apocalypse. As part of joining the group, you have to choose a bear to represent you. I am an Owlbear.
I am here in support of you, who also is committed to spreading the good word of the magnificent Owlbear, so that their story may never die.
I support Owlbear because I LOVE DOGS! And cats, and hamsters, and turtles and all the pets of Pasadena!
There are so many subspecies, many of them barely understood. There are probably hundreds more waiting to be discovered.
The Gummiowlbear, for example, was cross bred with gelatinous cubes by dark wizardry, but something seems to have gone wrong. Instead of consuming everything in its path, they’re delicious and living in constant fear of predators.
How can one not want to preserve a species dealt such a bad hand?
Because everyone needs a fluffy/fuzzy bear hug? Especially these days
Soft Owlbear, warm Owlbear,
Little ball of fur,
Happy Owlbear, sleepy Owlbear,
Hoot, grrr grrr.
I will now sing this to my children everynight.
When Lewis and Clark explored the West in the early 1800s an estimated ludicrous amount of Owlbears roamed between the Pacific Ocean and the Great Plains, across vast stretches of open and unpopulated land. But when pioneers moved in, owlbears were persecuted and their numbers and range drastically declined. As European settlement expanded over the next hundred years, towns and cities sprung up, and habitat for these large omnivores—along with their numbers—shrunk drastically. Today, with the western United States inhabited by millions of Americans, only a few small corners of owlbear country remain, and there have been zero sittings since their brief appearance in 1975.
After their appearance in 1975, the only new sighting was in 1977 of what scientists believe was a cousin species. Since then the owlbear has been listed as a threatened species in the lower 48 states under the Endangered Macigal Species Act. With this designation and lack of sightings it is imperative that everyone join in the efforts of the International Owlbear Ecosystem Recover Act (IOER). For these reasons I am a passionate supporter and champion for Owlbear habitat recovery and protection. These majestic creatures can not be allowed to fade into the annals of history.
Awww, love you too!
Will have to buy a few pins now! 🙂
As for why? Well, I think any reason I give will be listed as bias 😉
This is amazing!
They are owlbears why not? Plus they are majestic as fuck!
I support Owlbear Conservation because only HOOOO can convent forest fliers.
Owlbears are an endangered magical species! Murdered by the dozens by “adventurers” just out “in the woods” whenever they randomly encounter them! It’s not the owlbears’ fault they look like a bear crossed with an owl and full of murderous rage. You have to blame the wizards, that’s who. The crazy mad, bearded wizards. This is why I support the Owlbear Conservation Society.
I support the conservation of the Owlbear because their massive horked-up pellets of fur and bone are burned to power teh internets. At least, that’s what I read on the internets, and I want internets. Now, I know this sounds like slavery or forced labor, but my dream is that the majestic Owlbear can prosper in the wild, and the new job of every Comcast employee will be to responsibly gather their life-giving horkage and stoke the ovens of progress. It’s renewable! It’s green! (well, brown)
With much of their native habitat in California destroyed by wildfire, I think we need to start a breeding program in Washington DC. Put them in the White House and Capitol Building and let them gorge themselves.