I’m posting this using the mobile WordPress app on my Pixel, so I have no idea if this is going to work, but I wanted to share that this is happening.
This episode is amazing, and I can’t wait for you all to see it.
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Ooh, exciting!
The smile on your face makes us older geeks so happy and inspired. Roll with it baby, like Stevie Winwood who hung in Johnbarleycorn and Berkshire Poppies bitd. I recommend you listen to the Mr Fantasy l.p. by Traffic from ’68/9. It will calm and create a sense of balance. Plus it’s very fun in stereo mode. We used to sit ourselves btw speakers and hear the hard rolling back n forth. Now the world gives us earbuds, but still..I am a writer yet done a book about Lou Reed. check out hatandbeaed.com. From someone with no face no name and no number…xo, mlh
It worked! Which is good to know. I’ve published posts using the app, but I’ve never written one on the app and then published it. Maybe I’d blog more if I did.
If you are on iOS, there is a step in the Shortcuts app for WordPress, allowing you to streamline posting to a WordPress blog. I have two shortcuts, one for status messages and one for photos. Each one has sane defaults for the type of message and makes it a lot easier and faster to post.
How exciting! I only watch the episodes you’re in 🙂
Lookin’ good!
Yeah Wil !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for posting!! Wil + TBBT is the best!!
YAY!!! TBBT is my favorite show. I always enjoy your appearances on it.
Yay!! We watched all of your TBBT episodes before the cruise, and now I’m a fan of the show too. Can’t wait for another Wil + TBBT!
…always love an opportunity to see you work! Thanks for the heads up!
It’s a good day today.
Awesome! TBBT episodes that include you are always my favourite ones. 🙂
Can’t wait to see you on the show again!
Awesome! My husband and I have loved seeing you on the show. You have been a wonderful example of grace and good sense of humor with the jokes and storylines. Keep up the good work!
Yay! Looking forward to it!
That’s exciting! I hope you have a great time!
I love you in all you do, but I can’t wait to see this episode! Take care!!!
The bed head is disappointing but I suppose it would require its own dressing room.
You, Kevin Smith and Shatner? 3 of my favorite celebrities???? And D&D??? Good gosh, Wil! You’ve made a grown man swoon!
I’ve loved watching this show (and its characters) grow over the years.
I’m so happy you get to work on it again before we all need to say goodbye!
wesome Wil !! 🙂
Really excited to see the episode! Hands-down, my favorite ep’s of TBBT are when you guest star
Glad to see you smiling, I was worried that the monsters under the bed (aka depression) had kidnapped you. (I suffer too)
How cool!!
I don’t suppose you can talk Jim Parsons into doing another season or two? Yeah, I didn’t think so. I will miss this show so much; especially your not frequent enough visits!
Awesomeness! Thank you!!
Excellent! I don’t watch television at all, but I’m so happy to see you’re working!
Keep on being you. The parts of you which you choose to share with the world are inspiring, insightful, loving and helpful. Thank you.
App seems to be doing what you wanted. I am sad about the Big Bang ending. I know all things must end, but it’s still my favorite. I made a pact with my husband that we cannot skip the lead-in song for the whole 12th season (as we sometimes did to get to the show), silly I know but I want to savor every moment. It’s like saying goodbye to old friends. Ok, I’m recording the show so I can revisit. 🙂
HEY! Gongrats. I haven’t watched the show in a few years, but I’ll be certainly watching. LLAP \V/,
Nice smile !
If Wil is not in the show, why bother to watch it ?
Maybe you could cameo (even if only via voiceover) on Young Sheldon. Young Sheldon takes place smack in the middle of TNG’s run (1989) and so it’s possible young Sheldon could have an imaginary conversation with Wesley Crusher much like the older Sheldon did with the late Leonard Nimoy’s Spock. If Young Sheldon lasts long enough, perhaps they could even show the start of his enmity with Wil over the missed convention.
My family and I love that show and it’s awesome when you are on it.
Awesome! We can’t wait to see it either!
Dude, I have been watching your Tabletop show with my fiance and just figured out you were in Stand By Me and Star Trek and it blew my mind. I knew I recognized you from something. Awesome show bud. Got us into tabletop nights
I have been watching your Tabletop show with my fiance and just figured out you were in Stand By Me and Star Trek and it blew my mind. I knew I recognized you from something. She said I was nuts. Awesome tabletop show man, it got us into hosting our own board game night with friends. You’re invited anytime, but it’s Friday nights eastern time and you gotta make the pilgrimage to Jersey. BYOB!
Only thing better than Real Life Wil is BBT Wil! Can’t wait!
I am soooooooo envious!
Congrats Wil! That’s awesome!!
Excited for you…and us! Congratulations, Will!
Really glad to see your face! I’ve been praying/sending you good thoughts.Hope your mental health is doing better. <3
Can’t wait! Wheeeatoooooonnnnnn!!!!
I can’t find my earlier comment or your response, but I wanted to say that of course I accept your apology, and I’m so sorry you and your sister had to go through that nightmare.
So here’s my angst of youth: I, like many other girls, developed a crush on you after watching Stand By Me. When I was 11, (1988), I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. I went through chemotherapy, lost my hair, etc.. It was a difficult time to say the least. I don’t remember a lot of it, but at some point I was enrolled in a clinical trial because the cancer was continuing to spread. My bedroom had wallpaper with yellow butterflies on it. I remember having Teen Bop pictures of you taped next to my bed so that I could look at them if I rolled over on my left side. I also remember delirious hallucinations where you were at my side, holding my hand. It probably seems creepy hearing that but you were a fantasy in my fucked up world of endless doctors, a port in my chest, zero hair, and constant pain and nausea. And in my 11 year old brain, I told myself that if I didn’t die, you would marry me someday. Alas, I survived and life marches on. But it was surreal to leave a comment on your blog and YOU ACTUALLY RESPOND TO ME. I mean, you’re still a huge celebrity in my eyes, so I was blown away that you read my comment, me being a nobody and all. And then I had to go and piss you off. Wah wah wah… So much for our marriage, right?
But anyway, I’m still flattered that you responded to now two comments. (After the first one I was scared to say anything for a decade.)
And yes, I’m a fan of campy B horror movies. The Sleepaway Camp trilogy, Silent Night Deadly Night, etc.. I’m a fan of the 80s in general. I miss it. I’m trying to get my son into 70s-80s music but he’s currently 12 and hates the world. I plan on letting him watch Stand By Me soon. Circle of life and all.
Best wishes Wil – “and IIIIIIIIIII will always love YOOOOUUUU”
Congratulations, Wil! Look forward to seeing it!
Id be fun to hang with you guys.
High five to using the WordPress mobile app!
I’ll be at the Ruby Vroom show in Novato, CA. Hope to see you there.