I posted this comment on my own Facebook page, on a post about the horrifying assault on women in Texas, by the Texas GOP. I’m unclear how a general statement like this, not in reply to anyone or even on someone else’s page, is harassment or bullying.
Facebook gave me a choice to either accept this, or dispute it. If I accept it, it goes as a permanent strike against me. If I dispute it (I did) they’ll … eventually get to it, I guess. Either way, I’m in Facebook jail for three days. It feels real authoritarian and arbitrary to me.
I just want to reaffirm my contempt for Texas Republicans and the white women who voted for them. They are fucking garbage humans who deserve to fall into a well filled with vomit, never to emerge.
Also, the bullshit Facebook decides is out of bounds makes no sense to me. Facebook is totally fine with domestic terrorists organizing violence, and anti-vaxx liars spreading lies that get people killed, but you tell Texas Republicans to go fuck themselves, and that’s just too much for Facebook’s delicate sensibilities.
What a bunch of bullshit.
Edit 9/8/21: I am confident this whole thing was triggered by a White Fragility brigade, and I’d like to invite those delightful people to suck it.
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FB is bullshit.
How to make an atheist say ‘Amen!’ and mean it. FB is ridiculous.
Well throw me in jail for ❤️ing it!
I signed up for your newsletter because I want to hear about your movies not politics
Then I suggest you unsubscribe.
This is why I think you are so fantastic Wil,thank you for being you ❤
You are fantastic Wil. What’s happened? You’ve become so self-confident lately. Whatever it is, keep doing it or taking it or experiencing it. I love it when people don’t give a shit and just express how they feel…fuck the consequences. Don’t worry. You are not alone.
Don’t let the door hit your ass.
I suggest you shut your misogynistic mouth
See ya. Buh bye!
Pro-tip: all art is political.
Also, artists/actors/musicians/athletes are not just little meat puppets for your entertainment; they are full-fledged human beings who ::gasp:: are likely to have opinions.
I’m with you 100%!!!!!!!!!! Glad you have another outlet through my email! What a world. With Star Trek I saw a new future. Now I’m not so sure! We have to keep hoping and working with you as a fantastic role model! Keep on keepin’ on, Wil. We’re all behind you!
Same with Twitter, which you left; completely arbitrary rules with all the rank BS that goes on there, including faking other people’s profiles (like comedian/actress Janey Godley) and making up horrific racist, homophobic, political tweets she supposedly posted. She’s been to Twitter Support and local police for threats I don’t know how many times.
I rarely get put in Twitter jail but just got out Saturday night, after a week. A week. Why? Because I made an acerbic remark about Eric Clapton and his new screed (song) against vaccinations and masking. If I say I want to drop kick the man into a volcano, does anyone really believe that? It’s venting. Because if even one person, one doltish fan believes his shit and doesn’t protect themselves, gets COVID and dies, it’s one too many.
Anyway, I feel your pain. These platforms are horrible but I have friends on Facebook I’ve known for years and couldn’t communicate with otherwise. Same on Twitter. I’ve known Cole Haddon since MySpace and it would be a huge loss.
Hang in there.
Part of the problem with Twitter also falls squarely on the Left, for certain policies.
For instance I received a permanent ban from Twitter when I sent a very brief tweet calling a Right-wing, foreign based, propagandist and instigator, an “authoritarian cunt”, in reply to a video he lauded and posted showing a young lady being brutally thrown to the ground and cuffed (for apparently not dispersing fast enough) by cops during the civil unrest in Portland.
Granted I’d already had a warning or two under my belt, but they referenced JUST that tweet when they permanently banned my account. I was astonished, but did a little research and APPARENTLY the big bad ‘C’ word is as good for getting an immediate and permanent ban as the ‘N’ word! (Kind of weird they’ll actually let it post first).
Because I guess the 51% minority women of the nation are best served by lopsided policies which protect their delicate sensibilities by shielding them from naughty words that reference female genitalia, while every insult to someone that references male genitalia under the sun is a-okay to be said on Twitter.
I’m very liberal progressive, but THAT ultra far-left stupidity is the very sort of thing that helps elect Republicans and even absolute garbage like Donald Trump.
So yeah, seriously. The guy posts a woman being physically assaulted by the police, while he praises the cops and denigrates her. His account lives on. I call him an Authoritarian Cunt, and get permanently banned because you can’t use THAT word on Twitter. WTF.
Far left-wing stupidity and asininity will be the end of us by helping to put Trumpian Republicans into power.
Try euphemisms and sophistry: “An extremely hearty wish for all forms of repetitive orifice penetration to be applied to Texas republicans, and a VERY SPECIAL wish of the same to the white women who voted for them.”
Did that go to far? ;^)
Too many syllables. That’ll just confuse them.
Frankly, yes. That reads like a rape euphemism tbh.
I wonder if saying the Republican rectal haberdashers of the Texas Legislature would slip thru, one of my personal fav euphemisms.
FB has received next to zero ad revenue from me for about 5 years. If we don’t use it, they lose. There are very few legitimate reasons to use FB that benefit me more than FB. I refuse to be their patsy. In the greater scheme of things, they don’t matter. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
God I like you! Rage on!
I’d like to extend an additional fuck you to all the non-white people who supported them as well. Pro life is popular among a lot of Christian groups, and a lot of minorities are mixed in there. Hell let’s forget race entirely and just say fuck you to all the religious whack-a-doos that think we shouldn’t have any rights because they believe a magic genie doesn’t want us to practice the free will they also believe it gave us. NB: If you’re a reasonable person of spiritual belief and you don’t support this insanity: scroll on. You’re cool.
Wonderful Will
I got a 24 hour ban for using the word texASS. Fuck them. Fuck Facebook. Fuck the cretins who came up with this fucking witch hunt “law” of absolute fucking bullshit. I’m so angry. I had to step away from the news this weekend because I’m just so full of fucking rage about it.
You and Steve Hoffstetter need to get together. I can see the fun you two would have.
I completely second this idea.
Totally agree Wil! I am currently on a ban from Facefart merely for telling the truth about some of the political assholes we have here in the UK. No sense in what the bots allow or not
Hear, hear!
I’m right behind you, Wil. I’m sharing your post on FB. I probably won’t get sent to FB jail because it’s not too likely my small cadre of friends will report my post, but whatever. The world won’t miss me for a few days and your words need to be said and seen.
That is so ridiculous they did that. I’ve never been put in Facebook jail but have taken breaks from it after reading comments or posts from the non caring folks. I’ll always come here to hear your thoughts on any subject. Hope you had a good holiday weekend despite that noise.
I always thought people are (relatively) bad in dealing with a painful truth when you confront them with it directly. Seems like capitalist people can deal best with it. Ehhmm wait, that’s called opportunism, right?
All power to you, Wil!
What a load of bullshit. You’re right. I got ‘restricted’ for reposting things I found on FB. I got around FB and Twitters arbitrarily applied ‘rules’ of telling people to fuck off by posting link to Lily Allen’s “Fuck You”. Gets my message sent loud and clear.
Hence why I keep my own website, and why I recommend that to lots of folks.
EXACTLY. I’ve taken all my content back to my blog. Fuck FB.
Hey Wil, LOVE your posts, love to listen to you.
I haven’t had a Fuckbook account for years…actually, I tried to go back at the end of the Drumpf Regime, and found that, in addition to still having to stomach ignorant trolls, yes, you could get in trubba for speaking truth to idiocy. Left because in general, social media helps bring out the worst in me, and others.
But I will always follow you, man.
I think the line you stepped over was calling out white women specifically, which triggers their alarms for racist and sexist. You really should have just said fuck the Texas Republicans and the people who voted for them. I think you’d have been just fine.
I’ve been growing more and more fed up with Facebook. I joined it back in its early days to keep in touch with my friends and family. Between their BS policies and practices, I’m wanting to leave it, but I’m also apprehensive of losing touch with people and groups that I follow. I know that’s how they keep their user base, but, do you have any advice on how to navigate that?
I am unsurprised by this.
I have tried to post links to the weblog of one Jon “Saskboy” Klein when he raises ecological issues of interest to me.
In friends-only entries.
When I do, I am auto-blocked with a message that such things “violate community standards”. I have yet to get a satisfactory explanation of why such invasive measures were deemed necessary for Jon’s blog. They do not stop him from maintaining an active account on Facebook himself, but if ANYone tries to post links to his blog, even in friends-only mode? Down comes the “community standards” hammer.
I wonder who’s gaming the “community standards” algorithms and why.
Amen brother. I think you raised a valid point and what community standard facebook thrives on people fighting with each other on their platform. Can you tell me why we even go on Facebook? All it does is piss you off and making you want to scream as you get bombarded with propaganda and conspiracy theories! Keep sharing your thoughts Will I like them!
You might appreciate this article, if you haven’t seen it previously. Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20191111/23032743367/masnicks-impossibility-theorem-content-moderation-scale-is-impossible-to-do-well.shtml
I stand with Wil!
What happened to free speech …I’ve never understood the policies with facebook
It’s not really a free speech issue. Facebook is a private company, and it can set whatever rules it wants. I agreed to be banned like this, at their discretion, when I set up the account. This isn’t censorship or anything like that. As I said in the post, I believe it’s arbitrary and authoritarian. But I don’t believe this is a free speech issue, the way we recognize and understand Constitutionally-protected speech.
Yup. No free speech on Facebook. No free lunch in life.
There’s a perfectly reasonable solution to your quandary.
You and yours are cordially invited to stay the fuck out of Texas.
Way ahead of you, Mitch.
I can empathize, Will. As a moderate Texan, I’m embarrassed my beloved home state has elected 2 of the biggest idiots to the presidency: George W. Bush and Donald Trump. It’d be so easy for me to escape to another state, but that would mean admitting defeat. Besides, my ancestry in Texas goes back to the 1580s. I’m not going anywhere! And I loved Ann Richards!
Forget Facebook. They’ll eventually realize they aren’t the center of the universe.
I just came here to say 🤣 and 👏👏👏
I agree that FB is out of bounds by not having clear lines of what they allow and what they don’t allow. Also Texan Republicans are bullies and cowards.
Sad fact is Twitter is 5 times more likely now to remove misogyny and racist then FB. Only reason I’m still on it is too many of the people/groups I follow aren’t on Twitter. Keep exercising your freedom of speech, Wil. Silence equals complicity…we will not be complicit.
Yes, fuck facebook. I left 3 1/2 years ago. Still use Instagram, but don’t have to deal with the toxicity of fb.
A friend of mine was suspended for saying similar things about her congresswoman Bobert. She feels about the same degree of remorse as you;) Keep it up!
You’re an excellent person, Wil. Thanks for saying what all good people should be thinking. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but eventually, things will improve, if we keep fighting against this evil. Keep the faith. P.S.: I so admire your acting and writing talents; let us know what you’ll be appearing in next!
I mean… why are you singling out the white women? Not the Latina women who also have religious views? There are a lot of them who vote pro-life. Like a lot. Amd why women at all?
I get anger at men who are controlling women’s bodies. But there are a lot of women who really want abortion to be illegal because they think it’s murder. I’m not sure why they deserve a fuck you.
I think you might be wrong here, bro.
White women who vote republican are the core of the forced-birth movement. The forced-birth movement hurts BIPOC more than it hurts white women. So fuck everyone who voted for these authoritarian pieces of shit, and fuck white women who voted to take autonomy away from other women, who will disproportionately be women of color.
I support your right to voice your anger. But you aren’t helping.
The women (both white and not white) who vote for republicans are the exact demographic we need to sway. You aren’t helping to do that with your anger.
While 62% of white women in TX voted for Trump, 71% of white men in TX voted for Trump. To blame white women more than white men is to say that men should not be concerned with the politicization of women’s health issues. Which to follow suggests either you shouldn’t be discussing the situation at all (which I don’t believe) or a statement holding white women more accountable than white men is misogynist (which I do believe). Now if you want to say a big fuck you to all white people white voted for the Rep. in Texas–take it away.
If only the TX legislature stated that only congresswomen could have voted on this issue, we’d be all set, since TX wouldn’t have a quorum!
Hey, the same thing happened to me (well, I only got my post removed and a warning). Glad you can still post here. I gotta find an alternative to Facebook. Except that’s where all my long distance friends and family are. Gosh darn it.
I just got back from work and saw this wonderful rant by Wil. Fantastic. Keep it up Wil.
This underlines the fact that it is NOT YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE, it belongs to Facebook. Only speech approved by Facebook gets to be published. Something conservatives learned while Trump was in office.
I only subscribed to your blog to see how you think, write and react to your world, not because I agree or disagree with anything you write, but I question how much truth you can really accept. I wonder how much opposing views you actually hear or understand.
Please don’t ever get rid of your RSS feed, Wil. It’s the main way I keep up with you. I try to stay off Facebook as much as possible and have no other social media accounts. I’m sorry you go tagged by their stupid algorithms. Also, thanks for always being a stand up guy.
They are exactly what the quite intelligent and insightful Hillary Clinton said they are…. They’re Deplorables. Eminently and to great excess they are selfish and self-centered, greedy, callous, and profoundly ignorant and/or stupid. Name a barbaric human failing, and they embody it.
And based on the Deplorable check mark tag I’d seen many of them adopt on Twitter and elsewhere, they’re proud of the fact that they are.
ComtpuServe. MySpace. One day Facebook will be as inert as the 1st 2 & something better will come along. Social Media has become a pit of oxicity & will welcome reading/viewing your content whether it’s online or via cranial implant. Best to you, your family & friends.
Oxicity? Toxicity! Don’t drink & post – a pubic service message.
Facebook is the worst vehicle for interacting with our fellow human beings whatsoever. The only problem is that they literally have the silver bullet — everyone’s on there and we can’t get anyone off. Even the Great Orange Cheeto discovered that the godworship of his fans didn’t mean anything if he wasn’t on Twitter and Facebook, when HE tried to start his own blog.
I gave up on FB long ago. It’s a well known fact that FB is a den of alt-right and conservative fuckwits, and FB will do anything to stop research that shows this fact because alt-right and conservative fuckwits are famously bad targets for “normal” advertisers, it would be their financial ruin. But that’s their core audience anyway. If they’re active in FB there’s a very high probability they belong to their core group, and they must be protected. If FB went around blocking all those assholes, the site would grind to a halt. On the other hand, they can safely block you for writing “fuck” in a post and sort it out later (or not at all).
First time, huh?
I don’t understand the Facebook standards, either.
They allow nudity, hate groups, misinformation, and whatever else. But when it comes to openly expressing one’s self… ohhhhh no, ya crossed the line there. I had called some in the comment section of a news station a stupid cunt and was suspended for 2 or 3 days. I think they’re okay with the things that don’t make any sense. But if it triggers something that looks like bullying, they ban the person. You can do an appeal, which requires an apology. I don’t know why they want someone to apologize for the way that they feel? I wasn’t sorry for calling the person a stupid cunt. I was stating the obvious.
Facebook is also “too busy” to do anything about things reported on Instagram.
Exactly! Appeals don’t work, you can’t even explain why you wrote it. And I gave up reporting on Instagram. Tiktok is starting to do the same thing.😡
I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m of two minds:
Facebook is a private company and they’re not obligated to platform you, me, or anyone else. On the other hand, I hate to see people getting de-platformed for speaking truth to power.
What I don’t have mixed feelings about is you continuing to keep calling out bullshit when you see it. Keep up the good fight!
The world needs more voices like yours. Don’t stop speaking the truth!