Happy birthday to me, and NASA, and Alexis de Tocqueville.
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Happy birthday to me, and NASA, and Alexis de Tocqueville.
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Happy Happy Birthday to you
Wishing you a most excellent birthday and welcome to 50.
Happy birthday Wil. I also am a July 29ther as all the best are.
Happy birthday to you and your giant hair!
Happy birthday, sir!
(I hope to see you at STLV, but if not, I totally understand!)
That’s 157,248,000,000,000 seconds to you, pal.
Like my Great Grandma Viola use to say, life doesn’t begin until you hit 1,729,728,000,000,000.
Happy fiftieth. Onwards and upwards.
Happy birthday! Shared with David Warner (rip). And Geddy Lee.
happy birthday! are you sharing hair styling tips with captain pike?
Happy birthday!
I’m so happy to celebrate your 50th trip around our star! Here’s to many more!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I don’t know how I have read this blog for so long and not realized you share a birthday with my son (he’s 10 today).
I am reminded it’s your birthday almost every year, because I still play the game Spaceward Ho and (I have no idea if you know this) the little hats on settled planets occasionally change on special days, on today they all have a red/yellow/blue stripe, in homage to Wesley Crusher’s season 1 sweater (email me if you want a pic).
Happy Birthday!
I loved that game on my Mac in the 90s. This makes me very happy.
Happy birthday! That is a Philip J. Fry worth hair horn. 😉
Happy birthday! I’m so glad this is why you were trending on Twitter.
“You’re gonna love being 50, man,” he said. “Your give-a-shitter just stops working.”
— John Dee Graham, “Jon Dee Graham and the Laws of Subtraction” in Bitter Southerner (https://bittersoutherner.com/jon-dee-graham-man-of-few-words)
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day and an awesome new year ahead of you 🙂
Day late but Happy 50th.
I was anti-birthday for a long time, too. Not in a “don’t want to think about getting older” way, but in a “I have way too much childhood trauma about birthdays to want to celebrate them” way. But through the wonderful actions of people who actually care about me and also pure chance, I now have two birthdays per year, and they are truly celebrated. Getting older and learning who actually matters in your life is the best.
Isn’t it, though? I’m glad you are finding your way, too. 🙂
I was anti-birthday for a long time, too. Not in a “don’t want to think about getting older” way, but in a “I have way too much childhood trauma about birthdays to want to celebrate them” way. But through the wonderful actions of people who actually care about me and also pure chance, I now have two birthdays per year, and they are truly celebrated. Getting older and learning who actually matters in your life is the best.
Happy Birthday, Wil! Welcome to the age of “I don’t give a f**k!
I’m a year ahead of you, so I turned 51 on July 13. We made it half a century, dude. How many times did we think we wouldn’t get this far? I know for me, it was a lot. Congratulations. Now let’s make it to the anti-aging breakthroughs that allow us to live another 125 years in like age 25-30 condition. C’mon science! I wanna be a cyberpunk villain!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday, Wil. And happy birthday today to George Jetson!
Happy birthday Wil, I hope the next 2/3 of your life provide you with even more great experiences.
I feel bad that I missed wishing you a happy birthday on the very day! I’m old enough to be your mom (71-yikes), and I’d be proud to have a son like you. You make this planet a better one. LLAP, Wil and welcome to the best decades of your life. It’s all golden from here on in!