Saturday night, Anne and I went to a screening of a friend’s new movie, called Locked (it’s fantastic; a tight, clever, surprising thriller that I think is about late stage capitalism if you squint). While we were waiting to go in, we ran into one of our neighbors, and we were having the talk you have with neighbors who you’re friendly with, who you like, but who you don’t really know all that well. They’re kind people, though, and I always enjoy chatting with them.
As we were talking, I noticed someone over my neighbor’s shoulder was looking at me. I have seen this look innumerable times in my life from someone who knows my work, and is just confirming in their mental reference library that the guy in the Sisters of Mercy T-shirt is the same guy they saw on their TV.
I could have given him the “yep, it’s me” nod that I have watched my famous friends do for years, but that just felt weirdly uncomfortable in the moment so I didn’t let him know that I knew that he was in the process of knowing. I put my focus and attention on my neighbor and listened to him.
That’s when this guy closed the distance between us in a couple of strides, looked me square in the face and said, “WIL WHEATON! I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOUR PODCAST!” Then he disappeared into the crowd.
I just about fell over. As long as I can remember, people have been stopping me to tell me something about Stand By Me, or Star Trek, or Big Bang Theory. That’s awesome. I’m grateful that audiences enjoy and remember the work I have done for other people. It’s genuinely wonderful to know that. But this is the first time — ever — someone has come up to me out of a crowd and expressed excitement about a little project I created entirely on my own, paid for out of my pocket, and made precisely the way I wanted to make it, with the help of some extremely talented people. This didn’t even happen with Tabletop until we were deep into the second season.
It’s Storytime with Wil Wheaton is going to start hitting podcast apps in about 15 hours. It’s bracing that it’s actually here. I started working on this almost two years ago. More than once along the way, I ran into an obstacle that threatened to end it before it even began. More than once, the part of me that keeps Carrie’s Mom alive in my head yelled at me, “THEY’RE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU!”* More than once, the fear of what may go wrong threatened to overwhelm and drown the excitement for what could go right.
But something inside of me kept telling me that this was a good idea. This was something that absolutely had an audience, if only I could find it.
This guy outside the AMC in Burbank (no, not that one, the other one) — a young guy, too! He couldn’t have been 30! — gave me this gift he didn’t even know he was giving me. His enthusiasm hit me like a super stimpack, and I let myself feel it.
That’s a huge thing for me, y’all. Growing up in a house where I was a target for the bully I had instead of a father taught me to keep everything that mattered to me as close to my heart and as far away from him and his mocking cruelty as possible. If I ever expressed joy or pride about something I did, he took it away from me and replaced it with humiliation. My brother frequently joined in on the fun while our mother sat quietly and let it happen. It wasn’t great.
Well … fuck that guy (disdainful). Fuck all of them, actually (celebratory). I’m so proud of myself and so excited for this thing I worked so hard to create. Of course I’m terrified! Of course I’m so nervous I can’t really eat! But that’s because I know I made something I feel good about, and I just really hope enough people respond to it to allow me to do more. I’m not worried that they’re all gonna laugh at me (and, for the record, Wil, that’s never happened so maybe you can stop doing that to yourself); I’m hopeful that they all find out about this thing I think they’re gonna love.
I know that a lot of you reading this have been with me for 25 years or so (holy shit can you believe that? Let’s take a moment to feel old, and to celebrate our defiant survival**!) with a front row seat to all the ups and downs, all the times things seemed bleak and all the times I got to celebrate something wonderful.
I had and have the courage and the drive to make this because I know that. I know that you all are there, because you’ve always been there, just beyond the glare of the footlights. I can’t always see you, but I can feel the energy out there in the darkness. I hear your laughter and applause. I can feel when something I make, because I thought it would be fun, turns out to be something you enjoyed or even loved.
I really believe that It’s Storytime with Wil Wheaton is one of those things, and by this time tomorrow, we will find out if I’m right, and I will get to make more seasons.
I will absolutely need your help to make that happen. If you listen and you enjoy it, please rate and review, like and subscribe, and above all: tell your friends who you think will also like it that they (and you)can subscribe now at
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- or grab the RSS directly from me right here.
Thanks, everyone, for all the support you’ve shared with me for a quarter of a century (oh my god i am so old) and for making it possible for me to take a shot at finally having my dream job.
*If you get this reference, you should schedule your colonoscopy.
**If your survival has not been defiant, please substitute your appropriate experience. Mine has been all kinds of defiant.
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Buy I don’t want a colonoscopy
Wil, I can’t express how happy I am that this is happening for you and how excited I am to listen to this show. I’ve in the past specifically looked for audiobooks you’ve narrated because you’re one of my favorite narrators. You always sound like you’re having the best time just telling stories. Super stoked!
Soon you will be sharing your success story with us all! Glad you got such a powerful shout-out 🤘
So excited for you and the podcast.
Two items: First, which of the podcasts result in you getting the biggest kickback? Seriously – this may be a labor of love but if I listen to you on “X” (not that X – I’m not a monster) you get 2cents, but if I listen on Y you get 3 cents, I will use Y.
Second: egads, such a bad pun/dad joke with “hear”… hope you heard me groaning.
A few years ago at Star Trek Mission Chicago, you talked to me about how you were currently in the spotlight and it was weird because you were used to being on the side of the stage but you were doing your best to enjoy it while acknowledging that it was temporary and you’d be back on the side again. And it seems like that’s happened in the best possible way. Or it’s like you were on screen in films at the multiplex but now you’re showing your own work at a cool indie theater. Or insert a better analogy here. Whatever, I’m super happy for you and I’ve been counting the days until your podcast goes live.
So super stoked!! Congrats kind sir!
I can’t wait to listen! And I’m one of the people that would tell you that I love all your works. Your older stuff. The newer audiobooks. The novels. And now the podcast. I was on a flight home from New Orleans over the weekend and I saw Kerri Russell in line ahead of me. I wanted to tell her how much I loved The Americans and The Diplomat, but I also didn’t want to bother her. She was with her kid and it didn’t seem like the right thing to do. But now I wish I had just slipped it in, because maybe celebrities do want to hear that we love their stuff. Thanks for this post!
S.J.: I think you did the right thing not talking to her.
I’ve been Kerri Russell in that story, and you absolutely did the right thing. I think we should never disturb someone who is traveling, or who is with their children. As Chappel Roan said, we aren’t on the clock in those moments, and we deserve to be allowed the same right to just be left alone that everyone else enjoys.
Thank you for seeing — er, Seeing — her (and by extension, me.) You sound like good people.
Following you on Spotify. Elder millennial here, so I’m looking forward to pruning my tomatoes and weeding while listening to you 🙂
I can’t wait to listen to the first one! Keep up the great positivity!
I remember watching and listening to Levar Burton growing up. And I hope to get to listen to yours for years to come.
So happy for you, Wil. Can’t wait to listen.
So excited for your podcast and wait to listen! Brb(scheduling that colonoscopy).
Hi Wil!
That’s so great that someone jumped out of crowd and gave you a power-up! Good for them for being super-cool about it!
Thanks for the reference, and I had my first colonoscopy in February.
I’m looking forward to it as well. You’re in my Spotify playlist and the next time I take a driving trip I’ll be listening, maybe even sooner for the first few months to maximize my impact. This sounds like fun.
I haven’t been following you intently for quite 25 years; I think since 2001 I ran across your web site hosted on logjamming. There are old pages on my own site that are based on the HTML I copied from that site.
If you ever branch out to talk-show/guest-style podcasts, I submit myself for consideration for the emergency backup confirmed-guest-just-broke-their-leg-30-minutes-before-record-time guest list. I think you and I would have fun things to chat about, like scifi fandom, and computer stuff, and air-cooled VWs. I could talk about flying and computers and building clusters out of Playstation 2s.
I’m so happy for you, and looking forward to this! Have fun, take it all in, take care!
Craig Steffen
Gen X following you on Spotify. Congratulations! Oh, the happy tears I let out when I read this news. Adding this to my favorite podcasts that Adult Me and Little Me (who identified with Wesley as the lone kid surrounded by grownups). Yes, I of course understood that first reference, since that was a book I read in my middle school’s library. Our libraries had no boundaries; it’s also where I read my first romance novel!
I just got a subspace message from Wesley, that I think he sent in 1989. He says you are awesome and he loves you. He wants you to know that you’re enough, and if those adults don’t understand you, it’s on them. <3
I’m so stoked! I was so sad when LeVar Burton Reads ended.. I can’t believe you’re picking up the torch. This is awesome. Eeeeee. I was also sad when stitcher ended and totally confused by your link to listen to your podcast there. Does it still exist for some people?
That’s fantastic! Gives me a reason to sign back in to Apple Podcasts. And dude, stop with the old. Old is me. You’re just teetering on middle age. And we still want to listen.
I am so proud of you Wil!! The 53 year old me opened a notecard printing shop and most of the comments were – “well good luck with that” and chuckled as they all figured I’d shut down within a year. The 62 year old me just had to shut down my VERY successful shop for health reasons…but eight years alive in retail is fantastic! I’m so happy I did it and glad that the naysayers were wrong. So I get it!! I’m very excited to hear your dream come to life…enjoy every nausea inducing minute! It’s totally worth it!
I’m not really even a podcast listener, but I’m going to check it out, just because it’s you, and I feel like you’re my friend.
I have maybe listened to three or four podcast episodes in my life, but I’m looking forward to seeing—er—hearing what you’ve put together here. I’ll be sure to do all the things.
I’m thrilled this project is bringing you such joy. You deserve it for all the joy you’ve brought us, and more importantly, for inspiring us with your courage to face and deal with our own childhood traumas.
As always, love to you and Anne.
I’m rooting for you, Wil! (I also loved you in Eureka as well as the other works you mentioned.)
Aw, thanks. I loved being part of Eureka.
So excited about this! Whoo-hoo! kermit flail
I may not listen to the first episode until Sunday, when I have a 90-minute drive, and in the mean time I have a big thing at work I have to do. I’m looking forward to it.
Yay! I’m so excited for you, Wil! Your continuing work on yourself and sharing it with us has been so encouraging and inspiring to me, and I just want to encourage you ou in return – you are a force of nature, a force of good in our oft’ sh*tty world, and you make such a difference that you may never even know! Keep being your excellent self.
Sisters of Mercy tee huh? You like good music sir. But please, try Cardiacs!
I am so excited for your excitement and can’t wait to listen to ALL THE EPISODES! I believe you’ve made an awesome thing and we need more awesome things in this world!
Wil, I am so excited for your podcast! I am just 18 months older than you are, and I’ve been following you ever since you were a wee lad. I’m so happy for you and I know this is going to be a success.
Also, fellow Kings fan here….GO KINGS GO.
Wil, I have felt for 20+ years that you’re the twin brother I never had! While I don’t share the experience of celebrity, I do share the experience of surviving abuse (thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story). I also share the joy of nerd culture and exuberant defiance! (And yes, I’ve had my colonoscopy. LOL And “the girls” get their ‘grams every year.) I’m so excited for your podcast!!! Keep on being awesome!
I’m never in public places to see you, and would never approach you unless you were intentionally greeting strangers, BUT, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE PODCAST! I’ll be real. I’ve been following with you less years (about 4 years) – I saw you in Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown & was shocked how close our stories were. I was pausing, taking notes, replaying… and ecstatic to share it with my therapist! LOL. So if I approached you, I’d talk more about the upcoming podcast, Still Just a Geek, and your blog/Discord stuff. But probably, mostly, I’d just smile and say THANK YOU! You rock.
I just got back from recording an episode with her and Jonathan! I think it drops in 2 weeks.
Woot! Fuckin’ hell yeah!
I’m so excited for you and for your podcast, It’s Story time with Wil! I’m already subscribed on iTunes. Squee 😊
I’m so looking forward to listening to your first episode! Yay!!!
Thanks for the RSS link. I am also old.
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!
Just finished “Still…” on audio and began your read of Scalzi’s new loonie book. (I was at Worldcon in Glasgow last Summer and heard him read an excerpt). You don’t know me yet, but I am a fan and becoming more of one. Can’t wait for the stories to come…
Happy for you that the unsuspecting shout out was such a positive lift, and happy for your new, very personal project (with such gracious brotherly support from LeVar Burton). Love from an on-and-off follower of your career who then picked you up on FB and who then subscribed to your newsletter at your behest, because that’s a way better connection to your career and voice. Thank you for sharing.
As someone who relistens to books you narrated because I find your voice generally soothing (and the books you have lent your voice to in the sci fi realm I have liked) I’m looking forward to your podcast as well.
I’m not the first, nor will I be the last, but I AM EXCITED FOR YOUR PODCAST TOO!
Serious question: is one of the methods of listening more beneficial to you than others? If so, I might be more inclined to pick that one, if you know what I mean.
You’re so kind to ask. Whatever way is easiest for you is the way I want you to get the show.
I’m not a podcast person, but I’m going to give this series a listen. As much as my ADHD-PI will let me. 😀 Super excited for you and this project to find its audience.
Yeah, that inattentive type gets me whenever I try to do anything that’s audio-only. I can’t do audio books, either. So far, the only “podcasts” I’ve been successful at following (for various definitions of “following”) had video to go along. Because otherwise? Yeah, I’m over here doing half a dozen other things, & have ZERO clue what was said in the last half hour……
I am so excited for this podcast Wil! You will be helping me do exactly what I used to love to do and just don’t do much anymore (reasons) and that is discover new and exciting fantasy/sci-fi fiction. You’re already a big part of my audiobook experiences over the past decade (Scalzi, Weir, Cline, Doctorow, YOU) and I’m so ready for this!
That’s awesome that the guy did that for you! I’m all signed up to follow you on Amazon and I can’t wait for the podcast either.
I’m very excited to have your podcast start! Your voice and perspective resonates with so many and it’s going to be amazing to hear you truly expressing yourself to your audience in real time. I can’t wait!!
I am counting down the hours, Wil!!! ❤️
I am so excited to hear your stories! THANK YOU
I can’t wait for your podcast either!
I have been really enjoying your blog since finding it a year ago. Now that I have a cochlear implant I am looking forward to listening to your new Stories podcast. Thanks Wil. You are an inspiration.
Can’t wait! And fine, Dad, I’ll schedule that colonoscopy. You’re worse than my PCP 😜
This is going to be the very first podcast I’ve ever listened to. And only the 2nd time I have listened to audio literature. I’m really excited and just so genuinely pleased that the good things you have always both earned and deserved are currently culminating in something that is filling you with joy, pride, and excitement. I’m onboard, ready to take this journey with you, and I am reaching out for a fist bump to say i hope you can feel the love, respect, and esteem that is coming your way. I hope it lifts you right up out of your socks. All the freaking best to you, man. bump
As another young fan (just turned 28 this month) I want you to know how much your work means to me and how excited I am for this podcast! I bought a hard copy and listened to Still Just a Geek after watching you on TNG reruns growing up, and I can honestly say it made me feel seen with my own trauma struggles. My father didn’t read me stories as a kid, and after reading about your relationship with your kids in Still Just a Geek, I can’t wait to hear stories from my own Johnny Frakes.