All posts by Wil

Author, actor, producer. On a good day, I am charming as fuck.

Where The Hell Have I

Where The Hell Have I Been?

So I was reviewing my entries, and I noticed that I left all these promises of stories open, unfulfilled, like so many prom-night expectations…
Well, I’ll tell you why: I have been working on the new site, non-stop, since I posted my last entry, and it is about 90% complete, and will be open before Friday the 24th.
But here is something fun for you to do: you can read the greatest interview I’ve ever done.
I did this for Ain’t It Cool News on my birthday last year. If you wanted to know what life with Uncle Willie is like, read this interview.
And keep checking the new new site

How cool is this?

I always joke about how I am going to use my “power of celebrity” for good, not evil.
Usually I say that to the girl who’s giving me a lapdance. I like incongruity.
I just got this Email, and I think it rules:

“Dear Wil,
I’ve always wanted to somehow tell you how much I enjoyed your work in the
movie Stand by Me and what that movie meant to me while I was growing up.
When I was a teenager, life in high school was not that fun. In many ways, I
was like Chris Chambers. One of the things Gordie says to Chris is “You can
do anything you want to man.” I always took that to heart and now I’ m
working my way through college and look forward to a career in political
science. Stand by Me taught me to look beyond where I was and look at what
could be. It gave me hope and got me through those turbulent teen years.
I just wanted to thank you for your sensitive portrayal of Gordie and how he
knew Chris could be better than everyone thought he was.
I also enjoyed your work on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Wesley was a good
example of what young people could do if given the chance. “

Now, I can’t take credit for all of that, because I just said the words that were given to me…but it still makes me feel pretty good. 🙂

Closer, ever closer

So tonight I finished the “foundation” of the new site: I built all the pages, and got myself all hooked up with a style sheet that I actually like.
AND! I am pretty happy with the way I edited the Greymatter templates.
All that I have left to do, really, is just add the content (some from the old site, some new stuff), get the store configured and open, and then I’m ready to go!
I think that once I get some press, and get hooked up on some search engines, this site will really take off.
Going to sleep now.

Site Building Update

Today, I created the frameset, set the style sheet, and got the basic structure of the site laid out.
Now I have to add all the content, and get the store running.
I’ve reached a plateau on editing the Greymatter templates, but I’m close to getting past it.