Category Archives: Titansgrave

The Titansgrave book goes on sale this Thursday. If you’re watching the show and plan to get the book, please read this first.

I wanted to have the whole series finished and released by today, so we could have the book come out after the story had wrapped up. Life happened, and now we won’t wrap up the whole thing for another two weeks.

This means that on Thursday, the script for Titansgrave — including the two unaired episodes — is going to be available. This means that anyone who wants to can find out how it ends.

I’m not the boss of you, but I beg you not to skip ahead, if you’ve been following the story week to week. I watched an edit of the finale yesterday, and it really is some of the best stuff we’ve done. If you know what happens before you watch it (at least, according to the module), you’re going to rob yourself of some cool stuff.

I want you to buy the book. I want you to love the book. I want you to run The Ashes of Valkana for people who haven’t watched the show. I  want you to have your own adventures that are inspired by the book.

But I don’t want you to spoil the end for yourself, or for anyone else. So please, read carefully.

Thanks for listening, and if you do get the book, I hope you have fun in our world.

Oh, speaking of Titansgrave … here’s today’s episode:

And here’s a delightful song a young woman wrote about Jeremy:

Finally, if you have found or created Titansgrave fanart of any kind, I really want to see it so I can share it with the cast and the team. I’d love it if you’d leave links in the comments.

chewin’ gum for something to do

Chapter 3 of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana is online, like, RIGHT NOW.

The Beer Baron and Keg-E bid farewell to the party after considerable celebration and revelry. In an attempt to learn more about their mysterious orb, the group heads to Nestora in search of Farkiah the Antiquarian. Excited for an opportunity to bargain, barter, and more importantly, shop, the heroes quickly head to the market district, but they soon find that it holds more than goods. What does the city-state have in store for our heroes? Tune in to find out.

Looking for sweet Titansgrave loot? Check out the store here!

This is a reminder, because we think this seminar will fill up quickly, and if you care about that sort of thing, I want you to be able to join us:


And if you do care about that sort of thing, you probably want to be reading Chris Pramas’s blogs about the game design. for Titansgrave.

This happened last night:

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I was checking my network speed, because Netflix was trying to stop me from watching the end of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and nothing would stream off my media server in the house. I couldn’t figure out exactly what was wrong (I even tried turning it off and back on again), and the whole troubleshooting experience felt like trying to get the Babel Fish. But, eventually, things sorted themselves out and I got that insanely fast network speed, so I could finish the show.

In general, I liked it. The first few episodes were fantastic, and some of the middle ones were real stinkers, but I kept watching all the way to the end because Ellie Kemper is just so fantastic and such a joy. The show has a lot of problems that have been discussed to death elsewhere, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Finally, this is a show I’m doing for Playstation Network:CwCWithWilWheaton

We’ll release new episodes, every Tuesday in the US and Canada, on PlayStation Store. You’ll get them for the low, low price of FREE on your PS3, PS4, and PS Vita. What’s that? You loaned your device to your cousin and she went out of town, locked it in her house, and didn’t give you the key? Don’t worry. If you don’t want to try out those lock-picking skills just yet, we’re also going to make our episodes available on PlayStation’s YouTube channel.

So, I hope you’ll join me and some really interesting people as we talk about games like Destiny, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War and more. I’ve already taped a couple of episodes, and I’ve had some really fascinating conversations about the similarities and differences between videogames and movies, the origins of Destiny, and exactly how The Last Of Us scared the hell out of us all, while simultaneously making us care about Joel and Ellie more than we care for actual people we work with in our real lives. Yes, Mark, I’m looking at you. You are never going to get a spot in my zombie survival compound, Mark.

I’m actually on my way to the studio in about ten minutes to do interviews with the team that brought us Black Ops, and the Santa Monica Studio team, who brought us God of War and Journey, among others.

Let me tell you this: I am profoundly late to the party on Journey, but it’s maybe the most beautiful and emotional experience I’ve ever had playing a game. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

Titansgrave: Chapter Two

Here’s the second episode of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana.

Join Aankia (Hank Green), Kiliel (Alison Haislip), Lemley (Laura Bailey), and S’Lethkk (Yuri Lowenthal) in the second installment of Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana. When we last saw our heroes, the beer had been saved and celebrations had ensued. The Beer Baron, having made the last stop in his yearly delivery trip, asks the party to escort his caravan to his estate. Aankia, Kiliel, Lemley, and S’Lethkk find themselves surrounded not only by the rarest of beers, but also by a threat so ancient that it hasn’t been seen since the days of the Chaos Wars. How will our heroes handle themselves?

You should be able to embed, screencast, share, and all that stuff. I hope you like it!