I’m thinking about kids who are doing online learning, when they want to be at school with their peers. I’m thinking about their parents who are suddenly thrust into an educator role they may not want or feel prepared for. I’m thinking about good, honest, hardworking people who are in danger of losing their homes through no fault of their own, desperate for some protection from predatory lenders and landlords. I’m thinking about the people who are getting up and going to work every day, for corporations who don’t care if they live or die, so the rest of us can have food and other essentials. I’m thinking of the people who did everything right, and still got sick because a selfish person refused to take this pandemic seriously. I’m thinking of the nearly 200,000 people who have died and the loved ones who are mourning their loss. I’m thinking of the BIPoC who are living through the dual traumas of being BIPoC in America in 2020, and living through a pandemic that affects people who look like them more harshly than it affects people who look like me. I’m thinking about teachers and educators who don’t want to be in classrooms because of the pandemic, but who also want to be there for their kids. It’s going to be unimaginably difficult to keep kids safe (think of how hard it is to get us to sit still) and give them the best quality education these teachers can provide.
I’m thinking about all these things, and how overwhelming all of this is, for all of us. If it’s tough for me, I can’t comprehend how tough it is for someone without my privilege.
I know that my experience is substantially easier and less disruptive to my life than it is to almost everyone else, and maybe that allows me the space to be the person I need in the world right now. So I’m sharing the reminder and the advice I gave myself, earlier today, when I needed it.
- Remember to look for the Helpers.
- Remember to BE a Helper.
- Remember that this is not forever.
- Remember that, as terrible as everything is right now, we’ve been here before and come back from it. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to be as resilient and committed as our ancestors were in their day.
- Remember that we are living through a major trauma unlike anything most of us have ever experienced in our lives. We haven’t done this before, so we are figuring it all out in real time. It’s hard and it’s scary, and we need to be as gentle with ourselves as we are with our kids and loved ones.
This stuff is helping me today. Maybe if you need it, it’ll be helpful to you, too.
Also, real quick before I hit publish: Teachers, I see you. I’m grateful for you and I love you.
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Thanks for this. I also want to say don’t forget the public librarians, who rushed to find a safe way to get our buildings open again because we knew many parents and kids would need us, need access to educational resources, access to computers, and need a safe place to learn and study.
Absolutely. I cherish librarians.
Much love, Wil. Every day is hard in a different way. The only way out is through, and together.
I’ve had the same thoughts. I think of those doing it harder than I. I wish I could do more but lockdown restricts so much. I’d give more but without work, I’m still worrying about keeping the roof over my head. I’m scared because the way things are, I don’t know when I’ll find work again. I just want everyone to be safe and well. I know it was very much an illusion that it was fine before but I wish I could at least feel like it’ll get better soon.
I’m one of those kids doing online school and let me tell you this. It’s quite hard, not the school part but the friends part. I haven’t gotten to see my friends since quarantine started. It’s hard not seeing them everyday, not hanging out with them, hugging them, and talking to them. I mean yeah sure I can text them, call them, or even facetime them but it’s not the same as seeing them in person. You know what I mean?
I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you and your friends. I’m an old man, used to being alone inside, and it’s hard for me. I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you.
I have revenge morning procrastination, interesting!!!
We teachers love you too, Wil. Over the past 6 years I’ve been able to share occasional posts and videos of yours about communicating with children who struggle with depression, being not-a-dick, and general silliness.
My school district has been able to supply computers and wifi to any families who request it and now my friend/coworker and I are in the process of starting a D&D club for our students using roll20 and Zoom. The plan, aside from having a good time, is to help to bring the kids (especially the introverted ones) back together as much as we can.
Thank you for your kind words to the world over the years and for re-invigorating my love of D&D and gaming.
As a teacher and Star Trek fan, I thank you for this!