I brought home a Game Cube from work this weekend, for the kids to play.
Yeah, right. For the kids to play.
A few weeks ago, I brought a PS2 home, also for the kids to play.
You’re not buying this, are you?
Well, maybe I did stay up until 4AM playing GTA3, but that was just because…ah…I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t appropriate for the kids.
Yeah, that’s it.
So this weekend, I brought home the same games that I did last time, but on the different platform: FIFA 2002, Madden 2002, Crazy Taxi and Tony Hawk 3. I also brought home Pickmin, which the kids are currently playing behind me…that music really creeps me out.
I think that the graphics and game play in all of those games is far superior to the PS2, and the load times are certainly a lot slower…and PS2 does have those anti-social, right-wing-panty-knotting games from Rockstar…
Which brings me to my question for you, dear readers: PS2 or Game Cube? GC is cheaper, smaller, and the graphics seem to be better, but PS2 seems to have more “mature” (read: cooler) games.
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Wow…did I actually get to do the silly ‘firsties’ thing? 🙂 (snickers)
I think I’m first, yeah
PS2 because you can’t get the cube in the UK, besides the guy down the corridor from me just got a PS2 and I can say not a lot of sleep is happening.
8.12pm GMT
23rd Feb 2002
truthfully, from what i’ve seen, gamecube is fine (maybe better) for the smaller kids but ps2 definitely for the older (cooler) kids!! at least that’s what my husband says!!
And now for something completely different –
Instead of just that ‘firsties’ silliness.
Unfortunately, it’s not going to be the most amazing content in the world, as I’m not much of a gamer – the last gaming system I owned was an Intellivision.
From what I’ve seen at friend’s places, though, were I to get a game station, I’d go for a Playstation. Primary reasons – the ability to function as a DVD player (as I’m something of a movie nut), and the fact that in addition to any PS2 games out, it will _also_ play all the old PS1 games. Every other game station you have to wait for whatever comes out just for them…PS2 has an already-available slew of games that, while they may not take full advantage of the hardware, are just as playable.
So them’s my 2 cents.
PS2 definately, not only does it have cool games, but you can play your old Playstation games if a certain sibling of yours happens to be a bitch and is not letting you use it. Also, you can plsy DVD’s on the PS2. And if the PS2 went away I’d just as soon buy an X-box than a GameCube
I still prefer my Atari 65XE. It’s a computer AND can play the 2600 cartridges. How much more superior is THAT?
PS2 most definetly, Game Cube nor X-box have the Final Fantasy series. 🙂
oh final fantasy games are great although the film sucked.
9.32pm GMT
23rd Feb 2002
PS2, definitely. The DVDs, both PSone and PS2 games, and CDs. What more could someone want? Plus I’m big on survival horror and the games they’ve been coming out with have been spectacular. There’s also power there that game developers haven’t even tapped into, so really, the games are only going to get better….
I vote for ps2.
The games are more mature as you said.
I am a HUGE travelor and have been to liek 23 plus countries and have taken that with me recently on my trip to egypt, pakastan, etc.
Not that this on the subject but I landed from Pakastan at Dulles airport on September 2. Ouch. Close call.
Does anyone else like the Abe series
Abes oddersy (can’t spell)
Abes Exodus
theres meant to be another three comeing out and I can’t wait!!!
can’t be bothered to put the time
Third planet in the solar system
The Universe!
I have a PS2. A friend of mine has a GC. I was under the impression that the GC wasn’t as powerful, graphics-wise, as the PS2, but haven’t compared them side by side, so I don’t really know. Tony Hawk 3 seems the same to me on both.
PS2 has the advantages of DVD player, and PSOne games… GC has.. well, Super Monkey Ball. Absolutely amazing game. And GC exclusive, unfortunately. Damn Sega. They should make it for the dreamcast or something.
If I had to do it again, I’d probably still go with my PS2, but the GC is a nice system.
I know everyone hates Microsoft, but the XBox kicks ass. We’ve had it since the day it was released! Halo is unbelievable. I’m addicted to Munch’s Oddysee, which sucks because I have a paper due tomorrow that I’ve not even started yet. Awesome system!
Dreamcast. That’s all I have to say. It was cheap ($50!), plays some of the cooler older games, can run Linux and MAME, and all the games are on the clearance rack. A penny-pincher’s dream!! 🙂
I’m going with Gamecube on this one. Cheaper, more powerful, etc. Sure, it’s got no DVD player, but I’ve got one of those on my computer. Admittedly there is a lack of “mature” games right now, but they’re on their way. The entire Resident Evil series is going to be coming out on Gamecube, and Eternal Darkness is coming out in June.
I prefer PS2, myself, but I think GC is better for kids.
But then you’re venturing into the dangerous world of Pok
It all depends on what you want to play.
Personally, I have both GC and PS2, and I probably play my PS2 more often, but that’s because the GC is more for multiplayer games from where I sit. Smash Bros. Melee? That game is freaking incredible. I love my NCAA Football game for PS2, but all in all, I’m more excited about the GC games coming out in the second half of 2002 – Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Eternal Darkness, Star Fox Adventures.
I think it boils down to this – PS2 : Deeply involving games for the “mature” (I hate that word) player who wants to spend 25-50 hours playing through a game.
GC : Fun, colorful games for ALL players (not just kids) that don’t generally require a month to beat.
Best Games for GC :
Smash Bros Melee
Star Wars : Rogue Squadrom
Super Monkey Ball
Best Games for PS2 (That I’ve played) :
NCAA Football 2002
Oh, and Spike… if you’re gonna say the FF movie sucked, please enligten us why.
I’m lovin my ps2.
The only reason I would play Nintendo nowadays is for SUPER SMASH BROS. (and the 64 one at that, not the gc..)
Gamecube. Solely for Zelda, my favorite games of all time. That’s why I bought my N64 and that’s why I’ll buy the Gamecube. As soon as the game comes out.
Of course the PS2 DOES have Final Fantasy. But, I’ve never played a FF to completion. I HAVE played the Zelda games all the way through.. more that once. So, even with FF, I’ll have to stick with the Cube.
And I LIKED the FF movie, so THERE!
OK… the Cube is cooler, for one reason only: Super Smash Bros Melee! If you’re going to have a Cube, that is the most important (fun) game to have. The only reason why the PS2 might be worth getting is for GTA3 or FFX.
So have the kids had a chance to play with it yet?
No, I mean really?
Xbox. NFL Fever 2002 blows Madden away as far as graphics are concerned.
Halo rocks. I was addicted to the game for a couple weeks after we got it.
Amped is a kick-butt snowboarding game. SS Tricky is a more off the wall game, but Amped is a more realistic game and the graphics rock.
No opinion on PS/2 or the Cube. But the ghost painting…..
I dunno Wil, you’re gonna think I’m awfully old-fashioned… buuuuuuttttt…. I play stuff I can install on my Windows 2000 workstation so that when I get tired of writing, I can (heh-heh) slip into “game mode” with just a mouseclick.
Just got around to buying Delta Force: Land Warrior. Click it on, slip on the headphones and mouthpiece, and I’m ready to lock ‘n’ load.
Gamecube. Smash bro’s, Rogue Leader, and Pikmin are great. too bad the next round of cool games isn’t gonna arrive til the summer
Well, when I was a kid, the big question was Nintendo or Sega, and I always wanted to have the Sega, because the games were cooler. But… I got the Nintendo, and I really liked it a lot. That was about 14 years ago, I think.
My little half-brothers got a Nintendo64, which I also like a lot.
Sega doesn’t exist anymore, but Sony definitely has the cooler games for the PS2… Nintendo is trying hard to catch up, though (James Bond, Duke Nukem etc.).
As for the Game Cube, I can’t say much, since it’s not officially available yet here in Germany. I checked it out the other day in some Computer store together with the X-Box from Microsoft, and I liked the X-Box better (guess why… it had a cooler game running…).
It really depends, Wil, who is gonna spend more time playing with it… you (buy a PS2) or the kids (get the Game Cube) ! ! !
I checked
i still play my old NES, as for GC and PS2, the PS2 overall is better I think (stats wise), but I’ve only played a few games on both of them. I’m still hooked on Mike Tyson’s Punch Out for NES 😀
Whatever. I’m just waiting for Tekken 4…
Hey Wil, if you haven’t seen/played Deus Ex for the PC, then be sure to pick it up for the PS2 when it comes out (scheduled for next month I think). One of the best games ever made.
Get both and end the contraversy.
Oh yeah, I’ll tell you why the FF movie sucked: crappy plot, crappy characters, crappy dialogue. The animation was fair at best; even if it was excellent, it couldn’t carry an entire movie…
Playstation 2, definitely. My friend has one and it rocks. Poor underprivelaged me only has a regular playstation.
I’ve had a PS2 since the day they came out and I love it! My favorite series of PS games has to be the Crash Bandicoot series. I like colorful games and the Crash games have some really creative scenarios and the play control is wonderful. Plus….unlike the gamecube, you can easily find PS1 games for under $20. I’ve picked up many previously played games at Blockbuster for under $10.
My husband and I have been looking at the Gamecube and XBox. My brother-in-law has a gamecube and I’m sold on it. Super Monkey Ball is one of the zaniest games I’ve ever played. Luigi’s Mansion is a lot of fun. I haven’t played any others yet.
As far as the XBOx is concerned, the ONLY game I’m interested in so far, is the Buffy game whcih comes out in a few months. But even that probably won’t be enough to convince me!
I’m not big on the games but from my 6 year old son..”the cube rules!” From my 10 year old nephew…”PS2 is way cooler.”
From me… that haunted painted creeped me out!
PS2. The only nintendo I bought was the very first one. I swore never again. I’m not sure why.
PS2 because, I like the games more on it. Nintendo dosen’t have the games that interset me.
Hey Wil,
Can I suggest some games for ya on PS2?
My brother plays these ALOT!!!!
“Grand Theft Auto III” and I find myself playing it..you want to talk MATURE?!
You can do anything you want in that game, you can rob, shoot, kill, and its SO REAL!!! I mean everynight my brother plays that I hear the cops siren or he’s stealing a firetruck!
Its mostly like you work for a gang organization and you run deals for people around town.
He’s stolen planes, boats, cars, trucks, buses, vans, you name it, you can steal it…and the variety or weapons?! Geesh!
I’m NOT one for wrong-doing, but this is a KICK-@$$ game!!! 😀
either that or the “RIOT” game he just bought, I’m not wild about that one tho. :-/
You go around beating up people for points?
I don’t know what Snow is down here in Houston, but he has an awesome SNOWBOARDING game!!!
Can’t think of the name of it.
I love the game, “HOCKEY HITZ” as well!! That’s awesome. THe hockey game!! 🙂
What was the other he has, some race car game…to me that’s boring going around the track 5 million 1/2 times!!
But I choose DEFINATELY P2!!!!
Go 4 it WIL! 😀
See, what it comes down to for me is this:
PS2 has Final Fantasy X
Game Cube does not.
Ooh, Wil. Opening a possible can of worms with this. 🙂
My choice: Gamecube. I grew up with Nintendo, I love their characters, and they have ALOT of promising titles. Star Fox: Dinosaur Planet, Mentroid Prime, Soccer Slam, etc.
And Super Smash Bros. Melee owns all ass.
Oh, and a few comments on what others have said.
Halo is a mixed bag. It was fun, but it was ALOT more impressive back before it was made into a FPS.
Plus if you HAVEN’T played Deus Ex, you’re realling killing yourself. With your strong political views, you’ll LOVE it. Pick it up for PC, though. It just won’t be as fun on a console. Or as pretty.
I’d say PS2 for single-player action (read: Silent Hill 2 [Hell yeah!]), and GC for multi-player (read: Smash Brothers).
However, the DVD-compatibility of the PS2 gives it a particular kick-ass distinction.
Totally off-topic: Wil, have you heard “River” by Natalie Merchant? It’s a tribute to River Phoenix… I thought you might enjoy it.
I would go with GC.
Although PS2 has more games (merely since it’s been out longer), the quality of the GC games both out AND coming out more than make up for it. GC just has and will have more of “those” games that stand out above many others… like Smash Bros. Melee and Rogue Leader now, and Perfect Dark 2 and Metroid Prime later (Just to name a few)…
I thought FF sucked because the plot was just straight forward and boring, I thought it was predictable, the cornal guy (whos name I really can’t remeber) looked like Jaquin Pheonix, who although is very cute, if they weere going to base the charactors on real actors surely they should have filmed it for real with real actors and all, even the ‘hero’/love interest of the film looked like Ben Alffick. Why? there’s not point, if your going to use CGI make the charactor unique and individual and so people like me can’t pull the charactors apart. I thought it was way tooooo long and actually satrtrd to fall asleep until the kid I had taken with me started to play up, to which I had to wake up so I could tell them to be quiet.
The good thing about the film was the CGI, the affects were brilliant and the way everything moved, and the ghosts moved and appeared and stuff, it was great, but that is the only decent thing about the whole film.
Wouldn’t recommend it, which is a shame because I was really exceited about seeing the film, and I felt majorly let down.
12.13am GMT
24th Feb 2002
Neither! *sigh*
Even if i could afford such things, I would probably suck at most of the games, especially the 3D games. I played Descent2 once. Within a couple minutes I was upside-down in a corner in a small room, and I was having a bitch of a time trying to get out of that damned position.
Stop Laughing
I’ve watched people play other 3D games and I cant figure out how the hell they gnow where they’re going.
It’s not funny!
Dude, am I the only one here who went straight from Atari to computer and never went back to gaming systems?
I remember my brother once got a second-hand Nintendo in ’94 and we used to play whatever football game was on there, which forms the basis of any and all football knowledge I have today. It really did upset me when they added those new teams…
Anyway! I just went into a software store at this terrible ghetto mall in Jersey and picked up the WHEEL OF TIME for PC!!! Sure, it was only 6.99, sure it was only on a 3.5 floppy. Sure, it’s probably at least as old as that old techno football game. But then, Legend put out some cool shit.
I would have to say Xbox on this one.
For a few reasons:
1. Halo (Can’t put it down. Absolutely STUNNING!)
2. The Oddworld Series (From Munch’s Oddysee onward, the Box is the home of The Odd)
3. Enclave (Looking to be one of the defining Fantasy Games of the Consoles. Exclusive on Box)
4. All those PS2 and PC Ports (GTA3, Max Payne, and more look wonderful on the box)
5. Online Plans (MS’s official Online Services shall be up this year. You can already play 3 Games online through Gamespy though.)
PS2! Reason…? Grand Theft Auto III, for road rage therapy, 24/7. (Silly me thought nothing would ever beat Carmageddon!) CDs, DVDs, and PS1 games are a bonus.
The painting made me shudder, but I doubt that counts as a supernatural experience. I can’t believe someone actually paid $1,000+ for it!
I’d have to say that each system has its advantages with certain types of games. The PS2 does seem to have a better selection of games at the moment such as Metal Gear Solid 2, Grand Theft Auto 3, Final Fantasy X… then again, the Xbox is showing a lot of promise with games like Halo and Max Payne. The xbox 3d shooters look far superior to the PS2… but… not quite sure how the gamecube factors in. Heh, I already have a PS2 and an Xbox, so I don’t think I’d fork out the cash for a nintendo system. Enough rambling for now…
*Sigh* I would just love the opportunity to play with either one of them…
ok, i am a big Mario Bros. fan, but i do perfer the games that seem like horror movies and the car stealing ones are fun …
yeah, the pikmon (isn’t that how it’s spelled?) do seem pretty freaky, but they also remind me of lemmings.
okay one more thing, what is up with that haunted painting? i never heard of it b-4. what is that doll holding? and… okay, it’s just weird… freaky weird.