I’m giving my brain a much-needed break from the manuscript to tinker with WWdN a little bit, starting with an upgrade to MoveableType 3.2.
Man, this reminds me of the early days, back when I was working on Dancing Barefoot. It’s so fun to see this stuff come together, and it’s great to get back into a little bit of website smashing.
And that’s the question . . . I think most people read my blog via RSS in one way or another, so I don’t think it’s much of a practical issue, but I was thinking that, until I can get the real site redesign finished and live, I may temporarily use a simple, default MT template for the blog. That way the categories will work, the built-in searching will come back, if you sign in for TypeKey, it should keep you signed in, you should be able to preview comments more seamlessly, and things should just be fitter, happier, more productive.
To get all that, though, the look-n-feel we’re all used to (which will be dramatically changing soon, anyway) will have to go away. I think it’s a fair trade of form-for-function, but I’m interested in what readers think.
Update: If you can read this, it means that I successfully upgraded to MT 3.2, and convereted the database. This wouldn’t have been possible without help from Jay Allen from Six Apart, and Loren Cox from Logjamming. Thanks, guys!
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Wil, it’s your blog – you do what you like with it!
I think you know enough to be able to know if it’s going to work or not.
Me, I know nothing which is why my blog is an utter mess!
Final wish is that I am the first commenter here…
Function sounds good. Go for it. It would be neat to have some of the functionality you mentioned. It will be nice to stay signed in with TypeKey…
Tim in NorCal
I’m a firm believer in function being more important than looks. I’d rather have something work at its best and look plain than have it be pretty but hard to use. My vote is, go for the slim-price look while you are making your transition, and add the tinsel and garland after you know it does what you want it to.
Actually, I don’t read it via RSS. But its your blog…do with it what you want. That’s the point right?
. . . and if you can see this, it means that commenting is working again. Cool!