My good friend Loren, who is one of the people most responsible for this website even existing, is an incredible animator. Loren used to work for LucasArts, and he did animation on a lot of really popular games . . . until he got laid off.
Loren is too talented to be left out in the cold for long, though, and eventually some smart guys snapped him up to work on a game called Bone: Out From Boneville, that just came out today. Loren writes:
Bone: Out From Boneville is the first installment in the episodic series that tells the tale of Fone Bone as written by Jeff Smith. If you or someone you know was a fan of any of the LucasArts adventure games like Sam & Max, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, or Monkey Island… then you’ll definitely dig this game. Many of the same creative heads worked were involved in making it.
There’s a free demo, and the full version is just $20, and Loren says
Seriously spread the word to any of your gamer friends, the advertising budget is pretty much non-existent and we are relying on word of mouth with all the adventure game fans.
I know all about non-existent advertising budgets, and word of mouth is more valuable than anything else, anyway.
So go check it out, tell some friends, and if you’ve got a review, leave it here so I can send it to Loren.
I’ve seen Fone Bone in comic shops for ages. It’s about time he got his own video game, so all the other characters who have games and statues and fast food tie-ins can stop teasing the poor little guy.
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‘Bone’ is one of the most popular non-superhero comics of all time, so hopefully there’s some crossover there with the video game. Especially with the recent launch of the color editions from Scholastic’s Graphix line aimed at younger readers, this looks like a game that young kids would really take after (in addition to the big kids).
tyler page
dementian comics
I downloaded the game and played a bit last night. It looks like it’s got a lot of promise, but I’ve got one comment: DO NOT PLAY THE DEMO. The demo, which is also the first part of the game, is really not very good at all. Shortly after the demo ends the game starts getting a LOT better.
Seriously, Telltale seems like a bunch of great guys with great ideas, but they messed up the demo. Just go ahead and drop the $20 for the full game, and pretend there’s no free demo at all.
So, to repeat: Yes, go ahead and get the game. I endorse that fully. 🙂 Just don’t bother with the demo. Of course, others may disagree with me. So maybe play the demo, then buy the game and play it through, and see if you agree with me. I dunno, I’ll be quiet now. 🙂
THanks for pointing this out… I’m a HUGE LucasArts fan. I installed Sam and Max again the other day and I replay the Monkey Island series when I’m on long flights (play it on my laptop). It’s hard to get the games to work on Windows XP, but there’s this great program called LEC Quick and Easy that makes it possible. I’ve been lurking for a while, so, hello…
Here’s the thing about the earlier LucasArts games you mention though: they were ALL available on the Mac!
Full Throttle was my absolute favorite game to play ever on the Mac. I would love to check out this game, it looks really cool. But by choice I haven’t had a PC in my house for a couple of years.
Any clue if a Mac version is planned?
Or a Linux version. That would be wicked cool.
A Fone Bone game!!! My husband is going to freak, better go and buy it before he gets home! Oh how I miss Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle. does anyone know how to get a hold of either games these days??
It’s times like these that I truly curse myself for having a Mac. 🙂
At least I can still fwd the link to everyone I know.
I absolutely loved this comic. It is a great read. I highly recommend this book.
The game looks great. I downloaded the demo and played it. The characters and voices are dead-on. I don’t know if I’ll plunk down the cash, but chances are good. 🙂
Hey Kudra – check out or ebay. Lucas put out a collection called Lucas Archives Volume 1 that has both of those on it, AFAIK. 🙂
shout out to wil in this weeks photoshop phriday. not sure how flattering it is. hehe. 😉
im gunna give it a try.
i just downloaded it im about install and play it.
ill give my 2 cents when ive played.
Fone Bone. Yes. Indeed.
So I’m confused about the blogger getting sued. I read that whole story and are YOU getting sued or is a blogger named Rex getting sued for making fun of someone who is now acting like a sissy who is running to the teacher and saying “He called me a name!” ?
I just tried out the demo, it was pretty cute. It lost the audio just before the mini game though. I would probably like to buy it, but I just don’t know if it is worth the 20 dollars based on the very limited trial of it.
If you have actually played the game and enjoyed it then you should certainly smack me in the head and tell me to buy it, or at least why it is worth the money.
Did anyone else have a problem with the audio or gameplay in the demo?
Yay for adventure games! Oh how I miss them so…
Am I one of the few people who enjoyed the demo? The game looks like fun. Ahh…Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, GRIM FANDANGO! Seriously. Whatever happened to adventure games?
i played it.
i felt it was too short. (demo that is)
but it was kinda fun.
Put a Link up for Loren and Bone: Out from Bonesville on my blog..
A BONE GAME??!! *squee* Thanks for alerting us to this, Wil! Not only is Bone an awesome comic but the game itself looks incredible. I’ll definitely shell out $20 for this one. Kudos to your friend for contributing to what looks like an awesome project.
Are you trying to be even more cryptic with your lyric titles these days? I bet it’s a scavenger hunt thing… we figure out “trash” and “girl” as the missing clues and…
Just a nice subtle U2 reference. 🙂
Hey. For those Sam & Max fans, you may be interested in reading this, the return of Sam and Max!
Wil: Watching you in WCOOP #15 right now. Just beat one of your competitors at another table (zicor) in a free tourney after a long heads-up battle.Good luck to you!
Hello all
I’m Back Up, sorry to post here. I like to thank each and eveyone who help’d in the storm recovery. And to the men and wemen
who brought in the basic supplies to live,and all who brought the power back on.They did some
great things here. I also like thank all the families of thoses men and wemen for the time they gave to
us,in the many hours put in to restore my city. I live Just north of New Orleans in The City Slidell.
The out reach of help by strangers across the City and across the Nation brings me to tears…..
My tears go out to those who were hit harder than I.