I can’t believe I already did another podcast, but I had ideas, and they needed to come out of my brains, so here we are.
I’m going to tell you the complete truth: This isn’t the greatest thing ever, but I really had fun putting this show together, and I think I’m officially hooked on doing these shows. As long as it doesn’t completely take over my life, I’ll do everything I can to get a new episode up every week. Around episode four or five, when I’ve climbed a little higher up the learning curve, I’ll even see if I can get this into iTunes so subscribing is easier.
Okay. How about some show notes? That’s kind of cool, isn’t it?
Notes for Episode One:
- Feedback and reflections on Episode Zero
- Bumpers!
- An audio diary, featuring an audition, some random thoughts around town, a bit of really horrible singing, and an interview about Stand By Me.
- Very brief Q&A.
This week’s show is much, much smaller than episode zero, weighing in at a much friendlier 13.3 MB, but still just over 30 minutes. I’m still not ready for primetime, but I feel much more comfortable than I did last week, and had a great time putting this together.
Questions can be sent to ask at wil wheaton dot net and comments can be sent to podcast at wil wheaton dot net.
Also, until I figure out a more appropriate license, RFB will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Okay? Get to listening!
Download radio_free_burrito_episode_one.mp3
Several listeners have asked for a list of the music in this show:
- Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
- Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day
Title and RegistrationThe New Year by Death Cab for Cutie (that’s what I get for doing this list from memory.)- Radio Cure by Wilco
- Kamera by Wilco
- Tear Stained Eye, by Son Volt
. . . and have a mirror, courtesy of WWdN:iX reader Alan.
. . . and another mirror courtesy of Craig.
. . . Brian did a ton of Burrito-Fu, and sent in a low-fi version, and .torrents for hi and lo fi:
High (orig):
http://athena.unearthed.org/torrents/radio_free_burrito_episode_one.mp3.torrentLow (mono, VBR bit rate range 8-24, 5.7 megs):
http://athena.unearthed.org/torrents/radio_free_burrito_episode_one-low.mp3.torrentMirror for the Low..
Wow! Thanks, guys!
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Wheeeeeee! First to comment! That NEVER happens! *happy dance*
Unfortunately, I have to wait for someone to kindly make another low-band version. Boooo! *sad dance*
Hi Wil,
I have listened to both of your programs and enjoyed them very much. I love the way you are so descriptive in the way you speak, it really creates a great atmosphere and makes you exciting to listen to.
One thing I absolutely LOVE about your podcasts is the way you are continually asking yourself questions, “how could I do this differently?”, etc.
What a great attitude! That ability to think about your very thought process shows a massive depth of responsiblity and I think that is a wonderful quality.
Please keep these up, you are a very talented person and we are lucky you are willing to provide us with an insight to your life.
Wil, I love you in the most heterosexual way possible.
Oh shit, did I just say that?
What I meant to say is that I love your podcast. But yeah, you’re pretty cool too.
Excellent! I don’t often comment because I normally feel everyone has said everything before me but I have to say the audio episodes are awesome. A very interesting insight and it’s definitely true about if you’re interestED you’ll be interestING!
Once you’ve gotten the RSS feed up on Feedburner, getting it into iTunes is CAKE. We did it for MoronLife.com and it took them about 6 days to approve, but it got up there with a minimum of fuss.
Wow, now I’m really feeling like saying even more good things about your awesome podcast. And with comments.
Keep the 80s coming. You can never have enough of that. You could make it educational as well to these little whippersnappers out there that have never heard of the likes of Yello or Dead or Alive.
The Schlitz commercial had me laughing as well. Haven’t heard that one in the longest time.
One thing that I try to tell people that comes out in your podcast is about actors and other assorted famous folk: they’re just like us, they’re people too. And to hear/read of your own experiences makes it all the more endearing and worth listening to.
Reminds me of something that happened back in high school. A friend of mine and I were the “weird guys” in English class. I recall my teacher saying to us in the library: “What are you doing with that mallet, tuning fork, and rubber chicken?” Yeah, I had a strange childhood. But it was an interesting one.
Keep up the good work Wil. You keep making the podcasts, and we’ll keep listening.
Heh… looks like I’m too retarded to post proper links.
Associating pot odds with prospective parking spaces…freaking brilliant…
Hey Wil!
I enjoyed the podcast part that I got, but I am on a yucky University connection to the ‘nets, and didn’t realize that my download had been truncated. I only got about a quarter of your first show!
When you post future podcasts, could you please help a bit by posting the length in minutes or the file size in MB next to the hyperlink? That’d just be handy for those of us whose connections are a bit more tentative than others. That way I’ll know when I’ve successfully got the whole file.
Thanks, and keep ‘casting!
Good podcast – glad to hear taggers piss you off too. There’s a ska band out of Tucson called Dave’s Big Deluxe that has a great song on the subject… check it out!
Very nice, funny and entertaining, I look forward to the next installment!
Just want to say we say you on CSI – you were great! We saw your name in the opening credits and was looking out for you, and didn’t realize it was you till the SECOND scene you were in.
So, in case you were wondering, you don’t look at all like the character you played. *grin*.
Wil, the podcasts are great. I was grinning like an idiot during RFBep0 when you talked about your conversation with Sean Maher (and in future, please give the female fans a little something and find a reason to brush up against hot actors–we needs our vicarious touching, especially way out here in Red State Land), and I actually yelled at my monitor during RFBep1 when you talked about child molester vans. My husband and I have been discussing those for years. Of course, this level of excitement may just be indicative of me being a tremendous nerd (I don’t meet the techie definition of geek, so nerd will have to do), but regardless, keep doing what you’re doing. ‘S good stuff, mang.
Just want to say we say you on CSI – you were great! We saw your name in the opening credits and was looking out for you, and didn’t realize it was you till the SECOND scene you were in.
So, in case you were wondering, you don’t look at all like the character you played. *grin*.
I know that feeling about having an idea in your head and you need to do something with it before you lose it, or your thinking changes to the point where it’s not a priority any more.
Inevitably, there will be regret if you don’t so carpe diem!
This is your best podcast yet. And you can sing and I think that you should record a single in your podcast.
Nice job mate.
Keep em long as possible, it was long enough to get me from my house into college without stopping this morning, but only just. Really quite enjoyable.
Also, when you mentioned guinness I was inspired to go into the pub and get a pint of it….at 12 15 pm.
(im irish)
90% through the podcast.
I like the singing!
Another cool podcast. Thanks, Also, a question for the next podcast. I know you support the military,but have you ever considered doing a USO tour? It really does brighten moral over seas. Just wondering.
Joe Haight
The beer commercial cracked me UP!
I’m old enough to remember when that stuff was on TV.
Is that scary or what?
Forge ahead with your iriver, whatever that is…
Okay, okay, I looked it up. Another little electronic box.
Good lord, the world is changing so fast! My Luddite side is having a nervous breakdown.
But it’s more fun when there are people like you in it.
Thanks for the pleasant half hour…..
Another great show!! The audio diary is an awesome, awesome idea. Can’t wait to hear Episode 2!
Oh man, I loved the car karaoke in the audio diary. That was fantastic. =)
I’m so glad you’re doing this! It’s such a fun way to get a glimpse into the life of a person I admire so immensely. Keep up the great work, Wil!
Hey Wil,
Viki in Vegas here. Just got done listening to RFB 1. Great job. Nice to hear what a day in the life is like. Windowless vans are creepy. My main comment is in regard to the taggers. Here in Vegas at the spaghetti bowl, which I’m sure you have heard of since you are here frequently, they did a nice area that has a bit of mural work and a stone turtle. A tagger painted the entire shell of the turtle blue before putting his tag on it. Our mayor, Oscar Goodman, whom I totally dig, said that his idea for dealing w/taggers would be to cut off their thumbs or to cane them. He said this on a tv interview, and was dead serious about it. Man, I love this town and our martini mayor! Whenever you are in town, feel free to stop by Green Valley Ranch for a movie if you are so inclined. My husband runs the theatre there. Keep casting, you are doing a great job!!!
hah just listened to your comment about not sounding as good singing recorded, than you do in your head.
That is so true for me too. I just can’t learn though, and am always singing.. badly.
Enjoyed the podcast, and I look forward to EP2.
Nice mix of music. Jesus of Suburbia is one of the best rock songs in a long time.
Hooray! I’m only half way through, but I made it in as the first bumper! Now I feel extra special. And a bit muted. Gonna have to work on the audio quality.
Thanks, Wil! Great podcast so far.
So far, the feedback is mixed. Most people liked the audiodiary, but a few people thought it was just as boring as . . . sitting in traffic.
I tend to agree, but that was sort of the whole point of the thing. Some days are exciting, and others are more mundane. Like I said in the show, it’s just an experiment at this point.
Thanks to everyone who e-mailed or left feedback here. I’m going to do what I enjoy doing with these shows, and I hope that more people will like it than not, and while it’s impossible to make everyone happy, it’s good to know what’s hitting and missing from an audience standpoint.
If you put your podcasts up on iTunes, would non-iTune-y people still be able to listen?
Absolutely, June. New Episodes of RFB will always be available in .mp3 format on some sort of homepage, whether it’s here, WWdN, or a new podcast-only site. You’ll always be able to listen in your browser, or download to any mp3-compatible device.
Only went to your friend Shane Nickersons hawesome blog for the first time today and his just made me wonder if you’d consider doing any vlogs once in a while?
Kudos again on the podcast by the way, what a great listen.
Apparently Wil is now “IT Conversations” and “Wil Wheaton Part 1” is from the album “Gnomedex 4.0”
Yeah… Wil, ID3 tags are your friends… assuming you don’t just copy them from another file… 😉
ok… ignore that… I’m an idiot and reading something that my computer SAID was what I was listening to, but in fact was not… so Wil… you’re not in the wrong…
or possibly
StarkRG.geekPoints -= 10;
Have you been to the UK recently? I’m inclined to think that the whole Uggboot+miniskirt combo originated there (here, in my case). The place certainly has been swarming with them over the past couple of years. Especially up here in Edinburgh they seem to be worn by the rich English girls at my uni and most often in added joyous combination with a fitted bodywarmer and pashmina. Am equally interested to find out who decided something like that was even vaguely fashionable…
The podcasts have certainly brightened my days which are currently filled with revision for exams 🙂 Cheers! -x-
Amen to the Ugg-boots comment! I’ve never understood that look.
The best part of this (so far anyway)? Listening to you sing DCFC! Now I can’t get that song out of my head. Loved episode one…seriously, keep them coming!!
there is an anti uggs with mini skirts chapter at my school on facebook.
i loved this episode, though i did get some strange looks from my friends who wandered when you were singing XD one guy said you sounded like the postal service! haha
keep em coming! :3
that would be…wandered IN…
I had a truly crappy day in terms of online life yesterday. I had a falling out with a site admin over at a site where I moderate. We were friends and I tried to back out in order to save the friendship.
Nope, wrong move “agree with me no matter what your values are or else I will smite you.” was his thinking, so not only has my favorite forum gone to crud, but so has the friendship. It’s the 5th time he’s done it, so I’d be a battered wife if I stuck around.
So after putting up with the hate mails and feeling really bad about loosing a friendship I apparently never had, you posted your podcast. You know what made my day? That you were sad about the racoon. Strange, but it’s because there’s so little humanity with the people I deal with, and they make me feel like the outcast because I do have some humanity.
You showing some made me feel less isolated, as did your rant about grafitti and bad online forums. 🙂
I loved the sneak peak into a typical day of auditions. It makes me remember why I chose ultimately not to do opera.
I’m glad that was a good day for you. All you can do is give a great performance. The rest is up to them to decide which direction to go. 🙂
It sounds so easy when someone else says it. 🙂
ps – you’ve inspired me to start a blog. It will mostly be about audio, portable and headphone stuff. Maybe a few personal rants and raves. No more forum politics for me. 🙂
Entitled: About the only Wil I know
I am writing this entry but I dont even know what Im going to write about. Ever had this compulsion to write? I mean, youre just watching a local documentary on tv, about the emerging writers of your small island, and then suddenl…
Noticing white windowless vans bring about the same response as entering a cab with the door locks sawed off. Brrrr.
Looking forward to Episode 2.
FYI: whedonesque.com picked up the podcast (Firefly connection).
Can you possibly figure out the whole .xml thing of podcasts, as I would love to add your podcast to my Tivo… (yeah new SW)…
As for Whedonesque, I posted on the Signal boards about #0 last week, glad someone finally got it to whedonesque…
Just got done listening, and I loved it! It was so fun to “hang out” with you on your day. I totally agree with you on the windowless van thing. Creepiest. Vehicles. EVER! Have fun recording the next episode… I’ll definitely be looking forward to it.
I just thought I’d let you know that I really enjoyed your podcast. for the entire half-hour, I listened to it, My mind was free of worry about financial aid, student loans, classes, finals, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with being a poor college student.
I do hope you continue with your podcast,as I will continue to listen..
I think the audio diary thing was my favourite part of this podcast. I’d love it if you did one every week. I share your opinion re: the scummy taggers. I get to see that crap every day too on the 101 and 5. Idiots.
I laughed out loud when you saw the U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,Select,Start bumper sticker. I just installed an NES emulator and have been playing Contra for the first time since the first Bush administration, and as soon as you read off the bumper sticker, I knew exactly what it referenced: the most famous NES cheat code (along with A,B,B,A for Ikari Warriors, but the only place you’ll see a bumper sticker for that is Sweden 🙂
I’ve really enjoyed the two podcasts, looking forward to the next one! Thanks — JG
1.RFB rox0rs. Yeh.
2. Journey and Foreigner should have a battle to the death.
3. The winner should face Bob Seger and the whole freaking Silver bleeping Bullet Band in another death match.
4. The winner should be killed.
Oh ya…I’m not sure that there’s a compelling reason to publish the hi-fi versions of RFB. The lo-fi versions sound great (it’s not music after all), and are nicely little as you know.
Maybe others could comment?
I don’t agree with that. The hi-fi version isn’t hi-fi at all. It’s compressed and sounds metallic, typical of lossy formats, but you need to save space so it’s a neccessary evil.
But to compress it even more, and then take the other version away? Ouch! Headache-inducing.
It’s bad for your ears people! Get the one encoded at a higher bitrate if you can. 😉