Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’
This is such perfect satire, I have to believe that there are some Class 5 Trekkies writing for The Onion. To them, I say: Q’Plah!
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I saw this video earlier today and loved it. It’s so true and played so straight. I will join you in your Q’Plah!
I will admit, sometimes The Onion nails it. This is one of those times.
Amazing, and so accurate!
Wil, have you seen today’s “A Softer World”? Hover text loves you.
I saw this last night and remembered why I love The Onion so much.
Awesome! Right up there with the genius Wildly Popular ‘Iron Man’ Trailer To Be Adapted Into Full Length Film
Let’s home Paramount have the same sense of humour as Marvel and put this on the DVD release of the movie as Marvel did with Iron Man!
You’re right, this one is awesome!
I love the onion videos. I must admit their writing had gotten a little weak for a few years, but it’s recovered a lot in the last year or two, and these video pieces are priceless…takes me back to the good old days.
I watched this yesterday and the first thing I thought afterwards was “I should totally email this to Wil.”
Then the second thing I thought was “I started watching the Onion videos because of that Sony thing he posted a couple months ago, so I bet he’ll find this without my help….”
And I was right!
Ha! Just rewatched the Iron Man one again. Paramount did Iron Man too! Rock! Hopefully they will include it then.
Awesome! And so true! I gasped today when one of my friends called Star Trek “boring,” but then I realized she was talking about some old movie her father is obsessed with, and I suddenly understood 🙂
It’s spelled Qapla’, not Q’Plah! And you call yourself a geek?
This one makes me laugh every time:
“The game also doesn’t teach kids about the emotional side of murdering whores”
Holy hell…I was raised by Trekkies and loved the crap out of it. By the time TNG came out, I was totally on board with the new and cursing the old as being “stupid.” Everything was “stupid” when I was 13, though, except for TNG, of course 😉 Bottom line? It’s the message that counts, and Gene Roddenberry was a genius…way ahead of his time.
I was using a little-known regional dialect.
be entertained
Indeed! I was just having a talk about that sort of thing today with my buddy’s dad. After I showed him my new John Scalzi book, he said “You know, I’m a Trekkie, and I’m proud. You see this?” He holds up his cellphone and flips it open a-la Kirk – “Star Trek, man!”
Mr. Roddenberry was, in fact, a great thinker, and the world is a better place today because of him, I’m sure of it.
That and he cast Wil here as his Mary-Sue character, so that just seals the deal on his awesomeness!
LOL! That’s hilarious!
A peripherally related anecdote: The company I work for, being firmly on the nerdy side of the spectrum, has bought out an entire screening of Star Trek for their employees. They also bought a big batch of “Expendable” red shirts from ThinkGeek ( ) to give out to the staff.
A large number of employees have not realized the two are connected and do not “get” the joke. They’ve started complaining to HR that giving the shirts out is offensive in light of all the layoffs going on in the country. They don’t like being called expendable.
From the You Can’t Make Up Stuff Like This file.
Hahahahaha! That, sir, was what I’d consider massive pwnage!
Aw man, haven’t heard the “Mary-Sue” reference in a while now. Wil, does it annoy you when people say that, or do you consider it to be a compliment?
Eric, you are so right about Roddenberry. He was such a forward thinking gentleman, during a time when most of the country was in such civil unrest, it’s kind of a shame that a lot of people didn’t truly *get* the message until the show was in reruns.
Where do you work and are they hiring?
Well, I’m certainly not using it in a nasty sense. Heck, I totally identified with Wesley, bad dialogue or not!
That was so funny. Just for a second I thought it was for real. It must have been thought up by a huge Star Trek Geek! I can’t wait to see this movie. A bunch of us from work are off on Saturday to see it.
Waaaaay too funny.
BTW, Wil, did you know you are on TMZ today? Not that I go there or anything…
I surprised myself by loving this! Yay!
Oh, I know that, and it wasn’t my intention to imply that you did, either. I was just curious about how Wil feels about the subject.
I remember reading some pretty snarky remarks about Roddenberry’s supposed “egotism” made by critics long ago regarding Wesley being his “Mary-Sue” character and was pretty pissed off about it, to be quite honest with you. The word “egotism” being used in the same sentence as Gene Roddenberry is just flat-out insulting to any Star Trek fan, period. Obviously, those critics (like so many others) were not forward thinkers by any stretch of the imagination. They also probably love the age of “reality” TV, but that’s just my own opinion.
“If I wanted to see young, attractive people do things, I’d go watch sports.”
MAH HA HA! yep. or turn on a tv to any channel.
I have a friend who works for The Onion. She has enough Trek knowledge to certainly attend a standard Sci-Fi convention without sticking out.
I will ask her about this, although I understand she does less with this stuff than the AV Club.
Remember every single person you thought was a total douchebag in high school? I believe they are all employed at TMZ now.
Yes, apparently Wil has “resurfaced.” As if he has been hiding in a cave philosophizing with the Horta for twenty years. Sheesh.
LOL that’s Hilarious!
I bought my tickets today! I can’t wait!
Hey Wil, I noticed your books are published through O’Reilly. Have you been to the headquarters in Sebastopol? I drive by it almost everyday.
“Mr. Roddenberry was, in fact, a great thinker, and the world is a better place today because of him, I’m sure of it.”
I totally share that view!
On a related topic, anyone ever notice how much classical religious art had a totally “Mary-Sue” theme, with the patron who paid for the painting included in the plots, right from the nativity to crucifixion, to St Michael defeating Satan, all that?
Not really making any point here, except that it’s not a NEW phenomena…
That was fairly predictable but funny stuff and then the throw-away line about Obama at the end made orange juice squirt out of my nose.
OMG!!! How wonderfully laughable!
What I want to know is … how did they manage to keep a straight face while reciting the dialogue??
Thanks for sharing, Wil. And I appreciated the aftershot of you at the screening. I’m glad you had a good time.
Yeah, gotta say that the Onion spot was a hoot. Just saw the film and AWESOME! Too freakin awesome. It’s great, it was needed and I hope to hell that if there’s more on big or small screen they don’t F it up like so many other sequels. The director and scriptwriter needs to stay on board.
Gene was no “hack”….”Back in the 40’s or something??” Give me a break.
Dude, it’s a parody. You must chill, or I will hide your Firebird keys.