I'm 37! I'm not old.
Also: Happy birthday to me!
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I'm 37! I'm not old.
Also: Happy birthday to me!
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I wrote A LOT about my sons, and our relationship, during this five year mission. It's rewarding and special to look back at those posts, now, knowing everything I know.
Good morning, Europe. Good Afternoon, Australia. Go to bed, North America.
After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first), I'll be back at WWdN.
This is the second to last post I made at WWdN:in Exile. I’m copying it here for completion’s sake. In 2001, blogs were very new things. In fact, as much more time was […]
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Have a good birthday! I only turned 20 last week and I kind of know how you feel. “I’m much too young to feel this damn old”. I guess it’s just weird to finally leave the teenage years. Here’s kind of a birthday present if you haven’t already seen it: http://standbymemovie.webs.com/
Happy Birthday! You’re only as old as you feel. Live long and prosper!
Great clip. We played the same clip on our Comic Book Podcast show back in March when both Ryan and I turned 37 also. The sad thing is we are approaching 40 and that feels like old age to me. My back is messed up and my hips feel like they need to be replaced some mornings. It’s all downhill from here.
Happy Birthday and may you have many more. I look forward to your website on at least a bi-weekly basis. Keep up the good work. We here at Chronic Insomnia are right there with you at that tender age of 37.
Happy Birthday, Wil!!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Wheaton!
Don’t worry, 37 is nothing. Wait a couple years until you are staring down the barrel at 40.
Have a good one!
Happy Birthday Wil!
Sadly I am old now, having turned 38 last month. 37 is a damn good age though.
(And holy crap, Typepad actually let me log in with spewing a screen full of xml)
Have a great birthday, Wil!!!
Happy Day of Your Birth, Wil! I am 39 and NOT OLD, so you are most assuredly young. Enjoy your day and keep an eye open for moist bints brandishing scimitars. 😉
Happy Birthday Sir! I honor that you boldly go before me! 😀
Great Wil! I hope you have a great birthday. A friend of mine has a birthday today so I let her know that you two shared a birthday… and that you’re a pretty nice guy.
Just remember: you’re not actually getting older, you’re… uh.. getting… okay I really need to think these things through before I start typing.
Happy birthday old(er)(ish)(esque) man. Enjoy it.
Happy 37th, Wil! Seems like just yesterday I totally cheated while playing a game of Next Gen trivia by Googling an answer, which took me to Memory Alpha, where they had posted in huge bold lettering “Happy Birthday, Wil Wheaton!” Which led me to WWdN, or rather the old WWdN that *somebody* broke, and the rest as they say is history. You were turning 32 at the time, if I’m correct, so this is sort of like a birthday for me, too. It was the day that I found out how totally awesome you are, so in this one case, cheating actually did produce prosperity, at least on my end of the stick, haha.
Thought you may find this interesting. The local rock station here in Philly, WYSP totally gave you a birthday shout out this morning. I swear to God, I had nothing to do with it, either. My friend called me and told me that she had heard that my “buddy” was turning 37 today on the radio while she was driving to work. I just laughed at her, told her that I’m completely aware of when your birthday is and thanked her for “reminding” me. I’m just curious as to where she got this notion that we’re buddies from, though. Did I miss the memo or something? Is there some kind of loop in which I’ve been purposely left out?
I guess I really do talk about WWdN that much! I can’t help it, you with all of your awesome stories and books and the atmosphere that you provide for all of the awesome people who read your awesome stories and books is like the geek equivalent of crack or something to that effect. From that very first day five years ago, I’ve been hooked, what else can I say?
I have but one request to make of you today, and that would be this: Enjoy your day, my dear buddy Wil. Hope this year treats you and yours well, with many, many more to come. =)
Happy Birthday, Wil!
happy bday wil
first, you dont look 37 (whatever that means)
geekdom keeps you young
and as one who is significantly older than you, i would give my right thumb to be 37 again
Happy Birthday Wil!
And remember you will never be old even so your body may tell you otherwise.
Have a great birthday filled with lots of things you love and completely lacking in stuff you don’t like.
Happy birthday, Wil!
Good night, good luck, win awards.
I’ve been thinking about putting this clip up for a few months, actually. I’ve been counting down, not because it’s my birthday, but because I can put that silly video online and claim it.
Also: I’m a prime number again! EVERYTHING’S COMING UP MILLHOUSE!
Happy Happy birthday Wil! Monty Python, and you (of course) rawk! May there be many more birthdays 🙂 ~kiki
Happy birthday to you (and me)! I turned 28 today…also not old, but you’ll just have to believe me because I don’t have Dennis to back me up on that.
Happy birthday, Wil ! My husband is a ’72 baby as well. He likes to call me Old Woman because I was born in ’69… dude!
Enjoy the day.
Happy Birthday Wil! Thanks for being a constant inspiration! Drink much good beer today!
Maybe a little game called MECHWARRIOR?!
Chuffed that you read my blog and my silly Twitter-o-thingies. Thanks for stopping by!
I came to make sure that someone did the Clerks ref — and it has been done. So, I now take my leave of you, my inner Kevin Smith fan-boy work is done, and I wish you the happiest of birthdays.
Happy Birthday!
“Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again” — Picard (The Inner Light)
Happy Anniversary of your Birthday, oh Grand Geeky One. Enjoy EVERY moment!
I had no idea parties were going to extend to Netflix. That is AWESOME.
Happy Birthday Wheaton!!!! (oh and hopefully I’ll have my new website up and running soon with my new web series that I’m writing. It’s sole purpose is to tie into my book that i’m finishing up. I’ll send a link for you to check out once its ready!) -Shawn-
Happy Birthday Whil Wheaton. So what’s this rumor I hear you’re going to be on ‘The Guild’ for season 3. Least that’s the rumor coming out of Comic Con.
Happy Birthday, Wil! I’m a few years your junior (33), but it’s all good 🙂
Happy Birthday, Wil!! Take it from someone who was born several decades before you – you’re not even close to old. Besides, it’s a state of mind. I am approaching 60, but I still have similar thoughts and feelings as I did in my twenties. Something tells me you will always be a big kid at heart. That’s all good.
Hey Wil,
Happy Birthday! Hope that you are having an AWESOME day! =)
PS – I am only 1 year behind you, so you’re not old! Enjoy!
Happy Birthday, Wil! As I’m ten years older I do wish you wouldn’t refer to yourself as old, however, lol! I’m loving your Twitter and blog posts – helping me through a hard time of job hunting following redundancy. You seem to like a lot of English stuff – Monty Python, music you mention etc. – when are you going to come over here to visit us? xx
Happy Birthday!
Whatever you do, don’t get on the cart!
Happy birthday, old man, from one looking forward to thirty-seven for this very reason-I will own this vid in four years time!
Happy Birthday Wil! I too was born in ’72. Have a ways to go for mine yet.. Nov 18th (actually, I decided on my 35th bday that that was it, and I will not be having any more bday’s =p lol)
Really tho, just remember that age is just a number, and you’re only as old as you let yourself be. We’re young at heart!
Have a wonderful day, and CHEERS! *toasts you*
Happy Birthday Wil!
We’ll have that beer next year at SDCC.
(Unless Rod is making me drink more sake)
Many happy returns of the day.
“I’m picking out a thermos for you…
Not an ordinary thermos, for yooou!”
ABA is Wil’s favorite beer. IJS.
Happy birthday, good sir!
My best to you, Wil. [As I write that, I can hear Bender in the back of my mind yelling, “Your best is an idiot!”]
You are a young pup, much the same as my hubby who was also born in 1972. I myself am coming up on my “Life, the Universe, and Everything” birthday: 42.
Hope you have a great day!
That’s cool. I don’t know what he had for breakfast this morning either.
Happy Birthday to you and your better half. Let me take a guess, you’re both a bit odd, aren’t you? 😉 That is the way ducks should be, at least IMO. Have a great day =).
Happy Brifffday 😉 and its not age as much as expirence… i would have loved to have grown up in the 80’s
Yup. I had the pleasure of working on MechWarrior 2nd ed. I’m tickled (that’s old guy talk for “chuffed”) to hear you’ve played.
As a birthday present, if you have a deck of cards and a few spare minutes sometime, you might check out the free games I’ve posted at http://lestersmith.com/free-games . I’m especially proud of Clashing Blades! though MonsterCon! is a close second.
You say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too–yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party.
I would like you to dance–Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance–Birthday
You say it’s your birthday
Well it’s my birthday too–yeah
You say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Not really my birthday, but you gotta love the Beatles singin’ ’bout your birthday.
Have a good one Whil Wheaton, Whil Wheaton, Whil Wheaton, Whil Wheaton, Whil Wheaton . . .
Love you.
Happy Birthday, and many happy returns. To millions of people you’ll never be old or get old- many of us will always envision the youthful and resourceful Acting Ensign Crusher when we think of you.
Happy Birthday Wil. May you have many wonderful tasting beers in celebration, may the words fall onto the paper (computer) easily, may the cat not bug, scratch or bite you today. And may the coming year be full of wonder for my second favorite geek (my husband has to come first).
I just turned 38 in June myself. It’s extremely odd to have aged so much yet still feel so young. Reading your blog here and your tweets there, being reminded of cultural touchstones that we both grew up with, the yawning chasm of time between here and t(h)en doesn’t seem so wide or so long ago. Thanks for helping me revisit the geekery gone by from my childhood that I don’t always remember. Some stuff, particularly that pertaining to a galaxy far, far away, will remain forever etched in the stone-like edifice of memory.
Hope you have a happy birthday, dude. Like a previous Star Trek alum once proclaimed, “Live long and prosper”.
Happy Birthday! I turned 37 back on June 30th and it’s working out for me so far. What really messes with me is that my daughter is turning 10 in September. 10! WTF?
Ahem, er sorry about that. Back to the topic at hand.
Have a great birthday! :o)
July 1981 birthdays in the house! I have two weeks on you, though, for those who are counting.
And I totally don’t remember that today is Wil’s birthday because I wrote it in religiously on every calendar I had as a kid/teen. No way. I never did that for the better part of a decade from 1994-2003. Nuh-uh. (To be fair, it was usually on a Star Trek: The Next Generation calendar that told me all the actor’s birthdays anyway. Usually.)
Man, only nine more years and I get to post that on my blog! 🙂
Cheers, and Happy Birthday again, Wil!
Awesome Farnsworth quote and the video still kills me. OH! And a Simpson’s quote and prime numbers reference in a comment! There is so much awesomeness in this one post.
Speaking of primes, for any other math nerds out there: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Semiprime.html